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Communication is Essential for Project Management

Project management is widely understood as the application of certain processes and

skills that results in the completion of a task or project. It involves several stakeholders including
clients, team workers and most importantly a project manager who oversees the overall progress
of a project (AIPM,2021). Project management communication, on the other hand, refers to
strategies and procedures employed by a project manager to ensure that important messages,
updates and feedback are accurately transmitted, received and understood (Wrike, 2019). This
essay will argue that effective communication is essential for successful project management.
The first paragraph discusses the role of communication in team building, concerning a smooth
communication channel between all individuals working on a project. The second section
explores the importance of effective communication in understanding the several stages of the
project, and the requirements and expectations of the clients correctly, as well as building a
better relationship with external stakeholders. The third section analyzes the utility of
communication for the successful execution of a project by enabling the stakeholder to be well
informed at every stage. Finally, the last section will consider an opposing point of view that
communication can result in setbacks as well, however efficient communication, through pre-
communication courses can easily counter this charge.

Communication has been a widely studied topic in the corporate world, whereby
effective communication is deemed to be the glue that gels together any team. Most projects,
small or big, have a number of stakeholders, including a team of individuals who are responsible
for the timely and successful execution of the project. However, conflicts are not uncommon
when it comes to teamwork and they can often cause serious delays and setbacks. Effective
communication is key to avoiding and solving conflicts, and ensuring the maintenance of a
healthy work environment (Hudson, 2005). At the initial stages of the project, communication
between the project team and external stakeholders is required for understanding the desired
outcomes of the project, as well as further clarification of the objectives of each task and setting
goals accordingly. The fulfilment of these functions ensures that the project runs smoothly and
desired outcomes are successfully reached. Efficient, specific and timely communication
ensures that the team is on the same page at all times (Kotwani, 2020). This involves a number of
things, such as keeping all team members up to date with the specific tasks they are to perform.
According to University of Illinois' Frank Cervone, team members other than the manager also
require direct communication with external stakeholders, and “communicating in defined
patterns” is the best approach to effective communication (Cervone, 2014). Moreover, it helps
the project manager and team members in tracking the progress on individual tasks, as well as
the whole project. This is concerned with two way communication between the team members
and project manager, wherein the timely transmission and reception of information regarding
milestones accomplished, due deliverables, goal setting and future tasks is ensured.
Communication helps resolve any confusions, misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise
during the course of a task, which may result in catastrophic outcomes if undetected (Kotwani,
2020). Project managers can employ multiple channels and modes of communication, including
direct verbal or digital and written methods, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, emails and
chain messages to avoid communication delays and laps. Communicating about the project alone
may not be enough at times, especially when there are motivational concerns that can cause team
members to slack off and deliver subpar results. Therefore, team building is part of effective
communication, whereby project managers are required to motivate and encourage employees to
share ideas, concerns and feedback, which in turn increases productivity (Kotwani, 2020).
Dynamic communication, whereby employees feel heard and cared for can solve issues related to
motivation and productivity. According to Forbes magazine’s five C’s of dynamic
communication, these messages have to be clear, compelling, curious, concise and
compassionate (Keates, 2018).

Effective communication goes beyond the project manager and the team working on the
project. For a project to run its course smoothly, it is extremely important to keep all concerned
parties, including the external stakeholders, in the loop of communication. This can include an
individual client, a group of clients or an entire company as well. The Australian Institute of
Project Management asserts that effective communication helps workers understand the client’s
demands, aids the project managers in setting and meeting goals, and allows the easy tracking of
progress (AIPM, 2021). The lack of effective and efficient communication with clients can result
in unnecessary delays, losses and even the failure of an entire project (AIPM, 2021). For
example, the failure to communicate with third party contractors or suppliers can result in
setbacks that affect the timeline of other team members as well, such as delays in the delivery of
materials at a construction site, which may put others like the construction workers behind
schedule. Cervone stresses upon the importance of communication with stakeholders, by arguing
that inadequate communication can result in misunderstandings, especially when “different
stakeholder groups use different jargon and language” (Cervone, 2014). Therefore, the accurate
translation of stakeholder’s objectives, requirements, and goals becomes essential. Herein, the
many communication strategies can be employed by project managers to ensure the easy
transmission and reception of information and messages. The communication strategies or plans
can vary depending on the nature of the project and its many stakeholders, therefore it is
important for managers to understand the people they are working with to opt for the most
suitable communication strategy. The best approach to mastering this task is to create a list of all
concerned stakeholders and identify their unique needs at the initial stages of project planning
(AIPM, 2021). Research suggests that 90% of efficient project management involves effective
communication, whereby the stakeholders are a vital entity to be satisfied (Rajkumar, 2010).
This job includes the recognition of the best communication mediums for different parties, for
example the placement of an order cannot be successfully done online if the vendors do not have
a functional website, requiring direct phone calls or in person placement of orders. Therefore, it
is essential for project managers to carefully consider the nature and position of the receivers of
their messages, as well as the position of the senders that they receive messages from. Rajkumar
provides the example of a project manager who is responsible for informing a customer about
any hindrances in the completion of a certain milestone, which in turn requires the customer to
revise their demands or timeline accordingly (Rajkumar, 2010). Being conscious of the senders
and receiver of messages, therefore becomes an important component of effective
communication (Rajkumar, 2010).

Rajkumar argues that “more effective communication” results in “better project

management”(Rajkumar, 2010). It is obvious that the successful execution of a project requires a
good project leader. One of the most important traits that a good leader characterizes is
communication skills (Hudson, 2005). Leadership skills are an important ingredient in the recipe
of project management, whereby project leads need the adequate competencies to deal with a
diverse set of individuals, tasks and crises (Hudson, 2005). Project managers do not simply
delegate tasks and supervise the execution of every step, but negotiation is also an essential
component of their job. Negotiation is not an easy skill to master, as it requires certain specific
language and social skills, therefore effective communication is not easy or possible without a
competent, intelligent and active project manager. An example of this can include price
negotiations with clients and vendors. Managers must be equipped with the communication skills
to convince vendors to provide services and materials, without exceeding the clients budgets and
may also be able to negotiate pricing with clients, without risking future relationships with said
clients. Hudson et al’s thesis indicates that “the NCSPM focuses on the mechanics of
communication within a project”, which involves the “planning and sharing of project
information, and assessment of communication outcomes” (Hudson, 2005). As stressed upon
throughout this paper, successful project management is impossible without effective
communication, and the following examples will assert this claim further. A project requires a
myriad of things, the amalgamation of which enables the project to be a success. The presence of
constant communication between the project teams prevents the duplication of tasks. Frequent
meetings, daily team activities, status or progress reports and constant contact between the team
members and project manager can prevent certain unforeseen hiccups and glitches (Rajkumar,
2010). One such example is the duplication of tasks, which results in the wastage of not only
time, but valuable and limited resources as well (Dean, 2018). This is especially probable for
larger projects that involve several departments and teams, whereby the absence of effective
communication channels leaves different departments disconnected and unaware of the progress
of others (Dean, 2018). Another problem that may arise from miscommunication is that of
inadequate team formation, whereby more or less team members may be employed for certain
tasks due to lack of proper communication of the task’s objectives (IBM, 2021). This can result
in delays, such as slow work progress due to insufficient workers, or wastage of the company’s
resources on extra employees that can be allotted more efficiently elsewhere. Effective
communication can counter the issue of duplication and save time and money. Moreover,
successful project management is not possible without a good relationship with stakeholders,
which is yet another factor that heavily relies on communication. The job of project manager
goes beyond the execution of the project itself, rather it involves maintaining a healthy and
professional relationship with vendors, contractors, board members and clients. These
relationships are not simply temporary ones that need to be maintained for the duration of a
project, rather the prospect of working with the same stakeholders on future projects is an
important concern of project managers. According to Rajkumar, project managers need to be
conscious of the tone, context and audience of their messages while communicating because this
ensures that their message, be it feedback, update or an order, is clearly understood (Rajkumar,
2010). Miscommunication or the lack of clear messages can at times cause irreparable strain
between managers and employees, clients and the team, as well as between the company and its
subcontractors. When it comes to estranged work relationships, easily avoidable conflicts and
bad reputation, the successful execution of the project can be severely impacted. Moreover,
project managers rely on communication to ensure efficient, timely and accurate execution of
tasks at every stage of the project to ensure the overall success of a project. So, effective
communication can not only help in job allocation, but also in the prevention of crises and
duplication, limiting wastage, maintaining healthy relationships and staying on top of every task
throughout the course of the project.
The argument that effective communication is essential for project management does not
come without an opposition. Critics may argue that there are other things more important than
communication that dictate the success of a project and that communication can have certain
drawbacks. These claims may debate that focusing too heavily on communication can result in
over-communication, which causes unnecessary delays and wastes time (Smyth, 2020). Despite
the utility of transparency, opposition argues that emails are one of the biggest “office time-
wasters” and that a constant influx of emails may cause distraction, taking attention away from
more important tasks (Smyth, 2020). Moreover, critics argue that communication can cause
delays in time sensitive projects. This may be a valid claim, however the problem here lies not
with the act of communication, rather the type and strategy of communication. Therefore, we do
not simply argue that communication is essential, instead we say ‘effective’ communication that
serves the rightful purpose of information dissemination and clear reception of these messages is
essential for project management. The problems that arise with communication can be easily
solved by the employment of certain strategies that limit the wastage of time and ensure that the
communication between stakeholders is efficient and valuable. Understanding project objectives
accurately and setting clear goals at the initial stages of the project and before the execution of
every task is one solution, especially for time sensitive projects (Luo, 2018). Choosing the right
modes and language for communication, therefore becomes an essential part of a project
manager’s job, whereby they become responsible for mitigating issues that arise from unclear,
lengthy and unnecessary meetings and emails (Luo, 2018). Secondly, unnecessary
communication can be avoided by analyzing possible risks and formulating a risk mitigation plan
in advance (Palmer, 2013). This may involve communication for combatting lack of motivation
and issues of inattention, my setting realistic, achievable and meaningful tasks, as well devising a
communication strategy that is flexible and best suited for specific stakeholders (Palmer, 2013).
Furthermore, sending clear-cut, specific and brief messages, using quick modes of
communication, such as phone calls and emails, instead of regular meetings are solutions used to
avoid delays in time sensitive projects (Luo, 2018). Therefore, effective communication does not
only help project managers in staying on top of project related tasks and relationships, but also
helps mitigate the drawbacks and risks of inadequate communication. Critics may propose the
downside of communication, however, effective communication can counter these claims
through corrective actions intended for solving communication issues (Palmer, 2013).
In conclusion, effective communication helps project managers in team building and
motivating team members to be efficient and active, ensuring timely completion of tasks. It
enables managers to foster healthy stakeholder relationships and keep all concerned actors well-
informed and satisfied. Moreover, effective communication in project management helps
managers prevent crises, limit risks and meet deadlines successfully. Lastly, communication is
not always flawless and can have certain negative implications on team motivation and project
timelines, however effective communication strategies can expertly combat these issues and
maintain a productive work environment. Therefore, effective communication plays a vital role
in the successful completion of a project.
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