Effective Communication in Bussines

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Chapbes:: 1

ective Ammuoicatiog ig Dusiocs

D LenpaxdaaLe_anDeelids af ifechiue Lammuaicatia

A Anzieat Hatage taLomaaizutioapriatiales

lhe unuenl

woldboth east_aad wesT iqhly az heavlydcpenol

en oLal lommunicahon tez euazple LobxeeLe and Kome

uell wbule
twasneLesLuL4 kez h e a l e Communicate
deallin4 uth qoermeat asernblies and law Lovd
SimlalLhinawas taciq Pzable not commueicahos
betweeaqóexmen ard peopleSsia Y h (eekz
wese told hut inkosmahan Shadd tlauw smaethly-epua d
edouua wazd.
B ife blead afEue aaaanizatiaai
uniZation is aqzaup
a s o z i u e d wh e ach ethe toz busines
Social atktie ax ethepiapaieeyuse lo
aeraL withcach ohe te Shase theiz_ideas plao
ane theo the4-muhedCLesions, xles oataacds
aL his pAseD Ssheclel ha q0ccd cemmuoLcahon Jk
tha swheilecthve cmmvaicahion is.consicleze du
hte bloed el evex qan 2aho.
(2Latesaal communcatiaa
ELechie jatexna comnuoicutios La
caease_at paalpseduesd
ane Saie
employes ~e Lieie Psapedawauuaxel iat oa md ha. laan
aanaqementIhen the4 Laawok butlea Ared
ma1e ellecien
u lexa aamuaicabaa

ieiue Lemmuaiccubien sdlse Lclddy

toz elexncdcammwaicahian be case itcan le11lea_cq
lesh elled on yaa clicdLan helpla cedde desiac
qaupLodvtnqouA Lustomcx
Benclits OE EEsLdie_Lommuaiatiaa 4aLaxce
Lamnuaicahion skis_also help ta qel jabs paamata
and in dllesenlLelds al ie
Waluabejabi. One
Lo avauableabLm beablelo_Lommuai
eake,alezadand delhue youzdeal elle
And ellecicaly-
Eiausle dsoiade Must he able lo lammwocade t h
clicat and athe baune allice
Pxoded nunaqex u s t be uble to
dealop aad descs.Le
the paadud abjchee
Sades althves Msbe ablc la aamunikde.
_elle ckbuel aAd caeale desz
ia Llen mind
LE is seen thud peeple hauiaq-4sCaleus
enat-40t psomoled ust beLausethe
lackinia tbei Lammuaicahon skllJhe4 anna1 eleshe.
chnd deliuex heia ideos alLoxdingly-
Reseacb ef a 4eariadltevenLLountie4 Laacheled-
thad nat vauable subjecd beieq lavqot s busned
cammuaicekias s t help then te q e jeb

Dhallene E_Loraauaicatias i alabal aarkat

be ua

ou speaklhe wauqav behave will alled eveathueg

asaud4aDeuelapimg zi4hl aituae_enl pxepasin
ede4vaoc_areLwa maio i c halle lobalnutel
Deuelepinq xiqhiatit.uda
T the_custome4au_aae he lempun
Ihis q00d aduceomes kssm public xelabons epeA Vauz
atiluede whea deal wth custames wi/ Xe teed an Z2
Lompaa pxesent Sa 4auabhde mus1be posibe
and +au Shaudd be benesl
PsepaiaqadeauadelyiDaep.azi anszif toz Camnua&
Nawoda Mast Jf
peaple lean
he goo
lo commuaitule clkched
fo busiacsl o_te fhea 4oad ahtude tallauinq eqed he aKe ae

knowledese_oiLuHual anveakaa al aden2
Rewnah le lasildy o hEgis
2Appled kneuledaec DLemmvasaheapuueu
CCmmunicaticosatwa pAoLessuhic hSLoniiceeo

Laapleted azcaasckzod hh il ellectnel,_

donewhen Reciee caLtcuozdi eua cundesia
Commuaicahen had b_campont

feal back
aCantext ox al o r wa~fe
CvezyLommuaication wetheY ds
LonteuiLenleut haia bxozd lieldZ coZe
CovatuLtuxe olexnal ond eukraal sla
LeuntayLllvae ckqunizahon has ids owa way
hermuaaeSeknau piz them hat hos hey
LommuDicale_eltechuelndJde the be
whjch Ps ompt ou
|Lutezoa is Thc onc
Stimv eApeal
The Sovice atThi pempls u
elecsonILmail or eny calL
u ia thut hew t au d
Leanal stmuintlene
deuiby vsn4- 40uCupagida bod lange
a t . d e z mcs aae s u l t e thao Sumds
b Seodex-Ertale
lhe one whosend messcs s i s kasu
asiCnder andadse wuba encnde his idesiathe
Lammunicahaa iscalled CnLaclle
Sencewll wse Samc epacuioa az qxaphizsfa_de l e -
s medas_cieehiel
Messaae ihe ccre ideabaud ubich sende
antsle commuaicake wth xeceLezSe sder wll
axcpaetmauaq_acerdieg ta fhe Lzedhil
his xecie iez _a4 thee iiadiikzenze hetweeo
Lommuaicah_wtha hei da alaqma
Lsende i qai ta_Lommunicaewth bos hes
hewll vse oLna way a A he is qoina t
Cammuaicate uith_a lamafhan intozna way wl be

whleLonmaLahon qouma Lamauoikak

zal+ _andiauatien lorn fa hoth ot TheameJu

llbe Jlleceatlunqu e w a d he editerea
Eos ep1 ea1icqideas wedd be_dlleyen!
OnalLammunicatian wzittes CammAik atio
- Long

LupLeuons_uie nkeled uhik Lupaesioo ore cei e l c d

help_tonderstand t mhals ze thei
Testand Yeplu- Delascd zepl
Reciavez- deade
lhe one ubDLead qau eLuA-
and deede
Reieuer lead the nessaqe_ez lse the 2as
DepEnd aa 1's natae" l z 4 ta wadeiand
thekelp almbaluarldsachiasahtude
toac bui auazd=
11e l£Le hed meua4eadad ta hia
Cc eae bis_un conclusar
F LEced hacki
Leed back_is The iespanie at zeiee
sCodes'i mesa e 4 na4 be pesitive
Aeq abhe
cedback u be considee d as posile
cie zeaLdaLozds e he d e s e e
iezd bae l h e cascidercd as heqahe
llieald-eppaLle la the Jes
emeDme q e i l leed hueé
the zeipano!

ALLo and iabem DomuniLutiea.

Ln thiswaald_all peaple s e Latally dflezestacm
alhex ue4 ultuxe oxqani2abhon and ehuamenthke
iAmcxican's aluways wonder why- ncxmans axe SoThoxouGh

ia theiaepoalub
lzenLh are La_palie Then ~elete.
wxhn4LMiddle easern busiacKman axe lesLoncro
w t imc sothe problems heq bxauqh Lpiaddl e e a /
SaLiehieswic h haie these pech Eollowi are The
pxohlens thet ocL
Conuen ban et_2manin
Pexepthon al eally-
Ualues attildesand opiaian
aanvenhionat meaaiag
suadezslanciaqeves tead
a lLosdnq to euzo wO Lenle L
whileLemm unicatinqHis noed pass ible thad 42
to yax
wilbe uelezstaad hy fhezeuiee amozdey
Pyablem ia Coauention at mcaaia2
Phahlem ocLu heze whe
Cue one_asume_utent_azLozdioq bo hi Dhe_owrb
niad altes e4
A leqislatos hiuedaeitice manaqe and as/se him o

Piepare bmenthl aepoxen he psaviaus pexiadAfte

amaalh ottiie ma naqra aue ta leqislalozthet ep
|Leqsldoa-quesbianed thal whs he didnot pxepaxedaepo
Thcoel tice manqezSacL thdyau Sard a- e skleprepor e
abimcn hlu xepart and bimcathy poCan otEtuo
malhs itez Shar distwsion heq 4 1 7o PoinZ hu
bianathlu meaa hath uLeamonlh ahdalki tuwo

These tupe_atPsablcm ec dueto wrds thee

Aatae ak wazd e
Denatadie waxdiaze those uhe hos_onlu
ne dhanarumeaainq uhcbis biefhepasitve
ne neaazie
La Cha tableSdese.Le
Lonatahue wozds aze fhase udaa ha maxe
than enc_aeanic ich_niahtbe pasihve an
aeaahue Somehme ont scetd mcaps
a a Lansidezad a Lacetahie bccause thc4 hake.
lexeat meare Jleresl cooteArkez
Cheap pe1son and heap prize

lute eupse slian urnslea
v Thtaze hazh_An.d ipp- vopleosurd
On the Stxeetitead ef homelcis

LLonamialiastead ut cheap
lakunyo earyzetiiemeat nstead et qoiied
Beiweeojabsinsiead o uacmplouc
Pecentina af Raull
uwe a s u m e i nat

ealdybd we Consickz ouz pezce phon asaealit beuae

we Lcded abounclaxyia uhich o pelLepton_le o
w det want 1e cas 2a bounclar line

Lammunikatiaa pxablcm inperceptioa eali

-Ahstsachias fo
focusinq en detas andOmiLiaqLean Thc
knawa as bsthaiig
2Ncess _desiaabeabsiaacti
wethez 40u wziie 2zSpeat4
e usualy telb ime spuLeenpens e aecd to scle
Aacts 1hud Lemplde jaudPpaie
2Slaale stadeaeal
Conscicnteus_Lomuakato, beth seadesuad
ecievewll ta to Lammuaicte
e meaqe wll be_de leze
Lbe he his ConladB milnd be passble thal
hu gntu ulheadu pezLephenba.
cdcqe thas ae wl Cocsde aia
o icsell
Lontlusion made bs easaninq bzemevdente
ozpae mise ase LalledolereaLes
Neessa deisable iaieaaiei
Eor buJincsiatezene
Le esential io prablem Salu
ouevezu da

2|weo_we enter iaan elevalor we hape t w

take deised tlaax
2wheo we Sead atau we_as ume_ uL
xCh the ictecdizzeLLL
when we dsap_a lettez iala amaLo we
t e thal i wll be de uesed a o v e n k o d e
see de
waca welard ad_a tareqa aispe e aice
we wlee ieakd hapila%

Aidelliaeet_comminLata widl
Ls eaise hadaleesse he axe
ialotiLi sa ueshaldetzelyn the
LeaaailatiaaPrahle2 invaluiaq yalues atitcle aod
Lausable a fauaobe ialazsatiaa
Recansdezed as tauezable wuhea 1eactaa at
LLadoq io seodez's mnd hie
L o n s i d e z e d a v n tavoablc whca
afMmuccahon wll be
eeez A nat atcaxd ie i z n d e i n n d t l E
Clased miad 2omauanabo uth cloia
sablen alose whle
dpeaples had the ualed a peILpia
aclicue_on tact enpeiaet ad fhes L e l t
Acather Pzblem aseie uhle

petLcdble lhelvable e4
ne zeccuz
ulLailaLemaueizede uhLach Thar
amaicutautb a pesan be lams te
Tasect alanmatisias loiamplete arodaa

eanLomplete atazautoa deliveiede

te ld4ou Th s
ncuslosz4, dcpeo'some cos
dslaret ta thez ut laLlamcas dou
iome shapp ter ShepfP q t takne.
apened Laant beicu uesaina

when Pesan bsazu Lweraeata

tatvde tewaz assaacd4tLh
Von- Vezbul mmunicatisaa
Lommuailatoo wihoi/

SLn4-wozdsoz wthot Speakin is koouD a AeD=

vezbal Lomm_vnicatioo e s ve bal commun
depend en
Bacly Lanquage
LS.leoLe time Languea
Youa appearene hiahly otlectq o v
en verbul ommunicahon lppeaiepie lells th e ecicke
ez deccder thad haw mics yau-exe tek- iateress
ouL_wezk und houucopBeiesional qov a z e n.
Efleet oh appeaxenie itep mesaqai
let sppese thhd
40uwaat deze zpm sod b s o L e s s

wde an cpplizakor anl ul_past t la the keadelis

Vouz enuelopSi2e Lolerw2ib=
anLnpaLLdicn hed bau mch yeuaZC
dedaled la uo loa
YausappeuseALe dsa
elteztsPessan_standnq ataant_ yau
pesend.ty-also speaksI aua eesuled_ue-
theathisqave mp iesiia tha4 auaae Lac lile
and pepased
b Badulaaquaae
Ihzouqh bodylanquaqe noauezbal

(Ommuaia ho o Lan be done by Vs

kalia eupressio0
Laestue Undmoemeni
Smell ael loueh
Eacial eupesuiaa
F a u i a l e u p e s i o n _ a z e the_mast_Lammon

pe Lienlly.
ia uadastandiaq the mal el 1that pexsan
Cyes play uital
Lun be
aneye Lontac
Ja valed sdate i l iimpexiand to beue
Slaai-q_wbiletalk t emcenc_drop h i
Lhy 2 ier
eye lontact he may heLoetider _al
Bt AGtloa Txue.
aestuse htue0uameati:
lacatueLpede ao ed
0oue ment help te _Lamneicale whod si
Lke lulbe wordeo baue sevud qestues
th a e stihe dtor one pspose
Smla - PaLOnSTh=io onLalezivre u d n uble

lnteview i be is shitti= his Jeqs fom 2pe fo

Shfh- fheafhescmoemeS
descubci Postuna l
Smell and_tauk
tsq kanLe Some timehelp fo
b t_Cmobions and haemocde You
wseAniLe tsaqance te c 40zelhze
romc h s isCdso awas to Commaicde
wTh 40v Lolleaqe p4LYLki qtad2ouoxmes
SimilalL louhi ke haed shaked sqie
tapp oacks eLoavey 4ad hgA
CSilence limespace
Same time sileale is the best ansuez_acd
lonsidesed a y ano Lke Somene nude you
ee bacd and 4a zeplie d siletly
hen_it mega hod
uov das waat to cdisvsthot
taPiL Lqui
Lime play audal xole ia claly
hle_eq qoulasakd
an-appliiaheada yasbou and ate lanq a

elilnat 40t-anyZespond than time

Space alse
matteLnunled stales thc must be
ndhew acuAThanpeionmas
ba-dleluez.h we ds
leel mcomtartable
etleuedly- meaa.

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