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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2131

I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2131-“Who are you? Why did you sneak up on me? Is
there any beef between us?” Beanie asked, staring at the masked man in black who
had snuck up on her.

The person being questioned did not say anything. However, Linus said with a smile,
“Beanie, how can you ask this kind of question? I really wonder how you got to this
position in the Nacht family. There is one thing in the world that drives people’s hearts
more than hatred, and that is interest. As long as there are enough interests, a husband
can be separated from his wife, brothers can turn against each other, and father and
son can even become enemies.”

‘You have to be alive to enjoy the benefits!” Beanie replied coldly.

“Are we going to die? Beanie, I’m afraid you don’t understand the current situation!
Listen to me, don’t even think about leaving this place today. I have long wanted to
touch your attractive body. Hahaha!” Linus laughed lewdly after he finished speaking.

He had his eye on Beanie since a long time ago.

It could be said that many men around Nightingale City had their eyes on this flirtatious

However, no one had succeeded so far.

Since he was about to be the first, Linus felt excited just thinking about it.

It was a pity that he had to kill such a beautiful woman after he enjoyed her.

This was an order from his family, so Linus could only execute it.

Otherwise, he would have liked to imprison Beanie so she would be his slave that he
could enjoy whenever he wanted.

“Linus, you must be dreaming!” Beanie was furious at Linus’ words.

“Beanie, let me tell you the truth! Do you think that you can hide from everyone by
sending the Silver Flood Dragon away first? How naive! Don’t you know that everything
is under the control of the Chez family? Accept your fate! This is just an appetizer. The
main dish will be served soon.”

Beanie’s heart sank when she heard this.

Sure enough, the Chez family had planned this long ago.
She had no idea how the two elders were doing.

Judging by Linus’s triumphant look, everything was pointing to disaster.

This time, the Nacht family had completely miscalculated.

They never expected that the Chez family would dare to unite with other forces to attack
the Nacht family.

“Linus, what exactly do you want?” Beanie asked through gritted teeth.

“What do I want? Of course, I want your body first, and then… your life!”

After Linus finished speaking, he moved his feet and rushed toward Beanie.

He would take her life while she had her guard down.

His task was to kill all the people sent by the Nacht family and weaken the family.

No one would be allowed to escape.

The masked men in black standing with Linus also followed.

Beanie suffered an attack just now and she was injured.

If the two took action together, they could easily defeat Beanie.

However, since they had not enjoyed Beanie’s body, which was the dream of countless
men, they would not let this stunning woman die too soon.

Beanie watched the two charging at her quickly. She knew this would end badly for her,
so she grabbed the shoulders of Nas and Nivia beside her, pulled them back, and
rushed forward.

At the same time, she shouted, “Nas, Niv, run! Run as far as you can! I will try my best
to hold them back to buy time for you. Go back and tell the family that this is the Chez
family’s dpomg. Tell them to look out for the Chez family and avenge me.”

Nas and Nivia were caught off guard when Beanie pulled them back, so they staggered
and fell to the ground.

Upon hearing Beanie’s voice, they got up and ran without thinking too much.

The two knew that Aunt Beanie would fight desperately to buy them time.

If they did not run, the Nacht family would be wiped out.
When the time came, the Nacht family would not be able to find the murderer even if
they wanted to take revenge.

Now, they had to inform the everyone of the Chez family’s ambitions to the family so
that the family was prepared and not be caught off guard by a sudden attack.

Linus and the masked man in black rushed over while Beanie ran over to them.

Seeing that the three of them were about to collide and start a life-and- death battle.

Two grain-sized stones reached Linus and the masked man in black at a speed that
was indistinguishable to the naked eye and penetrated their shoulders without the two
of them even noticing

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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2132
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2132-At the same time, the powerful force carried by the
small stones knocked the two into the air.


Linus and the masked man in black spit out a mouthful of blood one after another.

While they were flying upside down, their faces were full of horror.

‘There’s someone powerful here!

‘And they are terrifyingly powerful!’

They did not even notice who attacked them before they were seriously injured.

‘How scary!’

Beanie stopped moving and looked inexplicably at Linus and the masked man in black
who vomited blood and retreated.

She was also confused by this sudden change.

‘What happened?

‘What happened to those two?’

With her strength, Beanie also did not notice David’s sudden attack.

She had no idea that two stones the size of rice grains had flown past her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Linus and the man in black collided with a carriage. Their tremendous momentum
smashed the carriage to pieces.

After crashing into the carriage, they did not stop and continued to crash through
several other carriages before barely stopping.

This showed how hard the attack was.

Nas and Nivia, who were running, turned their heads to see what was going on with
Aunt Beanie, but after taking a look, they stopped in their tracks and froze in place.

Aunt Beanie was fine.

On the contrary, Linus and the hateful man in black who had attacked Aunt Beanie were
wounded and vomited blood.

The two were puzzled.

‘When did Aunt Beanie become so strong?’

According to their understanding, even if Aunt Beanie was a little stronger than Linus, it
was not that much as well.

In addition to that, Linus was not the only enemy now. The man in black was no worse
than Aunt Beanie in strength too, and Aunt Beanie was injured by a sneak attack.
Therefore, it was even more impossible for her to be his opponent.

That was why she sacrificed herself and desperately bought time for them.

‘But what’s happening right now?

‘Aunt Beanie is fine, but the enemies are wounded?’ i

Nas and Nivia could not believe what they saw.

The Nacht family guards, adventurers, and the men in black could not believe this

Originally, they thought that the next battle would be one-sided.

It was indeed one-sided, but not for the side everyone had imagined.

All eyes were on where Linus and the man in black finally stopped.

They wanted to see how the two had been knocked into the air.

The smoke from the impact slowly dissipated and Linus and the man in black appeared
ibeforen everyone’s eyes.

The two of them clutched their left chests with their right hands as blood continued to
flow from their mouths. Obviously, they were seriously injured.

They were a lot more wounded than Beanie.

Even the two parties involved had no idea what kind of hidden weapon had hurt them,
not to mention the other people.

They only knew that if the hidden weapon had shifted a little further, it could directly
shoot through their hearts, causing them to die in The Spirit Cage.
With the strength of Linus and the man in black, this kind of injury to the heart was

Apart from the horror, there was also a trace of gladness on their faces.

Fortunately, this person did not intend to kill them.

Otherwise, they would have died just now

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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2133
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2133-“Beanie, how unexpected! You actually have a
backup plan. What a good move! We’re truly convinced!” Linus gritted his teeth and said
while enduring the severe pain in his body.

He genuinely did not expect it.

An initially foolproof plan was messed up just like that.

The strength of the person who took action was absolutely terrifying!

Both of them were still trembling in their hearts.

They walked through the gates of hell just now and had almost died.

‘Where did the b*tch Beanie get that powerhouse from?

‘Why didn’t we hear about this before?’

At this moment, Beanie was also confused.

However, since Linus misunderstood her, she decided to just go with it.

“Linus, to be honest, we have seen through your family’s conspiracy long ago, but we
pretended not to know! We were waiting for you to expose yourself, but I didn’t expect
you to actually act so soon. Very good. Now, it’s time for us to do to you what you did to

Beanie looked around after she said that.

There were not many people left in the Chez family, and this might be the work of the
powerhouse hiding in the dark.

No matter what the person’s purpose was, Beanie would not mind as long as it was
beneficial for the Nacht family.

At least from the looks of it now, this powerhouse was siding with the Nacht family.

“All the Nacht family members and hired adventurers, listen up. If you kill everyone
here, the originally promised reward will be increased ten times as your reward for
helping the Nacht family after we get to Nightingale City. In addition to that, the Nacht
family will owe you a favor.”

As soon as Beanie said this, there was a huge cheer at the scene.
One by one, the adventurers looked at the remaining men in black, wishing to devour
them alive.

They remembered that when these guys had the upper hand just now, they did not
show anyone any mercy.

Now that the tables had turned, how could they be merciful?

Besides, the reward had also been increased ten-fold.

The reward for this escort mission was originally already high, so if they could collect
ten times the amount, none of them would have to worry about money for a long time.

Not to mention the favor from the Nacht family.

The Nacht family was quite strong around Nightingale City.

Thus, this favor would be useful during critical moments.

The Nacht family guards and adventurers swarmed up almost at the same time to
surround the remaining men in black.

At this moment, the people in black had almost no will to fight.

They had been scared out of their wits by the person who attacked them secretly just

That person was too strong, so they had no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, the people in black wanted to escape and return to the real

world first. They did not want to lose their lives here.

They were not as domineering as the other party and there were not as many of them.

When one was rising, the other would fall.

The men in black brought by Linus were quickly wiped out by the crazy guards and
adventurers of the Nacht family.

Linus watched all this helplessly, not daring to help or say a word.

These people were dead meat.

Now, he was contemplating how he should leave.

The hidden weapons had narrowly missed their hearts, so either it was because the
person wanted to keep them alive and humiliate them before killing them, or because
that person did not want to kill them.

There were two possibilities.

If it was the former, Linus would be doomed today.

However, if it was the latter, it was hard for him to tell what would happen.

“May I know who’s making a move in secret? Please come out and meet me! I, Linus
Chez, am here to apologize to you for whatever we’ve done to offend you. I hope you
can forgive us and let us go. My family will be very grateful for this,” Linus said loudly

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I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2134-He knew that it was impossible for the Nacht family
to have such a powerful person.

Even the strongest members of the Nacht family could not seriously injure him without
him realizing it.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds.

No one responded.

Beanie did not make a sound either.

After all, even she did not know who made the move. If she offended the other party, it
might bring disaster to the Nacht family.

After nearly a minute passed, after making sure no one was answering, Beanie sneered
at Linus and said, “Linus, you’re thinking too much. Do you think they would come out
just because you asked them to?”

Linus ignored Beanie and continued, “Senior, the Chez family is willing to pay any price
as long as you let us live.”

Still no response.

“Linus, I told you, they won’t come out to see you, so you should just give up.’’

“Beanie, we admit defeat today, but the future is long and uncertain.”

After Linus finished speaking, he and the masked man in black beside him quickly fled.

He could not delay treating the injuries on his body so he could only gamble on this.

It was possible the unknown person just wanted to prevent him from doing anything to
the Nacht family and did not actually want to take his life.

As she watched the two slowly disappearing in front of her eyes, Beanie did not pursue

She was already injured, so it would not be a good idea to attack again.

Of course, the more important reason was that Beanie felt if the person who took action
secretly did not kill Linus and the gang, they were tacitly letting them go.
Even in her heyday, Beanie would not risk offending this powerhouse hiding in the dark
to pursue Linus just so she could kill him.

“Aunt Beanie, why did you let them go? The Chez family already has evil intentions
toward us, so we can’t let any of them go, otherwise, they will all be threats to the Nacht
family,” Nas walked to Beanie and asked.

He figured that as long as there was a chance, they should exterminate the Chez family.

Otherwise, letting them go would bring about endless trouble.

Linus’ status in the Chez family was not low.

If they killed him, the Chez family would definitely suffer horribly.

Just like how the Nacht family would suffer if Beanie died.

Beanie did not answer the question, but said, “Nas, Niv, organize the team, and let’s
carry on.”

“Okay, Aunt Beanie!”

After Nivia answered, she began to organize everyone and continued on the journey.

Nas had no choice but to follow what Beanie said and organize the staff with Nivia.

On the other side, more than a dozen men in black stood together and opened a
carriage that was escorting the goods. However, the carriage was empty and there was
nothing inside.

“Damn it! We were fooled! F*ck! Beanie, you b*tch,” the leader of the men in black

“It’s okay. If it’s not here, it must be at Linus’ location. Anyway, no matter where it is, it
will still be ours,” said a person next to him.

‘You’re right! Beanie thought that she would be able to trick everyone like this, but she
didn’t know that we were fully prepared and would never give her a chance of

“If I had known earlier, I’d have gone to the other side instead. After all, we would be
able to enjoy that stunning woman and also make the greatest contribution to the family.
It’d be killing two birds with one stone. We’re letting those two claim all the goodies!”

“Well, forget it, it’s too late to say that. Come, let’s go back. The Nacht family has been
hit so hard this time, so they will definitely be furious. In the meantime, let’s hold on for a
while and then give the Nacht family another big gift after we missed our moment in the

A dozen men in black left quickly.

Only a few bodies remained.

Among the bodies, two of them were the two elders of the Nacht family.

The strength of these two elders was not low, but, they still unexpectedly died at the
hands of the men in black

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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2135
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2135-Beanie had indeed lured her enemies away from
their territory.

It appeared that she had handed the body of the Silver Flood Dragon to the two elders
to take away, but this was actually just a veil.

The real Silver Flood Dragon was actually with her.

Although the value of Silver Flood Dragon was high, almost reaching 20 billion L
Dollars, it was not worth the Chez family risking their lives to take action against Beanie.

What really made the Chez family decide to take action was the news from the spy that
they planted within the Nacht family.

After buying the Silver Flood Dragon, Beanie discovered a Beast Crystal inside the
Silver Flood Dragon.

The Beast Crystal was something that only beasts could form.

The chances of it having one were very small.

A hundred beasts might not even be able to condense into one Beast Crystal.

The reason why a Silver Flood Dragon’s corpse was so expensive was due to the well-
preserved parts. This crystal was just a valuable bonus.

On the other hand, if the corpse was complete and the crystal inside had not been
found and extracted, it would not be a bad idea to gamble on the possibility of it having
one for a little bit of extra money.

After all, if successful, one could make a lot of money from selling it.

The value of a Beast Crystal was extremely high.

It would be at least five or six times higher than the corpse.

What did this mean?

In other words, a complete Silver Flood Dragon was worth more than 10 billion if there
was no premium, so the Beast Crystal of the Silver Flood Dragon would be worth
hundreds of billions of L Dollars.

It would still be a little hard for families in third-tier cities like the Nacht family and the
Chez family to fork out such a high price.
Even at this price, there was still no supply, and no one could freely buy it.

A Beast Crystal was comparable to some extremely precious elixirs. After being refined
into a pill, it would be very helpful for the people in The Spirit Cage to improve their
strength and break through their realm.

If their strength in The Spirit Cage was increased, it would directly affect their mind
power in the real world.

Why was everyone swarming to The Spirit Cage?

It was to increase their mind power so that they could improve themselves faster in the
real world.

The Spirit Cage was a virtual world at the end of the day.

Hence, most people would place more importance on the real world.

This was just a means for everyone to enhance their mind power.

The powerful families in Leila would usually divide their family members into several
groups, and every once in a while, a new group of people would enter The Spirit Cage.

At the end of the day, most of their combat power was reserved for the real world.

There would also be special treatment for special circumstances.

For example, the direct descendants with strong talents, or family members who were
about to break through, would stay longer.

Since the growth of mind power would bring them enough benefits, their families would
allow such people to extend their time in The Spirit Cage.

Otherwise, they could only follow the family’s arrangement.

A Beast Crystal, no matter if it was sold to those big powers in first-tier or second-tier
cities, or kept for their own use, would bring huge value to the Nacht family.

That was why the Chez family was eying it and decided to unite with other forces to
forcibly attack the Nacht family.

The Chez family did not want the Nacht family to grow stronger.

Due to this, they did not even hesitate to promise the others that once they killed Beanie
and got the corpse of the Silver Flood Dragon, they would take out the Beast Crystal
and hand it over to the collaborators.
The others could only agree to help the Ches family under the temptation of such huge

Neither the Chez family nor the Nacht family said anything about the Crystal found in
the Silver Flood Dragon, and they had not made it public.

Even so, everyone knew of it

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I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2136-In order to keep the Silver Flood Dragon’s Crystal
in the best condition, Beanie did not take it out but instead left it in the Silver Flood
Dragon’s body.

After bringing it back to Nightingale City, the family would then hold a meeting before
deciding how to use it.

Unexpectedly, the news leaked because of a traitor in the family, almost resulting in the
Chez family ruining their plan.

If it was not for the powerhouse making a move in secret, the Nacht family would have
suffered a big loss this time.

They would have lost their lives and their money.

After walking to the carriage behind her own, Beanie stepped in before emerging with a
blank expression after a while.

She was greatly relieved on the inside.

‘Thank God!’

The Beast Crystal was still in the body of the Silver Flood Dragon.

She was a little worried that the powerhouse hiding in the dark would quietly take away
the Silver Flood Dragon’s Crystal.

Although there was nothing wrong with the other party taking it away, after all, they
saved so many lives and prevented her from being bullied, Beanie had only gotten this
Beast Crystal with great difficulty,

Moreover, the Nacht family needed it right now, so Beanie did not wish to lose it.

When she found out that there was a Beast Crystal inside the Silver Flood Dragon, she
leapt with joy.

This was very exciting for her.

Beast Crystals were extremely rare, as even a hundred beasts might not be able to
produce one.

Beanie found one even though the chances of it were so slim, so how would she not
feel happy or excited?
There was actually a big difference between a beast with a Crystal and a beast without
a Crystal.

The simplest reason was that Crystal meant that this beast could continue to evolve to a
higher level.

On the contrary, they could not do it without one.

Beanie also thought that the powerhouse who was hiding in the dark would take away
the Silver Flood Dragon’s Crystal as a reward for saving them.

However, they did not.

Beanie was just overthinking.

Nivia and Nas were coming back to their senses.

They dug a pit to bury the dead guards and adventurers from the Nacht family. As for
the bodies of the men in black, wild beasts would come to eat them after they left.

While everyone was getting busy, David did not participate and instead returned to the
carriage to rest first.

Yet, as soon as he stepped into the carriage, a voice stopped him.

“Hey, kid, what are you doing there? Can’t you see that everyone is busy? Come down
right now to help us dig a hole. It’s fine that you want to escape from the battle, as I’ll
just think of you as a coward, but now you even want to escape labor? Do you think the
Nacht family is doing charity? Do you think you can get money by doing nothing? I can
tell you right now that a parasite like you will not get ten times the reward after we return
to Nightingale City,” Nas said loudly as he walked over.

When David retorted to him just now, Nas was so angry that he wanted David to leave

However, his thoughts were interrupted by Aunt Beanie’s sudden injury.

Then, there was another life-and-death crisis, but fortunately, it was resolved by Aunt
Beanie’s backup plan.

Nas, who had already calmed down, came to David again to start trouble with him.

He would not stand David acting like this.

He was obviously a low-level adventurer, but he was still putting on the airs of a rich
More importantly, David looked more handsome and classier than him.

This was unacceptable to Nas.

Hence, as soon as he was out of danger, he set his sights on David again.

David knew whose voice it was when he heard it.

It was the kid who had wanted him to leave just now.

He was also from the Nacht family, the employers this time, so his status was probably
not low, and he was at least a direct descendant.

Without a better choice, David turned around.

He thought in his heart, ‘If I didn’t attack in secret just now, you would be a corpse by

‘Why do you have to make things difficult for me?’

If he did not want to take this opportunity to learn more about The Spirit Cage, David
would have continued the journey himself

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I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2137-“Why are you targeting me?” David turned around
and asked helplessly.

“Why am I targeting you? Why do you think I’m targeting you? It’s because you are the
most idle person here! When we were fighting, you were afraid of death and didn’t
participate, and now when it’s time for labor, you’re also trying to escape, so I want to
ask you, why are you here?” Nas asked.

“Fine, I’ll leave, okay? I quit and I don’t want the reward anymore.”

As David spoke, he jumped off the carriage.

Originally, he wanted to go to Nightingale City with the Nacht family and learn more
about The Spirit Cage on the way, but now it seemed that he could only go alone.

He was fine either way.

As long as he could spend L Dollars in The Spirit Cage, David would be very happy.

Everything else was just trivial.

He could also slowly understand The Spirit Cage.

“Hmph, you’re pretty smart. Kid, let me tell you, you can’t get my family’s money so
easily. If you want to take our money, you have to work for us. I’ve seen a lot of liars like
you. You have no skills and you would scam people under the guise of being an
adventurer, but too bad you ran into me today!” Nas sneered.

David shrugged and did not argue with Nas.

He did not need to take this hollering ant in front of him seriously.

Just when David was about to leave, Beanie came over.

After she checked the body of Silver Flood Dragon, she heard Nas talking loudly so she
walked over.

As soon as she got closer, she spotted the good-looking young man who was dressed
like a pampered son of a rich family.

In terms of age, he was even younger than Nas.

‘Why is there such a person in my team?

‘Why did I have no idea about him?’

Beanie was puzzled.

In this team, there were adventurers who were hired to escort the goods apart from the
Nacht family.

‘He can’t be an adventurer, right?*

“What’s going on?” Beanie asked.

“Aunt Beanie, this kid is an adventurer we paid for, but he didn’t do anything. He was
hiding when we were fighting the Chez family. Now that everyone is digging holes to
bury the dead, he is the only one not doing anything. Why should we hire such an
adventurer? Anyone who doesn’t know will

think he is an employer! I really don’t know how the people did the screening process.
How could such a person pass?” Nas huffed angrily.

Beanie looked at David.

Naturally, David looked at the other party fearlessly.

No matter how powerful the Nacht family was in Leila, they were in The Spirit Cage now
and he could easily destroy them all.

When one had the strength, one would not fear anything.

“Is that so?” Beanie asked, looking at David.

“Don’t falsely accuse me. I understand that I should help others avert disaster since I’ve
taken their money, and I did. It’s just that you didn’t see me doing it,” David argued.

“Nonsense! You have been hiding here this entire time. When did you contribute? You
are just a liar! How dare you say that you have contributed? Quickly hand over the
money you were paid and get out! Don’t let me see you again, or I’ll hit you every time I
see your face!” Nas warned angrily.

“You didn’t see my contribution, but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t contribute. Of course, I
can’t do anything if you don’t believe me. I’ll go then! I won’t pay you back the little
money you gave me. I believe that I am still worth that much.”

David was ready to leave after speaking.

However, Beanie stopped him.

She asked, “My friend, what’s your name?”

“My name is David Lidell! May I know how I can help you, Miss?” David replied.

‘David Lidell?’

Beanie thought about the name carefully.

‘I don’t think there is a major family in Nightingale City and the surrounding cities that
has the surname Lidell.

‘Either he came from somewhere else, or he just entered The Spirit Cage.’

Seeing David’s appearance and clothes, Beanie knew that he was definitely not an
ordinary person.

“Are you an adventurer?”

“Yeah! Is there a problem?”

“You punk, watch how you f*cking talk to my aunt! Believe it or not, HI kill…”

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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2138
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2138-Before Nas finished speaking, Beanie scolded him,
“Shut up!

“Uh…” Nas did not expect Aunt Beanie to say that to him, so he was stunned for awhile.

It took a few seconds for him to come back to his senses. He stared at David unhappily,
but he could only close his mouth resentfully and stop talking.

He did not dare not to ignore Aunt Beanie’s words.

At least for now.

When he became the head of the Nacht family, then he would have the right to ignore

“My friend, judging from your outfit, you don’t look like an adventurer,” Beanie continued
to ask after scolding Nas.

“Is there anyone who stipulates that if you dress like this, you can’t be an adventurer?”
David asked the other party.

“I guess not.”

“Exactly! I can wear whatever I want, and there are no rules saying what adventurers
should wear.”

“Then where are you from?”

“I entered The Spirit Cage from Leila.”

Beanie was speechless.

‘Which one of us didn’t enter The Spirit Cage from Leila?

‘Could it be that he was born and bred in The Spirit Cage?’

In The Spirit Cage, besides people, everything else was virtual, but these virtual things
had some practical effects which could increase one’s mind power.

This kid was just pretending to be confused.

Since David did not want to tell her, Beanie decided to stop asking.

She would not get anything even if she continued.

On one side, Nas stared at David fiercely.

If it were not for David, he would not have been scolded by Aunt Beanie.

“My friend, since you don’t want to tell me, forget it. You should stay and journey with us
in this wilderness. It’ll be safer that way. I will keep what the Nacht family’s promise.
Since you have passed the screening and become an escort, you will still get everything
that you deserve.”

As soon as Beanie finished speaking, Nas next to her blew a gasket.

‘He didn’t do anything and yet he’s getting paid?’

“Aunt Beanie…”

However, Beanie interrupted him just as he was about to speak.

“Is what I said not clear enough?”

“No,” Nas replied, suppressing his anger.

“Then do as I say! Nas, you are the future head of the Nacht family, but why are you still
so petty? How can the Nacht family be handed over to you in the future? A
narrowminded head will be the sorrow of the family! If you keep acting like this, we will
consider replacing you.”

Nivia, who was walking over, heard this and her eyes lit up.

However, they dimmed soon after.

It was a pity that she was a daughter, so she was not qualified to compete for the
position of the head.

“I understand, Aunt Beanie.” Nas lowered his head.

He did not dare to continue talking for fear of angering Beanie.

With the other party’s status in the Nacht family, she was genuinely qualified to propose
his replacement.

“Okay! Let’s go! Let’s go back to the family as soon as possible and tell the head what
happened just now. Since the Chez family dared to treat us like that, they must pay the

Beanie’s eyes turned cold as she left quickly.

Nas hurriedly followed.

Nivia, who came over, glanced at David and left without stopping.

David stood there and thought for a while.

Then, he turned around and got onto the carriage.

‘Let’s go together then!’

Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2139
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2139-The group continued heading toward Nightingale

There had been eight people in David’s carriage, but now only five people were left.

In other words, three people died in that battle just now.

This was just one carriage and there had been many other deaths, adding to the death

If David had acted earlier, he could have saved everyone.

However, he did not.

David did not feel guilty at all regarding this.

The law of nature was the survival of the fittest.

He could save them once, but what about the second time?

Moreover, not all of these adventurers were good people.

Many of them had a lot of bad records and had blood on their hands.

The carriage with three people missing did not affect the rest of the people.

Obviously, they were used to things like this.

As the name ‘adventurer’ suggested, they would risk their lives to go on adventures.

Whether it was looking for opportunities in the Endless Forest or escorting cargo, they
might die at any time.

Of course, in comparison, it would be much safer to escort cargo.

The reason why everyone was willing to come to The Spirit Cage despite such a
dangerous situation was that, firstly, the scope of activities here was smaller, unlike in
the real world where Leila was hopelessly large, and countless people could only stay at
a small place for their entire lifetime.

In addition, almost all of Leila’s forces had invested a lot of manpower, material, and
financial resources into The Spirit Cage.

As a result, it was easier to make money here than in the real world.
Therefore, some people in remote places wanted to enter The Spirit Cage. At the same
time, they could also increase their mind power, so why not?

After some distance, David started another conversation.

Everyone knew that David was the son of a certain rich family and he came to The Spirit
Cage in secret, so they flattered him and would tell David anything they knew.

From the gang, David learned another piece of information, which also resolved a doubt
in his heart.

When he first came to The Spirit Cage and walked out of the Endless Forest, he had
encountered some corpses along the way.

He was curious why they did not forcefully leave The Spirit Cage when they were in
danger and dying.

It turned out it was not because they did not want to, but it was because they could not.

When people in the real world enter The Spirit Cage, they would descend to a fixed
place, which was called the descending point. When they needed to leave The Spirit
Cage, they had to be within the range of the descending point.

The cities above tier three in The Spirit Cage were all built around these descending

The bigger the city, the larger the descending point.

Countless people would come and go every day through these channels.

The place where the descending point was located was officially protected and did not
belong to any forces.

Anyone who dared to seek revenge and kill people here would be completely obliterated
by The Spirit Cage once they were found to have violated regulations.

This was a hard and fast rule of The Spirit Cage.

Therefore, when one was being hunted down, one would be safe as long as one ran to
the vicinity of the descending point.

Those who were pursuing would also give up the pursuit.

The closest descending point to Crow City was Nightingale City.

Except for the descending point, there was no other way to leave The Spirit Cage.
When David learned this information, he immediately remembered that after he left the
Endless Forest and saw the corpses, he had left The Spirit Cage once.

However, he immediately opened the system again and found the option to exit The
Spirit Cage.

He wanted to make sure he could leave The Spirit Cage anytime, anywhere.

David did not seem too surprised by this.

After all, it was the system, something developed by a God Tier Civilization.

So, it was also normal for it to not be restricted by the rules of The Spirit Cage.

Along the way, the system shocked David too much.

It surprised him quite a bit at first, but slowly, he became used to it.

His horizons had broadened with something from the God Tier Civilization on him, so he
did not seem to care much about other civilizations.

Inside another carriage, Beanie sat cross-legged with her eyes closed, recuperating
from her wounds. When she was suddenly attacked by a masked man in black, she
suffered serious injuries.

The strength of the opponent was not weaker than her.

Fortunately, there was a powerhouse who acted secretly and allowed her to barely
escape the catastrophe.

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Read I Am A Quadrillionarire Chapter 2140
I am a quadrillionarire chapter 2140-Otherwise, she would have been in trouble.

Nas and Nivia were resting in another carriage for fear of disturbing Beanie.

Not long after, Beanie opened her eyes and exhaled.

Thankfully, her injuries were not that serious.

She was fine after some medicine.

An idea formed in her mind.

The powerhouse who took action secretly had unfathomable strength. No one could find
him even after he injured the others, which was enough to show his strength.

Such a strong person would never appear here for no reason, let alone save others for
no reason.

There must be a certain reason why he had acted.

According to Beanie’s guess, it might have something to do with the outstanding young
man named David.

Judging from Beanie’s many years of experience in reading people, David was not a
simple person.

Some things could not be faked.

It would not work with just an outfit change.

To put it simply, no matter how gorgeous the clothes a beggar put on, he was still a
beggar, and he would never become an aristocrat.

It would be reflected in his eyes, temperament, demeanor, and tone of voice.

David’s eyes were firm, his temperament was extraordinary, his demeanor calm, and
his tone of voice was neither humble nor arrogant no matter when he was talking to Nas
or her.

These were simply not things that an ordinary adventurer would have.

Even when Nas said he would not give him money and asked him to leave, David did
not show any fluctuations in his emotions nor change the look in his eyes. He was still
as calm as water.
Some details often best explained the situation.

Beanie could feel from David’s eyes that he was looking down on all living beings.

Only by staying in a high position for a long time could one cultivate this kind of gaze.

Thus, Beanie judged that the powerhouse who took action in secret was probably here
to protect David.

This could also explain why there had been no one around David when everyone was
fighting and he did not have a single wrinkle in his clothes.

It was because no one could get close to him at all.

Not only that, when questioned by Nas, David also said that he contributed, and it was
just that no one had seen it.

He was indirectly saying that he should get the credit for saving everyone.

That was why Beanie yelled at Nas when he was being disrespectful to David.

If the strength of his bodyguard was so terrifying, one could only imagine how powerful
the force behind David was.

Were they people that the Nacht family could offend?

One bodyguard alone could wipe out the Nacht family.

After they returned, it might just be time to hold a meeting to study the matter regarding
their family heir.

Judging from Nas’s performance these days, he did not have the vision and heart
required by the head of a family at all.

It was not a wise decision to hand over the family to him.

It was a pity that Nivia was a daughter.

No matter how good she was, she was destined not to be the head of the Nacht family,
and at most, she could only be like Beanie.

However, what Beanie could not understand was why a noble guy like David would join
the team of adventurers recruited by the Nacht family.

‘Is this training for him?

‘Or is there another purpose?’

Beanie thought for a long time, but could not think of a reason.

Hence, she decided to forget it.

‘Who cares!

‘Judging from how the other party saved me, they should be no hostility towards the
Nacht family. That’s enough for me.’

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