Irrigation Scheduling Protocols Using Continuously Recorded Trunk Diameter Measurements

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Irrig Sci (2001) 20: 115±125

DOI 10.1007/s002710000034


David A. Goldhamer á Elias Fereres

Irrigation scheduling protocols using continuously recorded

trunk diameter measurements

Received: 1 October 2000 / Published online: 7 June 2001

Ó Springer-Verlag 2001

Abstract Theoretical and experimental aspects of de- old values derived from TDM are emphasized. We
veloping irrigation scheduling strategies using continu- conclude that protocols using TDM for precise irrigation
ous measurements of trunk diameter are presented. The scheduling hold promise as an additional tool for pro-
behavior of parameters derived from trunk diameter gressive growers who want to link irrigation management
measurements (TDM), including maximum daily trunk to an automated, electronic, plant-based stress indicator.
shrinkage (MDS), maximum daily trunk diameter
(MXTD), and minimum daily trunk diameter (MNTD)
is evaluated for both rapidly growing peach [Prunus
persica (L.) Batsch, cv. September Snow] and mature Introduction
almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) Webb cv. Price] trees sub-
jected to mild de®cit irrigation. Stem water potential Evidence of diurnal oscillations in the diameter of tree
(SWP) and MDS were highly correlated in the mature trunks was identi®ed long ago (Kozlowski 1967). Short-
almond trees but a poor relationship was found in the term changes in stem diameter have been related to
rapidly growing peach trees. Conversely, daily changes in concomitant changes in plant water status as transpira-
MXTD and MNTD correlated well with SWP in the fast tion loss draws water from the stem, primarily from
growing trees. While there was relatively high variability phloem tissues (Klepper et al. 1971; Molz and Klepper
(``noise'') in the MDS measurements (CV 15.8%), the 1972). Huck and Klepper (1976) found that stem diam-
greater changes in the magnitude of the MDS (``signal'') eter measurements could provide continuous records of
resulted in a signi®cantly higher signal:noise ratio than plant water potential in cotton plants and suggested that
found with the SWP measurements. In addition to soil plant water status measurements could be automated.
water and trunk growth rate, MDS patterns were in¯u- Interest in using trunk diameter measurements
enced by irrigation frequency and evaporative demand. (TDM) for irrigation scheduling in fruit trees was
Based on the experimental results, protocols for utilizing sparked more recently by the work of Garnier and
the trunk diameter-derived indicators for scheduling ir- Berger (1986) who did a comprehensive study in peach
rigations are presented for three cases: (1) mature trees trees and concluded that it was feasible to automate ir-
under low frequency irrigation, (2) mature trees under rigation based on TDM. Since then, TDM have been
high frequency irrigation, and (3) young trees under high taken on a number of fruit tree species, such as apple
frequency irrigation. The scheduling protocols provide (Huguet et al. 1992), cherry (Cabibel and Isberie 1997),
guidelines that address both under- and over-irrigation citrus (Ginestar and Castel 1996) and walnut (Cohen
and are predicated on the sensitivity of TDM to very et al. 1997). In all cases, good correlations were found
mild plant water de®cits. The necessity for and ap- between the degree of trunk shrinkage and swelling and
proaches to developing reference (baseline) and thresh- the changes in tree water status. One advantage of TDM
is that they provide trunk growth rate records and can
characterize growth responses to the environment.
D.A. Goldhamer (&) The use of TDM for irrigation scheduling requires
Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, that some parameter be derived from the TDM that is
Kearney Agricultural Center, University of California,
9240 S. Riverbend Ave., Parlier, CA 93648, USA indicative of irrigation requirements. It would be desir-
E-mail: able for TDM to provide an early warning of water
E. Fereres
de®cits, well before the monitored stress can negatively
IAS-CSIC and University of Cordoba, Apdo 4084, a€ect important physiological processes. Goldhamer
14080 Cordoba, Spain et al. (1999) evaluated the relative sensitivity of trunk

diameter-derived parameters and conventional indica- derived from TDM and, based on theoretical consider-
tors of plant water status in peach trees, including var- ations and new experimental evidence, presents proto-
ious measurements of tree water potential, stomatal cols for using these indicators in scheduling localized
conductance, fruit growth and photosynthesis. They irrigations (drip or microsprinkler).
concluded that parameters derived from TDM were
more sensitive than the other indicators in that they
detected water stress earlier in a drying cycle. Theory
Plant water status is very dynamic because it re¯ects
the balance between soil water supply and atmospheric Derivation of parameters based on TDM
demand. A single observation of plant water status may
not be very informative, as a water de®cit may be caused Trunk diameters oscillate over a 24-h cycle, reaching a
by either the soil water level or by changes in evapora- maximum value (MXTD) just before sunrise and a
tive demand. Therefore, it is not surprising that irriga- minimum (MNTD) sometime in the afternoon (Fig. 1).
tion scheduling is normally based on soil or atmospheric The di€erence between MXTD and MNTD is termed
parameters (Martin et al. 1990); not only because they maximum daily shrinkage (MDS); a parameter that has
are easier to measure than plant parameters but because been shown to increase as tree water de®cits increase in
they are more robust and can be readily interpreted. peach (Garnier and Berger 1986), cherry (Cabibel and
Nevertheless, plant water potential and canopy tem- Isberie 1997), walnut (Cohen et al. 1997) and other
perature measurements have been used successfully for species (Huguet et al. 1992). Goldhamer et al. (1999)
irrigation scheduling in a few crops, such as cotton, once found that the MDS of ®eld-grown peach trees increased
the measurements have been calibrated for a given en- from 0.27 to 0.63 mm when the SWP decreased from
vironment (Grimes and Yamada 1982). In fruit trees, ±0.99 to ±2.1 MPa, respectively. In a few cases, MDS
research has shown that leaf water potential (LWP) can has been shown to decrease as severe water stress
be a reliable indicator of tree water status (Fereres and increases, such as in apple (Huguet et al. 1992) and
Goldhamer 1990). More recently, the superiority of stem lysimeter-grown peach (Goldhamer et al. 1999).
water potential (SWP) over other water potential mea- The evolution of MXTD and MNTD also provides
surements, including predawn LWP, has been estab- useful information (Fig. 1). The di€erence between two
lished for a number of fruit tree species (Shackel et al. consecutive MXTD values gives one measure of the trunk
1997). In any case, monitoring SWP or other water growth rate while the trend of MXTD establishes the
potential indicators with a pressure chamber requires cumulative growth. Analysis of MNTD trends also gives a
substantial manpower and cannot be automated. measure of the trunk growth rate, as represented in Fig. 1,
Recent enhancement of the robustness of the sensors and this can be one the earliest signs of water stress
used to measure trunk diameter and continued im- (Goldhamer et al. 1999). The high sensitivity of MNTD
provements in the quality and a€ordability of electronic probably re¯ects the combined e€ects of soil water supply
data collection and transfer devices suggest that irriga- and evaporative demand on maximum shrinkage while
tion scheduling can be automated using a plant-based MXTD is mostly a€ected by the rehydration process,
indicator. This paper discusses the indicators that can be which depends primarily on soil water supply and may be

Fig. 1 Parameters that can be

derived from trunk diameter
measurements (TDM), includ-
ing maximum daily trunk
shrinkage (MDS), and trunk
growth expressed as daily dif-
ferences in maximum and min-
imum daily trunk diameters

only indirectly a€ected by the previous day's evaporative (Ginestar and Castel 1996; Naor 2000). High measure-
demand. Thus, under mild water de®cits, the trunk di- ment variability would require instrumentation of a large
ameter will normally recover fully overnight, while at number of trees within an orchard, increasing the mon-
midday, the transpiration pull from the atmosphere and itoring costs in order to decrease the uncertainty. How-
soil water supply may amplify the combined e€ects of ever, variability (``noise'') must be considered relative to
limiting supply and/or high demand. This would lead to the strength of the indicator (``signal''); the parameter
greater shrinkage from the very beginning of the stress. derived from TDM. If the signal strength is sucient, the
noise caused by the tree-to-tree variability may not be as
critical. Thus, it is important to characterize the sig-
Absolute, relative and reference values nal:noise ratio of all plant-based indicators of water
status, including those derived from TDM, in comparing
In principle, all plant-based measurements need a refer- the utility of each parameter for irrigation management.
ence or a control. Plants are the middlemen between soils
and the atmosphere. They continually function under
water de®cits and the level of the de®cit is a function of Experimental methods
both soil and atmospheric conditions. Even with the soil
thoroughly wet, changes in evaporative demand induce Over the past 3 years we have collected TDM in irrigation exper-
changes in plant water status. Thus, water potential iments with peach, olive, almond, ®g and citrus trees. Here we
measurements of plants under stress, by themselves, mean present two data sets for almond and peach trees that illustrate the
little if they are not considered relative to the measure- diversity of situations that are commonly found when monitoring
trunk diameter ¯uctuations and how the data can be used in irri-
ments obtained from fully irrigated plants. As with the gation management. The experiments were conducted in two lo-
other plant-based indicators, it is desirable to refer pa- cations within the San Joaquin Valley of California during the
rameters derived from TDM to some fully irrigated summer of 1999. Evaporative demand, as expressed by ETo values
(``control'') values. Such control values may be obtained calculated using data from California Irrigation Management In-
formation System (CIMIS) weather stations located within 10 km
from trees that are irrigated speci®cally to prevent any soil of each experiment site and a modi®ed Penman equation (Snyder
water limitation. Alternatively, TDM the day after a and Pruitt 1989), was similar and fairly constant throughout the
heavy rain or irrigation that wets the entire root zone may measurement period (Fig. 2).
be useful as reference values but do not address oscilla-
tions due to changes in evaporative demand. In lieu of
speci®c reference trees, it may be possible to deal with Mature almond
evaporative demand-related changes by developing fam- The trees [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) Webb cv. Price] were 6 years old
ilies of relationships between MDS, for example, and and located in a commercial orchard near Lost Hills in western
indicators of evaporative demand, such as reference crop Kern County, California. The soil was a clay loam (Typic Torri-
water use (ETo) or vapor pressure de®cit (VPD). orthents) with a root zone extending to about 2 m depth. Micro-
sprinklers (rate 41.6 l/h) located midway between the trees in the
tree row were used for irrigation. A water budget approach was
used for irrigation scheduling with set times usually being 24 h.
Growth e€ects on parameters derived from TDM Irrigation frequency was every 3±5 days. A build-up of algae in the
canal supplying this orchard and subsequent pumping problems
Since trunk growth slows as trees mature, tree age must be reduced water application rates. This de®cit irrigation presented us
with an ideal opportunity to evaluate the gradual development of
taken into account when interpreting TDM. With young, water stress in these trees.
well-watered trees, trunk growth occurs throughout the Four trees were instrumented with linear variable displacement
season and will be re¯ected in MXTD and MNTD transducers (LVDTs; Model 2.5 DF, Solartron Metrology, Bognor
records, making these parameters potentially useful Regis, UK) installed on the southwest primary sca€old. The
LVDTs were mounted on holders built of aluminum and invar ± an
indicators for irrigation scheduling. On the other hand, alloy comprising 64% Fe and 35% Ni that has minimal thermal
mature tree trunk growth slows as the season progresses expansion (Li et al. 1989). Measurements were taken every 30 s and
and may be followed by a stoppage or a shrinking a datalogger (Model CR 10, Campbell Scienti®c, Logan, Utah) was
trend during some fruit growth phases or under high programmed to report 20-min means. Throughout the experimen-
evaporative demand even without a water limitation tal period, the LVDTs did not have to be repositioned; the
2500 mV (2.5 mm) working range of the datalogger was not
(Goldhamer et al. 1999). Thus, daily changes in MXTD exceeded by tree growth.
and MNTD have little signi®cance when the trunk is not Midday SWP (1300±1400 hours) was monitored every weekday
growing. On the other hand, rapid growth may minimize using a pressure chamber (Model 3005, Soil Moisture Equipment,
di€erences in MDS, rendering this parameter less useful Santa Barbara, Calif.). Single leaves close to the trunk on each of
the four trees were covered using a small black polyethylene bag
as a water de®cit indicator in young trees. covered with silver foil for at least 2 h prior to measurement. The
leaf/bag combination was placed in the chamber within seconds of
excision and the precautions recommended by Hsiao (1990) were
Variability in TDM and the signal:noise ratio taken to prevent leaf water loss during measurement.
Although four leaves were evaluated for SWP per sampling
date, the technician taking the measurements recorded only the
There have been reports of substantial tree to tree vari- average of the four readings. Thus, it was not possible to determine
ability in TDM regardless of the irrigation program tree-to-tree SWP variability in the orchard where the TDM were

Fig. 2 Reference crop water use

(ETo) for the almond and peach
experimental sites

taken. As an alternative technique, we used a SWP data set that evaporative demand as the season progressed led to
was taken in a nearby orchard on single leaves from each of four higher peaks in MDS in the last three irrigations of the
almond trees of a similar age, location, and irrigation management
approach as the trunk-sensor-equipped orchard to assess the vari- period. Patterns of SWP were similar to those of MDS,
ability in SWP. These measurements were taken on 81 days from with the highest values on the irrigation days and in-
late June until early November. creasingly lower values as the soil dried both between
To evaluate the relationships between MDS and parameters irrigations and as the season progressed. To establish a
related to evaporative demand, MDS data were taken during the
summer of 1999 on 4 year old almond trees in an adjacent orchard
reference, regression lines were drawn through the min-
that were speci®cally irrigated at 150% of estimated crop evapo- imum MDS and the maximum SWP values, respectively
transpiration (ETc), based on published crop coecients (Kcs) and (Fig. 3a). Note that while the MDS reference line was
ETo. The MDS data, taken under non-limiting water conditions, nearly constant for the measurement period, the SWP
were correlated with daily ETo and mean VPD calculated from reference decreased with time. Notwithstanding the mild
mean daily vapor pressure and relative humidity for days 148±196.
de®cit irrigation during this period, a decrease in plant
water potential during the season even under non-lim-
Young peach
iting soil water conditions is not uncommon (Fereres
Two-year-old, daily drip-irrigated peach trees [Prunus persica (L.) et al. 1978; McCutchan and Shackel 1992). Dividing
Batsch, cv. September Snow] grown on a loam soil (Pachic Hap- MDS and SWP by the baseline values generated what we
loxeroll) in Tulare County, California, 56 km from the almond site, hereafter refer to as signal, as shown in Fig. 3b. The
were evaluated. They were part of a study assessing various soil, peak MDS signal varied from 2.5 to 11.4 while the SWP
plant, and atmospheric-based irrigation scheduling approaches
for practical, on-farm water management. One of the scheduling signal was much lower, varying from 1.3 to 1.4.
approaches resulted in the slow development of water de®cits and The greater strength of the MDS signal relative to that
this treatment (hereafter referred to as the De®cit) and a regime of SWP has to be seen in the context of the variability of
that applied 150% of estimated ETc (hereafter referred to as the each measurement. In other words, the signal:noise ratio.
Control) are compared here.
The peach trees di€ered from the almond in their age and Table 1 presents the mean MDS and SWP signals for
irrigation frequency. The number of trees instrumented for trunk each irrigation cycle, their mean coecients of variation
diameter monitoring and the SWP monitoring techniques were (noise), and the signal:noise ratio. The average SWP
identical to those outlined above for the almond experiment. coecient of variation (CV) was 6.2%; a similar value of
5.2% can be calculated from the prune tree SWP data of
McCutchan and Shackel (1992). The MDS CV was
Results 15.8% but, even with this higher value, the MDS sig-
nal:noise ratio was almost double that of SWP (Table 1).
Mature almond Thus, MDS was more sensitive than SWP as a plant
water stress indicator in this particular sample of
MDS and SWP for 48 days between late May and late microsprinkler-irrigated, mature almond trees.
July 1999 are presented in Fig. 3a. The lowest MDS Daily MXTD and MNTD for the experimental period
occurred on the day of irrigation and increased steadily, had similar general patterns although MNTD variations
reaching its maximum just prior to the next irrigation. were somewhat greater (Fig. 4). For instance, 1±3 days
The combination of insucient irrigation and higher prior to irrigation (days 155±158), MNTD decreased

Fig. 3 For the mature almond

trees, a maximum daily trunk
shrinkage (MDS), stem water
potential (SWP), and baselines
for each parameter, and b indi-
cator ``signals'' (MDS and SWP
values derived by baseline val-
ues). Arrows indicates irriga-

while MXTD increased (Fig. 4). While there was some Table 1 Almond ``signal'' (measured indicator/reference), ``noise''
growth (about 1 mm for the 48-day period), the growth (coecient of variation) and signal:noise ratios for almond (max-
rate was low enough to in¯uence MDS only minimally. imum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) and stem water potential
(SWP) reported in Fig. 3
Figure 5 shows that there were moderately good
correlations between MDS of almond trees grown under Indicator Mean peak value/ Mean coecient Signal:noise
non-limiting soil water conditions and mean daily ETo referencea per of variationb ratio
irrigation cycle
(R2 0.463) and mean daily VPD (R2 0.626) for this
observation period (Figs. 5a and 5b, respectively). MDS 6.67 0.158 42.2
SWP 1.37 0.062 22.1
Young peach ``Signal'', b ``Noise''

MDS values for both treatments were low until day 164 Control was greater than that of the De®cit. After day
when the MDS of the De®cit treatment gradually in- 184, the timing of the MDS peaks and valleys for both
creased, reaching about 200% of Control by day 170 treatments was similar but di€ered in magnitude;
(Fig. 6a). The greater MDS of the De®cit indicated a sometimes the Control was greater than the De®cit and
lower water status; a fact that was con®rmed by the sometimes the reverse (Fig. 6a). This erratic behavior of
SWP measurements (Fig. 6b). By day 178, the MDS MDS during the second part of the experimental period
patterns reversed and, for a few days, MDS of the was not related to changes in tree water status as there

Fig. 4 Maximum (MXTD) and

minimum (MNTD) trunk
diameter with time for the
mature almonds

were consistent SWP treatment di€erences; the De®cit slowed, especially in the Control. For example, on days
being almost always lower than the Control (Fig. 6b). 189±194, MDS in the Control trees was greater than that
Indeed, relative MDS (De®cit/Control) values during of the De®cit trees, due primarily to higher MXTD
the experimental period indicate that a water de®cit was values. In other words, the more rapid growth rate in the
®rst detected on day 160 (Fig. 6c), well before there were Control actually resulted in higher MDS values in this
detectable SWP di€erences on day 173 (Fig. 6b). Rela- latter case compared with the earlier case where rapid
tive MDS continued to be greater than relative SWP growth resulted in lower MDS. Thus, higher growth
until day 178, after which it declined and oscillated rates can interact with measurements of trunk shrinkage
around unity for the remainder of the cycle (Fig. 6c). masking the water de®cit-related di€erences in MDS
Since young peach MDS did not always correlate well among irrigation treatments. Such growth e€ects would
with SWP, as was the case in the mature almond, we be most important in the case of young trees for which
examined growth records seeking alternative tree stress parameters derived from MNTD or MXTD seem most
indicators derived from TDM. Daily changes in MNTD valuable for irrigation scheduling.
show that following the initial period when there were
no treatment di€erences, the growth rate of the Control
was consistently higher than that of the De®cit (Fig. 7). Proposed irrigation scheduling protocols
This behavior is similar to the SWP patterns (Fig. 6b).
Thus, for this sample of rapidly growing young trees We assume that for a particular tree species under a given
(trunk diameter increased 8.35 mm during the experi- evaporative demand, TDM vary primarily due to plant
mental period), tree growth, as expressed by daily dif- water status, tree age, and irrigation frequency. Thus, we
ferences in MNTD, o€ers a more consistent indicator present irrigation scheduling protocols, in principle
than MDS for scheduling irrigation. Time-course pat- adapted to Prunus species trees, based on TDM that
terns of the daily changes in MXTD were similar to cover the range of the latter two factors; mature trees
MNTD and, thus, this growth record could also be used under both high and low irrigation (drip or microsprin-
as a stress indicator (data not shown). kler) frequencies and young trees under high frequency
What caused the MDS to be inconsistent in this case? irrigation, which is the likely system management to be
We believe it was trunk growth rates, which we illustrate used. We consider trees to be mature when vegetative
for two situations that resulted in reversed tendencies of growth slows in relation to previous seasons. Young trees
relative MDS (Fig. 8a, b). During the period 14±18 are considered those that are rapidly growing, normally
June, the Control trees grew much faster than the De®cit under 5 years for Prunus trees. Based on the experimental
trees (Fig. 8a). This is illustrated by the steeper slopes of results, we use MDS as the operative parameter with
both the MXTD and MNTD values with time and the mature trees and the evolution of MNTD for the young
fact that the slopes of these parameters were similar. trees. Our use of TDM for irrigation scheduling is pred-
This resulted in relatively low MDS values. On the other icated on the assumption that TDM can be used to in-
hand, the slower-growing De®cit trees had lower MXTD dicate the presence of very mild water stress, which would
and MNTD slopes with time than in the Control likely be undetectable by plant water potential monitor-
(Fig. 8a). Additionally, the Control trees had a lower ing, and that fruit trees tolerate this mild stress without
MNTD slope than MXTD, resulting in relatively high negative impacts on production. We present these pro-
MDS values. A di€erent situation occurred later as the tocols as possible approaches to using TDM in real-world
relative growth rates of the two irrigation treatments irrigation management and recognize that, as research

Fig. 5 Relationships for the

mature almond trees under
non-limiting soil moisture
between maximum daily
shrinkage (MDS) and a
reference crop water use (ETo),
and b mean daily vapor pres-
sure de®cit (VPD)

involving TDM continues, alternative protocols for 2. A ®xed amount is applied; the MDS of the day fol-
Prunus and other fruit tree species are likely to emerge. lowing irrigation (MDSr) is recorded to be used as a
Case 1: Mature trees under low frequency irrigation 3. The MDS of subsequent days is compared with a
(3 day interval or greater) threshold MDS (MDSt) established relative to MDSr
(for example, MDSt could be 150% of MDSr or
1. The irrigation start date is selected. The criteria for 1.5´MDSr). MDSt could also be based on experience
starting irrigation should be based on manual soil or obtained from future research results.
water measurements, the water balance using ETc, or 4. If the MDS of three consecutive days exceeds the
experience. However, irrigation should start as early MDSt before the next irrigation, the application
as feasible. depth (system operating time) is raised by 10%.

Fig. 6 For the De®cit and

Control irrigation regimes in
the young peach trees, a maxi-
mum daily trunk shrinkage
(MDS), b stem water potential
(SWP); vertical bars are one
standard error, and c relative
(De®cit/Control) values

Similarly, if the MDS greatly exceeds MDSt by, for cation amounts. This would allow faster convergence
example, 100% (2´MDSt), the irrigation interval of the application amounts and tree water require-
may have to be shortened. ments.
5. The MDS of the day following the next irrigation will
become the new MDSr and will be used for the following
irrigation cycle. Alternatively, MDSr could be calcu- Case 2: Mature trees under high frequency irrigation
lated from MDS early in the season when the pro®le is (2 day interval or less)
fully wetted and corrected for changes in evaporative
demand (ETo or VPD) as the season progresses. 1. The irrigation starting date is selected and a ®xed
6. If the MDS during the next irrigation cycle never amount applied.
attains the MDSt, then the application depth is 2. A MDSr must be determined so that MDSt can be
decreased by 10%. de®ned, using one of the following three approaches:
7. Early in the season, greater changes in system oper- (a) recording MDS after a heavy rain or irrigation
ating times should be considered (20%, for example) with a fully charged pro®le, (b) maintaining a few
due to uncertainty in determining the initial appli- reference trees in the orchard that get 20±50% more

Fig. 7 Peach trunk growth ex-

pressed as daily minimum trunk
diameter (MNTD)

The value chosen for MDSr would have a threshold

level below that of case 1; for example, MDSt =
1.25´MDSr. When the MDS of three consecutive days
exceeds MDSt, the irrigation application is raised by 10%.
Similarly, if the MDS does not reach MDSt in the fol-
lowing 5 days, the irrigation depth is decreased by 10%.

Case 3: Young trees under high frequency irrigation

(2 day interval or less)

1. The irrigation starting date is selected and a ®xed

amount applied.
2. A reference daily growth rate [(dMNTD/dt)r] must be
developed by either: (a) maintaining reference trees as
outlined in case 2(b) above, or (b) data from the lit-
3. If the dMNTD/dt of three consecutive days is, for
example, 15±20% below (dMNTD/dt)r, the irrigation
depth is raised by 10%.
4. If the dMNTD/dt of three consecutive days is, say,
within 5±10% or less of (dMNTD/dt)r, the irrigation
depth is decreased by 10%. The dMXTD/dt could be
used instead of dMNTD/dt in this case, as it also
sensitive to water de®cits.


Irrigation scheduling at the plot scale has been investi-

Fig. 8 Trunk diameter ¯uctuations (mm) in young peach trees
a from 14±18 June, and b from 8±12 July gated for decades and some of the ®rst instruments de-
signed for irrigation timing (tensiometers, gypsum
blocks) were commercially available more than 50 years
ago. It is not a coincidence that such instruments mon-
water than the rest (by changing emitter output or itored soil water levels and that subsequent methods
numbers) and using their MDS as MDSr, or (c) data emphasized the use of the water budget method which
from future research results. requires estimates of crop ET (Jensen 1981). Informa-

tion on soil water and on atmospheric demand was cially in poorly drained soils. Anoxia may damage root
considered more reliable and less subject to error than health, which is manifested by tree water de®cits and
direct measurements of the plant, even though it ap- even tree decline and death. Additionally, excessively
peared desirable to use plant-based methods that would irrigated reference trees may become nitrogen de®cient.
relate irrigation directly to crop needs. Clearly, if reference trees are used, they should be in-
The highly dynamic nature of plant water status spected periodically by the grower to insure that their
makes it dicult to interpret plant water measurements. appearance and health matches his/her objectives for the
Thus, the development of plant-stress-sensing instru- whole orchard.
mentation has lagged behind that used for soil water Since MDS correlates fairly well with VPD under
or ET measurements (Hsiao 1990). Nevertheless, there non-limiting soil water regimes (Fig. 5b), it is likely that
have been positive developments in the characterization relationships between MDS and VPD for particular tree
of plant water status and, even though they are seldom species and age groupings can be developed. This has
used for on-farm scheduling, they are very helpful as been done for SWP in fully irrigated prune trees
diagnostic indicators. The primary limitation in their on- (McCutchan and Shackel (1992); Shackel et al. (1997). It
farm use is logistical; determining water potential with is probable that similar relationships exist between
the pressure chamber requires the physical presence of a dMNTD/dt and evaporative demand for particular
technician, normally around midday, and a sampling species of young trees under full irrigation. Research
frequency of more than once a week; a labor-intensive that provides this information should improve the
procedure that presents economic limitations for large precision of using TDM for irrigation scheduling.
scale adoption of these techniques. In addition to being useful for irrigation, where the
Growth is a very sensitive parameter to water de®cits objective is to fully meet the water needs of the trees, we
(Bradford and Hsiao 1982) and, even though the sensi- believe that TDM can strengthen regulated de®cit irriga-
tivity of the early dendrometers was not nearly sucient tion (RDI) programs. Numerous investigators have
to pick up daily oscillations in diameter, the growth shown that RDI can reduce seasonal ETc without reduc-
trends over weeks were indicative of the adequacy of ing fruit yield or quality (Goodwin and Jerie 1992; Caspari
irrigation (Hendrickson and Veihmeyer 1941). Early in et al. 1994; Lampinen et al. 1995) and in some cases, ac-
fruit tree irrigation research, the use of dendrometers for tually improve yield components (Mitchell et al. 1986,
irrigation scheduling was proposed (Hendrickson and 1989; Teviotdale et al. 1995). The primary current limi-
Veihmeyer 1941). The current trunk diameter sensors tation for RDI is the precision of the ``triggers'' used to
can generate sensitive parameters that, once the refer- implement the de®cit irrigation. While irrigating at dif-
ence and threshold values for the indicator used are well ferent percentages of ETc for speci®c time periods is often
established, may be useful in irrigation decision-making. utilized, this approach neglects the bu€ering e€ect the soil
Being able to avoid damaging water stress at all times moisture reservoir has in delaying the development of
because of their high sensitivity to mild water de®cits, plant stress in response to de®cit irrigation. Since predawn
the strong correlation with established plant water status LWP (Teviotdale et al. 1994), midday LWP (Grimes and
parameters (Goldhamer et al. 1999), and the ease of Yamada 1982), or SWP (Shackel et al. 1997) are clearly
automation are all positive features of using TDM for superior indicators for imposing plant water de®cits, it
irrigation management. follows that TDM can also improve RDI management.
The scheduling protocols we suggest provide guide- We believe that the future holds promise for irriga-
lines that address both under- and over-irrigation. Since tion scheduling of trees and vines using continuously
TDM re¯ect plant water status, they can clearly be used recorded TDM. While the current sensors are costly, it is
as indicators of the upper boundary limit of tree stress. reasonable to forecast that cheaper, even more accurate
On the other hand, we believe they can also be used to sensors will eventually be produced and that remote data
sense the lower tree stress boundary. This is accom- transmission from the sensor directly to the farmer's
plished by using small reductions in applied water until computer will shortly be available and cost-e€ective.
the TDM-derived parameters indicate the presence of
very mild plant water stress. Thus, the necessity of a Acknowledgements We sincerely appreciate the assistance of the
soil-based instrument to indicate water moving below following technicians: Mario Salinas, Jesus Salinas, Miguel Mar-
quez, Merce Soler Anaya, and Dan Howes. We also gratefully
the root zone is removed. As with any irrigation acknowledge the assistance of the management and sta€ of Para-
scheduling tool, independent veri®cation of a trunk mount Farming, including Joe McIlvaine, Dennis Elam, Joe
diameter-based program with ETc estimates or soil Gonzales, Raul Higuera, Lou Villaruz, and Marcos Rodriguez.
sensors is desirable.
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non-limiting soil water conditions can be risky, espe- pp 264±312

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