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(lexicon: glossary)

allegorie: allegory (adj. allegorical)

blank verse
cesuur: caesura
chiasme: chiasmus
dactylus: dactyl (/˘˘)
dreun: sing-song, monotone
enjambement: enjamb(e)ment
figuurgedicht (carmen figuratum): shaped or figured poem
heffing: stress / stressed syllable
jambe: iamb (adj. iambic)
jambische pentameter: iambic pentameter (if regular: ˘/˘/˘/˘/˘/)

rijm: rhyme
volrijm: full rhyme (to be contrasted with imperfect rhyme or half rhyme)
assonantie: assonance

acconsonatie/alliteratie: alliteration (the English term refers to the

repetition of consonants mostly at the beginning of words, but also in
other positions)

veertien versregels: fourteen lines
kwatrijn: quatrain
terzet: tercet
sextet: sestet
distichon: couplet
spondee (//)
trochee (/˘)
vrije vers: free verse

poëzie: poetry
gedicht: poem
dichter: poet
vers: a line
(NB: the English word ‘verse’ refers to poetry that uses metre, and is sometimes used
as a virtual synonym for poetry or any writing arranged into separate lines)
lyrische poëzie: lyrical poetry
belijdenislyriek: confessional lyric
onomatopee: onomatopoeia
metrum: metre
scanderen: to scan
ritme: rhythm
metrisch: metrical
versvoet: a foot of verse
lettergreep: syllable
afwisseling tussen beklemtoonde en onbeklmetoonde lettergrepen:
alternation between stressed and unstressed syllables
metrisch vers v. syllabisch vers: metrical verse v. syllabic verse
klinker: vowel
medeklinker: consonant

strofe: stanza (a unit of several lines of verse)

rijmpatroon: rhyme pattern

klanksymboliek: sound symbolism

typografie: typography
iconisch: iconic

interpunctie: punctuation
koma: comma
kommapunt: semi-colon
eindpunt: full stop
uitroepteken: exclamation mark
vraagteken: question mark

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