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G A R P p r o v i d e s i t s F R M p r o g r a m f o r t h e te s ti n g , a na l ys is and e v a lu a ti o n o f

t h e s ki l ls , q u a li f i ca t i o ns , e d u c a ti on a n d c o m p e t e n cie s o f o t h e r s i n t h e
f i e ld o f f in an c ia l r isk ma na g e m en t .

T h e F R M C er t i f i ca t e h as b ee n ad o p t e d b y c o m p a n ies as a b e n c h ma rk to
e ns u re t he i r r i sk ma na ge m e n t e m p lo y e es a r e we l l v e rs ed in t h e l a te s t
f i n an c ia l ri sk c o n cep t s . T h e C e r t i f ica t e i d e n ti f ie s ris k p r o fe ss i on a ls t ha t
a r e q ua li f ied t o p r o v id e c o m p e te n t a d vi c e
B as ed on g lob a l ly ac c ep ted i nd us try s ta nd a rds a nd
w h o are committed to p e rs onal p ro f e s s i o n a l d e v e l op me n t.

Saturday (9am – 5pm) (6pm – 9pm)
Date Optional
Tutorial Sessions Discussion

6 Sep Quantitative Market risk 1 9 Sep

27 Market risk 2 30 Sep
7 Oct

4 Oct Market risk 3 Credit risk 1

11 Oct

18 Oct Regulations/Basel II
Credit risk 2

Risk & investment

14 Oct

21 Oct

FRM 2008
25 Oct Operational & integrated risk
28 Oct Exam Preparation & Tutorial sessions
Mock exam/practice questions/revision CLINIC
1 Nov
day London
Early Bird Price (Until 31 August)
All Saturday Modules + Clinic = £ 1250 + VAT
All Saturday Modules + Clinic + Evenings = £ 1800 + VAT
Full Price (After 1 September) ™Weekend and evening revision sessions
All Saturday Modules + Clinic = £ 1500 + VAT
All Saturday Modules + Clinic + Evenings = £ 2000 + VAT
Only Saturday Clinic on 1 November = £ 500 + VAT ™Exam preparation materials
Exam Date: 15 November 2008
OptiRisk Systems
UNICOM R&D House, One Oxford Road, Uxbridge, UB9 4DA, Middlesex, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1895 256 484

Building on experience gleaned from five

years of providing FRM training, we have
restructured several aspects of the
course to deliver the maximum benefit to
delegates. Remember, we want to give
UNICOM Seminars Ltd & OptiRisk Systems are one of the very few UK training providers offering staged delegates every chance to achieve
The Course is presented
and weekend FRM revision sessions in the London area. It is the only course led by a trainer who has success in the FRM examination!
by leading risk
himself passed the FRM examination and has worked with GARP setting some of the examination The course will now embrace a flexible –
practitioners and headed
questions. but well-defined – syllabus covering most
by Gary van Vuuren, who
of the FRM curriculum. (Topics that will
has worked in investment
not be covered are those which require
banking and now works The course offered comprises the FRM Primer (a series of lectures and discussion sessions) and the dedicated, rote learning – such as the
at one of the “big three”
FRM Clinic, a full-day revision clinic. The Primer is split into 6, full-day tutorial modules, each covering Legal, Accounting and Ethics sections.)
credit rating firms. He is
a different topic of the exam. These tutorials follow a flexible – but well-defined – syllabus covering most Initially, delegates will be asked to
himself FRM accredited.
of the FRM curriculum. The modules take place on Saturdays from 09:00 – 17:00 in Uxbridge, West complete a short (25 questions), pre-
London, near Brunel University. course, multiple-choice, self-diagnostic
test and send the results back to us.
In addition, there are optional discussion sessions held on Tuesday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00, which From these we will be able to assess
areas of weakness or confusion and will
may be used for practicing examination questions and, if necessary, further coverage of topics covered
adapt the course such that we
on the Saturday sessions. These sessions will be held in the City – close to Moorgate tube station. concentrate more of our efforts and
resources on those specific topics. The
There is also a full-day FRM Clinic held on a Saturday, 2 weeks before the FRM examination. This lectures take place over 6 Saturdays. If
allows delegates to undertake a relatively realistic “mock” FRM examination some time before the real there is sufficient interest – additional,
short (3 hour), evening sessions (on 6
one and thus avoid the pre-exam stress.
Tuesdays) will be arranged – during
which examination questions will be
Delegates receive an extensive reading list and pre-course material. They also complete a pre-course practised and any more in-depth
GARP does not endorse,
promote, review or warrant “diagnostic” to ensure they get the most out of the course. questions, not covered in sufficient
the accuracy of the detail in the Saturday sessions, may be
products or services
offered by any provider of addressed.
FRM related information, Tuesday Before the course begins, we will provide
Contact OptiRisk nor does it endorse any
Date Saturday (9am – 5pm) (6pm – 9pm)
FRM suggested readings from the prescribed
S y st e ms pass rates claimed by the
providers. Further, GARP Tutorial Sessions Optional Discussion Jorion textbook, as well as popular study
is not responsible for any Sessions guides such as Schweser and Bionic fees or costs paid by the
user of any provider’s 6 Sep Quantitative methods Market risk 1 9 Sep Turtle. Delegates are strongly advised to
Tel: 01895 256 484
Fax: 01895 813 095
services nor is GARP read these thoroughly and work through
responsible for any fees or
Email: info@optirisk- costs of any person or 27 Sep Market risk 2 30 Sep them before the topics are presented as
entity providing any it is impossible to cover all of risk

services to any FRM
4 Oct Market risk 3 Credit risk 1 7 Oct management in a short course.
course provider.
Finally, the 8-hour Saturday FRM Clinic
11 Oct Credit risk 2 14 Oct will now be held two weeks before the
FRM examination rather than the
18 Oct Regulations/Basel II Risk & investment mgt 21 Oct traditional one week prior. This will
allow delegates to undertake a relatively
25 Oct Operational & integrated risk management 28 Oct realistic “mock” FRM examination some
time before the real one and thus avoid
1 Nov Mock exam/practice questions/revision day CLINIC the pre-exam stress experienced in
previous years.

Exam: 15 November 2008

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