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[ our 

     life ] MUNDANE

a slice of life game about ex traordinary daily living

How do you make the most of every day W hat you need to play Choose how you are supernatural: werewolf,
when something marks you as different vampire, ghost, selkie, superhuman,
»» 12 index cards. Randomly draw an ‘x’ on
from those around you? otherworldly, part-animal, guardian spirit,
the back of 5 of these cards.
elemental, phantom, other.
How do you help a loved one get through
»» A timer
the daily struggles of their supernatural Choose one supernatural problem:
»» 2 pens
existence? uncontrollable powers or transformations,
»» 1d4 (optionally, use a d6, d8, or d10!)
unsavoury needs, unnatural or shifting
Our Mundane Supernatural Life is a two Playing online appearance, unexpected weakness or
player micro-rpg that explores a day in the life aversions, other.
»» Online play document (here)
of a supernatural person and their loved one. Choose one mundane problem: moving
»» A shareable online timer
It’s a game about the difficulties of grocery town, planning a wedding, planning a funeral,
shopping when you’re partly ethereal, or the paying off debt, child-minding, pet-minding,
importance of finding good child care every
You and your loved one opening a shop, exams, renovating, going
full moon. Decide who will play the supernatural person, vegan, first day of school, other.
and who will play their loved one.
The game is set in a world where supernatural Before you start the game, you may want to
abilities are uncommon. Whether they are Choose a relationship: life partners, parent agree together about shared aspects of your
unheard of is up to you. and child, grandparent and grandchild, life that seem important to you, such as your
siblings, lovers, flatmates, best friends, other. jobs, living situation, or relationship history.
Plan your day Play your day »» Set the scene

In this game, you will play through a single day You will now play through one scene for each The player whose activity forms the basis
of your life. Pick a day when your supernatural activity in your day, in chronological order. for the scene must then set the scene. If the
powers might cause you trouble, such as the activity is shared, set the scene together.
In scenes you do not share, the other player
day you need to feed. Pick a day when your »» Play the scene
will play all extra characters as needed.
mundane problem might cause you trouble,
In scenes you do share, the focus should be Play through the scene. The scene may not
such as the day of the wedding rehearsal.
on your relationship; however you can both end until the timer runs out—and when the
On each index card, you will write one thing timer ends, it must end immediately.
play extra characters as needed.
that will take place during this day. Some
If the drama finishes too early, that’s fine.
of these things may be vitally important, For each scene Show us the trivial, mundane and everyday.
such as landing a big client, or a werewolf
»» Set the timer
transformation. Most will be mundane or
Ending the G ame
trivial tasks such as rental inspections, Each scene takes a preset length of time.
walking the dogs, arranging a birthday This is to allow time to highlight the mundane, Play through each activity until you reach the
surprise, or making potpourri. as well as the dramatic and the supernatural. end of the day.

Make sure not to look at which cards are Before each scene begins, At your option, you may then choose to
marked with an ‘x’. set the timer to 1d4+1. end the day with both characters talking
immediately before bed.
Take the first four index cards. These cards »» Check for an ‘x’
represent activities in the day your characters The game is now over.
Before each activity, turn over the relevant
share. Decide on one activity to write on each index card and check for an ‘x’. If there is
card, along with the time it occurs. Storybrewers
one, then something goes wrong, and a Roleplaying
Then, take four index cards each, and write complication must occur with the activity. GAME DESIGN
four activities in your day that you do not If there is no ‘x’, then the activity proceeds Vee Hendro
share with the other person, along with the as expected. Hayley Gordon

time they occur. LAYOUT & ART

»» Start the timer Vee Hendro
Finally, arrange all cards in chronological After you have had a moment to think about SUPPORT FROM
order, from morning until night. Our wonderful
the scene, start the timer. Ensure that both
players can see the timer during the scene.

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