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Usually, census figures have been the subject of controversy in Nigeria

from the time the country was split into three regions. The figures from the
census were used as basis for sharing revenue, delimitationsof
constituencies, allocation of seats in the parliament etc. with all these;
each region wanted a significant share of the head count.


The population figures of 1952 gave the Northern Region a great majority
seat in the House of Representatives. When there was another opportunity
for a new census in 1962, the two Regions felt they would have a better
representation in the House of Representative. The census was officially
held in 1962. As a result of ethnic bias, the figure gave rise to wide spread
accusations. The distribution patterns of the figures were as follows:
Northern Region 22.5million,
Eastern Region 12.3million,
western region 10.5m
Lagos 0.8million

Due to complaints arising from the census figures, the census was
cancelled. The rancour and dispute that followed the census crisis was of
great magnitude due to inter-ethnic and regional rivalry. The Northerners
vehemently rejected the population figures on the ground that it was the
first time that the combined population of the South was higher than the
North. They called for a re-count which did not go down well with the
Easterners. In the re-count which was conducted by a British official in
1963. The figure was reversed considerably reducing the figure of the
Eastern Region, but maintaining the figures of the North and Western
Region including Mid-Western Region. The final figures of 55.6 million
were finally accepted as follows:
Northern Region 29,777,986,
Eastern Region 12,388,646,
Western Region 10,278,500,
Mid-Western Region 2,533,337
Lagos city 675,35


1. It created a long standing tension and suspicion between the coalition
party of Northern People’s Congress and NCNC.
2. It also increased the struggle for political domination.
3. It laid the foundation for the first military coup in Nigeria.
4. There was political intolerance among the three political parties.
5. Each political party nursed negative attitude towards the other.

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