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Ministry of Justice

As Salhiyah A decision made by a court

92\2\7613 Decision 852 Sec. 2 Form no. 125\1114

On behalf of the Arab people in Syria
Sharia Court in Damascus - the second room
Judge Mr.: Adnan Al-Sharbaji
Assistant Mr.: Fayez Al-Wasi
Plaintiff: Ashraf Ahmed Abbas - Mohamed Salem, born in 1960, Egyptian nationality - Egyptian Passport
No. 0233586 /0/
The defendant: Iman Al-Saraqibi Khair Al-Din, born in 1970, in Narnajma, Building Kh90
Case: Confirmation of divorce
Whereas the plaintiff was requesting the summons of the defendant, the trial with her, and the ruling
confirming the divorce that took place between them on 10/8/1992 in Damascus, for an allowance of \
one hundred Syrian pounds
Whereas the defendant acknowledged the occurrence of a divorce between her and the plaintiff, and they
exchanged their words legally and according to the terms of the contract registered in the case.
And since approval is an argument confined to the one who is approved and binding on him
And since the divorce ends marital life
And since it became clear from the aforementioned deed of claim and divorce that the husband divorced
his wife and ended the marriage contract upon his discharge of all marital rights, including the immediate
and deferred dowry, marital alimony, alimony for the waiting period, and movables; And that he absolves
her of her obligation and pays her a divorce allowance of one hundred Syrian pounds, and that the wife
accepted that and exchanged the words of divorce with her husband, and she received the divorce
allowance, and the husband pledged the fees
And pursuant to the provisions of Article 95 and beyond of the Personal Status Law, 99, 100 Evidences,
208, 209, 535, 536 Procedures and Decree 0105
The ruling stated the following:
1- The consensual divorce between the two arguing parties is confirmed in Damascus on date10/8/1992
according to the conditions mentioned above, and it is considered Irrevocable Divorce that they are
not permissible for each other except with a new dowry and contract.
2- The wife’s waiting period order from the date of 24/8/1992
3- Confirmation of the defendant's acknowledgment of her receipt of the divorce allowance amounting
to one hundred Syrian pounds
4- Obliging the plaintiff to pay fees and expenses
Existential judgment against both parties; subject to appeal dated 27/Rabi Al-Thani/1413 AH and
24/10/1992 and is public

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