Acid Value SOP

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No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Acid Value analysis Date : 23.12.2020
Page |1

The acid value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free acid
in 1 g of the substance. The acid value is measure of the breakdown of the triacylglycrols into
free fatty acids, which has an adverse effect. On account of oxidation of any substance get spoil
and decrease the good quality of that substance, oxidation of any substance get increase the
acid value. Similarly if oil oxidized its shows high acid value in good oil, the acid value should be
very low. The increase in acid value should be taken as an indicator of oxidation of oil which
may lead to gum and sludge formation besides corrosion.
KEY WORDS: Acid value, Oxidation, oil.


Cold pressed Peanut oil is used for determination of acid Value. To find the acid value 0.5 N
KOH standard solution is used as standard. Phenolphthalein is used as an indicator. Absolute
Ethanol is used as solvent.

1. 5.61g of Potassium Hydroxide is dissolved in 200ml distilled water in a beaker.

1. 10g of Peanut is taken in 50ml beaker and cooled in cooled water bath for 10 minutes.

1. 100ml Burette is fixed in Burette stand
2. Weighing balance setup
3. 70-80 degree Celsius Hot bath in hot plate

1. Burette is filled with 100ml prepared 0.5N KOH standard solution.
2. 50ml of Absolute Ethanol is taken in a conical flask.
3. 2 drops of Phenolphthalein is added to the Ethanol.
4. Titrate against KOH until the pale pink color is seen.
5. The obtained pale pink color should be stable for few seconds.
6. Now add 10g of cooled Peanut oil
7. Place the conical flask in water bath at 75-80 degree Celsius for 15 minutes.
8. Now titrate the sample against 0.5N KOH while it is hot.

Prepared by Approved by
Doc. No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Acid Value analysis Date : 23.12.2020
Page |2

9. Rapidly agitate while titration.

10. Stop the titration when the stable pale pink color persists for 1 minute.
11. Note down the Burette volume.
12. Formula is used to find Acid Value.

 The acid value for any substance can be calculated using following formula:
Acid value =     No. of ml of 0.5 N KOH used x56.1
Weight of the oil taken in gm




We have seen that the calculated value (observed value) shows deviation from corresponding
standard value. The maximum deviation gives the direct consequences of more oxidation of
given oil. That means that the old oil is not in a standard form but they have been
oxidized. More the deviation in acid value the less the good quality of oil. This contamination of
oil is due to long time storage of the sample in non-evacuated container with less precaution.
The result gives bitter taste and pungent smell. If we use such type of (having more acid value)
oil for our daily and domestic use it will cause the illness and take very long time to recover.

Prepared by Approved by
Doc. No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Acid Value analysis Date : 23.12.2020
Page |3

After determination of acid value of Peanut oil, it comes near standard value of respective oil.
The more the acid value more the oxidation of that substance, if we know the acid value then
the quality status can be determined.

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