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Phrase, Clause, and Sentence

1. วลี (Phrase) คือ กลุ่มคำที่ประกอบด้วยคำต่ำง ๆ ที่นำมำเรียงกันอย่ำงมีควำมหมำยและทำหน้ำที่ใด

หน้ำที่หนึ่งในประโยค เช่น in the new year, the same meaning, being a good boy, very happy

2. ประโยค (Sentence) ประกอบด้วยคำตั้งแต่ 2 คำขึ้นไป ที่มีทั้งภำคประธำน (subject) และภำคแสดง

(predicate) เช่น The earth goes round the sun. Mary did not go to the party yesterday.
subject predicate subject predicate

3. อนุประโยค (Clause) หรือประโยคย่อย คือประโยคชนิดหนึง่ ที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ compound หรือ

complex sentences (มักจะมีคำเชื่อมนำหน้ำ) เช่น whom you are talking about, which is near the
river, he was shopping เป็น ประโยคต่อไปนี้ประกอบไปด้วยอนุประโยค 2 แบบ
Although learning a new language is often frustrating, it is exciting to be able
to speak another language.
3.1 Independent Clause or Sentence: An independent clause expresses a
complete thought and can stand on its own as a sentence,
e.g., it is exciting to be able to speak another language
3.2 Dependent Clause or Subordinate Clause: A dependent clause does not
express a complete thought and needs to be joined to an independent clause to become a
sentence. It usually begins with a word, such as although, while, because, who, which, if, etc.
e.g., Although learning a new language is often frustrating,


อ33202 ภาษาอังกฤษอ่าน-เขียน 5 (ม.6)

Phrase, Clause, and Sentence | P.2
Exercise 1 – Read and identify the type of sentence by checking the table below ().
Sentence Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamative
1. Please shut the windows and doors.
2. Is she coming or not?
3. My name is Astrid Gracy.
4. Such a beautiful place!
5. Where are you going?
6. Turn off all the lights and fans when you
leave the room.
7. Always respect your elders.
8. Asia is the largest continent.
9. Get out of the classroom.
10. Never tell lies.
11. Hurray! We won the competition.
12. Do you know where Peter lives?
Exercise 2 – Indicate if the follow message is a phrase, a clause, or a sentence by checking the
table below ().
Sentence Dependent
Phrase Clause
1. when I got home
2. the house on the top of the hill
3. we don’t like to live in the city
4. if it takes longer than expected
5. as if she had seen the accident
6. the patient’s satisfactory improvement
7. the man who is standing there is my boss
8. the delicious smelling food on the stove
9. always get up early
10. the birthday present is not from her parents
11. the kindest person in the family
12. although I have all the necessary qualifications

อ33202 ภาษาอังกฤษอ่าน-เขียน 5 (ม.6)

Phrase, Clause, and Sentence | P.3

อ33202 ภาษาอังกฤษอ่าน-เขียน 5 (ม.6)

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