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Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Ensenyament
Institut Obert de Catalunya
Roy Loza Mora

CMB0 CFGS Comerç internacional

Mòdul 11 – Anglès
(Curs 2022-23 / 2n semestre)


Material and resources

In order to do these activities, you will need your textbook. You can access the online textbook by
clicking on “Material” - “Taula de continguts” in the classroom. Then click the section you need to read.
To access the printable version, click “Material en paper” and download or print the pdfs of each of the

The section “Reference” at the beginning of each exercise refers to the material that you should revise
in order to do the exercises.

1. Read the text 3. Working abroad and the forum, and complete the following sentences
according to the information given:
[Total points: 20; 2 for each correct answer]
• Textbook: Text Section 3. Working abroad
• Textbook: Section 2. Job Search - Section Grammar reference: the conditional sentences
• 'Resources' box, Material complementari: Les oracions condicionals
• Textbook: Text Section 3. Working abroad - The comparative and the relative sentences
• in 'Material complementari'
• 'Resources' box, Material complementari: Chapter 2.1 Les formes comparatives and 2.3 Les oracions relatives

1. Unemployment may be one of the reasons why people look for jobs in other countries.
2. Working abroad is an experience which can help you career and give you new perspectives.
3. Volunteering is more helpful in gaining valuable skills and experience than working in your own
4. If you want to work outside the EU, you should research the legal requirements and available
jobs to work in that country.
5. Students who take a gap year and travel to developing countries gain a lot of experience and
6. Some students take a gap year and travel to developing countries where they can volunteer.

Forum: Replies 1, 2 and 3

Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 1 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora

7. Anna would not have travelled to Australia if found a good job in her own country.
8. Anna will probably stay in Australia longer than she initially planned.
9. July is the time when the Australian job market is at its peak.
10. If Benedict met other travellers, they could exchange information about work experiences.

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2. Jane and Guinadell travelled abroad, Jane went to Florence to study and Guinadell took
an internship in Australia. Read about their experiences, and summarize each of them by
rewriting them in reported speech. Use reporting verbs.
[Total points: 30]
• Textbook: Section 1. Human resources - Section 1.3.2 Grammar reference: the reported speech
• 'Resources' box, Material complementari: Chapter 2.5 Estil indirecte (reported speech)


'I had the opportunity to study business management in Florence, Italy. I decided it was time to get
away from my usual life and explore Italy. It is the best country in the world! If you have the
opportunity, come here and stay for some time!
Before I went to study abroad, I took a beginner Italian language course to prepare myself, which
made it easier to communicate. I also took an intermediate language course while I was there.
When I started getting used to the Italian lifestyle, the biggest surprise was the way Italian people
carried themselves and interacted with each other. The most important thing about cross-cultural
communication in Italy was using hand gestures. If I didn’t know how to say a certain word, hand
gestures were a universal way I could communicate!
I felt that making new friends and letting myself be at ease made my study abroad successful.
Would you like to travel to Italy? If you plan on studying abroad, be prepared to arrive not knowing
anything, feeling like an outsider, but leave feeling like you found a new home.


I travelled to Sydney for an internship at an international company. It is exactly what I had been looking
for. We have online training with people from all over the world. After training we start work, I check all
my emails, tick off unfinished tasks that still need to be done, then start the day with a clear inbox.
All the interns have been assigned a new project to work on, so we set up a time to meet and start
working on it together. We divide the work and agree on a timeline to get things done. Group work is so
much better when everyone is invested in what you are doing.
It is action packed, unpredictable, hard work and sometimes a bit stressful. However, more often than
not it is enjoyable, full, exciting and most importantly loads of fun, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t
love it!

Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 2 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora

I recommend you to have an experience like mine! Have you ever travelled to another country? Where
would you like to travel to?

Write your text here:

Jane said that she had the opportunity to study business management in Florence, Italy, after
deciding to explore the country. Before going to Italy, she took a beginner language course and an
intermediate level course while being there. That made her communicate well with others. She
found the Italian lifestyle to be surprising, especially the importance of hand gestures in cross-
cultural communication. She felt that making new friends and feeling comfortable made her
studies abroad successful, and encouraged others to be prepared for the initial challenges if they
are planning to study in Italy.

Guinadell said that she had traveled to Sydney for an internship at an international company,
where they had online training with people from all over the world. She started her day by
checking emails and clearing her inbox. She did group work in which everyone divided the work
and it was easier in that way. Guinadell found the experience action-packed and enjoyable,
despite being sometimes stressful. She recommended others to have a similar experience and
asked where they would like to travel.

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Grade/30: From past simple we go to past perfect.


3. Read the text in exercise 1 and the travelling experiences in exercise 2, and complete the
following sentences by giving your opinion.
[Total points: 10; 2 for each correct answer]
• Textbook: Section 1. Human resources- 1.3.1 Communication: wishes and opinions
• 'Resources' box, Material complementari: Opinions

1. My opinion is that volunteering can help you be better personally and professionally.
2. I think that internships abroad are a great way to immerse yourself into a new culture and learn
in different ways.
3. As I see it, stipends are a good financial support that can help many people to work or study
abroad by getting access to it.
4. In my opinion, Jane struggled at first studying and living in Italy but adapted well to the new
5. I believe that Guinadell loved her experience in Australia despite it being stressful.

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Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 3 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora



4. Would you like to travel to Australia like Anna, James, Benedict, or would you rather take
an internship or do volunteering work in another country? Write five wishes related to
travelling and work, 3 of them referring to the future, and 2 about the past. The sentences
have been started for you.
[Total points: 10; 2 for each correct answer]
• Textbook: Section 1. Human resources- 1.3.1 Communication: wishes and opinions

Wishes referring to the future:

1. I wish to have the opportunity to take an internship in India and experience their work culture.
2. If only I could travel to Africa and volunteer for a project.
3. I wish to visit New York and work while experiencing its culture and lifestyle.
Wishes referring to the past:
4. I wish I had taken a gap year.
5. If only I had taken the chance to study abroad, I would have loved it.

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5. Read the following offer for an internship in Washington. Write an email to the company
in order to apply for it. State why you are interested in the internship, and why you are a
good candidate, give a few details about your qualifications and work experience, and
request about accomodation. [Total points: 30]

Textbook: Text Section 3. Working abroad - 3.2.1 Inquiry letter
'Resources' box, List of interesting links: Documents en Pdf: 5. ‘L’estil formal I l’estil informal’ i 6. ‘Models de cartes

Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 4 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora

Carrier Sales internship in Washington

Global is an industry-leading transportation and logistics service provider that believes in doing he right thing
every time. Are you looking for a place where you will have a role in shaping an industry? Are you tenacious,
true and smart? Then it's time to join the pack.

Spend your summer as a Carrier Sales Intern at Global. Global’s internship program starts with two weeks of
training. Once training is complete, you will be paired with a sales mentor, whom you will work alongside all
summer to help develop you into a young sales professional. You will be Global’s Carrier Sales department,
which helps customers move their inventory in the most cost-effective way by identifying and providing logistics
solutions. You will support your mentor with their day-to-day sales and operations and communications with
carriers. These conversations include determining carrier availability, negotiating rates based on market trends,
and identifying and resolving issues.

• Daily Tasks and Responsibilities:

◦ Develop strong relationships with carrier companies.
◦ Perfect sales skills and techniques while learning from some of the best sellers in the industry.
◦ Learn the craft of selling while continuously growing sales skills.
◦ Enroll carriers in Global’s technology programs and mobile applications.

• Skills, Characteristics, and Experience:

◦ Undergraduate education at a Junior level
◦ Work ethic, motivation, and sales drive
◦ Effective communication
◦ Confident decision-making skills
◦ Strong ability to negotiate
◦ Eagerness to learn, enthusiasm and high energy

• Why Global?
◦ Paid internship
◦ On-site training and potential full-time opportunities
◦ Designated mentor to guide you throughout the summer
◦ Chance to explore the city
◦ Opportunity to make new friends, team outings

Please write an email with your CV attached to the HR manager, Julliard Falkner

Write your email here:

Date: 5th May 2023
Subject: Application for Carrier Sales Internship at Global

Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 5 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora

Dear Ms. Juilliard Falkner,

I am writing to express my interest in the Carrier Sales Internship offered by Global in

Washington that has been recently advertised. I am currently in my junior year of studying a
Transport and Logistics degree and I believe that this internship is an excellent opportunity
for me to gain experience in the sector.

I am confident that my skills and experience make me a suitable candidate. I am motivated

and excited to learn. I have always been responsible for achieving sales targets in my
previous jobs and I have been developing my work ethic, communication and skills for this
particular sector. As a young adult I would like to learn and grow, and I believe that it is very
possible if working with high-value companies such as yours, Global.I am convinced by the
training provided by Global.

I would like to inquire about accommodation options during the internship, could you please
provide me some guidance.

I have attached my CV to this email. Thank you for considering my application and If
selected, I would really appreciate it.

Roy Loza Mora

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Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 6 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2
Formació professional
Roy Loza Mora

Your grade for

these activities: 8,8

Teachers' comments:
Great job Roy!

Codi: I23 Exercici d'avaluació contínua 4 Pàgina 7 de 7

Versió: 02 CMB0M11_EAC4_Enunciat_2223S2

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