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C. Survey Reports 1 © You will hear a market research consultant speaking to the Tourist Board about the results of a survey. Look at ~ the pie chart, then listen to the cassette, and fill in the missing information, What was the survey about? What recommendation does the consultant make? [9%] ‘A survey report is a formal piece of writing presenting and analysing the resultsfindings of research concerning reactions to a product, plan, tc, including general ascossment, conclusions and/or recommendation(s). A survey report consists of: ‘8) an introduction in which you state the purpose and content of your report; 'b) main body in which all information collected on the topic is presented in detail ‘under suitable sub-headings; and ©) a final paragraph in which you summarise the points mentioned before, adding your recommendation or suggestion(s), Points to consider ‘© The information presented may have been gathered in a survey/opinion poll or compiled from official statistical data, and may reflect the opinions/preferences, etc of the general public, a particular group of people, a random sample of the population, etc. The information may be presented in the form of facts (numbers, percentages and proportions), or generalisations (This indicates! suggests! implies that ..).e.g. Fifty five per cent of young people go to the cinema at least twice a month. (fact) This indicates that the cinema fs stil quite a popular form of entertainment among young people. (generalisation) © Use expressivins suuhias. unre ia te, two ul uf five, lenly pet Geri Uf te peuple questioned, a large proportion, etc. as well as verbs such as: agree, claim, state ‘© Present tenses are normally used to present generalisations. Useful Language © To begin reports: ‘The purpose/ainy/intention of this report is to examine/assess/evaluate the results of ‘a survey in which ... people/residentsiviewers were asked about/whether/what This report outines the results of a survey conductedi/cartied out to determine) diacover the reaction/popularityattitudcavopinion of .. [As requested, this survey report contains information compiled from .. ‘The data included in this report was gathered/oblained by means of a ‘questionnaire/a telephone survey/door-to-door interviews ‘The information below summarises statistics compiled by... © Toend reports: ‘Te concludeyTe sum up/in conclusion, the survey olcarly show .., On the basis of ‘these findings, it would seem that... The results ofthis survey suggest/ndicate/ demonstrate/reveal that... etc. 128 Hotel/ | Paragraph 1 state the purpose and content of your report | Main Body Paragraphs 2-3-4* summarise each aspect of | the survey under separate subheadings | Conclusion | Final Paragraph general conclusion/ recommendation(s)/ suggestions * The exact number and division of paragraphs will depend on the specific instructions. for each report task. Unit Be Survey Reports 2 Read the instructions and the model below, then complete the “= accompanying diagram by inserting the missing percentages in the purple ovals, Finally, think of other words and phrases which could be ‘used to replace those underlined in the model. ‘Amanufacturing company has commissioned you to conduct a survey (o determine consumer awareness and opinion concerning some of ts products. Look at the diagram below outlining the results ofthis survey, and write a report on the findings, including the conclusions which may be drawn from them. O: RY Barnes, Marketing Director, MacRae Cosmetics ltd 0M: Jane Simmons, Excalbur Consumer Research JECT: Consumer Survey: “Heathy Shine” Products DATE: 14th October 1997 Purpose ‘The aim ofthis reports to present the findings ofa survey carried ‘out to determine consumer awareness and opinion of the "Healthy Shine” range of har-care products. The data included inthis report \was obtained from a random sample of 1,500 men and women, aged 18 - 40, who responded to 2 questionnaire survey on 16th and 17th September. Consumer Awareness of Product Range Of the 1,500 respondents surveyed, forty per cent reported that they knew of one or more ofthe products in the range. OF these, sixty-five per cent had seen the products advertised on television or in magizines. and twenty-ive per cent had seen the products displayed in stores. The remaining ten per cent of those surveyed were unaware of the product range. The fact that consumer awareness i less than a half cugacsts that television and magazine advertising has faled to attract the desired level of consumer attention. Packaging ‘large number of those aware ofthe products were ofthe opinion HEALTHY SHINE Gonsumer Survey Results Where have you seen the procucis) cedvertised? \ . Have you ‘thatthe packaging is unattractive, Ths is highlighted by the fact that | iepipe cat ume scxne ‘that theyhad fe =< sampled any not sampled the product lin, preferring instead to purchase fp product(s) in the ‘compeitors’ products with more attractive packaging | —_ renge? eat | | (the forty-two percent of consumers who had sampled at east ‘one product in the range, only fifteen per cent reported that they had not repurchased the product and/or purchased other products in the range. This indicates that eighty-five per cent of consumers are sated with quality and price. Conclusion. | ‘On the basis of the findings above it would seem that although the Alter samping, |» E> quality and retail prices of “Healthy Shine” products. are competitive, a large percentage of consumers are not aware of the product range. Furthermore, many of those who are aware of the ‘ange do not find the packaging suficienly atractive to induce them to purchase any of the products. Gur recommendation, ‘Therefore, [s that your company es il to increase consumer awareness, in addition to altering paca tho gs We Re oe ing to. consumers. 13 130 Unit Bc Survey Reports Useful Language '@ To express facts and proportion: Otte 60 poopeshdensvorers ho, a, were questondintrvewed! asked “ont i, percent poopeeonsumers, | were the eon ‘The majorty/minority viewers/etc \felt/believed that .. ‘A significant percentage of those who responded | expressed (aisjapproval ot. ‘A lrgelsrl proportion epledepond at. © Tovrpressgeneraisstions: Cn the whcleMainyn gona trns/Geeraly speaking. Nost consumers pee. whch sshomaustated Itis generally felt that ‘as proved/demonstrated Few people approve of ...| as confirmed/emphasised This fact suggestaiimplies/ingicates that the average person chooses ... Depensng on thar posto, facts an goneralsatns can be Sed by using ros eter ner ace or passe rm asin me xampes ‘8.9. Only fiteen per cent of those surveyed said that they would purchase a fur ‘coat, which shows\ingicates lilustrateslimpiies that most people are against the facies flrs anima fora sks. OR Nest peopl are agan! th paste oiling ana rth shin, whichis _showniindicatediiliustrated!imolied by the fact that only fifteen per cent of those Survoyed shat ey wou puis ahr oat. by the fac that. 3 A property developer is building a retirement complex. There is some ‘extra space, 50 they have surveyed prospective residents as to which {acility they would like included, Look atthe results ofthe survey, then fill in the sentences below with the vocabulary provided, ‘number, majority, per cent, percentage, one in four 1 The. wf those questioned wanted a swimming pool built, 2 Avery small «ofthe people surveyed were interested in having an arts and crafts centre. 3 A reasonably small. bowling green or library. 4 Twelve ‘of the people who responded tothe survey wished tw have # gym included inthe facilities. 5 Neatly. of those questioned wanted « bowing green installed. vv of those who responded wanted a 4 All the sentences in Ex. 3 state facts, ‘Generaitsaions are statements which help clarify the facts. They can either precede or come after the facts. Read the faets and the generalisations Tisted below, and decide which sentences go together, Finally, link them using one of the two ways ‘mentioned in the theory box on p. 130, Facts 1 About one quarter of those questioned expressed interest in having @ bowling sreen. 2 Dy far the kmgest number uf those surveyed responded positively t0 the 3A small minority of those questioned ‘thought that an arts and crafts centre ‘would be a useful addition. 4 Twenty-four per cent of reypondents wanted a bowling green and nineteen per cent requested library 8A simall proportion ofthe people asked id want the developer to build a gym and aerobics studio, Generalisations a4 Some of the prospective residents do enjoy taking strenuous exercise. by Sociable team-sports appeal There are vey few pensioners who enjoy creative activites like painting and pottery. 4 Among pensioners, relaxing aquatic sports are generally preferred 10 Working out ina gym. @ Outdoor activites and reading re quite popular pastimes,

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