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Accounting cycle steps start from starts all over again with the occurence of a
bookkeepers analyze the transaction and new bussiness transaction.
record it in the general journal with a journal
entry. The debits and credits from general
journal are the posted to the general leadger
where unadjusted trial balance can be
Kinds of Journals:
prepared. After analyzing the balance on the
unadjust trial balance, then make end of 1. General Journal
period adjustment. These adjusted journal 2. Adjustment
entries are posted to the trial balance turning 3. Closing Journal
it into an adjusted trial balance. If the 4. Reversing Journal
adjusted trial balance matches the subsidiary
The Cycles:
account, the financial statement can be
prepared. After the financial statement are
published and release to the public, the
company can close its books for the period
and then posted to the post closing trial
balance. At the start of the next accounting
period, occasionally reversing journal are
made to cancel out the accrual entries made
in the previous period. After the reversing
entries are posted, the accounting cycle

Almost 10 million people now own shares in British companies e.g British Gas, Bristish
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Because most people don’t have the time and resources to follow market tr ends closely, there
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the privatization of the water companies that use modern technology and it takes with a simple
phone call. with sharecall we can gain access 24 hours a day. The sharecall sevice provide a
whole host of special reports covering a variety of useful financial topics including the Daily
Market Report, Share of the Week, Mortgage Hotline-all designed to keep us informed of what’s
happening in the city. All of these financial advise lines come from individuals authorized to
give investment advice under the 1986 Financial Service Act. Sharecall provides an essential
telephone link with London’s Financial Markets for today’s investor. There are no subcription
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Telecome premium rate.

General journal-->

General Leadger -->

unadjust trial balance-->

adjusment -->

adjust trial balance -->

financial statement -->

closing entries -->

reversing journal -->

New bussiness transaction



1. Most people don’t have time and resourches to follow market tr ends closely.


1. Use modern technology and can be reach with a simple phone call.

2. Can be accessed 24 hours a day.

3. Provides a whole host of special report covering a variety of useful financial topics.

4. Provides an essential telephone link with London’s Financial Market for todays investor.

5. No subcription charges or joining fees.

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