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Original Article

Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing

considerations for prostatitis based on site-specific pharmacodynamic
target attainment
Kogenta Nakamura a, Kazuro Ikawa b, *, Genya Nishikawa a, Ikuo Kobayashi a,
Motoi Tobiume c, Miho Sugie a, Hiroyuki Muramatsu a, Shingo Morinaga a,
Keishi Kajikawa a, Masahito Watanabe a, Kent Kanao a, Tetsushu Onita b,
Norifumi Morikawa b
Department of Urology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine, Nagakute, Aichi, 480-1195, Japan
Department of Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima, 734-8551, Japan
Department of Urology, Asahi Rousai Hospital, Nagoya, Aichi, 488-8585, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Flomoxef is used to treat bacterial prostatitis; however, its prostatic pharmacokinetics have not been fully
Received 19 July 2019 clarified. Flomoxef (500 or 1000 mg) was administered to patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy
Received in revised form (n ¼ 54). After a 0.5-h infusion, venous blood samples were drawn at time points of 0.5e5 h, and prostate
22 August 2019
tissue samples were collected at time points of 0.5e1.5 h during transurethral resection of the prostate.
Accepted 29 August 2019
The drug concentrations in plasma and prostate tissue were analyzed pharmacokinetically and used for a
Available online xxx
stochastic simulation to predict the probability of attaining pharmacodynamic target in prostate tissue.
Showing dose linearity in the prostatic pharmacokinetics, flomoxef rapidly penetrated into prostate
tissue, with a prostate/plasma ratio of 0.48e0.50 (maximum drug concentration) and 0.42e0.55 (area
Pharmacokinetics under the drug concentration-time curve). Against the tested populations of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
Pharmacodynamics and Proteus species isolates, 0.5-h infusion of 1000 mg three times daily achieved a 90% expected
Prostatitis probability of attaining the bactericidal target (70% of the time above the minimum inhibitory concen-
tration [MIC]) in prostate tissue. The site-specific pharmacodynamic-based breakpoint (the highest MIC
at which the target-attainment probability in prostate tissue was >90%) values were 0.25 mg/L (MIC for
90th percentile of E. coli and Klebsiella species) for 500 mg four times daily and 0.5 mg/L (MIC90 of Proteus
species) for 1000 mg four times daily. These results help to fully characterize the prostatic pharmaco-
kinetics of flomoxef, while also helping to rationalize and optimize the dosing regimens for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment.
© 2019 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction strains producing b-lactamase enzymes especially extended-

spectrum b-lactamases (ESBL) [4,5]. Flomoxef is used to treat
Flomoxef is a b-lactam antibiotic, also called oxacephem, which various infections including bacterial prostatitis [1,6]. It is also used
has antibacterial activities against a variety of Gram-positive and for antibacterial prophylaxis in prostatic surgery or biopsy [7,8],
Gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It is approved in particularly when the patient is intolerant or refractory to quino-
Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan [1]. However, flomoxef has gained lone antibiotics or the causative bacterial strains are ESBL-
attention from regions other than the approved countries [2,3] producing.
because it is stable and effective against worldwide problematic Antibiotics act at the site of infection. Therefore, it is important
to understand the pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in the prostate in
order to improve its efficacy in treating prostatitis. There have been
* Corresponding author.
reports measuring flomoxef concentrations in human prostate [9]
E-mail address: (K. Ikawa). as well as in other body sites including lung [10] and sputum
1341-321X/© 2019 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,
2 K. Nakamura et al. / J Infect Chemother xxx (xxxx) xxx

[11]. However, no attempt has been made to describe and evaluate acetonitrile (85:15 [v/v]) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The quan-
the site-specific pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with tification limits for flomoxef were 0.25 mg/L and 1.5 mg/kg in
mathematical modeling and stochastic simulation. plasma and prostate tissue, respectively, and both calibration
The antibacterial and therapeutic effects of flomoxef correlate curves were linear up to 250 mg/L and 150 mg/kg, respectively. The
with the exposure time for which the drug concentrations remain interday and intraday accuracy (as absolute values of relative errors
above the minimum inhibitory concentration for the bacterium of the means) and precision (as coefficients of variations) were
(T > MIC) [1,12,13], particularly at the site of action. Therefore, in within 10%.
order to define effective doses and optimize the treatment regi-
mens for prostatitis, it is important to estimate the pharmacody- 2.4. Noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis
namic exposure in the prostate by predicting the probability that
the T > MIC target is attained. The Cmax was defined as the maximum observed concentration
The present study thus aimed to characterize the prostatic of flomoxef. Based on the trapezoidal rule using the MULTI program
pharmacokinetics of flomoxef and to estimate its site-specific [15], the area under the drug concentration-time curve from 0 to
pharmacodynamic target attainment. infinity (AUC0e∞) was estimated as the actual area from 0 to 1.5 h
(AUC0e1.5) plus the extrapolated area (AUC1.5e∞ ¼ C1.5/lZ, where C1.5
2. Materials and methods is the drug concentration at 1.5 h and lZ is the terminal slope on a
loge scale). The drug penetration ratio into prostate tissue was
2.1. Study design and subject population defined as the Cmax or AUC ratio, which are often used as indices of
drug distribution into tissues. The specific gravity of prostate tissue
This study was a prospective and open-label study of flomoxef was defined as 1 (kg ¼ L).
conducted at Aichi Medical University Hospital and its related fa-
cilities between February 2014 and February 2015. The study pro- 2.5. Simultaneous pharmacokinetic modeling
tocol and informed consent form were in compliance with the
Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association) and were All of the flomoxef concentration data for plasma and prostate
reviewed and approved by the ethics committee (Aichi Medical tissue were simultaneously fitted to a three-compartment phar-
University School of Medicine). macokinetic model (1, central; 2, peripheral; 3, prostate), as this
Study subjects were male patients with benign prostatic hy- general model has been used for prostatic pharmacokinetic ana-
pertrophy who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate. lyses [16e19]. In this population pharmacokinetic modeling using
The patient inclusion criteria were as follows: older than 20 years the NONMEM program (version 7.4; ICON Public Limited Company,
old, amenable to antibacterial prophylaxis for postoperative in- Dublin, Ireland), the fixed-effects parameters were as follows: V1,
fections, and willing and able to provide their written informed V2 and V3 are the volumes of distribution of the central, peripheral
consent. Patients were excluded who were hypersensitive to b- and prostate compartments (L), CL is the clearance (L/h). K12, K21,
lactams and who had preoperative pyuria or bacteriuria. K13 and K31 are the first-order transfer rate constants connecting
the compartments (1/h). The interindividual variability was
2.2. Drug administration and sample collection modeled with an exponential error model: qi ¼ q*exp(hi), where qi
is the fixed-effects parameter for the i-th subject, q is the mean
The dose of flomoxef was assigned to 500 mg in the former value of the fixed-effects parameter in the population, and h is a
period (February to June, 2014) and 1000 mg in the latter period random interindividual variable, which is normally distributed
(June 2014 to February 2015). After preoperative drug administra- with a mean zero and variance u2. The residual variability was
tion by a 0.5-h intravenous infusion, venous blood samples were modeled with a proportional error model: Cobs, ij ¼ Cpred, ij*(1 þ εij),
scheduled to be drawn 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3 and 5 h. Plasma was immediately where Cobs, ij and Cpred, ij denote the j-th observed and predicted
separated from the blood by centrifugation. Prostate tissue samples concentrations for the i-th subject, and ε is a random intra-
were scheduled to be collected during transurethral resection of individual error, which is normally distributed with a mean zero
the prostate 0.5, 1 and 1.5 h after the start of the infusion. The and variance s2.
resected prostate was immediately washed with physiological sa- The adequacy of the developed population model was assessed
line. All of the plasma and prostate samples were stored at 40  C by goodness-of-fit plots. To assess the reliability and stability of the
until concentration measurement. estimated parameters, a nonparametric bootstrap method was
performed using the Perl-speaks-NONMEM program [20]. The 95%
2.3. Measurement of flomoxef concentrations in plasma and confidence intervals of the parameters from 1000 bootstrap repli-
prostate tissue cates were compared with the estimates of the developed popu-
lation model.
The total concentrations of flomoxef in plasma and prostate
tissue were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography 2.6. Site-specific pharmacodynamic simulation
(HPLC) with minor modifications of the methods of Konaka et al.
[14] Prostate tissue samples (0.5 g) were homogenized using an A set of fixed-effects parameters qi (V1, V2, V3, CL, K12, K21, K13
overhead mixer with 2 vol (1 mL [w/v]) of double-distilled water. and K31) for flomoxef was randomly generated 5000 times by the
The prostate tissue homogenate was centrifuged, and the super- $SIMULATION command in NONMEM, according to each mean
natant was collected. The tissue supernatants or plasma samples estimate and interindividual variance of the developed model. The
(200 mL each) were then added to 400 mL of methanol, and the set of eight qi values gave the three-compartment model equations
mixture was vortexed and centrifuged. Next, the supernatants and simulated the flomoxef concentration in prostate tissue. The
(20 mL) were injected into an HPLC system. The HPLC employed a time point at which the drug concentration coincided with a MIC
C18 column at a temperature of 40  C and detected flomoxef at a value (0.125e64 mg/L) was determined, and the duration of drug
wavelength of 254 nm ultraviolet absorbance. The mobile phase exposure above the MIC for bacteria (T > MIC) was calculated as the
consisted of a mixture of 60 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH cumulative percentage of 24 h. Using the same method as for the
6.0) containing 5 mmol/L tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and earlier simulation [21,22], the total concentration in prostate tissue

Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,
K. Nakamura et al. / J Infect Chemother xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

was not adjusted for the free fraction because the protein binding of NONMEM modeling because it was very small (<0.0001). For V1, V3,
flomoxef in the prostate is currently unknown. As the protein CL, K21 and K31, there was no significant covariate that correlated
binding of flomoxef in human serum has been reported to be well with the individual pharmacokinetic parameters and
relatively low (approximately 30%) [23], even a moderately higher explained their interindividual variability. The parameter estimates
or lower protein binding in the prostate compared to serum was were all in the range of the 95% confidence intervals obtained using
not expected to significantly affect this simulation. the bootstrap method.
Based on the simulation, the probability of attaining the phar- The observed flomoxef concentrations in plasma and prostate
macodynamic target in prostate tissue was defined as the propor- tissue were in good correspondence with the individual predicted
tion achieving 40% T > MIC (bacteriostatic target) or 70% T > MIC concentrations (Fig. 2). Using the mean fixed-effects parameters
(bactericidal target) [4,12,13] among 5000 estimates. The proba- (Table 2), the simulation curves fitted well with all of the mean
bility at a specific MIC was then multiplied by the fraction of the measurements for plasma and prostate tissue in the flomoxef 500
clinical isolate population at each MIC category, and the sum of the and 1000 mg groups (Fig. 3). Based on the simulation curves, the
individual products was determined as the expected population mean AUC0e∞ values for 500 mg were estimated to be 52.1 mgh/L
probability of attaining the pharmacodynamic target in prostate in plasma and 24.6 mgh/kg in prostate tissue, and the prostate/
tissue (%). MIC distributions for flomoxef against common bacteria plasma ratio was 0.47.
causing prostatitis were derived from nationwide susceptibility The probabilities of attaining bacteriostatic and bactericidal
surveillance data in Japan (Fig. 1) [24,25]. The MICs for the 50th targets in prostate tissue, at specific MICs, are given in Fig. 4.
percentile (MIC50) and 90th percentile (MIC90) of the clinical iso- Regarding the bacteriostatic target of 40% T > MIC (Fig. 4a), the site-
lates were 0.125 and 0.25 mg/L for both Escherichia coli and Kleb- specific pharmacodynamic-based breakpoint MIC (the highest MIC
siella species, and 0.25 and 0.5 mg/L for Proteus species, at which the target-attainment probability in prostate tissue was
respectively. 90%) values were as follows: 0.25 mg/L for 500 mg twice daily,
0.5 mg/L for 500 mg three times daily and 1000 mg twice daily,
1 mg/L for 500 mg four times daily and 1000 mg three times daily,
3. Results and 2 mg/L for 1000 mg four times daily. Regarding the bactericidal
target of 70% T > MIC (Fig. 4b), the breakpoint MIC values were as
The demographic values (mean ± standard deviation) for the follows: 0.125 mg/L for 500 mg three times daily, 0.25 mg/L for both
study subjects in the flomoxef 500 mg (n ¼ 25) and 1000 mg 500 mg four times daily and 1000 mg three times daily, and 0.5 mg/
(n ¼ 29) groups were as follows: age, 71.2 ± 6.4 and 73.0 ± 5.5 years L for 1000 mg four times daily. Neither regimens of 500 mg twice
old; body weight, 62.2 ± 8.7 and 62.3 ± 8.4 kg; height, 165.4 ± 7.5 daily nor 1000 mg twice daily achieved a 90% probability.
and 162.2 ± 6.0 cm; serum creatinine, 0.90 ± 0.22 and The expected population probabilities of attaining the phar-
0.95 ± 0.28 mg/dL; blood urea nitrogen, 16.3 ± 4.8 and macodynamic targets in prostate tissue against bacterial pop-
17.2 ± 3.6 mg/dL. No significant differences between the two groups ulations of E. coli, Klebsiella and Proteus species isolates are shown
were noted in any demographic values, and all of the subjects had a in Table 3. For the bacteriostatic target, except for the flomoxef
normal renal and hepatic function. regimen of 500 mg twice daily, all of the tested regimens achieved
The noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters are sum- an expected probability of 90% in prostate tissue against the three
marized in Table 1. For flomoxef 500 mg, the mean Cmax values were bacterial populations. However, for the bactericidal target, only the
38.9 mg/L in plasma and 19.0 mg/kg in prostate tissue. The mean regimens of 1000 mg three times daily and 1000 mg four times
AUC0e1.5 and AUC0e∞ values were 31.1 and 53.1 mgh/L in plasma, daily achieved an expected probability of 90% against the three
and 16.8 and 23.3 mgh/kg in prostate tissue, respectively. For bacterial populations.
flomoxef 1000 mg, the corresponding values increased 1.80e2.11
times (nearly 1000 mg/500 mg ratio of 2), showing dose linearity in 4. Discussion
the prostatic pharmacokinetics. For flomoxef 500 and 1000 mg, the
mean prostate/plasma ratios were 0.48e0.50 in Cmax, 0.54e0.58 in The present study investigated the prostatic pharmacokinetics
AUC0e1.5, and 0.42e0.48 in AUC0e∞. of flomoxef in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy and
The pharmacokinetic model parameters of flomoxef in the defined the drug penetration from the systemic circulation into the
three-compartment model are listed in Table 2. The interindividual tissue (a prostate/plasma ratio of around 0.5). The study also con-
variability (h) for V2, K12 and K13 was finally fixed as 0 in the ducted simultaneous population pharmacokinetic modeling of
flomoxef concentrations in plasma and prostate tissue and per-
formed stochastic simulation to estimate the probabilities of
attaining the pharmacodynamic targets in prostate tissue. Aiming
for the bactericidal target of 70% T > MIC, 0.5-h infusion of 1000 mg
three times daily (3 g/day) achieved a 90% expected probability
against the tested populations of bacteria that cause prostatitis. The
bactericidal regimens required for a prostatic pharmacodynamic-
based breakpoint of 0.25 mg/L (MIC90 of the E. coli and Klebsiella
species isolates) and 0.5 mg/L (MIC90 of the Proteus species isolates)
were 500 mg four times daily (2 g/day) and 1000 mg four times
daily (4 g/day), respectively.
In the noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis, the mean
prostate/plasma concentration ratios were 0.524 (¼ 19.8 [mg/kg]/
37.8 [mg/L]) at 0.5 h and 0.480 (¼11.9/24.8) at 1 h after the end of
0.5-h infusion of 1000 mg (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Hoshi et al. reported
Fig. 1. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) distributions for flomoxef against
clinical isolates of Escherichia coli (n ¼ 230; MIC50 ¼ 0.125 mg/L, MIC90 ¼ 0.25 mg/L),
the mean prostate/plasma concentration ratios in 27 patients with
Klebsiella species (n ¼ 183; MIC50 ¼ 0.125 mg/L, MIC90 ¼ 0.25 mg/L) and Proteus benign prostatic hypertrophy to be 0.423 (¼ 18.6/44.0) at 0.5 h and
species (n ¼ 99; MIC50 ¼ 0.25 mg/L, MIC90 ¼ 0.5 mg/L). 0.456 (¼ 13.4/29.4) at 1 h after the end of one-shot injection of

Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,
4 K. Nakamura et al. / J Infect Chemother xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters of flomoxef after 0.5-h infusions.

Sample type and parameter Mean ± standard deviation

Flomoxef 500 mg (n ¼ 25) Flomoxef 1000 mg (n ¼ 29) Ratio of mean values (Flomoxef 1000 mg/500 mg)

Cmax (mg/L) 38.9 ± 8.8 76.6 ± 13.8 1.97
AUC0e1.5 (mgh/L) 31.1 ± 6.9 62.6 ± 12.0 2.01
AUC0e∞ (mgh/L) 53.1 ± 15.8 111.9 ± 30.1 2.11
Cmax (mg/kg) 19.0 ± 4.7 35.3 ± 9.3 1.86
AUC0e1.5 (mgh/kg) 16.8 ± 2.3 31.3 ± 4.9 1.86
AUC0e∞ (mgh/kg) 23.3 ± 5.4 41.9 ± 6.5 1.80
Prostate/plasma ratio
Cmax ratio 0.50 ± 0.19 0.48 ± 0.15
AUC0e1.5 ratio 0.58 ± 0.11 0.54 ± 0.12
AUC0e∞ ratio 0.48 ± 0.12 0.42 ± 0.12

Cmax, maximum observed concentration; AUC0e1.5, area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 1.5 h; AUC0e∞, AUC from 0 to infinity.

Table 2 1000 mg [9]. The mean prostate/plasma ratios were about 5e20%
Population pharmacokinetic parameters of flomoxef in three-compartment model. higher in the present study than in the study of Hoshi et al., as the
Parameter Estimate 95% confidence interval (bootstrap method) administration methods (infusion or one-shot injection) may have
Fixed-effects parameter
varied the drug distribution. Compared with our previous results
qV1 (L) 6.60 4.77e9.35 concerning other b-lactam antibiotics, the mean prostate/plasma
qV2 (L) 4.88 3.16e5.26 AUC ratios were higher for flomoxef than for doripenem (0.187)
qV3 (kg) 2.32 1.16e2.96 [16], meropenem (0.177) [17] and piperacillin (0.36) [18] but lower
qCL (L/h) 9.64 6.56e12.9
than for pazufloxacin (0.98) [19].
qK12 (1/h) 1.86 0.930e2.33
qK21 (1/h) 2.19 1.10e2.97 In the compartmental pharmacokinetic modeling, the individ-
qK13 (1/h) 2.34 1.13e3.89 ual predicted concentrations in both plasma and prostate tissue
qK31 (1/h) 13.3 9.21e19.9 were in good agreement with the observed drug concentrations
Interindividual variability (exponential error model) (Fig. 2). The simulation curves obtained using the mean fixed-
hV1 0.00512 0.00132e0.00957
hV2 0 None
effects parameters had a good fit with all of the mean measure-
hV3 0.0415 0.0223e0.0809 ments (Fig. 3). These results indicate the validity and reliability of
hCL 0.0521 0.0318e0.1129 our population pharmacokinetic model for flomoxef. To date, the
hK12 0 None information on pharmacokinetic modeling of flomoxef has been
hK21 0.0630 0.0152e0.1082
limited. Flomoxef in plasma was shown to follow a two-
hK13 0 None
hK31 0.0145 0.00246e0.0917 compartment model, and the mean model parameters were V1
Residual variability (proportional error model) (L) ¼ 7.24e9.30 L, K12 (1/h) ¼ 1.18e1.83, K21 (1/h) ¼ 1.48e2.23 and
ε 0.0264 0.0041e0.0391 K10 (1/h) ¼ 1.85e2.01 after intravenous administration (bolus in-
V1, V2 and V3, volumes of distribution of the central, peripheral and prostate com- jection, or 1-h or 2-h infusion) of 1000 mg [1]. Although an exact
partments; CL, clearance from the central compartment; K12, K21, K13 and K31, comparison between these earlier results and the current results
transfer rate constants connecting compartments. was difficult, the corresponding pharmacokinetic parameter values
(Table 2) were V1 (L) ¼ 6.60 (mean) and 4.77e9.35 (95% confidence
interval), K12 (1/h) ¼ 1.86 and 0.930e2.33, K21 (1/h) ¼ 2.19 and

Fig. 2. Scatterplots of the observed concentrations of flomoxef in plasma (269 sam- Fig. 3. Observed concentrations (mean ± standard deviation, n ¼ 54) and simulation
ples) and prostate tissue (152 samples) versus the individual predicted concentrations curves for plasma and prostate tissue after 0.5-h infusions of flomoxef (500 and
based on the pharmacokinetic model parameters (Table 2). The line represents unity 1000 mg). The simulation curves were generated using the mean fixed-effects pa-
(Y ¼ X). rameters (Table 2).

Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,
K. Nakamura et al. / J Infect Chemother xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 4. Probabilities of attaining the bacteriostatic target (40% T > MIC, a) and bactericidal target (70% T > MIC, b) for flomoxef in prostate tissue at specific MICs using twice-daily
(b.i.d.), three-times-daily (t.i.d.) and four-times-daily (q.i.d.) regimens. The dotted lines represent 90% probability.

Table 3
Expected probabilities of target attainment in prostate tissue against bacterial populations (Fig. 1) using different flomoxef regimens.

Flomoxef regimen Expected probability of target attainment (%) in prostate tissue

(0.5-h infusion) Escherichia coli Klebsiella species Proteus species

Bacteriostatic target of 40% T > MIC

500 mg twice daily (1 g/day) 91.9 93.0 83.9
500 mg three times daily (1.5 g/day) 95.2 96.1 91.0
500 mg four times daily (2 g/day) 96.4 97.3 93.5
1000 mg twice daily (2 g/day) 97.1 97.7 95.6
1000 mg three times daily (3 g/day) 97.0 97.7 95.0
1000 mg four times daily (4 g/day) 97.5 97.9 96.7
Bactericidal target of 70% T > MIC
500 mg twice daily (1 g/day) 42.1 42.9 28.9
500 mg three times daily (1.5 g/day) 70.4 71.5 50.1
500 mg four times daily (2 g/day) 85.6 86.7 73.8
1000 mg twice daily (2 g/day) 91.8 92.8 85.2
1000 mg three times daily (3 g/day) 95.4 96.4 90.6
1000 mg four times daily (4 g/day) 96.6 97.4 94.0

1.10e2.97, and K10 (1/h) ¼ CL/V1 ¼ 1.46 and 0.702e2.70. The mean prostatitis, the first choices are the intravenous administration of
values of the earlier results were a little different from those of the cefotiam 1000 mg, two to four times daily (2e4 g/day); ceftazidime
present study. However, the earlier values were in the range of the 1000 mg, two to four times daily (2e4 g/day); or flomoxef 1000 mg,
95% confidence interval for our parameter estimates. Therefore, the two to four times daily (2e4 g/day). Our dosing suggestions (flo-
model and its parameter estimates were considered to be adequate moxef of 3e4 g/day) are consistent with this first-choice recom-
and have a good predictive performance for pharmacodynamic mendation and support the JAID/JSC guideline from a site-specific
evaluation use. pharmacodynamic perspective.
Using the developed model parameters, this study then pre- Flomoxef is also used as a prophylactic medication for prostatic
dicted the flomoxef concentrations in prostate tissue in order to surgery or biopsy. For this reason, we employed a bacteriostatic
estimate their site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment for target of 40% T > MIC (for prophylactic use, assuming that the host's
different dosing regimens. The results of the stochastic simulation immune status is good) in addition to the bactericidal target of 70%
based on the prostate concentration (Table 3) indicated that 0.5-h T > MIC (for therapeutic use, assuming that the host's immune
infusion of 1000 mg three times daily (3 g/day) was capable of status is poor). The results of the stochastic simulation based on the
bactericidal activity in the prostate and thus sufficient for the prostate concentration (Table 3) indicate that 0.5-h infusion of
empirical treatment of prostatitis due to common causative path- 500 mg three times daily (1.5 g/day), with a prostatic
ogens such as E. coli, Klebsiella and Proteus species. The target- pharmacodynamic-based breakpoint of 0.5 mg/L (Fig. 4a), is
attainment probability versus the MIC profiles (Fig. 4) should be capable of bacteriostatic activity in the prostate against common
applicable for other potentially causative bacteria as well, regard- causative pathogens and thus appropriate for prophylactic
less of the susceptibility pattern, in regions other than Japan. With administration.
antimicrobial susceptibility testing, when the MIC for the patient's We believe that the results of this study help to fully charac-
causative pathogen is determined to be 0.5 mg/L (MIC90 of the terize the clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in the prostate,
Proteus species isolates, Fig. 1), 1000 mg four times daily (4 g/day, while also helping to rationalize and optimize the dosing regimens
Fig. 4b) should be administered for the definitive treatment of for prostatitis, especially when the causative bacterial strains are
prostatitis, within the approved dosages of 1e4 g/day. ESBL-producing, based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target
The Japanese Association for Infectious Disease (JAID)/Japanese attainment. However, we should note that the present study sub-
Society of Chemotherapy (JSC) guidelines for the clinical manage- jects were uninfected patients, a condition that may have affected
ment of infectious disease 2015 state the following regarding acute the penetration of flomoxef since prostatitis, a condition charac-
bacterial prostatitis [6]: As an empiric therapy for moderate pros- terized by inflammation of the prostate, can increase prostatic
tatitis, antimicrobials are generally administered parenterally (first vascular permeability. The study patients had a normal renal
choices are oral levofloxacin 500 mg/day, ciprofloxacin 600 mg/day, function with a mean creatinine clearance (calculated using
tosufloxacin 450 mg/day or sitafloxacin 200 mg/day). For severe Cockcroft-Gault formula) of 70.2 mL/min; however, infection often

Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,
6 K. Nakamura et al. / J Infect Chemother xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: Nakamura K et al., Clinical pharmacokinetics of flomoxef in prostate tissue and dosing considerations for prostatitis
based on site-specific pharmacodynamic target attainment, J Infect Chemother,

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