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Answer the following questions.

In your own opinion, give at least five (5) benefits of taxation

in the Philippines.


1. Law enforcement organizations are supported by taxes.

comprising the military, air, marine, border, customs, excise, and security
agencies. To ensure protection and public safety, expenses for staff, tools,
instruction, and facilities are included.

2. Public workers' wages and retirement benefits are paid for

through taxes.

this covers the salaries and pensions of workers in the public sector, such as
those employed by the federal, state, and local authorities. When moving
from a public sector, fee system to one in which all or part of pensions are
supplied through individual, privately-managed pension accounts, the tax
treatment of pensions is a crucial policy decision.

3. Advancement and social welfare projects are funded through


together with funding social programs, governments also use tax

revenue to support industries vital to their residents' well-being, such
as health, innovation, and preservation of natural resources.
4. Combat injustice and poverty through paying taxes.

the distribution of wealth within an economy can be significantly influenced

by tax system. Due to the fact that the poor frequently rely more heavily on

essential services like publicly financed health and education, providing the
services outlined in the previous section is one way to combat poverty and
inequality through taxation.

5. Education of the poorest ones are funded also by taxes.

among the most suitable uses of tax funds would be education. The growth of
wealth generation is highly valued
by governments, and education is
essential to this advancement. The system of public schools is supported,
prepared, and maintained through taxpayers money.

Differentiate taxation from police power and eminent domain.


In police power taxation, it is the state's inalienable right to control a person's behavior or
possessions in order to maintain the public's health, safety, welfare, and morality.
Maintaining order in a community and ensuring that residents obey the law are the primary
goals of police power. The police have certain tools at their disposal, including force, to
uphold the rule of law. A state's ability to care for and protect its citizens is ensured by police

While in eminent domain taxation, Eminent domain allows the government to take over
property if they believe it will benefit the community as a whole. However, the owner of any
land acquired by eminent domain is entitled to reasonable compensation, which is typically
referred to as the property's fair market value. By the procedure of condemnation,
compensation for the property is paid. Such revenues from property seized by eminent
domain (or receiving a condemnation award) would be regarded similarly to a sale of the
property for tax purposes. When a property is taken by condemnation, there is an amount of
taxable gain (the difference between the sale price and the property's tax base) (or sold under
threat of eminent domain).
Discuss the powers and duties of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.


Assessment and collection of all

national internal revenue taxes,
fees and charges.

the tax collection system can estimate

the amount of money that can be made

for a given time period thanks to tax assessments. One of the key responsibilities
of tax system is an assessment. It implies to the process of determining tax
liabilities by applying regulating rates to the legal prescription final tax revenue.

Enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and fines.

the loss of the proceeds of the crime and the tools or instruments used to commit it is

the law, unless they are the property of a
a part of every sentence given for breaking
third party who is not accountable for the offense, such revenues and equipment or
implements shall be confiscated and forfeited in for the benefit of the government.

Execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor by the Court

of Tax Appeals and ordinary courts.

when deciding whether a judgment is final and executory, it's essential to

understand how judgments are served in relation to the passing in further period.

Administration of supervisory and police powers conferred to it.

administration gives the instructional situation or the environment for learning

and instruction. It is continually improved by study, evaluation of its strengths and
weaknesses, and monitoring.



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