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The Hauntings

The Blueberry Inn

Ruby Hawkins
Cambridge Film Festival

Dates and Deadlines

Submissions open: February 15th
Super Early Bird: March 8th
Early Bird deadline: March 23rd
Regular Deadline: June 15th
Late deadline: July 24th
Notification date: September 16th
Festival date: October 19-26

Documentary Feature Fees

Super Early Bird fee: £45
Early Bird fee: £55
Regular fee: £65
Late fee: £75

1. Fiction and documentary feature films must not have been

released in the UK in any format, including online, or shown on
UK television before their screening in the Festival.

2. Shorts should ideally be a UK premiere, too. However, this is not

a requirement. They should not be publicly available online in
the UK before their festival screening.

3. Please note: exceptions may be made for films of exceptionally

high quality or films that premiere at the London Film Festival
only at the discretion of Festival staff.

4. Only films completed within the 18 months before the start of

the festival are eligible for submission.

5. All foreign language films must be subtitled in English (the costs

of which are to be covered by the applicant).
6. While it is not a requirement and will not affect your chances of
being selected, we encourage filmmakers to include a supporting
Closed Caption file with your submission where possible.

7. Previously submitted work will only be considered if it has been

substantially altered.

8. All rights, permissions and clearances must be obtained prior to

submission, and applicants must ensure that they have the right
to submit the work with regard to third parties connected with
the production of the film in question. By entering your work,
you agree to this and the responsibilities involved. The
Cambridge Film Trust, the registered charity that runs the
Cambridge Film Festival, assumes no responsibility for violation
of copyright law and submission fees will not be refunded.
Final Idea
For my final idea i have decided to go with the documentary. Looking at all the feedback
i have been given its been made very clear that this is the best option. The idea is about
an old inn which is now just a house in which an old couple live in. Its previous name
was The Blueberry Inn and it was welcome to everyone from locals to visitors in the
village. The inn had rooms above the bar which kept many guests. It is believed that
some of these guests may still be haunting the building today. I read in an article that it is
said that many guests disappeared under mysterious circumstances and are believed to
have been murdered at the inn. Which is why people are led to believe that the previous
guests are still haunting this home. The inn has had multiple owners and lucky enough i
happen to know one of them which means that i have been able to arrange a meeting with
one to discuss the inn and to find out if they knew anything about the murders of guests
while they were in ownership of the inn. They have also agreed to be in a interview
which i will film and include in my production. Not only have i got an interview with a
previous owner i also have an interview lined up with a local who used to visit the inn a
lot. Although i only have two interviews at the moment I'm still waiting for a few
responses from other people in the village who may have heard about this or have factual
knowledge on this case. The actors i will need are very accessible as two of them have
already agreed to the interviews. The location is also very accessible as it is in my
village. However, i need to get permissions from the current owners so that i can film the
house. I can easily manage this with the time we have been given as my actors are ready
whenever i am. I will need a professional looking documentary set up which should be
easy to set up in my local village hall. I will have multiple opportunities to reshoot this as
the people and building are all in one village so that won’t be a problem. I will be
submitting my production to Cambridge Film Festival once it is completed.
Target audience
The target audience for my production is 16-60+ as I’m mainly
targeting my production at residents of Blewbury which range in ages.
Legal and ethical issues
I have been given writes by the owner of the property to film outside
and inside the house. I have also been given permission to film Wendy
the home owner in an interview.

Wendy -

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