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Guess Paper 1 👋

Guess Papers must only be treated as a practice

paper and not to rely upon fully.

Expected Questions (With Mark Schemes)

✏️Question 1

What are the main approaches to sociological research and how do they differ in their
methods and theoretical perspectives?

✏️Mark Scheme for Question 1

There are several approaches to sociological research, each with its own methods and
theoretical perspectives. Some of the main approaches include:

1. Positivist approach: This approach emphasizes the use of scientific methods, such as
experiments and surveys, to gather quantitative data that can be analyzed statistically. It
assumes that social phenomena can be studied objectively and that the researcher
should maintain a neutral and detached stance.
2. Interpretive approach: This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding social
phenomena from the perspective of the people who experience them. It emphasizes
qualitative methods, such as ethnography and interviews, to gather detailed data about
individuals' experiences, beliefs, and values.
3. Critical approach: This approach emphasizes the need to examine the social structures
and power relations that shape people's lives. It is concerned with understanding and
challenging systems of oppression, inequality, and injustice. It emphasizes the use of
qualitative methods, such as discourse analysis and critical ethnography, to examine how
power operates in social contexts.
4. Feminist approach: This approach emphasizes the importance of studying gender as a
central category of social analysis. It seeks to understand how gender shapes social
relationships and how gender inequality can be challenged. It employs a range of
qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys, interviews, and participant

Overall, the choice of approach will depend on the research questions being asked, the
researcher's theoretical perspective, and the available resources for data collection and

✏️Question 2

✏️Mark Scheme for Question 2

✏️Question 3
✏️Mark Scheme for Question 3
✏️Question 4

✏️Mark Scheme for Question 4

✏️Question 5

✏️Mark Scheme for Question 5

Other Questions also part
of this guess paper.

✏️Question 6 (Reference : M/J 2021 - QP 12 - Q3)

✏️Question 7 (Reference : M/J 2021 - QP 12 - Q5)

✏️Question 8 (Reference : M 2021 - QP 12 - Q4)

✏️Question 9 (Reference : M 2021 - QP 12 - Q2)

✏️Question 10 (Reference : O/N 2022 - QP 13 - Q1)

✏️Question 11 (Reference : O/N 2022 - QP 13 - Q3)

✏️Question 12 (Reference : M/J 2022 - QP 11 - Q2)

✏️Question 13 (Reference : M 2022 - QP 12 - Q5)

✏️Question 14 (Reference : O/N 2021 - QP 13 - Q4)

Relax and take a good sleep before paper. PapaCambridge wishes you best of
luck for your exams!

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