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El Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY FLUID DYNAMICS Coefficient of discharge in comparison to coefficient of velocity is (a) More (b) Less (©) Same (d) Not necessary For measuring flow by a venturimeter, it should be installed in (a) Vertical line (b) Horizontal line (©) Inclined line with upward flow (d) In any direction and in any location The fluid forces considered in the navier stokes equation are (a) Gravity, pressure and viscous (b) Gravity, pressure and turbulent (©) Pressure, viscous and turbulent (@) Gravity, viscous and turbulent A simple pitot tube is used to measure (a) Pressure in a static fluid (b) Velocity in a flowing stream (©) Total pressure (d) Dynamic. pressure Rotameter is used for the measurement of (a) Volumetric flow rate (b) Velocity of flow (©) Air and gas velocity (d) Velocity of open channel 6. ‘The coefficient of discharge (C,) of an orifice varies with (a) Reynold number (b) Weber number (©) Froude number (@) Mach number Bemoulli’s theorem deals with the conservation of, (a) Mass (b) Force (©) Momentum —_(d) Energy In a flow field, at the stagnation point (a) Pressure is zero (b) Total energy is zero (©) Pressure head is equal to velocity (@) All the velocity head is converted into pressure head Mouthpieces are used to measure (a) Velocity (b) Pressure (©) Viscosity (d) Rate of flow In a free vortex flow, the tangential velocity is (a) Directly proportional to the radial distance (b) Directly proportional to the square of the radial distance (©) Inversely proportional to the radial disanee (@) Inversely proportional to the square of radial distance ENGINEERS ACADEMY 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. 17, The radial component of velocity in a free vortex is (a) Zero (b) Directly proportional to radial distance (c) Inversely proportional to radial distance (d) Inversely proportional to the square of radial distance Ina forced vortex motion (a) Rotation of fluid, moving as a solid, takes place about an axis (b) Each particle moves in a circular path with a speed varying inversely as the distance from the centre (©) Velocity decreases with the radius (d) Velocity remains constant A mouthpiece can’t be used under very large head because of (a) Creation of vortex at vena contracta (b) Cavitation problem at vena contracta (©) Large variation of discharge (@) Erratic flow In an extemal mouthpiece, value of coefficient of discharge. if pipe is flowing full, will be (a) 0.602 (b) 0.75 (©) 0.86 (@) 1.0 Flow meter based on obstruction principle like orifice plates can be used with Reynold’s number upto approximately (a) 500 (b) 1000 (©) 2000 (@) 4000 The contraction of area for flow through orifice in tank depends on (a) Shape of orifice (b) Size of orifice (©) Head in tank (@) All of the above Instrument used to measure flow on the application of bernoulli’s theorem, is, (b) Orifice plate (@) All of the above (a) Venturimeter (©) Pitot tube Fluid Dynamics 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. Ee The locus of elevations that water will rise in a series of pitot tube is called (a) Hydraulic grade line (b) Pressure head (©) Energy grade line (@) Head loss A fluid having mass pL’, area L?, length L and velocity L/T has a force acting on it and expressed by pL'g. The force is (a) Inertia force (b) Viscous foree (©) Pressure fore (d) Gravity force Ina flow field, stagenation point is a point where the {a) Velocity is zero (b) Pressure is zero (©) Both pressure and velocity are zero (d) Gravitational effort is zero The theoretical velocity of jet at vena contracta is (a) 2gH (©) gH (b) 2g\H (d) Hv2g [Punjab JE - 2014] In a free vortex, velocity (a) Decreases with radius (b) Increases with radius (©) Is constant (@) None of the above IHPSC - 2014, Punjab JE - 2014] Discharge °Q° through a venturimeter is by ( symbols have their usual meanings) en (a) Cy a, a, J2eh/ Jaz -a3 (b) C, Ja} ~a3 /2gh /a,a, (©) C, (a) J2gh /(a; +a) (@ C, Jayay y2eh (a, +23) | 258 | Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29, 30, An average value of coefficient of velocity( C,) is (a) 0.62 (©) 0.84 (b) 0.76 (d) 0.98 ITSPSC-AE - 2015] Which of the following is used to measure the discharge ? (@) Current Meter (c) Pitot tube (b) Venturimeter (d) Hotwire anemometer IRPSC, Haryana-JE - 2017, PEB-SUB ER. - 2017] Streamlines are straight and parallel to each other and perpendicular to the plane of the otifice is at (a) Convergent (b) Divergent (©) Vena contracta (a) External mouth piece IPEB-SUB ER. - 2017] Which of the following is used as a standard orifice? (a) Submerged orifice (b) Sharp-edged orifice (©) Re-entrant (4) Drowned orifice [PEB-SUB ER. - 2017] Pitot tube is used for measurement of (b) Velocity (@) Surface tension [PHED-RAJ., ISRO - 2017] In which of the following measuring devices Bemoulli’s theorem is not used? (a) Pressure (c) Viscosity (a) Venturimeter (€) Pitot Tube (b) Rectangular Notch (a) Orificemeter IMPSC - 2012] Orificemeter is used to measure (a) Average velocity (b) Velocity at a point (©) Discharge (@) Pressure at a point 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. To avoid separation, the most suitable ratio of throat diameter and pipe diameter in a venturimeter is oe ie (a) Fez (b) 515 1 (© 501 (@) 1t04 ITSPSC-AE - 2015] ‘The inlet length of venturimeter (a) Is equal to the outlet length (b) Is more than the outlet length (©) Is less than the outlet length (@) Has no relation with the outlet length ITSPSC-AE - 2015] At vena contracta, jet has the minimum area of ‘cross section and so the velocity of liquid at this section will be (a) Minimum (b) Maximum (@) Zero [Chandigarh JE - 2016] Each term in Bernoulli's equation represents (©) Average (a) Force per unit volume (b) Foree per unit weight (©) Energy per unit volume (4) Energy per unit weight [Coal-India - 2017, PMB JE - 2018] The size of venturimeter is specified by (a) Pipe diameter (b) Throat diameter (©) Both pipe and throat diameter (@) Angle of diverging section [PMB JE - 2018] Coefficient of velocity, in flow through orifice, varies in the range of (2) 0.990 1.02 (b) 0.68 t0 0.72 (6) 0.95 100.99 (d) 0.62 t0 0.68 IDMRC - 2018] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Fluid Dynamics 259 37. 38. 39, 40. 4. 42. Which of the following is NOT a part of venturimeter? (a) Throat (b) Convergent (©) Divergent (@) Valve IDMRC - 2018] The height of water level in a tank above the centre of a circular hole 2.5 em in diameter is 50 m, The velocity of water flowing through the hole is (neglect friction between jet and wall) (a) 20.53 mise (b) 25.85 m/sec (©) 31.32 misee —(d) 40/40 m/sec [ISRO - 2013] A large tank open to the atmosphere is filled \with water to a height of Sm from the outlet tap. A tap near the bottom of tank is now opened, and water flows out from the smooth and rounded outlet, Determine the maximum velocity at the outlet (a) 9.2 m/s (©) 19.8 mis (b) 9.9 ms (d) None [ISRO - 2013] The study of fluid motion involving the consideration of the forces and energies causing the flow of fluid is called (a) Staties of fluid flow (b) Dynamies of fluid flow (©) Kinematics of fluid flow (@) Steady laminar flow [DMRC - 2018] The basic equation which governs the motion of incompressible viscous fluid in laminar motion is called as (a) Hagen-Poiseullie equation (b) Stokes equation (©) Darey-weisbach equation (@) Navier-stokes equation IHPSC - 2014] Which equation usually gives the laminar flow for real fluid? (a) Newton (©) Bemoulli (b) Euler (d) Navier-Stokes [DDA JE - 2018] 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. For Bernoulli’s equation to remain valid, which of the following is NOT required? (a) Irrotational flow (b) Steady flow (©) Incompressible medium (@) Ideal gas fluid IDDA JE - 2018] When a fluid mass rotates without any extemal force being acting on it, then it is called as (a) Cyclone (b) Forced vortex: motion (©) Free vortex motion (@) Turbulence IDDA JE - 2013] To which of the following conditions can the Bemoulli’s equation between any two points be applied? (a) Any irrotational flow (b) Rotational flow of an incompressible fluid (c) Steady, irrotational flow of incompressible fluid (€) Steady, rotational flow of incompressible fluid IDDA JE - 2018] In an orifice used for flow measurement, the coefficient of velocity is always: (a) Equal to unit (b) A non-zero negative number (©) Less than unity (@) Greater than unity IDDA JE - 2018] Ina pitot tube, velocity of a flowing fluid at any point in a pipe is given by (b) V= Jen (@) V = C,/2gh @ V = C.\2eh (© V = C, yah [PEB-SUB ER. - 2017] | 260 | Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 48. 49. 53. Borda's mouthpiece is also known as (b) Cylindrical (d) Re-entrant [PEB-SUB ER. - 2017] Bemoullis equation is applicated to (b) Orifice meter (a) Convergent (©) Divergent (a) Venturi meter (6) Pitot tube (@) All of these IFCI JE - 2015] Bemoulli's equation is based on one assumption, that is only force is acting on the fluid and not other external forces are acting on the flowing fluid. (a) Atmospheric pressure (b) Gravitational pressure (©) Air pressure (a) Frictional force IUK Combined AE - 2012] A point in a compressible flow, where the velocity of fluid is zero, is called. (a) Citi (c) Stagnation point (d) None of the abvoe [UKPSC AE - 2007] point —(b) Vena contracta ‘The streams that do not receive any base flow from contribution are termed as (a) Intermittent streams (b) Ephemeral. streams (©) None of the above (4) Perennial stream IMP VYAPM Sub Engineer - 2017] A flow whose streamli curve is called c is represented by a (a) One dimensional flow (b) Two dimensional flow (c) Three dimensomnal flow (@) None of the above [UKPSC JE - 2007] 54. 55. 57, If Bemoulli’s equation for total water head at a point a applied to the flow water through a porous soil, the term containing the X head can be neglected, where X is (b) Elevation (a) Velocity INPCC JE - 2017] (a) Pressure (©) Gravity Under which of the following conditions will the equation + x +2 = constant be valid in a flow field 1. Flow is rotational 2. Flow is irrotational 3. Flow is incompressible 4, Flow is steady 5. Flow is laminar (@) 1, 3 and 5 (©) 1,3 and 4 (b) 2, 4 and 5 (@) 2,3 and 4 [Uttarakhand JE - 2015] The following device could be used to measure discharge in a pipe flow (a) Pitot tube (b) Anemometer (©) Current meter (@) Orifice meter IM.P. Sub Eng. - 2015] Ifa pipe of dia. 30 cm running full with water with velocity 100 nvsec is changed by a pipe of dia. 15 om, then the velocity of water flowing through the pipe will be (a) 50 misee (b) 25 misee (©) 200 m/sec (4) 400 misee [UK Combined AE - 2012] Surface profile of a forced vortex flow is (b) Ellipse (4) Parabolic [UPPCL JE - 2016] (a) Straight line (c) Hyperbolic ENGINEERS ACADEMY 59, 60. 61. 62. 63. Venturimeter is advantageous because (a) It has much smaller head loss (b) Its coefficient of discharge is more than for an orifice meter (c) Its accuraey is quite good (@) Alll the above [SSC JE - 2009] The velocity in a 2 cm diameter pipe is 20 m/ see if the diameter of the pipe is increased to 5 em the velocity in m/sec will be (b) 52 (@) 32 [HPSSSB JE - 2016] (a) 64 (©) 48 An aeroplane works on- ‘A. Archimedes principle B. Pascal's law C. Bernoulli's principle D. Stoke's law (A oc (b) B @)D IRRB JE - 2015] In horizontal venturimeter the velocity of flow in main pipe is (a) Greater than the velocity of flow at the throat section (b) Lesser than the velocity of flow at the throat section (©) Equal to velocity of flow at the throat section (d) Double the velocity of flow at the throat section Euler’s equation of motion represents (a) Conservation of mass (b) Conservation of energy (©) Newton's second law of motion (4) None of the above IUKPSC AE - 2007] Fluid Dynamics 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 261 If an incompressible fluid enters a pipe with a velocity of 4 cm/s and moves out with a velocity of 2 cm/s, calenlate the cross sectional arca of the inlet if the diameter of the pipe at the outlet is 7 om. (a) 19.23 — (b) 77 (©) 14 sqm. (a) 7 sqem. [UPPCL JE - 2016] What is the approximate length of convergent cone of a venturimeter? 'D' -diameter of inlet section and 'd’ -diameter of throat (@) 20 - a (©) 2700 - a) (b) 2.5(D - d) (a) 2.25(D ~ a) [UPSSSC JE - 2016] In a venturimeter, to avoid flow separation, angle of divergence should not be greater than 7 (@) 20° [UPPCL JE - 2016) (a) 3° ©) 12° In the region of boundary layer on a flat plate surface where velocity is not zero, the viscous force is (a) Less than inertial force (b) More than inertial force (©) Equal to magnitude (d) Not predicatble [UPPSC AE - 2016] A body is called streamline body when (a) It is symmetrical about the axis along the free stream (b) Surface of the body coincides with stream line (c) Flow is laminar around it (d) It produces no drag for flow around it, [UPPSC AE - 2016] | 262 | Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 69. 70. n. 72. 73. 14, Of the various methods of measuring discharge through a pipe line, the one with the least loss of energy and direct reading is by (a) Venturimeter (b) Orifice meter (©) Flow nozle (4) Traversing a pitot-static probe [Uttrakhand JE - 2013] On which one of the following is the Euler's equation of motion based? (a) Mass conservation (b) Energy conservation (©) Momentum conservation (4) Total head conservation IM.P. Sub Engineer - 2015] A current meter is used for the measurement of (a) Pressure (b) Velocity in open channel (©) Viscosity (@) Electric charge on fluids [UPRVNL JE - 2016, Bihar JE - 2016] The rate of flow through venturimeter varies as: @H (b) He? (©) HY (d) [UPRVNL JE - 2016] For a pitot tube the stagnation pressure head is 6.8 m, static pressure head is 5 m. C, = 0.9 and 0 mis*, Calculate the velocity ? (a) 9 mis (©) 10.49 ms (b) 11.24 mis (@) 54 mis IM.P. Vyapam - 2017] Pirani gauge is used for measuring pressure, (a) Very low (©) Medium (b) Very high (a) Atmospheric [M.P. Vyapam - 2017] 75. 16. 71. 78. 79. 80. The discharge coefficient of a standard venturimenter can be expressed in general as = (a) fi(Re) (b) fin) (©) fn (Re. B) (@) A constant for all Re and B IRSMSSB AE - 2017] In a flow field at the stagnation point (a) Pressure is zero (b) Total energy is zero (©) Pressue head is equal to to velocity head (@) All the velocity head is converted into pressure head. {UPPSC AE - 2016 A Sprayer make use of (a) Bernoulli's principle (b) Newtons Law (©) Pasacal’s law (@) Friction [Irrigation Kerla PSC - 2014] The device not used for measuring pressure is (a) Piezoelectric crystal (b) Pyrometer (©) LYDT (@) Strain gauge IM.P. Vyapam - 2017] ‘What is the unit of kinetic head? () m (@) m/sec? [DMRC - 2017] (a) m/sec* (©) m/sec Bemoull’s equation relates (a) Various forces wi th change in momentum (b) Torque to change in angular momentum (©) Various form of energy (@) Various forces involved in fluid flow [UPJN JE - 2016] ENGINEERS ACADEMY 81, 82. 83. 84, Bemoull’s equation is applied for (a) Plastic fluid (b) Viscous fluid (c) Ideal fluid (4) Read fluid INMRC - 2017] Application of Bernoulli's equation requires that: (a) The duct is two dimensional (b) The flow is laminar (©) The duct is frictionless (A) The fluid is invisious and imeompressible [Chattisgarh JE - 2008] The size of venturimeter is specified by (a) Fluid pressure (b) Discharge (©) Pipe diameter and throat diameter (@) Length of venturimeter [UPPSC AE - 2016] The term v7/2g is known as (a) Kinetic: energy (b) Pressure energy (©) Kinetic energy/mit weight (4) None of these above [Utrakhand JE - 2008] Fluid Dynamics 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Err) The velocity of liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter (a) Increase (b) Decreases (©) Remains constant(d) Cannot be predicated [Uttrakhand JE - 2013) Working of orifice meter is based on (b) Bemoulli (©) Stoke's law (@) Archimedes principles [Irrigation Kerla PSC - 2014) (a) Pascal's law theorem The flow measurement device that produces low head loss, low differential pressure and has low sensitivity is (b) Rotameter (A) Pitot tube IMP Sub Engineers - 2016] The flow rate through a circular pipe is measured by (a) Venturimeter (©) Nozzle (a) Pitot tube (b) Venturimeter (@) Both (b) and (¢) [Uttrakhand JE - 2013] (c) Orifice meter The velocity in m/s for laminar flow through a pipe of cross sectional area 0.3 m® having. discharge of 2m'Vs is (a) 2 © 6 (b) 4 (@) 8 [UPRVNL JE - 2016] goa EE] Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY US Sau ul. fa 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2. 22. 23. 24. 25, 26. 21, 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, ‘Ans. (b) Ans. (d) ‘Ans. (a) Ans. (b) Ans. (a) Ans. (a) Ans. (d) ‘Ans. (d) Ans. (@) Ans. (0) Ans. (@) Ans. (a) Ans. () Ans. (i) Ans. (0) ‘Ans. (d) Ans. (@) ‘Ans. (c) Ans. (@) Ans. (e) ‘Ans. (c) Ans. (4) Ans. (a) ‘Ans. (d) Ans. (b) Ans. (¢) Ans. (b) Ans, (b) Ans. (b) Ans. (6) Ans. (b) Ans. (0) Ans, (b) Ans. () * = 0.98 to 0.99 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50, 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Ans Ans. Ans, Ans. Ans, Ans, Fluid dynamics is the branch dealing with analysis of fluid in motion due to forces, pressure and (a) @ @ oO @ @ energy Ans. Ans, Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans, Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans, Ans. Ans, Ans, @ @ (@) o o oO @ @ (@) oO () (b) @ @ d=25 em h=50m V2x981%50 v = 31.32 m/sec V2x981%3 9.9 misee ENGINEERS ACADEMY Fluid Dynamics 265 56. 57. 58. 59, 60, 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69, 70. n. 72. Ans. Ans. Ans, Ans. 73. 14. 78. 16. 71. 78. 19. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Ans. Ans. goo

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