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Site visit

Rent a bike to see the

sidewalks that are unaccessible;
Interviews with citizens about
traffic to ask them about how
the connecting roads between
the cities affect their daily
Take pictures of main roads,
sidewalks, etc;
Visit the three towns (Torhout,
Ruddervoorde, Zwevezele) and
the forest.
Population: 20000
・"Groene 62" : a famous hiking trail to Ostende;
・"Benny Vansteelant": Big sports center;
・"De Velodroom": Soccer studium for local team;
・Many educational facilities;
・Was music festival.
Population : 5000
・several castles with park
・"Cyclocross" : famous sport in Ruddervoorde
・Various stream
・mainly wooden area
Population : 5000
・"De Zwaluw" : Big sports center
・"Castle park" : Big park with castle
From Torhout to Zwevezele From Torhout to Ruddervoorde From Zwevezele to Ruddervoorde

Friday 16:30 Sunday 16:12

Tuesday 8:30 Tuesday 18:30
Analysing the middle space of the triangle TRZ

Predominantly an agrivultural zone

with lots of fields, farms and a few
industries. Along N368, there are also
hamlets. But, the other major
elements are the highway and the
Groenhoe bos.
Activities that can be done on this
area: Visit Torhout city, visit industrial
and business areas like Hille...
Site visit
Conclusions from the interviews to citizens

The most used form of transportation is the car, most of families had a least two cars. Due to
that there is not a lot of distance from Torhout to the other two villages (Zwevezele and
Ruddervoorde), like 10 minutes and usually there is not a lot of traffic, so is very comfortable
and easy to move.
Althought, there is not a specific road or exclusivily for the bike (no bikelane). Therefore, the bike
is not usually used like a form of trasportation, more used for sport.
Lot of facilities, they have all the services they need (hospitals, schools, swimming pools...), due
to that a lot of teenagers come from the smaller cities to the school or university. --> There are a
lot of residences or internads due to that.

Problem --> on the morning during the week, the station is usually very crowded because a lot
of student come by bus or train to school. ( Is a really small station, and there is not very well
connected to the other two vilages by public transform --> aglomerations)
Program possibilities :

Resting point on / near the station

A library between R and Z ( with good connections )
Pathway with resting area to the forest Groenhove bos
student residence (Like internat)

Next steps:

Find a good point for the library on the middle of the

two towns
Look for information about residences
Resting area check if it’s necessary with frequency of
trains and public transports
References for each program

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