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Topic : why is sampling essential?

Name : shella (amirzad)

Father name : alef beg
Session: bba 7 symester

(In the name of god )
Topic for discuss : why is sampling essential .
At first I want to define research ,research is a systematic process for
finding and solving problems.
And sampling is one way that helps us to do research easily and
faster. And sampling is important part of research.

What is sampling and why we do it in research.

A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population .sample
means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your
research . for example ,if you are researching the opinions of students in
your university ,you could survey a sample of 100 students.
Even in relatively small populations ,the data may be needed urgently and
in concluding everyone in the population in your data collection may take
too long.
Population: the group of people that you want to make assumptions about.

Why are sampling used in research?

Sample are used to make inferences about population . sample are easier
to collect data from because they are practical ,cost –effective ,convenient
and manageable.
Sampling is done because you usually can’t gather date from the entire
populations, so in this case you can use sampling method .
There are advantages of sampling :
 Cost is lower ,reduce cost.

 Data collection is faster, you can saves more time .

 Sampling helps us to make correct / exact data in leisure time .

 Sampling minizing error.

 To bring the population to a manageable number .

 Sampling helps us finding solution easily .

 Destructive ,not test all.

 When we have less sources , less money ,less time in this situation
use sampling.

In this part I want give an example for more understanding :

There are 5000 students in university and we want a research about quality
of knowledge and those method that university flow is acceptable for them
or not, and which ones are more intelligence and active in university ,boys
portions or girls portions ,it is my topic of research, so in this case we want
use sampling method for saving more time , reduce cost ,minizing
errors ,and achieve exact data.
for determine girls are more intelligence or boys more intelligent and
active ,in result we fine the answer .
So it’s difficult to visit 5000 students and make our research so in this case
we chooses sample ,from 5000 students there are 50% girls and 50%
boys,we chooses sample 10% from girls and 10% from boy for getting
useful data/ information.
Government can collect information about all Afghanistan because they
have these facilities but when student want it is difficult for hem , because
he do not have enough facilities .
Creating competition between university girls and boys to make which one
is more intelligent and active .making different questions ,simple and
universal questions,

Other example: if a drug manufacturer would like to research the adverse
side effects of a during on the country’s population ,it is almost impossible
to conduct a research study that involves everyone .in this case ,the
researcher decides a sample of people from each demographic and then
researches them ,giving him sample of people from each demographic and
then researches them ,giving him /her indicative feedback on the drug’s

Types of sampling
There are sex types of sampling :
1. Ramdom
2. Systematic
3. Non random sampling
4. Convenience
5. Cluster
6. Stratified

In Random sampling each unite the population has the same chance of
being selected as part of the sample. Each element in the population
has an equal chance of occurring .

In non random sampling ,members of the sampling are not selected by

chance .

Systematic sampling is easier to do than random sampling .in

systematic sampling ,the list of elements is ‘counted of “.that is every
element is taken.

Convenience sampling is very easy to do ,but it’s probably the worst

technique to use. In convenience sampling ,readily available data is
used. That is , the first people the surveyor runs into. Here ,let’s say
individuals numbered 4,7,12,15 and 20 want to be part of our sample.

gIn Cluster sampling ,we use the subgroups of the population as the
sampling unit rather than individuals .the population is divided into
subgroups, know as clusters.

Stratified sampling also divides the population into groups called strata.
The population might be separated into males and females .a sample is
taken from each of these strata using either random ,systematic ,or
convenience sampling .
each of these strata using either random ,systematic ,or convenience

Respectful: your student shella “amirzad”


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