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(POS260S): Power Systems 2

Mr S. D. Lumina, B.Tech, M.Eng (Elec Eng)
Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering.
CPUT, Bellville Campus

Electric power distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electric power; it carries
electricity from the transmission system/subsystem to individual consumers.


A distribution system mainly has:

• Sub- station
• Feeder
• Distribution transformer
• Distributers
• Service mains


The distributors of AC and DC distribution system are generally classified as per the way they
are being fed by the feeders. The main distributor types in power distribution system are as
• Distributor fed at one end.
• Ring mains or Ring distributor
• Distributor fed at both ends.
• Distributor fed at the center.(3 wires)

In this type, the distributor is connected to supply at one end and loads are tapped at different
points along the length of the distributor. The single line diagram of a distributor AB fed at
point A is shown in the figure. The various loads I1 , I2 and I3 are tapped at point C, D and E

Distribution fed from One End

The following points are worth noting in this case:
• The current in the various sections of the distributor from the far end B goes on
increasing as we approach the feeding point A. Thus, current in section CD is more than
DE and current in section AC is more than CD.

• The voltage across the loads away from the feeding point goes on decreasing. The
minimum voltage occurs at the farthest load point E.

• Whenever the load on the distributor is switched on, or off, there are heavy voltage
fluctuations at the farthest load point E.

• If a fault occurs on any section of the distributor, the whole distributor will have to be
disconnected from the supply mains for its repair. Therefore, continuity of supply is
Example 1: Two loads A and B (Figure 1) taking 50A and 30A respectively, are connected
to a two wire distributor at distances of 200 m and 300 m respectively from the feeding
point, the potential difference (p.d) at which is 120 V the resistance of the distributor is 0.01
Ω per 100 m of single conductor Find : (a) the potential difference (p.d) across each load,
and (b) the cost of the energy wasted in the distributor if the above loads are maintained
constant for 10 hours Assume the cost of energy is to be 2 r/kWh.
E 80A C D

X 120 V A 50A B 30A

200 m 100 m

a) Resistance per 100 m of distributor = 2 x 0,01 = 0.02Ω
Resistance of section EC/ GF = 0.02 X 200/100 = 0.04 Ω
Resistance of section CD/HG = 0.02 Ω
Current in CD and HG = 30 A
Current in EC and GF = 50 A + 30A = 80A

Hence, the P.D a load C 𝑉𝐶 = Voltage at X-Voltage drop in CG

= 120- (80 X 0,04) = 116.8 V

Voltage drop between E C/GF = 𝑉𝑋 - 𝑉𝐶 = 120-116.8= 3.2 V

The P.D at load D 𝑉𝐷 = 𝑉𝐶 - 𝐼𝐶𝐷 𝑅𝐶𝐷

116.8V – (30 X 0.02) = 116.2 V

Voltage drop between CD/HG 116.8 – 116.2 = 0.6V

b) Power wasted in conductors EC and FG
=Current x voltage drops in EC and FG
= 80 x 3.2 = 256 W
Power wasted in conductors CD and HG
= 30 x 0.6 = 18 W
Therefore total power wasted in distributor
= 256 + 18 = 274 W = 0.274 kW
And energy wasted in 10 hours = 0.274 x 10 = 2.74 kWh
Therefore cost of this energy = 2.74 x 2 = R5.48


Ring mains In this type, the distributor is in the form of a closed ring as shown in
Fig. 2 3. It is equivalent to a straight distributor fed at both ends with equal voltages,
the two ends being brought together to form a closed ring The distributor ring may be
fed at one or more than one point.

The figure shows the single line diagram of a DC 2- wire

ring distributor fed at point A The various loads I1 , I2
and I3 , are tapped at point B, C and D respectively

it has all the advantages which have been mentioned for

the doubly fed distributor.

A ring main distributor may also be fed at more than one

point. For the purpose of calculations, in that case, the
distributor can be considered as a distributor consisting of
a series of open distributors fed at both ends.

Example 2. A two-wire ring distributor ( i.e., a distributor in which each conductor

forms a complete circuit or loop, as in fig.2.4) Is 300 m long and is fed at 240 V at
A. At a point B, 150m from A, there is a load of 120A and at C, 100m in the opposite
direction, there is a load of 80A. The resistance per 100m of single conductor is 0.03
ohms. Find: (a) the current in each section, (b) the p.d.(s) at B and C.

Resistance per 100 m of distributor
= 2 × 0·03 = 0·06 Ω
Resistance of section AB,𝑅𝐴𝐵 = 0·06 × 150/100 = 0·09 Ω
Resistance of section BC, 𝑅𝐵𝐶 = 0·06 × 50/100 = 0·03 Ω
Resistance of section CA, 𝑅𝐶𝐴 = 0·06 × 100/100 = 0·06 Ω

a) Let x be the current ,in ampers, from A to B in the positive conductor.

From Kirchhoff's first law, it follows that the current from B to C in positive conductor.
The law states that: “ at a junction in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into
junction is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of the junction.”
• Let x be the current between A and B
• Then currents in sections BC and CA will be = x - 120 A
• And the current from C to A an in positive conductor
= x -120 - 80 = x -200 A

Since there is no e.m.f (Electric and magnetic force) in the loop formed by the positive
conductor, it follows from Kirchhoff’s second Law that:
The Law states that: “ around any closed loop in the circuit, the directed sum of potential
differences across components is zero.”
x 0.9 + (x - 120) 0.03 + ( x – 200) 0.06 = 0
Now solve for x 0·18 x = 15·6
x = 86.7 A = Current in section AB
Current in section BC = 86.7 – 120 = -33.3 A
= 33.3 A from C to B in positive conductor
And current in section CA = 86.7 – 200 = - 113.3 A
= 113.3 A from A to C in positive conductor

b) Voltage drop (𝑉𝐵 ) in positive and negative conductors between A and B equals
x.0.09 = 86.7 (0,09) = 7.8 V so voltage at point B = 240-7.8=232V
Voltage drop at point C
𝑉𝐵 + Current in BC x 𝑅𝐵𝐶 = 232,2 + 33.33 x 0,03 = 233.2 V

The difference of 1V between the p.d’s across the loads at B and C should agree with the
voltage drop calculated from the current in section BC and the resistance of the section,
namely 33,3 (0.015) times 2 = 0.999 V. The very slight discrepancy between the two values is
due to the fact that value of x was limited to three significant figures. This degree of accuracy
is sufficient for most practical purposes.

In this type, the distributor is connected to supply at both ends and loads are tapped at
different points along the length of the distributor. The supply voltage at the two feeding
points may or may not be equal. The single line diagram of a distributor fed at point A
and B is shown in the figure. The various loads I1 , I2 and I3 are tapped at point C, D
and E respectively.

Distributor Fed at Both Ends

In this case, the voltage goes on decreasing as we move away from one feeding point (say
A), reaches the minimum value and then again starts rising and attains the maximum value
when reaches at the other feeding point (B).

That load point obtains the minimum voltage which is fed from both sides i.e. point D in
this case. And the current tapped off at point D itself will be partly supplied from A and
partly from B. If these currents are x and y respectively, then,
𝐼2 = x + y
However, the point of minimum potential is never fixed, it is shifted with the variation of
load on the different sections of the distributor. It is generally desired to locate the point of
minimum potential
There is a simple method for it

Consider a distributor AB having three concentrated loads 𝐼1 𝐼2 and 𝐼3 at points C D and E,
respectively. Suppose that current supplied by feeding end A is 𝐼𝐴 . Then current distribution
in the various sections of the distributor can be worked out as shown in the Figure below.

𝐼𝐴𝐶 = 𝐼𝐴 ; 𝐼𝐶𝐷 = 𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 ; 𝐼𝐷𝐸 = 𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 - 𝐼2 and 𝐼𝐸𝐵 = 𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 - 𝐼2 - 𝐼3 .

Likewise for voltage drop over A and B. There is a simple method for it
V – V = 𝐼𝐴 𝑅𝐴𝐶 + (𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 ) 𝑅𝐶𝐷 + (𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 - 𝐼2 ) 𝑅𝐷𝐸 + (𝐼𝐴 - 𝐼1 - 𝐼2 - 𝐼3 ) 𝑅𝐸𝐵

From this equation, the unknown 𝐼𝐴 can be calculated as the values of other quantities are
generally given
•Note! Suppose actual directions of currents in the various sections of the distributor are
indicated as shown in Fig ii The load point where the currents are coming from both sides of
the distributor is the point of minimum potential i.e point E in this case


• If the supply of any feeding end fails, the continuity of power supply to the consumers is
maintained from the other feeding end.

• In case, the fault occurs on any section of the distributor, the faulty section can be isolated,
and the supply is maintained to the remaining sections. This improves the reliability of

• The area of cross-section required for a doubly fed distributor is much less than a single
fed distributor. Hence, it is economical.

Example 3.1. A distributor, 450m long, is loaded as shown in Fig.4.The p.d at AB is
250V. The resistance of the distributor is 0.020 Ω per 100m of single conductor. Calculate
the p.d at each load point.

A x E (x – 80) G (x – 140) C
+ +

250 V 80 A 60 A 240 V

x (x – 80) (x – 140)
- -
200 m 150 m 100 m

Let x be the current in Ampers, in AE and FB.
From Kirchhoff's first law: Let x be the current between A and E
Current in EG and HF = x- 80A
Current in GC and DH = x – 140 A
Resistance in AE and FB = 0.02 x (200 m x 2) / 100 = 0.08 Ω
Resistance in EG and HF = 0.02 x (150 m x 2) / 100 = 0.06 Ω
Resistance in GC and DH = 0.02 x (100 m x 2) / 100 = 0.04 Ω
Voltage drop in AE and FB = 0.08 x (V)
Voltage drop in EG and HF =0.06 (x- 80) V
Voltage drop in GC and DH =0.04 (x - 140) V
Voltage drop in AC and DB = 250 - 240 = 10 V, Now Find x drop
0.08 x + (0.06 (x- 80) ) + (0.04 (x - 140) ) = 10 V
0.08x + 0.06x –4.8 + 0.04x – 5.6 = 10V So that x=113.33 A. Hence
p.d across load EF = 250 V – (113.3 x 0.08) = 240.93 V
p.d across load GH = 240.93 – (33.3 x 0.06) = 238.93V. Alternatively
= 240 – (26.7 x 0.04) = 238.93 V

Example 3.2 A 2-wire d.c. distributor AB is fed from both ends. At feeding point A, the
voltage is maintained as at 230 V and at B 235 V. The total length of the distributor is 200
metres and loads are tapped off as under :
25 A at 50 metres from A ; 50 A at 75 metres from A
30 A at 100 metres from A ; 40 A at 150 metres from A.
The resistance per kilometre of one conductor is 0·3 Ω. Calculate currents in various sections
of the distributor.

Resistance of 1000 m length of distributor (both wires) = 2 × 0·3 = 0·6 Ω
Resistance of section AC, RAC = 0·6 × 50/1000 = 0·03 Ω
Resistance of section CD, RCD = 0·6 × 25/1000 = 0·015 Ω
Resistance of section DE, RDE = 0·6 × 25/1000 = 0·015 Ω
Resistance of section EF, REF = 0·6 × 50/1000 = 0·03 Ω
Resistance of section FB, RFB = 0·6 × 50/1000 = 0·03 Ω
Voltage at B = Voltage at A – Drop over A B
Or VB = VA − [IA RAC + (IA − 25) RCD + (IA − 75) RDE + (IA − 105) REF + (IA −
145) RFB]
Or 235 = 230 − [0·03 IA + 0·015 (IA − 25) + 0·015 (IA − 75) + 0·03 (IA − 105) + 0·03 (IA
− 145)]
Or 235 = 230 − [0·12 IA − 9] ∴
I A = 239 235 0 12 − ⋅ = 33·34 A
Current in section AC, IAC = IA = 33·34 A
Current in section CD, ICD = IA − 25 = 33·34 − 25 = 8·34 A
Current in section DE, IDE = IA − 75 = 33·34 − 75 = − 41·66 A from D to E = 41·66 A from
E to D
Current in section EF, IEF = IA − 105 = 33·34 − 105 = −71·66 A from E to F = 71·66 A from
F to E
Current in section FB, IFB = IA − 145 = 33·34 − 145 = − 111·66 A from F to B = 111·66 A
from B to F

In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to supply at the center and the loads are
tapped on both the sides of the distributor along its length. The figure shows the single line
diagram of distributor AB fed at the middle point M. The various loads I1 , I2 , I3 and I4 are
tapped at points C, D, E and F respectively.

Distributor Fed at the Center

It is equivalent to two singly fed distributors (MA and MB), each one having a common
feeding point and length equal to half of the total length. It is preferred over a distributor fed
at one end because of the following advantages.
• The various sections of the distributor carry lesser current which reduces the voltage drop in
the distributor.
• The voltage reaching the farther points (i.e. C and F) is more.
• There are fewer voltage fluctuations at the farther ends.
•The conductor size required for the distributor is less.

Example 4: Figure 2 5 shows the loading, the current distribution and the resistance of the
various sections, in a 460 V, 3 wire d c system Calculate the pd at each load point.

+ 27 A 22 A 12 A
234 V
0.2 Ω 0.2 Ω 0.2 Ω

A 5A B 10A C 12A
- 0.4 Ω 0.2 Ω 0.2 Ω 0.3 Ω 0.3 Ω
460 V

+ 8A 13A 2A 8A 3A 15A
226 V

D 15A E 5A F 15A
0.3 Ω 0.25 Ω 0.2 Ω
- 35A 20A 15A

Please note the direction of the current in the system. The current (8A)in the mid-wire is
opposite to that of the current (27 A) in the outer, so that:
Va = 234 – (27 x 0.2) + (8 x 0.4) = 231.8 V
Vb = 231.8 – (22 x 0.2) – (2 x 0.2) + (13 x 0.2 ) = 229.6 V
Vc = 229.6 – (12 x 0.2) + (3 x 0.1) + (8 x 0.3) = 229.9 V
Vd = 226.0 – (8 x 0.4) – (13 x 0.2) – (35 x 0.3) = 209.7 V
Ve = 209.7 + (2 x 0.2) – (8 x 0.3) – (20 x 0.25) = 202.7 V
Vf = 202.7 – (3 x 0.1) – (15 x 0.3) – (15 x 0.20) = 194.9 V

This differs from dc distribution in that the various loads tapped off the ac distributor are at
different power factors. This causes the volta drop to have two components, one due to
active current and other due to reactive current. The in-phase volt drop being due to the
distributor resistance and the quadrature drop due to the inductive reactance of distributor.
The effect of capacitance being ignored at this stage. Kirchhoff's laws are applied. Each part
of the distributor has impedance comprising R+jX ohms. The following figure gives an
example of an AC distributor supplying two loads at distance R and Q from the feeding
point P. Calculate the volt drop PQ over the distributor.
P 𝑅1 + 𝑗𝑋1 R 𝑅2 + 𝑗𝑋2 Q

𝐼1 cos 𝜃1 𝐼2 cos 𝜃2

Let voltage VQ which is the voltage at the receiving end be taken as reference vector. The
power factors at R and Q are cosΦ1 and cosΦ2 with respect to VQ and they are lagging.
Let, R1 = Resistance of section PR
X1 = Reactance of section PR
R2 = Resistance of section RQ
X2 = Reactance of section RQ; and
The Impedance of section PR is given by Z𝑃𝑅 = 𝑅1 + 𝑗𝑋1
The Impedance of section RQ is given by Z𝑅𝑄 = 𝑅2 + 𝑗𝑋2
The load current at point R is given by Ī1 = I1 ∠ - 𝜙1 = I1 ( cos 𝜙1 - j sin 𝜙1 )
The load current at point Q is given by Ī2 = I2 ∠ - 𝜙2 = I2 ( cos 𝜙2 - j sin 𝜙2 )
The current in section RQ is nothing but Ī2 ĪRQ = Ī2 = I2 ( cos 𝜙2 - j sin 𝜙2 )

The current in section PR is given by
Ī1 + Ī2 = I1 ( cos 𝜙1 - j sin 𝜙1 ) + I2( cos 𝜙2 - j sin 𝜙2 )
The voltage drop in section RQ is given by
𝑉𝑅𝑄 = ĪRQ 𝑍𝑅𝑄 = [ I2 ( cos 𝜙2 - j sin 𝜙2 ) . (𝑅2 + 𝑗𝑋2 )]
The voltage drop in section PR is given by
𝑉𝑃𝑅 = ĪPR 𝑍𝑃𝑅 = [ I1 ( cos 𝜙1 - j sin 𝜙1 ) + I2 ( cos 𝜙2 - j sin 𝜙2 ) . (𝑅1 + 𝑗𝑋1 )]
Thus, the sending end voltage VA is given as

Thus, the sending end current is given as

ĪP = Ī1 + Ī2

V,K Mehta, R. Mehta, Principles of power system



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