Speed, Distance Time Class Quiz

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Speed, Distance, Time

1. A girl cycles for 3hrs at a speed of 40 km/h. What

distance did she travel?
D=s x t =40x3=120 km
2. A car travels a distance of 540km in 6 hours.
What speed did it travel at?
S= d/t=540/6= 90km/hr
3. John is a runner. He runs the 50m sprint in 12s.
What speed did he travel at? (in m/s)
4. The distance between two cities is 144 km, it
takes me 3hours to travel between these cities.
What speed did I travel at?
S=d/t=144/3= 48km/hr
5. Lauren walks 100m in half a minute. What must
her speed have been to travel this distance?
6.Mr Dunn drives 64.8km from work at a speed of 48km/h.
Mrs Dunn drives 81.2km from work at a speed of 58km/h.
They both leave work at the same time.
a) Who arrives home first?
b) How many minutes later is it before the second person
gets home?
Mr. Dunn t=d/s=64.8/48=1.35hr
Mrs. Dunn t= d/s= 81.2/58=1.40 hr
Mr Dunn arrives first.
1.40-1.35=0.05 hr =0.05x60 = 3 minutes

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