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Name : Shafa syafiqah syafrizal

Class : eleven grade two

Goodmorning teachers that I respect and friends that I'm proud of.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shafa Syafiqah Syafrizal
from class eleven grade two. Previously, let us offer our praise and
gratitude to the almighty God because with his grace we can gather
here in good health. On this occasion I would like to deliver a speech
with the title:

“Social media”

First, I'm asking here if anyone doesn't know what social media is?, I
think everyone knows what social media is So social media is an
online media where users can easily participate, share and create
content including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and social
worlds. Blogs, social networks are the most common social forms
used by people around the world.

According to Pasundan University, social media is a medium for

socializing with each other and is used online, which allows humans
to interact with each other without being limited by space and time.

Social media can be grouped into several major sections, namely:

1. Social Networks, social media for socializing and interacting
(Facebook, myspace, hi5, Linked in, bebo, etc.)
2. Discuss, social media that facilitates groups of people to chat and
discuss (google talk, yahoo! M, skype, forum, etc.)
3. Share, social media that facilitates us sharing files, videos, music,
etc. (youtube, slideshare, feedback, flickr, crowdstorm, etc.)
4. Publish, (wordpress, wikipedia, blog, wiki, digg, etc.)
5. Social games, social media in the form of games that can be done
or played together (koongregate, doof, pogo,, etc.)
Of course, social media has become one of the needs of every human
being, especially teenagers. From social media we can get friends,
information and entertainment. However, because they have many
hours online, of course, it can make them feel addicted and result in
negative impacts such as loneliness and depression.

so this is all I can say about social media if there are wrong words
please forgive and also thank you for your attention and also the
opportunity that has been given.

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