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OPERATING GUIDELINES ........................................................................1-3


CLEANING GUIDELINES ......................................................................... 5-6

SANITIZING GUIDELINES ............................................................................7

MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................... 8

AGITATOR INSTALLATION .................................................................... 9-10

AGITATOR DISASSEMBLY .....................................................................11-12

AGITATOR ASSEMBLY DRAWING B-K-530 .............................................. 13

AGITATOR ASSEMBLY DRAWING B-K-531 ............................................... 14

AGITATOR ASSEMBLY DRAWING B-K-538 .............................................. 15



1. Close the ice water supply valve and the ice water return valve.
2. Open the steam supply valve and condensate return valve.
3. At the cooker-cooler control panel, turn off the cook cycle.
4. Open the drain valve.
5. Adjust the set point temperature to 100°F or greater.
6. Pull on the cook cycle switch.
7. The incoming steam will push out the water left in the lines and in the Cooker-Cooler
pressure wall via the drain valve. Once steam begins to pour out, push the cook cycle
switch to off.
8. Close the drain valve.
9. This same procedure must be followed after chilling in the Cooker-Cooler.


1. To avoid damage to desirable large particulate and fragile ingredient, we recommend

you do the following:

A. During pump out, keep agitation at a minimum. The scraper need only run at high
speeds during periods of heating or chilling. Reduce speed of both agitators to the
lowest point, which still maintains uniform distribution of ingredients.
B. It may be a necessity or an advantage pump out several gallons heavy in solids
initially and add that product back at the end of the pump out cycle to balance out
the solids content.
C. At the end of the cook cycle, if not immediately ready to pump out, turn off the
D. During the cooking process, do not agitate if there is not an immediate need to
heat or blend.

2. With heat sensitive products like those with a cream base, it is important to do the

A. Turn the main steam valve switch to the off position. In this way, we limit both the
temperature and volume of steam that enters the cone.
B. Make certain to rinse the cone surface with cold water before adding any
C. Select the “2” position of the scraper agitator direction switch to maximize the
agitation of the product while heating product volumes smaller than that of the
D. If possible, do not start the cook cycle unless you filled the area of the cone with

3. It is not recommended to process batches that have volumes smaller than that of the
4. The scraper agitator should be set at high speed during heating and cooling. This will


increase the heat transfer rat

5. To prevent burn-on of product, always run the scraper agitator while heating.
6. In cooking a product volume that is smaller than the volume of the cone, follow the
directions outlined in step number 2.
7. If frozen or very cold and cohesive ingredients are to be used, do not dump onto
running agitators. It is necessary to break up frozen or large chunks to prevent jams
between the agitators and baffle.
8. To thermal shock and potential burn-on, it may be wise to run off the main steam valve
switch until all ingredients begin to melt. Once the ingredients have liquefied, turn the
main steam valve switch to the “ON” position.
9. Avoid contents to a true boil. The agitators make it unnecessary to boil in order to
obtain turbulence.
10. All spices or seasonings should be added near the tri-blade agitator. Dispersing dry
spices into other dry ingredients will ensure more uniform mixing. Any liquid or volatile
spices or essences should be added as the product temperature approaches the
set point temperature to minimize evaporative losses during the cooking process.
11. Modified food starches can be sprinkled dry directly onto the surface near the Tri-blade
agitator. Pre-mixed starch slurries are not required but may be used.
12. Products which are very high in flour content or not fluid enough to flow freely through
the product discharge line to the pump suction, may be difficult to pump and
accurately meter. Formula adjustments to the quantity and type of proteins added to
thicken or stabilize might be necessary.
13. Run both agitators at low or medium speeds initially while loading ingredients. Do not
load all your ingredients and then cold start the agitators.


1. Spray the cone surface with a light coat of Pam cooking spray or similar product.
2. Turn on the scraper agitator, place the directional switch in the “2” position, and set the
speed in the mid-range. You can turn on the tri-blade agitator, at this time, or wait until
the product comes in contact with the agitator.
3. The temperature probe for the cooker-cooler is located in the bottom plate off the cone
and it senses product temperature in that area. We wish to bring the maximum amount
of steam available to the cone so set the set point temperature up to 230°F. In this
way, both steam valves will remain open for the entire cooking process. Turn on the
cook cycle.
4. The scraper agitator will run clockwise for approximately 10 seconds and then will slow
down, stop, and run in the reverse direction for approximately 10 seconds, slow down,
stop, and run in the forward direction once again. The speed control for the scraper
agitator determines how many revolutions are done in one direction before reversing
5. The intent is to use the Cooker-Cooler cone-heating surface as a large wok. Add
product at the top edge of the cone near the side wall. In this way, it will move from top
to bottom and the scraper agitator has an opportunity to spread the product out over
the cone.


6. The size and amount of product that can be dumped into the Cooker-Cooler at one
time is dependent on the product, and the batch size at the time. We recommend
breaking up the product by hand when possible as this speeds the breakdown of the
product and, therefore, shortens the cooking process.
7. Make it a point not to dump product directly onto the scraper agitator arms, as this can
damage the agitators and prevents product from coming in contact with the cone
surface. As the fats are released, the product becomes more fluid and product lying on
the arms will be washed off.
8. We recommend you turn the speed control fully clockwise for maximum speed once
you have loaded all your ingredients. We suggest you do this, once the cone is half full
in any event, even though you are still adding product to keep the product in motion.
9. Whenever possible, maintain the covers in the closed position to steam the air space
within the Cooker-Cooler.
10. You may eliminate the need of cooking spray if you start out by turning off the
main steam valve switch until you have half of the cone covered with product and/or
the product beings to liquefy. Once liquefaction begins, turn on the main steam valve
switch. We are attempting to eliminate unnecessary burn on.



When selected to the “ON” position, electrical power is allowed to flow to the power
switch, and mechanically prohibits any person from opening the control panel door. Only
in the “OFF” position can service or operational personnel access the internal components
of the control panel.

The red illuminated push / pull switch below the Disconnect Switch controls 120 VAC
electrical power into the panel. The operator interface panel (touch pad) is energized
when the Emergency Stop Switch is in the normal position. In the normal run position, the
Emergency Stop Switch is pulled out and not illuminated. To execute an emergency stop,
push in the switch where upon the switch will illuminate.


The operator interface panel or “touch pad” allows for complete operator accessible
control function for heating, cooling, and independent motor control for both scraper
(sweep) agitator and the tri-blade (blend) agitator. A “Process Display” screen gives
current system status of motor speeds and direction, heating valve status, and product
temperature. “HELP” screens provide complete operational instructions.
“MAINTENANCE” screens facilitate reset functions for the tripped agitators, silence
function for alarm, and “RUN” duration of motors.

NOTE: The operator interface panel will go blank after several minutes of inactivity. This
effectively is a screen saver feature. The screen is awakened simply touching it. Washing
the screen is best facilitated using a damp soft cloth. Refrain from direct spray and do not
use steam for cleaning.

This component has a singular purpose of recording the product temperature. Pens and
charts are replaceable as needed.


1. The Cooker-Cooler should be cleaned on a daily basis. This will involve the
disassembly of the agitator assembly on a daily or weekly basis, if you incorporate a
daily clean-in-place program. All product contact surfaces are to be thoroughly
washed, inspected, and rinsed.

2. Contact your local representative of cleaning agents to determine the best choice of
cleaning and sanitizing agents, and to obtain instructions in proper usage.

3. Use only nylon brush, stainless steel wool, and/or 3M Scotchbrite scouring pads for
cleaning. Use only a nylon brush in cleaning the product transfer hose.

4. To avoid rust, pitting, and discoloration of stainless steel surfaces, follow these

A. Do not use steel wool to clean.

B. Do not use a water supply containing iron or sulfur.
C. Do not allow foreign particles to adhere to stainless steel surfaces.
D. Immediately rinse off cleaning and sterilizing agents from stainless steel surfaces
after usage.
E. Allow the stainless steel surfaces to dry after cleaning.

5. Protective wear (e.g.: rubber gloves, eye goggles) is highly recommended whenever
utilizing cleaning solutions.

6. It is recommended that the Cooker-Cooler be rinsed thoroughly between different

product batches. It is not necessary to rinse between batches of the same product, if
the following batch is immediately processed.

A. Chase out the last of the product within the Cooker-Cooler with water. It is
important to keep the outlet of the valve covered with product or water to provide
head for the pump.

B. Use the high-pressure hose station to rinse out the Cooker-Cooler with hot water.
The rinse water can be run to the drain through the Pump-Fill Station. Run both
agitators while rinsing off those components

C. Check the area underneath the bridge. The upper section of the Tri-blade agitator
assembly, upper arm of the vertical side wall, and inside of the covers for any
lingering product. A quick brushing of these areas with a nylon brush is

D. Do a final rinse with cold water. The remaining heat in the pressure wall in the cone
needs to be dissipated so as to avoid the potential for product burn on and possible

E. The scraper agitator blades may be removed for further cleaning after the cold
water rinse, if the high-pressure water rinse was not sufficient.


F. The rinse water can be directly dumped to the floor drain.

G. The main purpose of the rinse process is to avoid mingling of two different

7. Agitators should be off when adding any cleaning solutions to water within the Cooker-

8. It is desirable to mix cleaning compounds into a solution before adding into the

9. Whenever disassembling the agitators, or when cleaning inside the Cooker-Cooler with
brushes, etc., push off the power switch on the appropriate Cooker-Cooler control
panel, and turn the disconnect switch to the “OFF” position.

10. In a typical clean-in-place program, alkaline solution is heated and agitated for
cleaning. After flushing and rinsing out the unit, a phosphoric acid cleaner is used to
remove cleaning solution burn-on, and any film or build-up of mineral deposits due to
hard water. Rinse thoroughly with cold water after each step of cleaning. Even with
the use of clean-in-place program, certain areas may require manual cleaning. The
area underneath the bridge, upper section of the agitator assembly, upper portions of
the vertical side wall, and inside of the covers should be inspected and cleaned where
necessary. We recommend that the agitator assembly and product outlet valve be
disassembled once a week for manual cleaning.

11. To simplify the cleaning process, fill the cone portion of the Cooker-Cooler with water
and allow soaking for 45 minutes after the final rinse.

12. The suggested steps for manual cleaning of the Cooker-Cooler are as follows:

A. Rinse
B. Shut-off power at the cooker-cooler control panel.
C. Disassemble agitator assembly (see specific instructions).
D. Remove agitator assembly for cleaning.
E. Thoroughly detail, clean all interior surfaces beginning at the top of the Cooker-
Cooler, as well as the agitator assembly. Use 3M Scotchbrite scouring pad or
suitable nylon bristle brushes to reach all soiled surfaces.
Warning: Care must be taken as the chemicals or detergents utilized for cleaning
may be caustic or contain food grade acids. Chlorine bearing compounds should
not be allowed to stand or soak.

F. Rinse all surfaces free of detergents before they have time to dry. The operator
should inspect all areas to make certain all suds and chemicals have been rinsed.
G. Allow the Cooker-Cooler interior and agitator assembly to air-dry before


A. Sterilization should take place immediately before daily production. Direct steam
sterilization is not recommended due to potential operator injury.

B. Sterilization can be accomplished by using chlorine bearing compound or other

germicidal agent. Please follow the manufacturer’s directions regarding mix, procedure,
and time/temperature relationships. Chlorine bearing compounds must not be allowed
to stand or soak on any stainless steel.

E. Hot water can also be used to sterilize the Cooker-Cooler. The U.S.P.H.S. milk
ordinance standard for sterilization is hot water at 170°F for a minimum of 5 minutes.
Consult your local regulatory agency for their specific requirements.

F. If a Cooker-Cooler is not used for several hours it is recommended that it be

immediately cleaned and sanitized prior to use.

During the sterilization process, we recommend keeping the covers closed and adjusting the
speed of the agitators as needed to prevent the water or cleaning solution from spilling out of
the Cooker-Cooler and causing potential injury.



The standard Cooker-Cooler has two (2) worm gear reducers. Each needs to have an initial
oil change after 250 hours of operation, and then subsequent oil changes every 2500
hours, or every 6 months. The Cooker-Cooler will operate up to six (6) hours a day for five
(5) days a week, a weekly maximum average of 30 hours. We, therefore recommend
changing the oil every 6 months.

It is important to flush the gearboxes with a light oil prior to refilling.

There are grease fittings on the units to lubricate bearings not adequately covered by
oil splash. These fittings should be pressure lubricated with short fiber grease with a work
penetration of 310 to 350 at 77°F and an ASTM drop point of 250°F minimum.

Fill oil to oil level plug hole.

Check oil seals for leaks.
See Winsmith operation and lubrication instructions.


Remove and clean water supply line to strainer every six months.


Open up drain fitting every week to bleed off captured water and foreign material. The two
(2) filter regulators are located in the control panel and are tied to a common drain.


Reference Drawings:




A) Remove the agitator drive assembly from skid and inspect for damage and cleanliness.

B) (See drawing B-K-538, ITEM #2, #3, & #4) Position the gearbox/base plate assembly
over the Cooker-Cooler with the 3/8” diameter alignment pins in the base plate above
the indexing holes in the flanges of the bridge. Lower the assembly onto the bridge
and secure the base plate with bolts, nuts, and lock washers provided.


A) With the square end down, insert the center shaft from inside the Cooker-Cooler up
through the lower gearbox. Install the upper end of the shaft into the upper gearbox
hollow shaft with the keyway adjacent to the keyway of the hollow shaft. Place the key
into the keyway and secure with the set screws as shown on the drawing B-K-530.


A) Place the white rubber Splash Cover/Drip Shield (ITEM #7) over the Quill Shaft (ITEM
#5) and slide it all the way to the bottom, resting on the top flange. Position the upper
end of the quill over the Center Shaft (ITEM #6, already installed) and into the hollow
shaft of the Lower Gearbox (ITEM #4), aligning the key on the quill with the keyway of
the lower gearbox hollow shaft. Raise the quill up until it’s lower surface is at the
elevation of the indexing mark on the center shaft or 1/16” above the splash shield
groove in the center shaft.

B) Back off the Self-Locking Nuts (ITEM #17 DWG B-K-530) on both of the set screws
(ITEM #15 & #16) installed in the lower portion of the lower gearbox hollow shaft.
Tighten the Set Screw (ITEM #16), being certain that it is bottomed in the hole drilled
into the quill shaft. Next, tighten Set Screw (ITEM #16) until it bottoms on the key.
Tighten the Self-Locking Nuts (ITEM #17).

C) Recheck that the lower surface of the quill shaft flange is at the level relative to the
splash shield groove on the center shaft.

D) Work the white rubber Splash Cover/Drip Shield (ITEM #7) up through the hole in
the Bridge (ITEM #1) and snap it into the groove cut into the quill shaft.

E) Place the white rubber Splash Shield (ITEM #8) over the center shaft coupling adapter
then slide it up over the center shaft and position in the groove provided.

F) This completes the installation of the upper drive assemblies.



A) With the Slow Speed Scraper Agitator (ITEM #15) outside of the Cooker-Cooler, place
the O-ring (ITEM #18) over the agitator shaft and slide it all the way to the bottom.
Next, place the High-Speed Tri-Blade Agitator (ITEM #9) over the slow speed agitator
as shown. Place the UHMW Bearing (ITEM #17) over the slow speed agitator shaft and
slide down to the lower portion of the shaft, but do not install in its final position at this

B) Put the UHMW Bearing (ITEM #19) over the steady bearing in the bottom center of the

C) Place both agitators in the Cooker-Cooler and position the Nylon Scraper Blades (ITEM
#16) in the direction of rotation. Place the lower end of the slow speed agitator shaft
onto the bearing in the bottom center of the Cooker-Cooler, place and hold the
Coupling Broach (ITEM #14) up on the coupling adapter on the Center Shaft (ITEM #6),
elevated enough to allow the two agitators to be tipped to the vertical position and
aligned under the upper shaft. Turn the agitators until the upper and lower squares are
aligned, and then lower the coupling onto the lower shaft square.

D) Raise the High-Speed Agitator (ITEM #9) up and engage the (3) top ends into the holes
in the top flange, securing with (3) Thru Pins (ITEM #10) and Hairpins (ITEM #11)
oriented as shown on drawing B-K-538.

E) Now install the UHMW Bearing (ITEM #17) into position between the lower high-speed
agitator ring and the slow speed agitator shaft. Retrieve the O-ring from below and
place in the retaining groove at the lower part of the UHMW Bearing, located below the
lower high-speed agitator ring.

F) This completes the installation of the piggy back agitators.


1. Push the power switch on the Cooker-Cooler control panel to the OFF position.

2. For an additional safeguard against potential operator injury, turn the disconnect switch on
the Cooker-Cooler control panel to the OFF position.

3. To remove the baffle, you will need a ratchet wrench with a ¾” socket.

4. Remove the baffle pin, which holds the baffle in place, at the Cooker-Cooler sidewall. The
baffle is the perforated stainless steel curved obstruction located to the left of the agitator
shafts. Pull on the bottom of the baffle to relieve the tension and remove the pin.

5. Use the ratchet wrench to remove the bolt holding the agitator to the bridge. The baffle
actually fits up inside a hole in the bridge and is held in place with a bolt and a thick
stainless steel washer.

6. If the quick blade release option is available, remove the sectional scraper blades from the
scraper agitator arm. Press in the button on the top of the quick release pin and remove.
The quick release pin resembles a golf tee and is located at the top of each scraper arm.

7. Remove the stainless steel sleeve that the pin fits into to secure the sleeve to the agitator
arm. The sleeve is slotted along its length and must be rotated to the 3 o’clock position to
slide off. The first blade can now be removed.

8. Remove the scraper agitator sectional blades by pulling them up and off at the end of the
arm. Remember which blade is last as it is specially cut to scrape the surface of the cone
below the stop on the scraper agitator arm.

9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for the second scraper arm.

10. Remove the sectional blades to the cleaning area.

11. To remove the scraper agitator and tri-blade agitator you need a small screwdriver.

12. In looking at the agitator assembly, you will see a UHMW bearing which concentrically
aligns the scraper agitator shaft and the tri-blade base plate. What you cannot see is a
rubber O-ring is in place underneath the tri-blade base plate, holding the bearing in place.
The bearing is notched to allow you to use a small screwdriver to slide under the O-ring to
remove it from its groove. Once you have repositioned the O-ring, pop the UHMW bearing
up to be free and clear.

13. Remove the three (3) pins, and their respective hairpins from the top of the tri-blade
agitator, which holds the agitator to the top flange. Gently guide the tri-blade agitator
down onto the scraper agitator.

14. At this point we recommend a second person to assist the operator, as the next step is
a three-hand job. Lift the center coupling up to allow clearance for movement of the
scraper agitator shaft.


15. Tip and lift the scraper agitator and with it the tri-blade agitator off the centering pin on the
base plate of the Cooker-Cooler. Rock the assembly to move into a position to remove the

16. Remove the coupling.

17. Rotate the assembly into a position to remove it from the kettle.

18. Slide the tri-blade agitator off the scraper agitator, as well as the UHMW bearing within the
Cooker-Cooler, to remove each agitator one at a time. Alternatively, it is possible to lift out
the entire assembly as a complete unit, however, lifting out the whole assembly at once is
a two-person task.

19. Remove the UHMW bearing that the scraper agitator sits on.

20. We recommend the Cooker-Cooler agitator assembly be assembled and disassembled

utilizing a two-person crew for safety and efficiency, although the task can be mastered by
an individual.

21. Perform the disassembly instructions in reverse to assemble the Cooker-Cooler agitation.
When assembling the agitation, it is of upmost importance to remember the component

22. Refer to Drawing B-K-538 located in the Cooker-Cooler manual for detail of the parts

23. The disassembly process should not take longer than 5 minutes once the procedure is




Chester-Jensen Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 908 Branch Factory
Chester, PA 19016-0908 124 South Main Street
(800) 685-3750 Cattaraugus, NY 14719
(610) 876-6276 (716) 257-3421

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