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Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’ Technostress,

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Computer Self-
efficacy and School Support

Article  in  The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher · June 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s40299-019-00461-5


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4 authors:

Yan Dong Chang Xu

Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University


Ching Sing Chai Xuesong Zhai

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Beijing Normal University


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Asia-Pacific Edu Res (2020) 29(2):147–157


Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’

Technostress, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(TPACK), Computer Self-efficacy and School Support
Yan Dong1 · Chang Xu1 · Ching Sing Chai2 · Xuesong Zhai1,3

Published online: 13 June 2019

© De La Salle University 2019

Abstract With the rapid development of technologies and teachers both administratively and through the creation of
the gradually increasing requirements of technology inte- collegial professional learning communities to develop
gration into teaching, teachers have been facing stress to TPACK and computer efficacy to reduce teachers’
keep pace with new technologies and to design pedagogical technostress.
usage of technologies. Although prior studies have exam-
ined the creators and negative impacts of technostress, Keywords Technology integration ·
insights into the effective factors relieving teachers’ tech- Computer self-efficacy · TPACK · Technostress ·
nostress are rather limited. To facilitate teacher improve- School support
ment with technology usage and help school administrators
develop preventive stress management strategies, this study
constructed a structural model among teachers’ technos- Introduction
tress, TPACK, computer self-efficacy, administration sup-
port, and collegial support, which were examined through a The rapid development of information and communication
composite instrument adapted from previous studies. Data technologies (ICT) since the 1990s has influenced all
were collected from 366K-12 in-service teachers in China. professions. Today’s teachers are expected to positively
After the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory and effectively integrate technology into their teaching in
factor analysis, the results showed that the adapted the classroom (Graham et al. 2009). On the one hand, the
instrument had adequate validity and reliability. Further, adoption of ICT can benefit student learning processes and
through structural equation modeling, the results indicated performance when teachers use it effectively in the class-
that administration support predicts teachers’ computer room (Kim and Hannafin 2011; Vandeyar 2015). On the
self-efficacy, and collegial support predicts both teachers’ other hand, it could create extra workload, challenges, and
TPACK and computer self-efficacy, which in turn nega- stress for teachers. Teachers constantly struggle with the
tively predict their technostress. The findings imply that time available to keep pace with emerging technology and
primary and secondary school principals need to support with the associated innovations in pedagogy (Tarus et al.
2015; Voet and De Wever 2017). In addition, teachers
usually see the technology as tools for lesson preparation,
& Chang Xu knowledge delivery, or to attract students, but they lack adequate skills and competencies in designing and imple-
School of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education,
menting constructive use of technology in the teaching and
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China learning process (Chen 2008; Munyengabe et al. 2017).
2 There is a constant call for teachers to continuously
Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR enhance their knowledge and competences to better inte-
3 grate new technologies into their teaching (Graham et al.
Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Building and
Building Energy Saving, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 2012; Hew and Brush 2007). Therefore, technologies may
230022, China also be inadequately designed and cause confusion and

148 Y. Dong et al.

frustration when teachers lack abilities or are unwilling to Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
adapt technology-based pedagogy. Recently, some as internal resource. Their study verified that the two fac-
researchers have focused on technostress (Al-Fudail and tors both negatively predicted teachers’ technostress using
Mellar 2008; Joo et al. 2016) to shed light on the complex SEM. However, their study failed to distinguish the influ-
transformation that today’s teachers have to face. ences of support from administration and colleagues. In
Technostress is defined as ‘‘a modern disease of adap- addition, Ertmer (1999) have proposed a framework elab-
tation caused by an inability to cope with new computer orating the first-order barriers (such as training, access,
technologies in a healthy manner’’ (Brod 1984, p. 16). Due time) and second-order barriers (such as teachers’ peda-
to the constantly emerging ICT and its various functions gogical beliefs, technology beliefs) for technology inte-
and applications, the prior studies in different organizations gration in education. In his framework, Ertmer (1999)
have argued that technostress can cause some negative especially pointed out the second-order factors may reduce
consequences. For instance, leading to users’ negative the effects of first-order factors. However, Joo et al. (2016)
feelings such as anxiety, mental fatigue, skepticism, and ignored to investigate TPACK’s possible mediating effect
inefficacy (Salanova et al. 2013), reducing users’ innova- when considering the effect of school support on teachers’
tion and productivity directly or indirectly by reducing technostress. Moreover, as an important individual psy-
their satisfaction with ICT use (Tarafdar et al. 2010), chological characteristic, existing studies in other organi-
reducing users’ continuous usage intention for various zations have provided evidence that higher computer self-
technologies (Maier et al. 2015; Ragu-Nathan et al. 2008), efficacy is associated with more positive attitude toward
and negatively influencing individual’ job satisfaction and the obstacles in technology use (Compeau and Higgins
commitment (Jena 2015; Ragu-Nathan et al. 2008). In 1995), thus reducing the negative effect of technostress
particular, stress related to technology is also be found to (Tarafdar et al. 2014). Nonetheless, its effect on teachers’
negatively influence teachers’ feelings and intention to technostress is unclear. Joo et al. (2016) also suggested that
adopt ICT in teaching (Hennessy et al. 2005; Joo et al. other factors related to technostress such as self-efficacy
2016). However, relatively few studies provide insights need to be investigated.
into how to effectively reduce teachers’ technostress. In summary, this study tries to explore the potential
Identifying such important variables could support teach- factors which contribute to reducing teachers’ technostress
ers’ professional development to reduce teachers’ both from individuals’ internal and external factors
technostress. according to the person–environment theory. Accordingly,
Prior studies in other organizations have mainly this study adopted an SEM approach to investigate the
explored the creators of technostress from individual and relationships among teachers’ TPACK level, computer
environmental factors. The results suggest that the lack of self-efficacy, administration support, collegial support, and
environmental support (e.g., technical support, ICT use their effects on technostress.
facilitators) and the low-level individual ability (e.g., ICT
literacy, mental competences) positively predict technos-
tress (Fuglseth and Sørebø 2014; Ragu-Nathan et al. 2008; Theoretical Background and Hypotheses
Salanova et al. 2013). In school teaching situation, some Development
studies also explored the possible factors of teachers’
technostress from intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. For Teachers’ Technostress
instance, based on person–environment fit theory (Edwards
et al. 1998), Al-Fudail and Mellar (2008) proposed a tea- With the widespread and rapid proliferation of ICT, tech-
cher–technology interaction model and conducted a qual- nostress is becoming a focus topic for scholars in different
itative study. Their study found that teachers experienced contexts such as ergonomics, computer science, and busi-
technostress when there was a discrepancy between their ness (Hwang and Cha 2018; Krishnan 2017). Studies on the
characteristics (e.g., abilities, needs) and the school tech- effects of technostress have found that it is negatively
nology support (e.g., training, technical support). However, related with individual outcomes, job satisfaction, and
their study is small in scale, so the conclusion needs to be intention to use technology (Maier et al. 2015; Suh et al.
further tested in larger scale studies. Given there are vari- 2017). Technological advancements and digitization are
ous kinds of creators and inhibitors influencing technos- also affecting teachers (Revilla Muñoz et al. 2017). In this
tress, many existing studies using structural equation study, technostress specifically refers to stress arising from
modeling (SEM) to test the structural relationships among teachers’ use of technology (Şahin and Çoklar 2009).
these factors (e.g., Fuglseth and Sørebø 2014; Jena 2015; Teachers’ anxiety and stress on technology also have
Koo and Wati 2011). Joo et al. (2016) considered school negative effects on their motivation and intention to use
support as an external resource and teachers’ ICT (Pamuk and Peker 2009; Sabzian and Gilakjani 2013).

Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’ Technostress, Technological… 149

The transactional theory of stress in Lazarus and Folk- comprehensive knowledge and skills teachers need to
man (1984) proposed that the unbalance between envi- adopt the educational technology in curriculum design and
ronment demands and individual capability to cope with organization in effective ways (Schmidt et al. 2009). The
external demands usually causes stress experiences. In lack of TPACK has been identified as one major barrier to
school cases, teachers are pressured by external influences, technology integration (Blackwell et al. 2016; Koh et al.
such as policy, colleagues, and institution management, to 2017).
integrate ICT into their teaching (Drent and Meelissen Prior studies in other organizations have examined the
2008; Hew and Brush 2007; Voet and De Wever 2017). In negative effect of individual ICT literacy on uses’ tech-
addition, the continuous upgrading of technology exposes nostress (Fuglseth and Sørebø 2014; Ragu-Nathan et al.
teachers to constant technostress because teachers do not 2008). Finding of Joo et al. (2016) indicated that the higher
always have the knowledge required to use the new/up- level of teachers’ TPACK reduced teachers’ stress
dated technologies (Altınay-Gazi and Altınay-Aksal 2017). regarding computer use. However, their study has not
However, teachers’ ability to integrate technology in examined the comprehensive effects combined with other
classroom pedagogical is crucial to education innovation factors. This study considered the TPACK as an important
(Koh et al. 2017). Moreover, according to Bandura’s individual internal factor influencing teachers’ technostress
(1986) social cognitive theory, beliefs of teachers regarding and aimed to find the potential integrated effects combined
their ability to coping the difficulties with technologies with other factors. Based on this, we propose Hypothesis 1
affects their feelings and attitudes toward technology as follows:
integration (Yeşilyurt et al. 2016). Therefore, teachers’
Hypothesis 1 TPACK has a negative effect on teachers’
confidence on computer using may be an important internal
factor influencing their technostress.
Grounding on transactional theory (Lazarus and Folk-
Computer Self-efficacy
man 1984) and social cognition theory (Bandura 1986), this
study selected the administration support and collegial
Self-efficacy refers to the general beliefs of individuals in
support as external factors, and TPACK and computer self-
their abilities to perform whatever tasks (Bandura 1986).
efficacy as internal factors, to explore the effective factors
Self-efficacy theory indicates that the individual’s attitude
supporting teacher deal with technostress. What’s more,
toward his/her competence on performing specific task
followed the first- and second-order barriers to change
influence the emotional response (including stress and
perspective which highlighted the effects of second-order
anxiety) and actions (Bandura 1997). The definition of
barriers (Ertmer 1999), administration support and colle-
computer self-efficacy is developed on the basis of self-
gial support were hypothesized to have indirect effect on
efficacy which reflects one person’s confidence or attitude
technostress through influencing TPACK and computer
on his/her capabilities to use technologies (Compeau and
self-efficacy, apart from playing a direct role in
Higgins 1995).
The self-efficacy beliefs of teachers regarding their
ability to use specific technologies is a critical factor that
Possible Factors of Teachers’ Technostress
affects their attitude and the way that teachers integrate
technologies in their curriculum teaching (Blonder et al.
2013; Yeşilyurt et al. 2016). Studies showed that high
computer self-efficacy contributed to the solving of diffi-
Shulman (1986) postulated that qualified teachers should
culties caused by computer technology (Paul and Glassman
be equipped with pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
2017), reducing of perceived technostress degree (Shu
which synthesizes the content knowledge (CK) and peda-
et al. 2011), and moderating of the negative effect of
gogical knowledge (PK), to design and organize proper
technostress on innovation (Tarafdar et al. 2014). In addi-
curricula satisfying different interests and demands of
tion, if teachers have higher self-efficacy for technology
students. With the arrival of information era, teachers’
integration, it is likely to mean that they possess higher
ability in pedagogical uses of technology has been one of
TPACK (López-Vargas et al. 2017; Semiz and Ince 2012).
the essential elements in educational innovation (Pineida
Thus, this study aimed to explore the influencing of com-
2011). Koehler and Mishra (2005) proposed additional
puter self-efficacy on teachers’ TPACK and technostress.
knowledge arising from the synthesis of PK, CK, and
Based on this reasoning, we propose Hypotheses 2 and 3 as
technological knowledge (TK) as technological content
knowledge (TCK), technological pedagogical knowledge
(TPK), and technological pedagogical content knowledge Hypothesis 2 Computer self-efficacy has positive effects
(TPCK/TPACK). The TPACK describes the on teachers’ TPACK.

150 Y. Dong et al.

Hypothesis 3 Computer self-efficacy has negative effects

on teachers’ technostress.

School Support

As an important contextual factor, the support from school

environment is a key force in promoting teachers’ intention
to use technology (Drossel et al. 2017; Eickelmann et al.
2017; Inan and Lowther 2010). As Porter and Graham
(2016) suggest, strong infrastructure, technological sup-
port, and pedagogical support should be provided for Fig. 1 Hypothesized research model
teachers to facilitate ease of use. Besides, previous studies
identified that a significant relationship exists between
collegial support were perceived as critical variables
groups of social factors and the technology adoption
affecting teachers’ technostress. The hypothetical model
intention which suggests that the mutual help and collab-
for this study is shown in Fig. 1.
oration among colleague groups could motivate and facil-
itate teachers’ technology integration (Brown et al. 2010;
Weber and Kauffman 2011).
Inspired by the above studies, in this study, we selected
administration support that denotes infrastructure and
technical assistance, and collegial support from colleagues
as sub-constructs of school support. Some existing studies
The target participants of our study were teachers of K-12
have discussed the considerable influence of school support
schools in China. The data were collected through dis-
on teachers’ development of ICT skills and self-efficacy in
tributing an online survey in March 2017. Teachers par-
technology integration (Meristo and Eisenschmidt 2014;
ticipated in the anonymous survey voluntarily. Although
Joo et al. 2016). In this study, we expected to see an
convenient sampling was used for data collection, these
association between school support, TPACK, computer
teachers were from different geographical areas in China,
self-efficacy, and technostress from more refined (i.e.,
including provinces of Hunan, Henan, Anhui, Shanxi, and
administration and collegial support) perspectives. Based
Shandong and in the cities of Beijing and Shanghai in
on previous literature, we proposed the following
China. Most regions are located in the east and central part
of China, with above-average socio-economic status.
Hypothesis 4 Administration support has a negative Moreover, these schools have already required teachers to
effect on teachers’ technostress. integrating ICT in curriculum teaching.
A total of 375 teachers finished the questionnaires and
Hypothesis 5 Collegial support has a negative effect on
366 usable questionnaires were retained for the following
teachers’ technostress.
analysis. Based on the demographic information collected,
Hypothesis 6 Administration support has a positive 42.3% were male and 57.7% were female; 29.0% were
effect on teachers’ TPACK. from primary schools; 25.7% were from junior high
schools, and 45.4% were from senior high schools.
Hypothesis 7 Collegial support has a positive effect on
Teachers were aged between 22 and 57 years (M = 41.3,
teachers’ TPACK.
SD = 8.2) and their teaching experience ranged from 1 to
Hypothesis 8 Administration support has a positive 43 years (M = 17.5, SD = 9.4).
effect on teachers’ computer self-efficacy.
Hypothesis 9 Collegial support has a positive effect on
teachers’ computer self-efficacy.
The questionnaire used in the study consisted 25 items (see
Appendix). All items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale,
Research Hypotheses
with 1 indicating strongly disagree to 5 indicating strongly
agree. Because some instruments are in English and our
Integrating the above hypotheses, the study intended to
participants are Chinese speakers, we adopted back-trans-
explore structural relationships among factors influencing
lation procedures (Wind et al. 2018) to ensure validity and
teachers’ technostress in technology integration. TPACK,
appropriateness of the survey questions in the Chinese
computer self-efficacy, administration support, and

Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’ Technostress, Technological… 151

context. First, three professors (two majoring in educa- conducting CFA could be five to ten times of the total
tional technology and one in English teaching) translated number of items in the surveying scales, this study ran-
the original English questionnaire items to Chinese, and domly divided the samples in two pieces, 161 samples for
some items were consolidated and modified in response to EFA, 205 samples for CFA, and final overall 366 samples
the ICT context. Then, another three researchers (majoring for SEM.
in educational technology) retranslated the Chinese version We performed the EFA using SPSS (version 20.0). The
of questionnaire to English. At last, all the six researchers Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling ade-
discussed the differences found in translation process and quacy and Bartlett’s test of sphericity to verify whether the
revised the Chinese version. sample was appropriate for such analysis. Next, by using
The instrument of administration and collegial support principal axis factoring analysis as the extraction method,
administered in this study was developed from Lam et al. and the rotation method of Varimax with Kaiser Normal-
(2010). The original instrument was designed to measure ization, the items with a factor loading of less than .50 and
the support given to teachers to implement project-based with multiple cross-loadings (i.e., CSE2, TS1, TS3 and
learning. This study contextualized items for teacher ICT TS10) were removed from the questionnaire. Factor anal-
integration in teaching, with 3 items in each subscale. The ysis extracted five dimensions. The total variance explained
administration support mainly assesses the degree to which was 71.8%. The internal reliability of each factor was good
teachers acquired their schools’ supporting technical as all had Cronbach alphas of at least .88 (Table 1).
training and reasonable arrangements. Collegial support Moreover, since the maximum of the absolute values of
measures the extent to which teachers acquired the level of skewness was 1.03 (below 3), and the maximum of the
support from their fellow teachers. absolute values of kurtosis was .86 (below 10), the
The existing computer self-efficacy scales (e.g., Com- assumption for the multivariate normal distribution of data
peau and Higgins 1995; Murphy et al. 1989) were overly was met for the structural equation modeling (Byrne 2010).
technical (Chen 2017), measuring the individual’s confi- The CFA and path analysis of structural model were
dence in their ability to perform particular computer performed with AMOS (version 22.0) using maximum
operations (e.g., using a software package, writing a letter). likelihood estimation. Construct validity was examined
In this research, we aimed to investigate whether individ- through the standardized regression weights of measure-
uals feel that they can use a computer to manage chal- ment items, composite reliability (CR), average variance
lenging computer tasks in general. Therefore, we extracted (AVE), the square root of the AVE, and the
developed five items to determine computer self-efficacy model fit indices (Schumacker and Lomax 2016). As sug-
with reference to the work of Smith and Hung (2017), gested by Byrne (2010), model fit was evaluated by the
which measuring general self-efficacy, and Liang et al. comparative fit index (CFI), Tracker-Lewis index (TLI),
(2013), which measuring teacher technological knowledge. the normed fit index (NFI), and root-mean-square error of
The instrument to measure teachers’ TPACK was approximation (RMSEA), etc. The structural model was
developed by Chai et al. (2011) and translated into Chinese tested by examining the relationships among the latent
by Sang et al. (2016). We adopted the Chinese version with variables and detecting the fitness of the proposed models.
four items of TPCK scale.
The technostress instrument was modified from the
subscales of the Computer Attitude Scale developed by Results
Loyd and Loyd (1985). The original instrument included
computer confidence, computer liking, and computer anx- Measurement Model
iety. The ten items of computer anxiety were designed to
measure teachers’ level of technostress. The study examined the convergent and discriminant
validity in terms of coefficients among variables using
Data Analysis confirmatory factor analysis. As Schumacker and Lomax
(2016) recommended, all of the items in the CFA stan-
The data analysis in this study involved three phases, dardized factor loadings should be higher than .60, there-
including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to explore the fore, item AS3 in administration support and item TS6 in
constructs and internal reliability of the instruments, con- technostress were omitted from survey. Moreover, as
firmatory factor analysis (CFA) to further confirm the shown in Table 1, AVEs of all constructs ranged from .58
construct convergent and discriminant, and structural to .82 (above .50); CRs of all constructs ranged from .95 to
equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the hypothetical .99 (above .70). The overall goodness of fit showed in
structural model. According to the recommended amount Table 2 can be considered satisfactory for this measure-
of samples (Byrne 2010), a suitable sample case when ment model (χ2/df = 1.465, GFI = .905, TLI = .973, NFI =

152 Y. Dong et al.

Table 1 Results of confirmatory factor analysis (n=205)

Latent variable Measurement variable Loadings CA CR AVE

Administration support AS1 .86 .88 .95 .80

AS2 .93
Collegial support CS1 .83 .92 .99 .82
CS2 .91
CS3 .97
Computer self-efficacy CSE1 .93 .88 .98 .69
CSE2 .79
CSE3 .86
CSE5 .72
TPACK TPACK1 .90 .93 .99 .70
TPACK2 .88
TPACK3 .92
TPACK4 .60
Technostress TS2 .63 .91 .97 .58
TS4 .72
TS5 .79
TS7 .83
TS8 .88
TS9 .71
CA Cronbach’s alpha, CR composite reliability, AVE average variance extracted

Table 2 Model fit results for the measurement model (n=205), hypothesized model (n=377) and final model (n=377)

Measurement model 206.587 141 1.465 .905 .973 .934 .978 .048
Hypothesized model 281.480 142 1.982 .921 .968 .948 .973 .052
Final model 286.931 145 1.979 .919 .968 .947 .973 .052
Criteria \3 [.90 [.90 [.90 [.90 \.08

.934, CFI = .978, RMSEA = .048). The results indicated negative effects on technostress, providing support for H1
the measurement model had good reliability and conver- and H2. Computer self-efficacy had a significant positive
gent validity. In addition, the square roots of the AVEs of effect on TPACK (β = .622, p\.001). The result supported
all constructs were greater than the correlations between H3 empirically. However, administration support and col-
constructs (Table 1). Thus, the measurement model had legial support did not have direct significant effects on
good discriminant validity (Schumacker and Lomax 2016). technostress. H4 and H5 were unsupported. The results also
revealed that administration support had a significant pos-
Structural Model and Hypothesis Testing itive effect on computer self-efficacy (β = .272, p\.01), as
well as collegial support having a significant positive effect
The test of the structural model includes examining the on TPACK (β = .307, p \ .001) and computer self-efficacy
model fit and statistical significance of the hypothesized (β = .187, p\.05). Hence, the study supported H8, H7, and
path among the five variables. The overall goodness of fit H9. However, the coefficient between administration sup-
was χ2/df = 1.982, GFI = .921, TLI = .968, NFI = .948, CFI port and TPACK was not statistically significant. H6 was
= .973, RMSEA = .052, as shown in Table 2. The indica- thus unsupported.
tors shows a satisfactory fitness for the hypothetical model Therefore, this study deleted the three non-significant
proposed in this study. paths from prior hypothesized structural model and per-
The path coefficients of the hypothesized model are formed path analysis again to test the modified model. The
shown in Table 3. TPACK (β = -.330, p \ .001) and results showed that the modified model also presented a
computer self-efficacy (β = -.209, p \ .05) had significant good fit, with χ2/df = 1.979, GFI = .919, TLI = .968, NFI =

Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’ Technostress, Technological… 153

Table 3 Results of the hypothesis (n=366)

Hypothesis Path Unstandardized coefficient (B) Standardized coefficient (β) SE t Supported?

H1 TPACK→TS −.340 −.330 .091 −3.741*** Yes

H2 CSE→TS −.200 −.209 .081 −2.487* Yes
H3 CSE→TPACK .566 .622 .049 11.617*** Yes
H4 AS→TS .134 .085 .063 2.136 No
H5 CS→TS −.089 −.016 .070 −1.279 No
H6 AS→TPACK −.038 −.052 .047 −.798 No
H7 CS→TPACK .244 .307 .051 4.826*** Yes
H8 AS→CSE .217 .272 .067 3.250** Yes
H9 CS→CSE .163 .187 .072 2.271* Yes
TS technostress, CSE computer self-efficacy, AS administration support, CS collegial support
***p \.001; **p\.01; *p\.05

et al. 2016). Moreover, the results show that the indirect

effect of computer self-efficacy on technostress (through
TPACK) is higher than the direct effect of computer self-
efficacy on technostress. This interesting finding further
confirms the key role of TPACK in reducing teachers’
stress when using ICT. Stress would arise if the demanding
competence in technology use beyond individual’s existing
skills (Fuglseth and Sørebø 2014). Teachers are required to
use multiple sources of knowledge (as implied by the
TPACK framework), consider multiple contextual factors,
Fig. 2 The final structural model with standardized coefficients and find ways to test the feasibility of the lesson designed.
The required level of knowledge and design abilities takes
long-term support to develop (Koh et al. 2017). It is thus
.947, CFI = .973, RMSEA = .052, as reported in Table 2. essential for school leaders to provide high-quality long-
Figure 2 shows the t values of the final model and the term professional development support. As suggested in
significant values were labeled with asterisks. There were the literature, future research should aim to explore
five path coefficients that are significant at .05 in the final strategies for coping with technostress. Our findings indi-
model. cate that perhaps the forms and strength of teacher pro-
fessional development such as long-term co-design
between colleagues (Koh et al. 2017) may mediate teach-
Discussion ers’ technostress. Training programs should create more
opportunities for teachers to accumulate hands-on experi-
This study analyzes the interplay among the latent vari- ence, conduct more contextualized evaluation, and provide
ables of administration support, collegial support, com- feedback timely to improve teachers’ perceived knowledge
puter self-efficacy, and TPACK on the technostress of 366 and ability (Xie et al. 2017), thus reducing teachers stress
Chinese K-12 in-service teachers. The results show that the when adopting ICT in classroom.
negative effects of TPACK and computer self-efficacy on In addition, the significant relationship between com-
the teachers’ technostress are significant, which provides puter self-efficacy and technostress confirms the hypothe-
some suggestions for reducing teachers’ stress when using ses that we set up based on social cognitive theory
technology in teaching. (Bandura 1986). Considering the significant effect of
First, TPACK shows a significant effect on teachers’ computer self-efficacy both to TPACK and technostress,
technostress with the highest path coefficients (−.45). This with computer self-efficacy is much higher than the path
indicates that teachers’ TPACK plays a key role in helping coefficient between school support and TPACK, the results
teachers cope with psychological stress resulting from indicates that the influence of computer self-efficacy is
technology. Similar findings have also been reported that much higher than school support. Training programmes
teachers’ technology competence is a significant factor should provide teachers with ICT problem-solving skills
predicting computer stress (Al-Fudail and Mellar 2008; Joo instead of detailed procedure to solve very specific

154 Y. Dong et al.

technological problems (Revilla Muñoz et al. 2017). This teachers’ technostress and other factors is needed. For
way can improve not only teachers’ level of ICT literacy, example, teachers’ beliefs have been identified as a second-
but also their level of confidence in using the technology order barrier to technology integration. While constructivist
and thus, reduce their technostress. beliefs may help to boost teachers’ interest in integrating
As for the effect of school support, the analysis results in technology and thus reduce their technostress because
our study show that administration support only has a technology is viewed as the tools to actualize one’s vision,
positive effect on teachers’ computer self-efficacy, while teachers holding passivism views of teaching may feel more
collegial support has a positive effect both on teachers’ stress because of technology invasion.
computer self-efficacy and TPACK. This finding implies
that encouraging mutual collaboration with colleagues is a
more effective method of enriching teachers’ development Conclusions
of TPACK than just providing sufficient infrastructure and
technical training. As previous studies suggest, collabora- In conclusion, the finding of our study contributes to the
tive lesson plan design decreases teachers’ load and assists current research by exploring the comprehensive effects of
them as they learn about technology integration, which is teachers’ TPACK level, computer self-efficacy, support
helpful for enhancing the TPACK learning process (An- from school administration and colleagues on their tech-
syari 2015; Inan and Lowther 2010). Thus, it is important nostress. The negative effect of computer self-efficacy and
for school leaders to encourage teachers to form curriculum TPACK on teachers’ technostress is significant, which
design teams and collaboratively work on integrating confirms that teachers’ confidence in computer use and
technology into teaching (see Koh et al. 2017). Addition- competences of technology integration have significant
ally, the significant effect of school support on computer effects on teachers’ stress arising from the use of ICT. In
self-efficacy in this study implies that appropriate technical addition, TPACK plays the key role in reducing teachers’
and social support from colleagues is necessary for the technostress, which suggests that it is essential to enhance
development of computer self-efficacy. The finding that teachers’ TPACK skills through school support and by
school support has a positive effect on computer self-effi- increasing computer self-efficacy. Lastly, this study dis-
cacy also concurs with Blonder and Rap (2017) study in tinguishes the different effects of administration support
which they provided continuing technological assistance and collegial support on teachers’ computer self-efficacy
and encouragement from more experienced instructors. and TPACK, thus transcending the existing studies. We
Moving forwards, researchers could look further into what believe that the findings and the implications based on this
forms of collegial support could develop teachers’ com- empirical study can provide some suggestions and inspire
puter efficacy and TPACK. Current research in TPACK future studies about teachers’ technostress.
(Chai et al. 2018; Koh et al. 2017) may suggest that col- There are still some limitations and follow-up questions
legial support can play some role in three areas: innovative that need to be determined in the future. First, in this study,
design, orchestrated implementation, and reflective con- teachers’ technostress was measured as a whole using Loyd
solidation. They are targeted activities that form the cycle and Loyd’s (1985) questionnaire. More detailed dimen-
of TPACK development among teachers. sions of technostress should be included and then the
The interesting results show that neither administration corresponding influencing factors in certain dimensions can
support nor collegial support has direct significant effects on be verified. For example, Çoklar et al. (2017) developed a
teachers’ technostress, in contrast to the claims that school Likert-type scale to define teachers’ technostress level with
support significantly affects teachers’ stress related to tech- five dimensions: technostress in Learning-Teaching Pro-
nology use (Joo et al. 2016). However, the significant effects cess Oriented, Profession Oriented, Technical Issue Ori-
of these two kinds of school support on TPACK and com- ented, Personal Oriented, and Social Oriented. More
puter self-efficacy show that school plays a critical role in research is required to explore ways to address those dif-
improving teachers’ technology literacy and confidence in ferent dimensions of teachers’ technostress. Another limi-
technology use, which are effective in reducing teachers’ tation is that the data in this study were collected through
stress when integrating technology in their teaching. This convenient sample method, which is unable to cover the
finding suggests that the effect of school support may be schools with different levels of technology-enhanced
mediated by computer self-efficacy and TPACK, which teaching. Given the fact that the conditions of teachers’
informs school leaders of what to focus the support on. This ICT competences and support supplied by school vary with
finding also corroborates with Ertmer (1999) theory that districts of different economic development levels in
second-order barrier for ICT integration may magnify or China, studies with large-scale participants using stratified
decrease the effects of the first-order barriers. Further review sampling need to be conducted to obtain more accurate
and explication of the possible relationships between results and in-depth understand of how contextual factors

Exploring the Structural Relationship Among Teachers’ Technostress, Technological… 155

dynamically influence teachers’ technostress in different 如果我投入必要的努力,我就可以解决大部分使用信

situation. Finally, it would also be meaningful for future 息与通讯技术时的问题
studies to explore more contextual factors such as teachers’ 5. When I am confronted with a problem when using
beliefs of ICT integration in teaching which are helpful in ICT, I can usually find several solutions
reducing teachers’ technostress. 当我在使用信息与通讯技术遇到问题时,我总能找到
Acknowledgements The research is funded by the International Joint Part 4. technological pedagogical content knowledge
Research Project of Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University
(TPACK) 整合技术的学科教学知识
1. I can structure activities to help students to construct
different representations of the content knowledge using
Appendix appropriate ICT tools (e.g., Webspiration, Mindmaps,
Part 1. Administration support 行政支持 我可以根据学科内容规划活动,帮助学生使用恰当的
1. My school provided sufficient training to us so that I 多媒体来建构不同的学科知识表述方式 (例如使用在
know how to integrate ICT in teaching. 线思路图,维基网等)
学校为我提供充足的培训支持,因此我知道如何应用 2. I can create self-directed learning activities of the
信息与通讯技术进行教学 content knowledge with appropriate ICT tools (e.g., Blog,
2. The requirement and time table for implementing ICT Webquest)
integration was reasonable in my school so that I can at my 我能够针对学科内容设计电脑辅助学生自主学习(如
own pace. 利用博客,网络探究Webquest等)
学校制定了合理的应用信息与通讯技术进行教学的 3. I can design inquiry activities to guide students to
要求和时间表,因此我可以按照我的节奏来进行 make sense of the content knowledge with appropriate ICT
3. My school provide enough infrastructure and resource tools (e.g., simulations, Web-based materials).
so that I could do well on the task. 我能够设计探究活动,并以适当的多媒体(例如模拟软
学校提供充足的设备和资源,所以我能顺利地完成任 件,网络资源)引导学生理解学科知识
务 4. I can design lessons that appropriately integrate con-
Part 2. Collegial support 同事支持 tent, technology and pedagogy for student-centred learning.
1. I got encouragement from my colleagues when I 我能恰当整合教学内容、多媒体技术和教学方法来
encountered difficulties in integrating ICT in teaching. 设计教学,实现以学生为中心的学习
当我在教学中整合信息与通讯技术遇到困难时,我能 Part 5. Technostress技术压力
得到同事的鼓励 1. ICT do not scare me at all.
2. Many colleagues shared useful resources and expe- 信息与通讯技术不会让我感到惊慌
rience with me about integrating ICT in teaching. 2. Working with ICT would make me very nervous.
许多同事能与我分享应用信息与通讯技术教学的资 应用信息与通讯技术让我感到忐忑不安
源与经验 3. I do not feel threatened when others talk about ICT.
3. My colleagues and I made a concerted effort to 当他人谈论信息与通讯技术时,我不会感觉受到威
integrating ICT in teaching. 胁
我的同事能与我共同推动信息与通讯技术在教学中 4. It would not bother me at all to take ICT courses.
的应用 参加信息与通讯技术课程不会打扰到我
Part 3. Computer self-efficacy 计算机效能感 5. ICT makes me feel uncomfortable.
1. I can always manage to solve difficult problems in 信息与通讯技术让我感到不舒服
using ICT if I try hard enough. 6. I would feel at ease in ICT class.
如我过尽力去做的话,我总是能够解决应用信息与通 我在信息与通讯技术课程中感到轻松
讯技术时的困难 7. I get a sinking feeling when I think of trying to use
2. It is easy for me to keep up with important new ICT. ICT.
对我来说,跟上新的重要的信息与通信技术发展步伐 当我想到要尽量使用信息与通讯技术时,我就会感到
是很容易的 失落
3. I am confident that I have the technical skills to use 8. I would feel comfortable working with ICT.
ICT effectively. 用信息与通讯技术进行工作让我感到舒服
我相信我拥有有效使信息与通讯技术的技巧 9. ICT make me feel uneasy and confused.
4. I can solve most technical problems when using ICT 信息与通讯技术让我感到不舒服和困惑
if I invest the necessary effort. 10. I need to pay much effort to learn ICT.

156 Y. Dong et al.

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