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Subject: Calculus

Created by: Matthias Fisseha and Rishita Kar

Revised: 07/11/2018

Basic Differentiation and Integration Rules

Basic Differentiation Rules

Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Subject: Calculus
Created by: Matthias Fisseha and Rishita Kar
Revised: 07/11/2018

Basic Differentiation and Integration Rules

Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Subject: Calculus
Created by: Matthias Fisseha and Rishita Kar
Revised: 07/11/2018

Basic Differentiation and Integration Rules

Basic Integration Rules

References - The following work was referenced to during the creation of this handout: Summary
of Rules of Differentiation.
For basic integration rules, refer to the URL:

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