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My name is Okafor Ifeafulnanya Richard. I write to oppose the theory of

evolution as postulated by Charles Darwin that the “A Series Adaptation
in Organisms Results in Evolution.”

I will disprove evolution by showing that natural selection only explains

small evolutionary changes, collectively known as microevolution.
Natural selection cannot drive large evolutionary changes,
macroevolution. I will also show that the primordial soup, in which life
supposedly evolved, did not exist.

Neo-Darwinism incorporates the discoveries of modern science into

Darwin's original theory while leaving the basic beliefs intact. Darwin
proposed that individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive
and reproduce. Darwin called this process natural selection. Darwin did
not understand how or why.
Natural selection forces animals and plants to adapt. Microevolution
happens, and it has been observed in numerous scientific experiments.

The real question is not whether or not microevolution happens. It does,

but can microevolution be extended to explain large evolutionary
changes? Such changes require new genes.

Natural selection only optimizes existing genes: If a gene does not exist,
it cannot provide a selective advantage. Natural selection only operates
on existing genes.

When an existing gene tries to evolve into a new gene, the evolving gene
must provide some selective advantage, before natural selection can
drive the transition. (The declaration of many evolutionists that natural
selection drives the transition every step of the way, implies that the
evolving gene must perform its new function before it evolves into the
new gene. This is like saying a bird with no wings can fly.)

Random chance not natural selection is responsible for the evolution of

new genes. Until an evolving gene offers some competitive advantage,
natural selection is out of the picture.

If evolution is not a viable theory, then why is it generally accepted by

modern science and why is it often taught as a proven fact in high school
and college?

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