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EiQ]| Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY FLOW THROUGH PIPES, LAMINAR FLOW, AND TURBULENT FLOW OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Reynolds number for pipe flow is given by 1 vd 6 yDu @ you ) os evD yD «) a) Or OT If a turbulent flow in a pipe (a) Reynolds number is greater than 4000 (b) Fluid particles move in straight lines 8. (©) Head loss varies linearly with flow rate (d) Shear stress varies linearly with radius In laminar flow, maximum velocity at the centre of pipe is how many times to the average velocity (a) Two (b) Three (©) Four (@) None of these 9 When Reynold’s number is greater than 4200. flow in a pipe will be (a) Laminar (b) Ideal (©) Turbulent (@) Sonic Flow occurring in a pipeline when a valve is being opened is, 10. (a) Steady (b)_ Unsteady (©) Laminar (@) Vortex Head loss in turbulent flow in pipe varies directly as the (a) Square root of velocity (b) Inversely as the square of diameter (©) Square of velocity (d) Cube root of velocity To replace a compound pipe by a new pipe, the pipes will be equivalent when both the pipes have same (a) Length and flow (b) Diameter and flow (©) Head loss and discharge (@) Length and loss of head Hydraulic gradient line as compared to the centre line of conduit (a) Should always above (b) Should always. below (©) Should always the parallel (@) May be above or below Distance from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity in case of turbulent flow (where R is the radius of the pipe) is (a) 0.1L R (b) 0.223 R (©) 0.446 R (@) 0.892 R The shear stress distribution for a fluid flowing in between the parallel plates, both at rest, is (a) Constant over the cross-section (b) Maximum at the mid-plane and varies linearly with distance from mid-plane (c) Zero at the mid-point and varies linearly with distance from mid-plane (d) Zero at the plates and varies exponentially to mid-point ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF 273 ul. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. The losses are maximum in 19. (b) Turbulent flow (4) Transition flow (a) Laminar flow (©) Critical flow The pipe bend causing maximum head loss is (a) 30° bend (b) 45° bend (©) 60° bend (@) 90° bend For pipe flows, at constant capacity head loss is proportional to 1 My 1 Og Minor losses in a pipe flow are : (a) Local disturbances from pipe fittings (b) Losses caused by frictional losses (©) Losses that can always be neglected 21. (4) Losses caused by the gradient [DDA JE - 2018} To replace a pipe of diameter D by n parallel er d, the formula used in D @d= = al 22. @ Power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the loss of head due to friction is (a) Half of the total head supplied (b) One-third of the total head supplied (©) One-fourth of the total head supplied 234 @E Hydraulic gradient line for any flow system as compared to energy line is, (a) Above (b) Below (©) At same level (d) Uncertain al to the total head supplied Turbulent flow is hydraulically smooth if ratio Height of roughness projection 24. Height ofroughness projection, joss than Thickness of laminar sub - layer (a) 1.00 (©) 0.50 (b) 0.75 (@) 0.25 If one of the walls moves in the direction of flow with uniform velocity while the other wall is station: parallel walls is called (a) Plug flow (b) Stoke's flow (@) Euler's flow Head loss due to a sudden enlargement in a pipe is then the resulting flow between (©) Couette flow Mz? Mm (b) 2g Ory The velocity distribution for flow between two fixed parallel plates () Is constant over the cross-section (b) Varies parabolically across the section (©) Is zero at the plates and linearly increases towards the plates (@) Is zero in the middle and increases towards the plates ‘A body with a rounded nose and along tapering tail is usually best suited for (a) Laminar flow (b) Turbulent sonic flow (©) Sonic flow (@) Supersonic flow The loss of head due to sudden enlargement is attributed to {a) Viscosity of fluid (b) Generation of heat (©) Roughness of pipe (d) Production and dissipation of turbulent energy For smooth turbulent flow, the friction factor varies as @) Ne (b) JNe (co) Nat? (@) Nu" EiZ]| Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 25. 26. 21. 28. 29, 30. For laminar flow in a pipe carrying a given discharge, the height of surface roughness is doubled. In such a ease the Darey ~ Weisbach friction factor will (a) Remain unchanged (b) Be halved (©) Be doubled (d) Increase four hold If a pipe of dia, 30 cm running full with water with velocity 100 m/sec is chanaged by a pipe of dia. 15 om, then the velocity of water flowing. through the pipe will be (a) S0m/see (b) 25 misee (©) 200 /sec (d) 400 misee Fora pipe of diameter “d”, flowing half full under the action of gravity, the hydraulic radius will be at ») @4 oF a a 2 © 4 ( 2 Darcy ~ Weisbach friction factor “fis defined by the relation 1 fixed ®t yt 1 [hed Of Vo ‘Two reservoirs are connected by two pipes laid in parallel. The diameters and lengths of the two pipe is same, but the friction factor for the first pipe is 4 times than the second pipe . The ratio of the discharges in first pipe to the second pipe will be (@)4 (©) V4 (by 2 (@) 12 ‘The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to (a) Sudden enlargement (b) Sudden contraction (©) Gradual contraction or enlargement (@) Friction IRPSC] 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. The velocity distribution of viscous fluid through a pipe is (a) Hyperbolic (b) Circular (@) Elliptical ILMRC-JE, PMB-JE - 2018] ‘The horse power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the ratio of loss of head due to friction to the total head supplied is (©) Parabolic (@) (b) © @ [LMRC-JE] The valve which allows uni-directional flow of water in a pipe is called __ (a) Reflux valve (b) Float valve (©) Ball valve (a) Sluice valve [AEC - 2017, PEB-SUB ER. - 2017] In case of laminar flow the loss of pressure head is proportional to (b) Velocity (A) None of these IMPSC - 2012] The velocity at the Reynold’s number equal to 2000 is called (a) Critical velocity (a) Velocity (6) Velocity® (b) Lower critical velocity (©) Higher critical velocity (@) Uniform velocity ITSPSC-AE - 2015] Hydraulic gradient line (HGL) represents sum of (a) Pressure head and kinetic head (b) Kinetic head and datum head (©) Pressure head, kinetic head and datum head (@) Pressure head and datum head ITSPSC-AE - 2015] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF A 37. 38. 39. 40. The hydraulic mean depth of a pipe of | m 41. diameter flowing full is (a) 0.12 m (b) 05 m (c) 0.25 m (d) 20m ITSPSC-AE - 2015] Match list 1 with list I List I (A) The flow is turbulent in pipes (B) Proportional to the mean velocity 42. (C) The flow is laminar in pipes (D) Proportional to square of velocity List 1 (1) Reynold number less than 2000 (2) Loss of pressure head in laminar flow (3) Reynold number is more than 4000 (4) Loss of pressure head in turbulent flow Code a ® © @1 2 3 4 3 2 4 1 @3 2 14 @1 4 3 2 lsro - 2015) 4+ The discharge of a liquid of kinematic viscosity 4 cm/sec through a 8 cm diameter pipe is 320% cm'/see. The type of flow expected is (a) Laminar flow (b) Transition flow (©) Turbulent flow (d) Not predictable from the given data [Chandigarh JE - 2016] 45. The velocity at which the flow changes from laminar flow to turbulent flow is called (a) Critical velocity (b) Velocity of aproach (©) Subsonic velocity (d) Supersonic velocity [ISRO - 2017] In a pipe network, (a) The algebraic sum of discharges around each. elementary circuit must be zero (b) The head at each node must be the same (©) The piezometric head loss in each line of the circuit is the same (@) The algebraic sum of the piezometric head drops around each elementary circuit is zero ILMRC - 2018] The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for computing, friction loss in pressure pipe depends on (a) Froude Number (b) Pipe thickness (©) Pipe slope (@) Reynolds number and relative roughness IGETCL - 2015] id in parallel, the total When pipes are conn head loss is (a) Equal to the sum of head loss in each pipe (b) Same in each pipe (©) Equal to the reciprocal of the sum of head loss in each pipe (@) All of these [PMB JE - 2018] Ina fluid flow, point A is at a higher elevation than point B. The total heads at A and B are H, and H,, respectively. If head loss between these points is H,, flow will take place (a) From A to B if (H, + H,) = Hy (b) From B to A if (H, + H,) = Hy (©) From B to A if (H, + H,) = Hy (@) Always from A to B IPMB JE - 2018] In laminar flow through a circular pipe of diameter 200 mm, the maximum velocity is 1 mi. The velocity at a distance of 50 mm from the centre of pipe will be (a) 0.25 mis (©) 0.75 mis (b) 0.50 ms (d) 1.0 mis [PMB JE - 2018] EE Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 46. 4. 48. 49. Ina circular pipe, the co-efficient of friction for a laminar flow is given by 64 46 @ TR PRE 8 16 f= fe © f=R @ f=R IAEC - 2017] For the viscous flow between two parallel plates, the loss of pressure head is given by the equation (a) h,= (64a Ly/pst (b) h,= (2a Ly/pge® (©) h,= G2uuLy/pee @ bh, = (2waLy/pee' [AEC - 2017] When no extemal energy is imposed, which of the following statement should be true: 1. Energy line always falls in the direction of, flow Hydraulic gradient line never rises in the direction of flow 3. Specific energy may inerease or decrease in the direction of flow 4, Energy line and hydraulic gradient line can cross each other Select the correct answer using the codes given below Codes: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 [HPSC - 2014] ‘The head loss in a pipe of diameter, carrying oil ata flow rate Q over a distance / is h. The pipe is replaced by another with half the diameter, all other things remaining the same the head loss of this case will be (a) 05h (©) 8.0h (b) 2.0h (d) 32.0h [HPSC - 2014] 50. 51. 52. 54. . ‘The difference between the total head line and the hydraulic grade line is the (a) Piezometric head (b) Velocity head (c) Pressure head (d) Elevation head [DDA JE - 2018] In a uniform laminar flow through a conduit, the hydraulic gradient varies (a) Inversely as the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (b) As square of the diameter of the conduit (©) As the velocity of flow (@) Inversely as the dynamic viscosity of the fluid [DDA JE - 2018] The hydraulic grade line for flow in a pipe of constant internal diameter (a) Coincides with the physical center line of the pipe (b) Is always above the centerline of the pipe (©) Is always sloping down in the direction of flow (@) Is always above the total energy grade line IDDA JE - 2018] The losses are more in (a) Laminar flow (©) Turbulent flow — (d) Critical flow [Uttarakhand JE - 2015, HP SSC JE - 2015] (b) Transition flow If the velocity distribution is uniform, the kinematic energy correction factor will be (a) Greater than zero but less than unity (b) Equal to zero (©) Less than zero (@) Equal to unity [UK Combined AE - 2012] Laminar flow of a real fluid is given by which of the following equations? (a) Hagen-Poisculle (b) Bernoulli (©) Euler (4) Navier-Stokes IUP RVNL AE - 2016] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF 277 56. 58. 60, In laminar flow between parallel plates, the ratio maximum velocity and average velocity of flow is- (a) 20 (b) 1.33 (©) 15 (d) 10 [Uttrakhand AE - 2013] The velocity distribution for laminar flow through a circular tube (a) Is constant over the cross-section (b) Varies linearly from zero at walls to maximum at centre (c) Varies parabolically with maximum at the centre (@) Zero at center [UPJAL NIGAM JE - 2016] How much is the length of an equivalent pipe in comparison to a compound pipe? (b) Equal (a) Maximum, IMP Sub Eng. - 2016] (a) Not equal (©) Minimum, Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched A. Path lines : Direction of motion of a particle between two given. sections, B. Stream lines : Directions of motion of a particle at that instant C. Streak fines : Lines formed by particles ejected from a nozzle D. Potential lines : Lines joining the points of equal potential on adjacent flow line (aA ) B wc (aD IDMRC JE - 2015] The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is (a) A function of temperature only (b) A physical property of the fluid (©) Dependent on the flow (4) Independent of the flow IRRB JE - 2015] 61. 62. 63. 64. 66. The loss of energy at the exit from a pipe is given as (a) h, = Vig (©) h, = Vg () h, = ViBg. (@) bh, = 2V%e, [UK Combined AE - 2012] In fluid flow, the line of constant piezometric head pases through two points which have the same (a) Elevation (©) Velocit (b) Pressure (a) Velocity potential IRRB JE - 2014] Two reservoirs are connected by two pipes laid in parallel, The diameters and length of the two pipe is same, but the friction factor for the first pipe is 4 times than the second pipe: The ratio of the discharges in first pipe to the socond pipe will be (a4 © 05 (b) 2 (a) 0.25 [UK Combined AE - 2012] The velocity of a fluid particle at the centre of pipe section is (a) Minimum (b) Maximum (©) Average (a) None of the above IHPSSSB JE - 2016] The piezometric head in a stationary or static liquid (a) Remains constant only on the horizontal plane (b) Increases non-linearly with depth below the surface (c) Increases linearly with depth below the surface (d) Remains constant at all the points in the fluid. IRRB SSE - 2015] The hydraulic grade line for a flow in pipe of fixed diameter is (a) Above center line of pipe (b) Sloping downwards in the direction of (©) Same as centerline of pipe (@) Above energy grade line INPCC JE - 2017] EEG] Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 67. 68. 69, 70. n. 72. If the flow around a sphere is taking place Reynolds Number is just less than 500 * 10% the value of C,, will be (C, = Drag coefficient) (a) 0.50 (b) 0.20 (©) 0.25 (@) 0.10 [Uttrakhand AE - 2013] In laminr flow through a pipe, discharge varies (a) Linearly as the viscosity (b) Inversely as the viscosity (c) Linearly as the pipe diameter (@) None of the abvoe [HPSSSB JE - 2016] ‘A velocity at which the laminar flow stops is known as (a) Lower critical velocity (b) Higher critical velocity (©) Velocity of approach (a) None of the above IUKPSC AE - 2007] Ata sudden contraction in a horizontal pipe (a) Total energy decreases (b) Velocity head increases (©) Pressure head decreases (@) All of the above [Uttarakhand JE - 2015] If the velocity distribution is rectangular, the kinetic energy correction is (a) Greater than. zero (b) (©) Greater than unity al to zero (4) Equal to unity IUKPSC AE - 2007] In flowing fluid major energy losses in a pipe occurs due to (a) Friction in pipe (b) Bend in pipe (6) Sudden contraction of pipe (a) Sudden expansion of pipe [MP VYAPM Sub Eng. - 2017] 73. 14. 16. 7. 78. If the length of the flow line in the last square is 2 m the total head loss is 20 and the number of potential drop is 12. The value of exit gradient will be (a) 0.33 (c) 0.833 (b) 0.75, (a) 1.33 [UPRVUNL JE - 2016] Choose the correct statement for pipe in series problems- (a) The discharge is same though each pipe (b) The discharge though cach pipe is not equal to total discharge (©) The head loss is the same though each pipe (@) None of the above [Uttarkhand AE - 2013] For turbulent flow through rough pipe, the factor Revi Toe 8 (Notation have their usual meaning) (@ <16 (b) > 400 (©) > 70 @ <1 [Uttarkhand AE - 2013] ‘The shear flow in a section can be defined as: (a) Total shear stress (b) Total shear stress at a point (©) Direction of the shear stress (A) None of these IBCCL JE - 2017] Water hammer pressure can be considerably reduce using, (a) Slow closing valves (b) Rapid closing valves (©) Both slow and rapid closing valves (@) None of the valves [UPPCL JE - 2016] ring graduate experimented on ‘water and measured the total head and hydraulic, grade line. He computed the difference between the two; what will be obtain? A fresh et (a) Elevation head (©) Pressure head (b) Piezometric head (@) Velocity head IUP RVNL AE - 2016] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF EE 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84, For laminar flow, kinetic energy correction factor is (@) 1 (b) 133 (2 (d) 27 [UPPCL JE - 2016, Uttarkhand AE - 2013] With tuberculation of the pipes, roughness of the pipes and carrying capacity of the pipes (a) increases, increases (b) increases, decreases (c) decreases, increases (d) decreases, decreases [UPPCL JE - 2016] If the velocity of pressure wave generated is 2 mis, the value of critical time is (b) 4s (d) 05s [UPPCL JE - 2016] ‘When the flow is such that one third of the static head is consumed in pipe friction, the power delivered by the given pipe line wil be (b) Unity (©) Same as always (d) Maximum [UPPCL JE - 2016] A compound pipe system consists of 1800 m of, 50 cm, 1200 m of 40 em and 600 m of 30 em cast iron pipes connected in series. If this sy is converted into an equivalent diameter of 40 cm pipe, the length will be (a) 4300 m (b) 4320 m (©) 4310 m (d) 4380 m IHPSSSC JE - 2015] (a) 2s (©) Is (a) Zero The velocity for flow through a pipe as measured at the centre is 4 m/s. The average velocity in the pipe will be (a) 2 mvs () I ms (b) 8 avs (d) 4 mis IUPRVUNL JE - 2014] 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. The friction factor of laminar liquid flow in a circular pipe is proportional to (a) Inversely to the Reynold’s number (b) Square to the Reynold's number (©) Square root of the Reynold's number (@) Reynold’s number [RIC Exam. - 2016] In a 1920 m long pipe line, the velocity of propagation of pressure wave is 960 m/s, The rapid closure of a downstream valve will entail When the maximum time for the closure is (a) 8s (&) 2s (6s @4s [UPPCL JE - 2015) The discharge from the water pipe line is at a high velocity when the nozzle is placed at which part of the pipe line? (a) The begining of the pipe line (b) The mid of the pipe tine (©) End of the pipe line (@) The beginning and end of the pipe line IMP Sub Eng. - 2016] What should be the condition in the pipe as compared to the vapour pressure of a liquid, for the siphon to work satisfactorily? (@) Minimum pressure (b) Maximum power (©) Minimum velocity (d) Maximum pressure IMP Sub Eng. - 2016] How is an equivalent pipe treated for all caluculations? (a) Ordinary pipe (b) Extra ordinary pipe (©) Hydraulic pipe (a) Compound pipe [MP Sub Eng. - 2016] Ea Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 90. on. 92. 93. 94, Which of the following statements is correct? (a) Lower critical Reynolds number is of no partical significance in pipe flow problems (b) Upper critical Reynolds number is significant in pipe flow problems (c) Lower critical Reynolds number has the value 2000 in pipe flow (@) Upper critical Reynolds number is the number at which turbulent flow changes to laminar flow [UP Jal Nigam JE - 2016] Two pipes of same length and diameter ‘a! and "2d respectively are connected in series. The diameter of an equivalent pipe of same length is (a) Less than d (b) Between d and 15 d (©) Between 1.5 d and 2d (@) Greater than 2d (HPSSSB JE - 2017] For a laminar flow between to parallel fixed plates, maximum velocity observed is 3 mis, Average velocity of the flow will be (a) 1 mis (b) 15 mis (©) 2 mis (@) 2.5 mis (HPSSSB JE - 2017] The flow profile of a fluid depends upon (a) Velocity of the fluid only (b) The diameter of the tube only (©) The Reynolds number (4) The surface roughness [RRB Mumbai - 2015] A horizontal pipe line of length 2200 m and 10 em diameter is carrying water at a velocity of 1.2 mvs. If the friction factor is 0.03 then the energy head lost in friction would be (a) 96.88 m (b) 193.76 m (©) 40.36 m (d) 48.44 m IMP Sub Eng. - 2013] 95. 96. 97. Match List I with List II and select correct answer using the gives lists tI Flow development Li A B. Pipe network C. Water hammer D. Friction loss List-I1 a. Surge tank b. Entrance length cc. Darey-Weisbach equation d. Hardy-cross- method (@) A+, Bd, C-a, Dec (b) A-d, B-b, C-c, D-a (©) Ab, Bed, C-o, D-a (@) Axd, Bb, C-a, De |UPRVUNL AE - 2015] A pipe of diameter 20 om is carrying water (kinematic viscosity 1 centistoke) with a velocity of 2.5 m/s. The reynolds number of flow would be. (a) 500,000 (b) 500,000 (©) 5000 (@) 50000 IMP Sub Eng. - 2015] Assertion (a): A loss of head at a sudden contraction in a pipe is smaller than that at a sudden expansion Reason (R) : When the flow contracts, it tends to become irrotational, (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A (©) A is true but R is false (@ A is false but R is true [UPRVUNL AE - 2015] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF a 98. 99, 100, 101, 102. 103. Drag force on a cylinder for turbulent flow compared to laminar flow is (b) Equal (a) Very high [UPRVUNL AE - 2015] A 2 km long pipe of 0.2 m diameter connects two reservoirs. The difference between water levels in the reservoirs is 8 m. The Darcy Weisbach friction factor of pipe is 0.04 Accounting for friction, entry and exist losses. the velocity in the pipe (in m/s) (a) 035, (b) 0.63 (©) 252 (@) 125 [HPSSSB JE - 2017] Water hammer pressure is relived by (b) Draft tube (@) Surge tank (a) Same (c) Less (a) Penstock (©) Turbine IRRB JE - 2015] The velocity in laminar flow becomes equal to the average velocity at following radius from the centre of a pipe (of radius 1) (a) 2 () yA V2 (©) y/ v3 (4) 2m h3 Chezy’s formula is given as (a) V=CVmi (b) V = C? mi? © v=cimi @ v=cym’? Loss of head due to sudden contraction can be calculated as (a) Where V9 is flow velocity after the contraction and C, is coefficient of contraction 104, 105. 106. 107. 108. 109, In case of sudden expansion in a pipe (a) Velocit head increases slowly (b) Piezometric head rises slowly in the down- stream direction (©) Total energy line rise in the downstream side (d) Friction resistance can be ignored Darey’s equation is for the type of flow which is (a) Turbulent (b) Steady (©) Turbulent with n. igible internal effects (@) Laminar with negligible internal effects Turbulent flow takes place because of following reasons (a) Cross currents and eddies formation (b) Fluctuating components of velocities (©) Large value of Reynolds number (d) All of the above ‘A large Reynolds number is the indication of (a) Highly turbulent flow (b) Steady flow (©) Laminar flow (d) Smooth and streamling flow The most essential feature of turbulent flow is (a) Large discharge (b) High velocity (c) Velocity and pressure at a point exhibit ir regular fluctuations of high frequency (4) Velocity at a point remains constant with time Water flows in a 2» 4 em rectangular duct at 16 m/s. The duct undergoes a transition to a 6 cm diameter pipe. Calculate the velocity in the pipe (a) 2.76 mis (b) 3.14 mis (©) 3.95 mis (a) 4.53 ms IcGPsc] El Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 110. 1. 12. 113. 114. 1s. When the relationship between Reynolds ‘number and the friction factor is represented by a straight line, the flow is said to be (b) laminar (d) vortex (a) insentropic (©) turbulent For the flow to occur between two points in a pipeline, the differential pressure between these points should be more than (a) surface friction (b) viscosity force (©) frictional force (4) all of the above Which two forces are most important in laminar flow between parallel plates? (a) Inertial and viscous (b) viscous and pressure (c) Gravity and pressure (4) Pressure and inertial In a laminar flow between two parallel plates separated by a distance H, the head loss varies (a) Directly as H (b) Inversely as H (©) Directly as HP (4) Inversely as HP ICEPTAM - 2009] ‘The Darcy's law is used to calculate (a) Heat transfer coefficient (b) Friction factor in pipe flow (c) Permeability of porous medium (4) Vapor pressure in azeotropic mixtures ICEPTAM - 2009] In the fully developed laminar flow through a horizontal pipe of constant cross-section (a) Static pressure remains constant in the direction of flow (b) Bemoulli equation holds along the axis of the pipe (c) Static pressure increases inthe direction of flow. (@) Static pressure decreases in the direction of flow. IDRDO - 2008] 116, 117. 118, 119, 120. 121, . A 1000 m long pipe discharges 1 m'/sec of water with the head of 99 m at the inlet, The maximum power transmitted by pipe is (specific weight of water = 10 kN/m') (a) 990 kW (b) 660 kw (©) 445 kW (a) None An oil of kinematic viscosity 0.25 stokes flows, through a pipe of diameter 10 em. The flow is critical at the velocity of (a) 72 msec (b) 5.0 m/sec (©) 05 m/sec (@ 0.72 misec Ina turbulent flow through a pipe the centre line yelocity is 3.61 m/sec and the friction factor f= 0.02, the mean velocity of flow in m/sec is (a) 4.80 (b) 3.00 (©) 221 (a) 0.96 Simple or Plain Couette flow is characterized by (a) Positive pressure gradient and linear veloc- ity distribution. (b) Negative pressure gradient and parabolic velocity distribution. (©) Negative pressure gradient and linear ve~ locity distribution. (@) Zero pressure gradient and linear velocity distribution, A fluid is flowing at velocity of 2 m/s in 1 km long pipe of 0.2 m diameter. The Darey’s ‘coefficient of friction is 0.0025, What will be the head lost in friction in pipe? (Take ¢ = 10 m/s?) (a) 25m (b) Sm (©) Tm @) 9m Hydraulic diameter D, of circular tubes (a) Equal to diameter of the tube (b) Half of the diameter of the tube (c) Twice the diameter of the tube (d) Four times the diameter of the tube IMPE - 2014] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF Err) 122, 123. 124, 125. 126. In Hagen - Poisuelle's flow of viscous fluid, one of the following pairs of forces are balanced (a) Inertia and viscous force (b) Pressure and viscous force (©) Gravity and viscous force (4) Inertia and gravity force IMPE - 2014] A fully developed pipe flow implies that the (a) Flow should be laminar (b) Flow should be turbulent (©) Velocity profile should be uniform, (a) Velocity profile should not change in the direction of flow The velocity distribution in turbulent flow is a function of the distance y measured from the boundary surface and the friction velocity V*, and follows a (a) Parabolic law (b) Logarithmic law (©) Hyperbolic law (4) Linear law Laminar flow changes to Turbulent flow when (a) Diameter of pipe is decreased (b) Velocity is increased (©) Viscosity of fluid is increased (d) Velocity is, decreased IMEPE - 2013] The line which gives the sum of pressure head datum head and kinetic head of a flowing fluid in a pipe with respect to some reference line is called is, (a) Hydraulic gredient line (b) Total energy line (©) Total friction tine (4) None of the above IMP Sub Ei 127. 128, 129, 130, 131, Oil flows through a 200 mm diameter horizontal cast iron pipe (friction factor, f = 0.0255) of length 500 m, The volumetric flow rate is 0.2m? sec. The head loss (in m) due to friction is (assume g = 9.81 m/sec?) (a) 132.81 (b) 0.116 (©) 18.22 (a) 232.36 IU.P, Jal Nigram AE - 2016] In a pipe, flow of fluid takes palce from (a) Higher level to lower level (b) Higher pressure to lower pressure (©) Higher energy to lower energy (@) Lower level to higher level [UPRVUNL JE - 2014] Ifthe free stream fluid velicty (V) is 20 m/s and the pipe diameter (d) is 1 m, calcualte the Reyonds number (R). if the dynamic density (p) is given by 0.150 kg/m? and the fluid viscosity is 0.000122. (a) 224201 (c) 242602 (b) 232502 (a) 245902 [UPRVUNL AE - 2014] An oil with specific gravity 0.85 and viscosity 3.8 poise flow in a 5 em diameter horizontal pipe at 2.0 m/s. The Reynolds number will be approximately (a) 224 (©) 24 (b) 2240 (@ 22400 [Uttrakhand JE - 2008] Water is flowing through pipe. Flow through pipe will be steady when (a) Pressure variation does not change along, with the flow (b) Density changes with time (©) Velocity changes with time (d) At any point velocity does not change with time [UPRVNL JE - 2016] EE Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 132. 133. 134, 135, 136. 137. ‘The change in momentum of water due to sudden’ closing of valves is called (a) Cavitation (b) Momentum of water (©) Water hammering (4) Water explosion [M.P. Vypam - 2017] The magnitude of water hammer in the flow of a liquid through a pipe does not depend upon (a) Length of pipe (b) Elastic properties of pipe material (6) Temperature of liquid (4) Time of valve closure IUPPSC AE - 2016] For the flow to occur between two points in a pipleline, the differeintal pressure between these points should be more than (@) Surface frication (b) Viscosity force (d) All of the above IUPPSC AE - 2016] ‘The flow in town water supply pipes in genrally (c) Frictional force (a) Laminar (©) Turbulent (b) Transition (@) Any of above IRSMSSB JE - 2016] The energy loss in pipe line is due to (a) Viscous action only (b) Surface Roughness only (c) Friction offered by pipe wall as by viscous action (4) None of the above IRSMSSB JE - 2016] The loss at the exit of a submerged pipe in a reservoir i v Vv ol os @) Ole ) 555 © 3 (d) Negligibly small IRSMSSB JE - 2016] 138, 139, 140, 141. 142, In case of fluid flow through pipes, cavitation is caused by (a) High pressure (b) High velocity (©) Low pressure below a limit (4) Weak mat [UPPSC AE - 2016, UPRVUNL JE - 2016] Consider fully developed flow in a circular pipe the negligible entrance length effect. Assuming the mass flow rate, density and friction factor to be constant, if the length of the pipe is doubled and the diameter is havled, the head loss due to friction will increase by a factor of (a2 (b) 16 (©) 32 (a) 64 [UP. Jal Nigam (A.E,) - 2016] Which quanity remains same if the pipe: connected in. parallel? (a) Velocity al of pipe (©) Diameter of pipe (©) Loss of head (@) Discharge IM.P. Vyapam - 2017] Glycerine (qt = 1.50 Pas: p = 126 kg/m’) flows at a velocity 6.0 m/s in 10 em diameter pipe Head loss ina length of 7 m pipe wall be (g = 10ms*). (a) 16 m © 8m (6) 7m (@) 14m (UPRVNL JE - 2016) The phenomenon of water hammer takes place in pipes (a) When water is suddenly acclerated by open- ing the valve (b) When fluid is moving with high head (©) When fluid is suddently brought to rest by closing the value (4) When pressure is reduced to zero IUPRVNL JE - 2016] ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF ey 143. 144, 145, 146. 147. Pressure loss for laminar flow through pipeline is dependent (a) Inversely on flow of velocity (b) Directly on square of pipe radius (©) Direetly on length of pipe (4) Inversely on viscosity of flowing medium [UPRVNL JE - 2016] AA fluid is flowing through a pipe of radius R. for fully developed laminar flow through pipe. Shear stress is maximum at (r is measured from mid- point) (a) At wall surface (-R) (b) At mid point (r = 0) (©) atr=R2 @) at = RIVE [UPRVNL JE - 2016] The maximum efficiency of transmission through a pipe is (a) 50% (b) 56.7% (c) 66.67% (d) 75% [UPJN JE - 2016] The maximum velocity of a one dimensional incompressible flow between two fixed parallel plate is 6 mvs the mean velocity (in m/s) of flow is (a) 2 (b) 3 4 @ 5 IUPJN JE - 2016, UPVUNL JE - 2015} Which of the following head loss is significant in a pipe flow? (a) Loss of head due to gradual contraction (b) Loss of head due to friction (©) Loss of head due to sudden enlargement (@) Loss of head due to sudden contraction [Chattisgarh JE - 2008] 149, 148. The parameters which determine the friction factor for trubulent flow in a rough pipe are (a) Froude number and relative roughness (b) Froude number and Mach number (©) Reynolds number and relative roughness (d) Mach number and realtive roughness [Chattisgarh JE - 2008] Loss of head due to friction to maintain 0.05 m/s of discharge of petrol (sp. gravity 0.7) through a steel pipe 0.2 m diameter and 1000 m. long, taking coefficient of friction 0.0025 will be (a) 0.644 m (b) 6.44 m (©) 64.4 m (a) 644 m [Uttrakhand JE - 2008] 150, The total rate of flow, when the pipes are connec ted in series is (a) Equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe (b) Equal to the reciprocal of the sum of rate of flow in each pipe (©) Same as the rate of flow through each pipe (@) The product of the rate of flow through each pipe IUPRVUNL JE - 2014, MP Sub. Eng. - 2015] 151, Friction factor of pipes depends on (a) Rate of flow (b) Fluid density (c) Viscosity (d)_ All of these [Uttrakhand JE - 2013] . The shear stress at a point 5 em from the pipe axis is 20 Pa. The value of shear stress at the pipe wall having diameter 20 em will be (a) 40 Pa (b) 80 Pa (©) 50 Pa (@) Cannot of determined [Uttrakhand JE - 2013] Ea Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 153. If velocity of flow through a pipes is doubled. 155. Why are surge tanks used in a pipeline? the head loss due to friction becomes (a) To reduce frictional loss in pipe 6) ievo tn) by For tes) (b) To ensure uniform flow in pipe (©) Eight times (qd) Half (©) To reliever the pressure due to water ham- [Uttrakhand JE - 2013] mer 154, In a turbulent pipe flow, the velocity distribution (@) To reduce cavitation inside a boundary layer is [UPRVUNL JE - 2015} (a) Linear 156. A pipe line 20 em in diameter, 70 m long con- (b) Prabolic veys oil of specific gravity 0.95 and viscosity 0.23 Ns/m*. if the velocity of oil is 1.38 mvs find (©) Logarithmic the difference in pressure between the two ends, (a) According to parandil’s one seventh power 7 of the pipe? a) 25. 3.15 [UPRVUNL JE - 2015] oF ©) 3.75m (©) 121m (@) 191m [UPRVUNL JE - 2015] gaa ENGINEERS ACADEMY Flow through Pipes LF and TF cLYA USS ae 1. Ans. (o) 27. Ans (a) 2. Ans. (@) 3. Ans. (a) 4. Ans. (0) 5. Ans. (b) 6. Ans. () a_i? 7. Ans. (0) Rep 8. Ans. (d) x 9. Ans. (b) R= 10. Ans) 28. Ans (d) 1. Ans. (b) %. 5 12, Ans. (@) 13, Ans. (d) 14, Ans. (@ 15. Ans. a A 31. Ans. () 16. Ans @) 32. Ans. (a) 17. Ans. (b) 33/ Ans (3) 18, Ans. (d) 34. Ans. (®) 19. Ans. (0 38. Ans. (b) 20. Ans. (b) 36. Ans. 21. Ans. (6) 37. Ans. () 22, Ans. (b) 38. Ans. () 23. Ans. (d) 39. Ans. (a) 24, Ans. (@) gv 25. Ans. (@) ¥ 26. Ans. (d) Q.4 PAV = AL Vs R,=4 Fabewy = Ed}xve 32008, g Tg? xv =dxvy as q (30)*=100 = (15)v, v,=4 «100 R, = 400 = 400 mis . As R, < 2000 in pipe flow. it is laminar EES] Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY 40. Ans. (a) 34. Ans. 41. Ans. @) 55. Ans. () 42. Ans. (b) 56. Ans. (o) 43. Ans.) o 44. Ans. () o @ » (2 o is. (c) () @ We 0) Putting value of R, r and ale ) a) i, * 0) w= 100 x (0.1 = 0.05%) ws u = 0.75 mise 45. Ans. (d) 2 46. Ans. (a) o 47. Ans. (@) >>, () 48. Ans. (a) a 49. Ans. (d) of 4fL v? wo = (a) : d) : (0 o o = x0) o @ @ 50. Ans. (b) @ 51. Ans. () 0 52. Ans. () @ 53. Ans. (0) ENGINEERS ACADEMY _Flow through Pipes LF and TF 289 90. Ans. (©) 116. Ans. (b) 91. Ans. (a) For maximum power transmitted 92. Ans. (o) HW 93. Ans. () Ce 94. Ans. (b) 98. Ans. (a) H,, B.A 299 96. Ans. (a) Oo = 66m 97. Ans. (0) 98. Ans. (d) aeons = 101 66 99. Ans. (b)* ca = 660 kW 100. Ans. (d) 117. Ans. (0 101. Ans. (6) For critical flow, R, = 2000 102. Ans. (a) 103. Ans. (d) wo) 104, Ans. (b) v 105. Ans. (d) Vxo.1 7 2000 = 106. Ans. () 025x10 107. Ans. (a) Vv =05 ms R, < 2000 [Laminar] 118. Ans. (b) R, > 4000 [Turbulent] 108. Ans. (6) = 1+133vE 109. Ans. (d) 3.61 _— y= 1+133V0.02 eta = V = 3.038 ms > 2xaxtes 119. Ans. (d) 120, Ans. (a V, = 4.527 mis W 2 3 110. Ans. (6) y= XP 10025:108 2 \ 2gd ~~ 21x02 M1, Ans. (d) h, =2.5m 112. Ans. (a ie 121, Ans. (a) 113. Ans. ae 122, Ans. (a) 114. Ans. (6) 123, Ans. (a) 118. Ans. (d) 124, Ans. (b) 1290 Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Questions _ ENGINEERS ACADEMY Ans. () Ans. (b) Ans. (a) Ans. (0) Ans. (d) Ans. (a) Ans. (d) Ans. (c) Ans. (0) 134. Ans. (d) 135. Ans. (o) 136. Ans. (c) 137. Ans. (0) 138. Ans. (c) 139, Ans. (d) 140. Ans. (c) 141. Ans. 142. Ans. 143. Ans. 144. Ans. 145. Ans. 146. Ans. 147, Ans, 148. Ans. 149. Ans. 150. Ans. 151. Ans. 152. Ans. 153. Ans. 154. Ans. 15: 156. Ans. Ans. @ o Oo (a) o agua

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