Soil Mec

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Soil Mechanics and Foundations 233. In case of cohesi i ‘ , ssive soils, vertical cuts can be made (wit J tan (45° + $) 0) im (4-4) 234. For cohesive soils, the height ofthe reta (2) Stan (45° $) © tan? (4+8) (d) tan? (4-4) Ne 2 ining wall for zero active earth pressure will be (6) Bean(ase+ $) 2 @ tan ( 45° 4 $) Y 2 Density of the soil; and = Angle of internal friction, the maximum net pressure intensity causing shear failure 3e oo (©) * tan (45 +t) where ¢ = Cohesion vatue of soil, y = 235. The net ultimate bearing capacity is of soil, (2) True (b), False 236. The lateral earth pressure is (a) directly proportional to the devth of soil (8) inversely proportional to the depth of soil (©) directly proportional to the square of the depth of soil (d) inversely proportional to the square of the depth of soil 237. The maximum unit pressure that a soil can withstand without rupture in shear or without excessive settlement of the structure, is called Be (a) allowable bearing pressure (6) safe bearing capacity (c)_ ultimate bearing capacity (d) bearing capacity 238. The bearing capacity of a soil depends upon (a) grain size of the soil (b) size of the footing (c)_ shape of the footing s AP all of these 239. The bearing capacity of a soil .. .. with the decrease in the area of the footing. (0) decreases (©). does not change with the increase of angle of shearing (a) increases 240. The coefficient of passive earth pressure resistance. (b) decreases (c) does not change ‘a soil for general shear failure is Ab) cN, + 0.5 y BN, +8 DN, (d) 1.3.¢N, + D,N, +04 BN, (a) increases i 241. The ultimate bearing capacity per unit area o! (a) 0.5 y BN, +7 DN, N. ty D,N, +0.6 7-7, (ON Te feg = Cohesion value, a r = Radius of footing, B = Width of footing, D, ~ Depth of foundation, y= Density of soil, and e = Bearing capacity factors. a Na Nt se of sands for general shear failure is given by i ity per Ss 242. The ultimate bearing capacity ; SHEN er BE (a) 0.5 yD,N,t¥ BN, Hy 088 BN, +1 De (c) 0.67 ¥ DyM, +1 Ne 17. Acivil engineer is conce medium sized projects, mainly with _ (2) 2toSm Pere tOp mantle of sol i ' % Ofsoil in dealing wi 18. Cohesionless soils are) *#@8m a ROD ane (@ sands ) 8t010m J 100015 y ‘ (2) clays ms 19. “The maximum size Of grains of¢; (©) sil (¢) 0.06mm Of Silts is about a (d) silts and clays 20. Siltis a ©) 02mn a (©) 05mm ee a) material di i 5 ‘ (2) soil compoced ane 2Blacier ; ’ Posed of Wo different soils (0) fine grained soil with i little or no plastici “(@) clay with a high percentage - y 21. Black cotton soil Be ofthe clay mineral (a) is inorganic in nature Z (©) exhibits high compressibility {0 contain large oercentage of clay min 22, Black cotton soils are... . soils, ee (c) expensive : > 23. A fine grained soil ep eatal (a) has low ili 3 : Permeability (8) has high compressibility (c) may or may not be plastic g all of these 24. Consolidation ‘and compressibility of soil ; (a) is a measure of the ability of soil to allow the water to pass through its pores (6) is a measure of the ability of soil to bear stresses without failure ((j deals with changes in volume of pores in a soil under load (d) any one of the above 25. The minimum size of grains of silts is about () 0.0002 mm (6) 0.002mm = (¢) 0.02 mm (0.2 ae 26. The property of a soil which is of great importance in finding settlement of structures, is (a) permeability (6) shear strength a consolidation _(d) compressibility 27. Sand is almost non-compressible. (A Comect (6) Incorrect 28. ‘The maximum size of the particles of clay is about OGOo BEE (c) 0.02mm €d) 02mm (a) 0.0002 mm =r only, the soiliis said tobe 29. If the pores of a’soil are completely full of air only, the souls ; dry soil (a) wet soil ‘ (d) partially saturated soil (c) fully saturated soit 30. The moist soil is saturated soi i oil is. (oy partially (a) fully f soil mass is called f the total yol of sou 31. The ratio of the volume of voids 19 0° porosity (a) water content ratio (@) degree of saturation (c) void ratio — 440 117. The clays which exhibit high activity (a) contain montmorillonite ‘ey both (a) and (b) % 118. ee activity of clay is defined as the ratio of (a) liquid limit to plastic limit (6) have high plasticity (d) none of these 3 (b) liquidity index to pl (¢) plasticity index to clay fraction. (@) plasticity index to shrink 119. The plasticity index is the ratio of liquidity index apd flow index. (a) Right & Wrong 120. Match the correct answer from Group B for the statements given in Group 4, _ Group A Group B (a) The soil transported by water is _ ve lp (A) aeolian soil (b) The soil transported by wind }.\(B) alluvial soil (c) The smallest sieve size is — b(C) 0.002 mm (d) The maxinium size of the particles ofclay is | (D) 0.045 mm 121. The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural content of a soil to its Plasticity i (a) toughness index (6) liquidity index (©) flow index (d) relative consistency 122. When the particles of soil are oriented ‘edge fo edge’ or ‘edge to face’ with another, the soil is said to have 3 (a) single grained structure (b) double grained structure (c) honey-combed structure (dy flocculent structure i. 123. A soil containing continuous voids is called . soil. Se) permeable (6) impermeable Ne 124.” Which of the following is highly permeable-? ; (@) Gravel (6) Sand mixture (c) Coarse sand (d) Clay 125. Which of the following is practically impe. meable ? e (a) Gravel (6) Sand mixture (c) Coarse sand J Clay 126. A sample of clay and a sample of sand have the same specific gravity and void ratio ™ permeabilities will differ'because (a) their porosities willbe different (6) their densities will be different (c) their degrees of saturation will be different (@) the size ranges of their voids will be different 127. ‘The property of the soil mass which permits the caiihaae voids, is called P Seepage of water through its int (a) capillarity (6) permeability (c) i og Porosity (d) none 128. The unit of coefficient of permeability is same as that of velocity. ¢ (a) Yes (6) No ‘ 129." When applying Darcy’s law to soils, it is assumed that the (a) soil is incompressible (®)_ soil is homogeneous and isouopt (¢)_ flow conditions are laminar {@) all of these ‘ 130, The value of permeability... the diredtion of flow of water through the sot o depends upon (4) does not depend upon il Mechanics and Foundations infh 441 (a) Grain size nence on the value of permeability 2 (c) Degree of saturation ao ratio 2. If the direction of flow of water j all of these -~- times more than in a direction perpendical lanes of stratification, then the permeability (@) 2010 ® 2t15 Moun , 3. The permeability of a given soil is fp mazo 97) :2 10.30 (2) directly proportional to the avera; in si (6) inversely proportional to the Namie (c) directly proportional to the s it (@) inversely proportional to the square of the average grain size . oO cocticient of ee of slit is .« that of clay, : (bY less than (©) more than 5. The coefficient of permeability ... +. With the increase in temperature. 36. The quantity of seepage of water in a soil medfum is (a) directly proportional to the head of water at upstream (8) inversely proportional to the head of water at upstream (©) directly proportional to the coefficient of permeability (@) inversely proportional to the coefficient of permeability 7. The average velocity of flow that will take place through the total cross-sectional area of soil unit hydraulic gradient is called (a) uniformity céefficient (2) Darcy’s coefficient (©) coefficient of permeability (d) terminal velocity I38. The pressure exerted by water on the soil through which it percolates, is known as (b) effective pressure (@) none of these (a) hydrostatic pressure (©) seepage pressure 39. ‘A flow line in seepage through a soil medium is defined as the (0) path of particles of water through a saturated soil mass (4) line connecting points of equal head of water (c) flow of movement of fine particles of soil d) direction of the flow particle ; 40. ‘he equipotential line in Sona through a soil medium is defined as the (a) path of particles of water through a saturated soil mass (4) line connecting points of ‘equal head of water (c)_ flow of movement of fine particles of soil (d) direction of the flow particle > rection of flow. 41. The seepage pressure always acts in the directi ae ‘Wrong (0) Right el a 42. ‘Quick sand is a icles (B)- condition which eu 2 poy of (a) moist sand containing small PATE T™ cg all its strength because 0 Beta i % ‘ soil (c) condition in which a cohesionless water (d) none of the above 44a 167. Which of the followin; (a) The neutral stress does not chai i i stress: (b) The decrease in effective s| : (c) The neutral stress does not decrease the void tio. sat none of the above < 168. a removal of neutral pressure .... _.. the effective pressure. (@ increases (b) decreases (c)_ does not change 169. The total stress is equal to the sum of the effective stress and pore water pre (a) True a (b) False 170. The effective stress i: if the water is flowing from upward on the (4) increased (b) decreased ’ 171. The neutral stress is ... _ ifthe water is flowing from downward on the (a) increased (by decreased 172. The consolidation of a soil is defined as the : (a) process of compression by gradual reduction of pore space under steady | (b) process which gives gradual decrease of water content at constant load (c)_ change in volume of soil due to expulsion of pure water under an applied (@) any one of the above Hi 173, The vertical deformation of soil mass consists of : 2 statement is wrong * f : nge the shearing resistance of the soil. is accompanied by increase in the ne ( (a) deformation of soil grains (b)_ compression of pore fluid (c) reduction of pore space fd) all of these 174. The rate of expulsion of pore fluid is directly dependent on the . £ (a) shear strength ()_void ratio (0) permeability 17S. Incase of coarse grained sand having high permesbility and low plasticity, 95 % occurs within .. ... after application of load. : (a) 1 minute (6) 30 minutes (c) 1 hour (@2 nou 176. ‘If the pressure on a clay layer increases slight! ck ly from p to p + Sp and from e, to e, then the coefficient of compressibility is given is Pt (@ = by ex P ® Ss Os ye 177. The unit of coefficient of compressibility is inverse of pressure (a) Ce J Correct (6) Incorrect 178. The coefficient of compressibility . --. With increase in pressure. (a) increases (by decreases hang‘ ; S ce) di 179. The coefficient of volunie of compressibility is cane ae e i+ B) £ Wy) vee () = () 2 @ > where a, = Coefficient of compressibility, and e, = Void tatio 180. The decrease in voids ratio i Per unit ‘ (a) coefficient of permeability” °F Pressure is called (6) coefficient of volume compressibility 2) coefficient of compre (4) coefficient of curvature” 194. The compression index of the soil s increases with the increase in liquid limit (b) decreases with the increase in liquid limit (C) increases with the decrease in plastic limit (d) decreases with the increase in plastic limit 195. The ultimate settlement of a soit (a) is directly proportional to the compression index be (0) decreases with an increase in the initial void ratio t (c) is directly proportional to the depth of the compressible soil mass re y all of the above 196. ‘The.strength of a soil is usually identified by (a) direct tensile stress (6) direct compressive stress ultimate shear stress (d) effective stress 197. The shear strength of a soil (a) is proportional to the cohesion of the soil (4) is proportional to the tangent of the angle of internal friction (c)_ increases with the increase in normal stress of soil £&) all of the above 198. The expansion of soil due to shear at a constant value of pressure is called (@) apparent cohesion (6) true cohesion SI dilatancy (d) consistency 199. Ifa shear stress is applied on a dense sand, the Shear strain caused will .. .. the volume of sand. @ increase (6) decrease (c) not effect 200. The density of sand at which there is no change in volume under the influence of shearing strain produced due to shear stress, is called ; (2) relative density (6) apparent density ,(€) critical density (4) any one of thest 201. The angle of internal friction (a) varies with the density of sand (8) depends upon the amount of interlocking (c)_, depends upon the particle shape and roughness e (d) all of the above eae: Which one of the following parameters can be used to estimate the angle of friction of a sandy oil ? (a) Particle size (6) Roughness of particle ‘e’ Density index (d) Particle size distribution 203. The angle of intemal friction.of round-grained loose sand is about (a) 5° to 25° (b) 25° to 30° (€) 30° to 35° (d) 32° to 37° 204. The angle of internal friction of round-grained dense sand is about (a) 5° to 25° (6) 25° to 30° (c) 30° to 35° 32° to 37° 95. The angle of shearing resistance for dry loose sand is same as that of ale of interna fito®: Right (6) Wrong 06. ‘According to'Coulomb’s law, the shearing strength of soil is (a) c-ptand (6) p-ctang fe) +p tang (@) ptctand where c ‘ Cohesion (apparent or actual), P =Normal stress on the plane of shear, and $ = Angle of internal friction or angle of shearing resistanc® 32 3. The soil transported by wind is called ~ aeolian soil ’ (c) alluvial soil : 4. Lacustrine soils are those soils which are - (a) deposited in sea water (©) transported by running water 5. Glacial soils are those soils which are (a} deposited in sea water (c) transported by running water 6. For engineering purposes, soil is defined as (@), the loose mantle at the surface of the earth which favours the growth of; a natural aggregate of mineral grains, loose or moderately cohesive, i ? nature (c) a disintegrated rock (d) all of the above 7. According to a geologist, soil is defined as a disintegrated rock. e) Agree : 8. By an agriculturist, soil is defined as (a) the loose mantle at the surface of the earth which favours the growth of pla 4b) anatural aggregate of mineral grains, loose or moderately cohesive, inorganic nature t (c) a disintegrated rock (d) none of the above 9. Which of the following soil is transported by wind ? (a) Talus ) Loess 10. ‘Talus’ is a soil transported by glacial water. (a) Right 11. Soils are derived from “ (a) igneous rocks (c) metamorphic rocks 12. Chemical weathering of soil is caused due to (a) oxidation (c)_ carbonation and leaching 13. The soil transported by (a) talus (6) loess 14. Mechanical weathering of soil: (a) periodical temperature ch; (c) splitting action of ice 15. When the soils are carried aw, (a) transported 16. Residual soils are (a) sands anges (6) silts Blaciers either by ice of’w, is is caused by Y all of these ay by torce of gravity, they are known as (6) marine soil (d) lacustrine soil (b) deposited at the bottom none of these (6) Disagree (c) Drift (67 Wrong (b)_ sedimentary rocks ow any one of these (6) hydration ‘) all of these ‘ater is called drift (0) splitting action of flowing (6) residual (0 clays 45. A soil sample is having a specig : s percentage required to fully sa ais ee 2.60 and a voi (a) 10 30 435 = Tatio of 0.78, Vat that void ate sont The water content ) 0.4 % n ves © 06 (08 il particles iS 2.6. The degree of saturation of the cont foment is 18 % and specific gravity ofthe 78% (d) 25% i 3 in its I it ae cas beven the vate en em (C) degree of density (4) any one of these is equal to the .. .. of unit weight of (6) relative density 50. The submerged or buoyant unit weight of soil turated soil and unit weight of water, (a) sum ) difference ' (6) product (d) ratio 51. The water content is the ratio of weight of water to the weight of solids (a) Yes (6) No 52. The void ratio of a soil is defined as the ratio of the (a) weight of water to the weight of solids (6) volume of water to the volume of voids.n the soil mass (c)_ total volume of voids to the volume of soil solids (d) total volume of voids to the total volume of soil $3. The water content-ratio of a Soil is defined as the ratio of the (4) weight of water to the weight of solids (0) volume of water to the volume of voids in the soil miss (c) total volume of voids to the volume of soil solids (d) total volume of voids to the total volume of soil |. The degree of saturation for the moist soil is about { 3 (a) 0% (6) 1 to 25% (c) 25 to 50% {6 501075 % 5. The approximate void ratio in sandy soils is He 34 as 6) 0. " : (a) 0.2 0.6 9) iets 4 . When the soil particles are less than 0.002 mm, the force of travity on each particles mpared to electric surface charges. i a) lesa ere io negligible fi h swelling 2 7. Which of the following clay mineral gives maximum + ; all of these (a) Kalonite Montmorillonite (c) lite @ alonit |. Gravel and sand is a (@) cohesive fine grained soi (a) cohesive coarse grained soil (d)_ non-cohesive fine grained soit (6). non-cohesive coarse grained sotl a . The specific gravity of sandy soils is (22 JG 2: (a) 1.2 (6) 18 i 434 Civil! 32. The ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water is called (6) porosity (d) degree of saturation (@) void ratio yg specific gravity : 33. The degree of saturation of a soil is v, ¥, y ae ©) 147, OT 4¥, Where V, = "Volume of air in the voids, V,,— Volume of water in the voids, V, = Volume of solids, and’ V, = Total volume of voids. 34. The unit weight of a soil at zero air voids depends upon (a) unit weight of water (6) water content (ce) specific gravity o all of these ‘eee 35. If Wis the total weight of the soil mass and W, is the weight of solids, then water coment, equal to 5 W Ww. tos (a) 1+ © I-F Y we} (d) rth 36. The relation between porosity (n) and void ratio (e) is given by am l+e Beale. 9. _1 clin (a) n=142 @ =e wens (@ e=—* 37. The relation between void ratio (e), degree of saturation (s), water content (w) and specif gravity of solids (G) is given by : (a) e+s=wt+G BoexsewxG. (eat y rue 38. The relation between the air,content (a,) and the degree of saturation (s) is (a) a,=s @) a,=1-s (0) a=1+s (d) a,= Us 39. The degree of saturation for fully saturated soil is (a) 0.25 (B) 0.50 (c) 0.75 1 “ 40. The void ratio for saturated soil is equal to the .... . of water content and specific gral of solids. . 3 (a) sum (6) difference {© product (d) ratio 41. The ratio of the volume of air voids to the volume of voids, is called ‘ (a) void ratio (b) air content (c) degree of saturation (d) porosity a 42. Foy a perfectly dry soil mass, the degree of saturation is zero, D ves (6) No 43. The difference between maximum void ratio and minimum void ratio of a sand sample is 03? Ifthe relative density of this sample is 66.6 % at a vojd ratio of 0.40, then the void ratio af this at its loosest state will be 7 (a) 0.40 0.60 5 (c) 0.70 (d) 0.75 44, The dry density ofa soil is 1.5 g /cm’. Ifthe saturation water content is 50 %, then its satu Jensity and submerged density will respectively be i 3 3 7 Mapalecpend 1.0 fen (6) 2.0 g/cm and 1 g/em p eee 125'e Mont (@) 2.508 /cm? and 1.50g/em a 143. Flow lines and equi-potential lines are (a) each other " (6) parallel to each other intersecting lines at 90° to each other (d)_intersecting lines at 45°to 144. x flow net in the seepage of water through a soil medium is a network of (a) flow lines (6) equi-potential lines of flow lines and equi-potential lines (4) water particles and their movement 145. A flow net is used to determine the “ (a) seepage flow (6) seepage pressure (c) exit gradient SPAM of these 146. Which of the following statement is correct ? (a) The flow lines are perpendicular to equipotential lines. (0) No two flow lines or equipotential lines start from the same point, (c) No two flow lines cross each other, yall of the above 147. The exit gradient of the seepage of water through a soil medium is the (2) slope of the flow line (6): slope of the equi-potential line (c) ratio of total head to the length of seepage §A) ratio of the head loss to the length of seepage 148. ‘The hydraulic gradient provided at the downstream side of a hydraulic structure such asad is called (a) downstream gradient (6) tail water gradient (c)_ exit gradient §@ any one of these 149. The critical gradient of the seepage of water in’a soil medium is 1~G G-1 lie Ire @ Fe gin © 775 Cc where G = Specific gravity of soil, and ¢ = Void ratio. 150. A deposit of fine sand has a porosity n and the specific gravity of soil solids is G. The hydra Bradient of the deposit to develop boiling condition of sand is given by # G-VA- — (&) G-1)a +m | at @ eat 151. The direction of seepage is always (a) parallel 152. The critical gradient of the seepage of water (a) directly proportional to void ratio. (8) increases with the decrease in void ratio (c) inversely proportional to specific gravity F (d) increases with the decrease in specific gravity of soil 153, The critical gradient of the seepage of water soil. . to the equipotential lines. J) perpendicular " of ~+- With the increase in specific gv Ya) increases (6) decreases 154, The seepage force in soils is (a) proportional to head loss (2), proportional to exit gradient (c) perpendicular to the equi-potential lines (d@) all of these (c)_ does not change Somer 219. The coefficient of earth pressure at rest for sand compacted in layers is about the same g¢ stiff clay. ‘ (a) Yes (6) No bela 220. “The coefficient of active earth pressure for cohesionless granular soils is given by l+sing * 1=sing 1 1+c0s > 1=cos CO) i= sine » I+sing Cl cone © T+ cos} 221. The coefficient of passive earth pressure for cohesionless granular soils is given by y itsing 1-sing 1+cos > 1-cos # I=sing Oy ican a (O) Stexrorey Sere) 1+ cos$ 222. If the coefficient of passive earth pressure is 1/3, then the coefficient of active earth pressureis (a) 13 ®1 (oS 32 (a) 3 223. The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30°, is : 7 @ 12. 7 13 ©1 (d 3 224, The active earth pressure is proportional to (a) tan? (45° + t) (®) tan? (45° " $) om cot? (45° +4) (@) cot? («5--4) where = Angle of internal friction of soil. 228. The passive earth pressure is proportional to @ ‘an’ (45° +8) (©) tan? («-4) © cot* [ase +$) @ cot’ (450-4) 2 226. For a sandy soil, the angle of internal friction is 30°. If the major principal stress is 50 kN? at failure, the corresponding minor principal stress will be (@) 12.2 kN/m? 0) 16.66 kN/m? —(c)_ 20.8 KN/m? (d) 27.2 kN/m* 227. Adry sand specimen is put through a triaxial test. The cell pressure is 50 kPa and the deviator stress at failure is 100 kPa. The angle of internal friction for the sand specimen is (a) 15° Mb) 30° (c) 35° (d) 40° 228. The Poisson ratios of soil samples 1 and 2 are 1, and u, Tespectively and the coefficients of earth pressure at rest for soil samples 1 and 2 are k, and Ay respectively. If p,/p, = 1.5 and (1 ~ 4/1 — p,) = 0.875, then kj/ky-will be (a) 1.3125 (#6) 1.7143 © (6) 1.8213 (d) 1.9687 229. The‘earth pressure at rest is proportional to 1/1 ~p, where j= Poisson's ratio of the soil. fa) Right (0) Wrong 230. The coefficient of active earth pressure is always ... - as compared to cbefficient of passive earth pressure. (a) more (by less 231. if k, is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest/k, is the coefficient of active earth pressure, 4 s the coefficient of passive earth pressure and is Poiscon’s tatio, then the value of (1 — 4)/u is give? oY (a) k,l ky ©) Ak, (©) k,/k, 1 ere 232. The effect of cohesion is to ... ~~ the active earth pressure alf along the height of etaining wall. decrease (6) increase 84, The effective size of a soil is @ Pro (6) Px (©) Pao @ 85. The uniformity co-efficient of soil is defined as the ratio of (@ Dy Dro (6) Duy t0 Dro (©) Dso t0 Dio (Dey i a : b 86. The particle size range is measured by d (a), effective size (6) curvature coefficient * €) uniformity coefficient (d) none of these 87. A soil having particles of nearly the same size is known as (a) uniform soil (6) poor soil (c) well graded soil (d) coarse 88. ‘A soil having uniformity co-efficient more than 10, is called (a) uniform soil (8) poor soil “eo well graded soil (d) coarse soi) 89. The uniformity coefficient for a uniformly graded soil is nearly unity. 7 (@) Agree (0) Disagree 90. Stoke’s law is applicable to particles upto ..........:...... effective diameter. §@ 0.0002 mm (6) 0.002 mm (c) 0.02 mm (@) 0.2mm — 91. Sieve analysis is done if all particles do not pass through square opening of 0.075 mm (a) Correct (6) Incorrect aah 92. The ratio of the unconfined compressive strength of undisturbed soil to the compressive strength of soil in a remoulded state, is called +e fa) sensitivity (b) thixotropy (©) relative density _(d) bulk densiy 93.°The property of a soil which enables to regain its strength lost on remoulding ina without change of moisture content, is called * (a) unconfined compressive strength (8) sensitivity {c) thixotropy (a) relative density 94. The unconfined compressive strength of a very soft clay is (a 10 to 25 KN/m? (6) 25 to.150 KN/m? {c) 150 to 400 KN/m? (c) above 400 kN/m? 95. The unconfined compressive strength of a hard clay is (a) 10 to 25 kN/m? (b) 25 to 150 kN/m? (c) 150 to 400 kN/m? (A above 400 KN/m? 96. The sensitivity of a normal clay is about % @ 2104 (b) 4108 (c) 8 to 15 (d) 15 to 20 97. The maximum water content of a saturat isture ed soil at which a reduction i isture does cause a decrease in volume of the soil, is called snetigh ial (2) Navid limit | __(®) plastic limit _(c) elastic limit _¢4Y shrinkage 98. Ve Sater Content in a soil is reduced beyond the shrinkage limit, the soil will be in solid state (6) liquid state (0) semi c ic state { ; emi-solid state lastic stale 99. The water content in a soil at which just shear strength develops is a fi f ) liquid limit (®) plastic limit is Jimit 100, The plastic limit of a soil is‘defined as the Oe @) (a) limit of water that makes the soil to flow (6) amount of water content which make: s the soil to i jiqui . 80 into the liquid state (c) amount of water content which makes the soil to go i a oe" fae 80 into the solid state from oo minimum amount of water content 243, The ultimate bearing capacity per unit area of clays for general shear failure is given (@) 154¢+yD, (b) 4.15c+yD, — (c) e+ 1.54 yD, 5.7¢+¥D, 244, The bearing capacity factors N,N, and NV, are functions of * (a), cohesion of the soil (0) friction angle internal friction ang] . (d) both (a) and (b) 245. The ultimate net bearit’g capacity of clays depends upon the value of cohesion. Agree‘ (6) Disagree 246. The dense sands have ............ bearing capacity. fa) greater (6) lesser 247. The unit bearing capacity of footing in sand te (a) decreases with depth of footing (6) decreases with width of footing 4 increases with depth of footing S@F increases with width of footing 248. A sand with greater relative density exhibits ... .. angle of internal friction. af (a) smaller wy larger 249. The ultimate unit bearing capacity for square footing is given by (@) 04cN,+yDN,+1.2yBN, (6) O4eN,+1.27D/N, +7 BN, © 13¢N,+7D,N,+0.4yBN, (@) 057BN,+yD,N, 250: The net ultimate bearing capacity of a square footing in sand is given by (2) 0.3yBN,+yD,(N,-1) (0) 037BN,+yDA(N, +1) (@) 0.47BN,+yDAN,—1) (d) 0.4yBN,+7D,(N, +1) 251. Match the correc: answer from Group B for the statements given in group A. Group A Group B (@) The net loading intensity at which neither the soil | (A) Ultimate bearing capacity fails in shear nor there is excessive settlement. \_}7 (6) The maximum pressure which the soil can carry, {8) Net safe bearing capacity safely without any risk of shear failure / (©) The net ultimate bearing capacity divided by factor \(C) Safe bearing capacity of safety. (d) The minimum gross pressure intensity ft the S{D) Allowable besring capacity base of the foundation at which soil fails in shear 252. According to I'S. code, the total settlement of isolated footings for cohesive soll should be (a) 30mm (®) 40mm (©) SOmm 65mm 253. In the design of footings on-sand, if the angle of internal friction is € al to 36°, the bearing capacity f40tOrs fOr -eeso.-. shear fgilure are used, ‘ general (b) local “254. “When the water table is closé to the ground surface, the bearing capacity of a soil is reduced © (a) one-fourth =, = (4) one-half. (c) two-third (d) three-fourth 255. When the water table is under the base of the footing at a depth equal to halfof the width ofthe footing, the bearing capacity of a soil is reduced to (a) one-fourth = (6) one-half (0). two-titg oe ‘hice fol 256. The net soil pressure is obtained by multiplying the net ultimate bearing capacity of soil! factor of safety. ~ 3} , (a) Right BS or Wrong 181. The coefficient of consolidation i ‘ ion i . (a) em/g fis ee in 445 182. The coefficient of consofidation j is (a) stress in the soil nee (c)_ over consolidation ratio (8) total settlem: 183. The rate of consolidation . ce time rate of settlement (a (4) increases (Oy ces i Tease in temperature. 184, The degree of consolidation is proportional di (©) does not change (a) to time and inversely to drai _ _ directly (6) to drainage path and inversely to time (cy to time and inversely to the square of drainage path (d) to square of drainage path and inversely to time 185, The time factor for a clay layer is ©) g/ems evaluating (d) cm?/g/s (a) a dimensionless parameter wy directly pro i permeabilit (©) directly proportional to drainage path “a salem en — 186. The relation between coefficient of consolidation i shang , coeffi coefficient of permeability (X) is given by Deer wodeemo te © ona gh) BE emanates 6 oer 187. The ratio of settlement at any time (#) to the final settlement is known as (a) compression index (0) coefficient of consolidation (c) degree of consolidation (d) none of these 188. The relation between coefficient of consolidation (c,), time factor (7,), drainage path (d) and time (1) is given by + 2 a’.T, dt whet qr, (@ ¢,=— (8) oo “aaa (2 A @) % ; 189. The time factor corresponding to 25 % degree of consolidation is given by n z gece (@ % o % © % YG oil is affected by 190. e ‘olidation of a s The coefficient 98 9 ‘both (a) and (b) (4) none of these (b) permeability (a) compressibility een, 1 per unit of initial 191. The change in volume of soil . ae ) coefficient of permeability (b) coefficient of compressibility a) coefficient 0! ; ‘ ae (c) coefficient of volume compressibility | (d) coefficient of curvat 192. The coefficient of volume compressibility is (a) directly proportional to the void ea : (b) inversely proportional to the void rat (c) directly proportional (d) inversely proportional t the coe! 193. The coefficient of volume compressibility (py decreases 1 to the coefficient of ‘compressibility jent of compressibility : ne _ with the increase 1? pressure: (c) does not change (a) increases 1Golume due to a given unit increase in pressure 1. The consistency index is given by Wp 439 @ ew . =, where p= Plastic limit, w, e (oe) ae = 1.= Liquid limi ais Natural water content ofa io . The consistency index is also known a ats S relative Plasticity index, and (a) True consistency, 3." The liquidity index (in percentage) is Bier (b) False : y wp : wi (a) — (6) Se e I Gea E © “4 hom 4. W hen the const index is zero, then the soil is at its. * (a) clastic limit () plastic limit £8 liquid i \§. A soil is ina semi-solid state ifthe consistency inden a nt. Sembsolid state ex is (a) zero (6) one 06. A soil with consistency equal to‘one is at its ” pane Matyi, mane of these (a) liquid wr ie 107. Toughness index is the ratio of aie (a) flow index and plasticity i . ( inuidiy inde Ba an Plasticity index and flow index ow oar (d) flow index and liquidity index 08. A sample of soil has liquid limit 45 %, plastic limit 25% ey ‘oy 6, shrinkage li % isture content 30 %. ‘The consistency index of the soil is See ae rae (@) 15/20 (6) 13/20 (c) 8/20 (@ sR0 09. The shear strength of a scil in the plastic limit is .. than that in the liquid limit. (a) higher (b) lower 10. The liquid limit exists in (a) sandy soils (b) gravel soils (c) silty soils 16 cloxs 111. The plastic limit exists in (a) sandy soils (6) gravel soils (d) silty soils clays 112. The liquid limit minus plastic limit is termed as plasticity index (¢) shrinkage index (d) liquidity index 113. When the plastic limit if equa) to or greater than the liquid limit, then the plasticity index is (a) negative zero (c) one (d) more than one 114. The shrinkage index is equal to (a) liquid limit + plastic limit (0) liquid limit — shrinkage limit 115, The flow index in soils indicates the (a) ratio of liquid limit to plastic limit (c)_ variation of plastic limit 116. The moisture contents of a clayey soil is nce of the limits will be and shrinkage limit (a) flow index (b) plastic limit - liquid limit (d)_ shrinkage limit - liquid limit (6) variation of liquid limit shear strength variation with water content ge value. The commect gradually decreased from lar equence of the occurrel (a) liquid limit, plastic limit i (b) plastic limit, liquid limit and shrinkage lint (c) shrinkage limit, plastic limit and liquid limit : (d) plastic limit, shrinkage limit and liquid limit 257, Ifthe soil below see w the base of the footing « ... the confining pressure aya 8 2 ae : i OF moist, th 5 (a) equal to sear lable when the warn ns ommining pressure is : sits Water table is atthe base of the footing. 258, The settlement of a foot footing i hae (a) stress defor nea ie in sand depends Gs a ree times, (d) four times ac (c) width of the footing ind (6) relative density of the sand e san {4 all of these teristics of sa (@) eN, 260, According to Terzaghi’ Wren; N, 2 ‘erzaghi’s equation, the be; eNe (@ 13¢N, (c = 10 KN/m”) per unit i faring : depth and unit width ese ip footing resting on cohesive soil (a) 47 KN/m? 57 kN/m? 261. In cal i a (©), 67. eNina pressure is i of footings in sand, ifthe soil Sees tri a (Tete ae oe a ereales istribution is triangular, the maximum soil a ‘qual to . 8) double i 262. The settlement of a footing (S;) in sandy soils i See eee . iven by (a) 22x B, BF = at ©) Bx Be . 5, (cy ————2 Sp (Bp + 30.48)” - p (Bp + 30.48) | Bp (By +30.48) OG #30487 | B; (Bp +3048) where Sp. = Settlement of a plate in the bearing test, Bp = Width of the plate, and B, = Width of the footing, 263, The settlement of a footing in clays (S-) is given by 5, S, (ey xB, by DEB, LO Bn Fe () 3,

gravity (G) and ity (4) Yo= Gy, (l+n) (6) , i Yor = Yy (1 =n) {PF Yar GF ty (1 =n) + ny, (a) : q | Yuu ™ G: 1+ - 71. The submerged unit weight for completely satursted in is as ‘ n)+ny, (1-2) (Grey, teyy Tre Gey Gy Gay “ Ite Gre 72. The water content of soils can be accurately determined b y (a) , sand bath method () calc, (¢) oven drying method calcium carbide method / (4) Pycnometer method OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS The term Soil Mechanics was coined by Dr. Karl Terzaghi. (c) True _ (b) False — The soil transported by running water is called (a) aeolian soil as ~ (6) (c) alluvial soil @

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