Based On The Multi-Assessment Model Towards A New Context of Combining The Artificial Neural Network and Structural Equation Modelling

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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

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Based on the multi-assessment model: Towards a new context of

combining the artificial neural network and structural equation
modelling: A review
A.S. Albahri a,d, Alhamzah Alnoor c, A.A. Zaidan b, O.S. Albahri b, Hamsa Hameed a,∗,
B.B. Zaidan e, S.S. Peh a, A.B. Zain a, S.B. Siraj a, A.H. Alamoodi b, A.A. Yass f
Faculty of Human Development, Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI), Tanjung Malim, Malaysia
Department of Computing, Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI), Tanjong Malim, Malaysia
School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Informatics Institute for Postgraduate, Studies (IIPS), Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Baghdad, Iraq
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Future Technology Research Center, Yunlin, Taiwan, ROC
IT Infra Expert Company, Earthlink, Main ISP, Baghdad, Iraq

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Theoretical models have become increasingly complex, but the dual-phase structural equation modelling
Received 2 May 2021 (SEM) and artificial neural network analysis can be used by scholars to unveil the causal interactions
Revised 4 July 2021
and nonlinear relationships between variables. However, not only a single open issue and challenge—but
Accepted 13 September 2021
several of them—are encountered in the use of different multi-assessment types of measurement model
Available online 14 November 2021
to achieve the reliability and validity whilst implementing SEM, but the gaps have not been fully deter-
Keywords: mined at present. The issues significantly impact the effectiveness process of selecting the most suitable
Structural equation modelling method to assess the measurement model of SEM. Once the best sequence quality improvement is met, it
Partial least square−structural equation then needs to present a recommendable solution. To this end, this study completes the literature by pre-
modelling senting a systematic review of all main advanced aspects of the SEM reliability and validity approaches.
Artificial neural network Firstly, the databases of ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Web of Science and Scopus were checked for the
Multi-criteria decision making
retrospective studies. A total of 239 papers were gathered for the period covering 2016 to June 2021.
Then, the obtained articles were filtered according to the predefined inclusion criteria. Sixty articles were
ultimately selected and divided into three categories (single, hybrid and other types) to enable a new
representation of the crossover taxonomy amongst ‘SEM reliability and validity’ and ‘multi-assessment
methods for structural model’ for the first time. The three categories had been matched with the SEM
processes, and each of the detailed models were defined to determine the sets of principal criteria of the
entire selected SEM approaches. Consequently, this multi-field interdisciplinary review was used to ex-
pose the state-of-the-art challenges and open issues (i.e. multiple-evaluation criteria, importance criteria
and data variation) related to the sets of SEM criteria necessitating a selection process for deriving the
best SEM method. Each issue entailed a ‘wherefore’, and multi-criteria decision making was adopted to
handle the complexity problems in the different cases. Thus, a new three-phase decision-making method-
ology was constructed. In the first phase, a decision matrix (DM) was identified for the SEM approach;
the composition of the decision alternatives and identified criteria were derived from the academic lit-
erature. In the second phase, the development methodology was achieved on the basis of the integrated
multi-criteria DM techniques. The analytic hierarchy process was used for the subjective weighting of
the criteria within the constructed DM, whereas the vlsekriterijumska optimizcija i kaompromisno resenje

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Hameed).
0960-0779/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

technique was used for ranking and selecting the best SEM methods. In the third phase, an objective vali-
dation approach was adopted to validate the proposed methodology. The outcome of this novel approach
is intended to guide decision makers and policymakers on the easy evaluation of their goals of selecting
the most suitable computing methods and the improvement of the reliability and validity of SEM.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a significant concern to the accurate input to ANN [3,22,28,44,49–

1. Introduction 53]. The present study can attain the goal of answering the above-
mentioned question and contribute to the body of PLS-SEM knowl-
Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a popular method for edge by presenting recent studies and conducting a systematic
parameter estimation and hypothesis testing [1–6]. The SEM tech- literature review (refer to the ‘Analysis of Multi-Assessment SEM
nique contributes to the development of exploratory research the- model’ section). The method, information source and study selec-
ories by explaining the variance that contributes to an estimate tion, amongst others, are identified and explained to establish the
of linear equations, which include both observed and latent vari- crossover taxonomy amongst the ‘SEM reliability and validity’ and
ables [7–9]. SEM enables researchers to simultaneously examine assessment methods for the structural model (Fig. 2).
measurement and theoretical concepts [10–15]. Furthermore, SEM The systematic literature review provides exclusive evidence
has become a mainstream tool in social research and is employed showing that the previous studies entail different types of multi-
continuously. Authors from numerous nations have contributed assessment of measurement methods, which can substantially im-
to the implementation of numerous second-generation technolo- pact the inputs of upcoming processes of SEM and other related
gies (e.g. partial least square−structural equation modelling [PLS- processes, such as ANN and contribution processes [22]. However,
SEM]) [16–19]. This method is useful for developing and access- the three specific challenges with respect to SEM that can influ-
ing theories and assessing the interaction of factors, in which the ence the explicit relations between explanatory variables (input)
conceptual constructs include independent, mediating, moderat- and dependent variables (output) had not been considered [54,55].
ing and dependent factors via multi-assessment of measurement Therefore, what are the main challenges and issues related to the im-
modelling (i.e. reliability and validity representing an outer model) plementation of SEM calculation? This discussion leads to a genuine
and structural model assessment (i.e. hypotheses tests representing concern regarding effectiveness, namely, the effect of the SEM out-
an inner model) [20–22]. Hence, the PLS-SEM method is appro- put when different multi-assessment methods lead to varying re-
priate for explaining causal relationships; it has predictive advan- sults or effects on ANN and contribution process [22,34,50]. Be-
tages, such as the use of the coefficient determination (R2 ), pre- sides, the methods of establishing the reliability and validity in
dictive relevance (Q2 ) and effect size (F2 ) values [23–26]. How- SEM is a concern related to the overall SEM output results based
ever, the PLS-SEM method cannot explore the nonlinear relation- on the R2 , F2 and Q2 indicators that consider the significant criteria
ship amongst constructs [27–31]. Therefore, the authors had be- of the SEM model (refer to the ‘Open Issues and Challenges’ sec-
come interested in solving this problem by attempting to improve tion). In these contexts, the aforementioned issue raises another
the performance of the PLS-SEM technique for exploring the non- important question: What is the recommended solution for such
linear and non-compensatory relationships between constraints, in challenging aspects and their issues when selecting the best method
which the quadratic and interaction terms of constraints are inte- as a means of increasing the reliability and validity of SEM mod-
grated into a conceptual framework [32–34]. However, one of the els? Consequently, a novel methodology should be developed to
drawbacks of these methods is the assumption that variables are overcome the SEM challenges regarding effectiveness when select-
normally distributed. When this assumption is breached, the PLS- ing the most suitable method of assessing the SEM measurement
SEM estimates become biased [35–38]. model; this aspect can be answered using new integrated phases
The use of deep learning-based dual-stage PLS-SEM and artifi- (refer to the ‘Methodology’ section).
cial neural network (ANN) analysis provides more in-depth testing
findings than a single-step PLS-SEM method and allows for the ex-
2. Methods
cavation and prediction of variables [39–41]. Hence, ANN analysis
has become a critical method complementing the work of PLS-SEM
This research was developed in accordance with the selected
in recent years [42–44]. The benefits of combining PLS-SEM and
reporting items for meta-analytic and systematic review guide-
ANN are the validation of the PLS-SEM results and the explanation
lines [56,57] (Fig. 1). The essential keyword of this research was
of the nonlinear interactions between antecedents and dependent
‘SEM−ANN’. The scope was limited to the English literature with
variables [45–48].
articles related to SEM−ANN.
As part of our ongoing research intending to clarify how PLS-
SEM and ANN can be integrated with each other, we found an in-
crease in literature that had used PLS-SEM with ANN. However, the 2.1. Information Sources
different study cases that linked PLS-SEM with ANN used varying
types of multi-assessment of measurement models, such as load- According to prior research [32−34], a thorough systematic re-
ing factor, Cronbach’s alpha (CA), average variance extraction (AVE), view should be performed across several databases to include the
composite reliability (CR), Fornell−Larcker, HTMT, Fornell−Larcker majority of publications. Thus, four digital databases were selected
and HTMT, cross-loadings, exploratory factor analysis and confir- for the search of target articles. The selection criteria were de-
matory factor analysis. A complete explanation of how these types signed to offer a much wider perspective on the researchers’ at-
affect PLS-SEM and ANN performance is still incomplete and needs tempt to consolidate a diverse but relevant range of disciplines
to be investigated. Thus, the first question arises: What studies [58–61]. The four databases included the following: 1) IEEE Xplore
had used multi-assessment of the measurement model (outer model) technical literature library on engineering and technology; 2) Sci-
methods to examine reliability and validity? The literature differed in enceDirect database, which offers access to technology and science
calculating the reliability and validity of the various methods and journal articles; 3) Web of Science (WoS), which involves cross-
obtained varying values of R2 between PLS-SEM and ANN, posing disciplinary research materials; and 4) Scopus library of cross-

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 1. Systematic review protocol.

disciplinary literature. These databases were selected for their aca- 2.4. Eligibility criteria
demic credibility and breadth of coverage across academic fields.
The eligibility criteria included the following:

2.2. Study selection 1. The papers were published in a journal or as a conference pa-
per in the English language.
The research selection process began with a search of the avail- 2. Attention was given on SEM and ANN analysis.
able literature, followed by two rounds of screening and filtering
All articles that conformed with the above criteria were se-
[62–65]. The first iteration eliminated duplicate and irrelevant ar-
lected. In summary, the initial purpose was to map the SEM and
ticles based on scanned titles and abstracts [66,67]. After a com-
ANN model cases and concerns into a general and coarse-grained
prehensive full-text reading of the articles that were screened in
review. The inclusion/exclusion criteria included studies not related
the first phase, the articles were filtered in the second iteration
to the SEM and ANN models or other irrelevant topics.
[68,69]. The same qualifying criteria were used in both versions.

3. Analytic results of the multi-assessment SEM model

2.3. Search protocol
In testing the hypotheses in SEM, the multi-assessment of the
A search protocol was performed at the beginning of June 2021 measurement model (outer model) should be considered before
by using the abovementioned databases. The Boolean query search assessing the structural model (inner model). Several ways can be
utilised numerous keywords correlated with ‘structural equation used to verify this aspect and determine the factors that charac-
modeling’ and ‘artificial neural network’. The keywords in the terise reliability and validity. As mentioned in Section 1, the four
search process contained a combination of words and operands methods for assessing the measurement model can also be in-
(Fig. 1). cluded into the sub-methods. Consequently, only the publications

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

that could meet the criteria outlined in Fig. 1 were included in our
study. We obtained 239 entries from the selected databases. After

Exploratory Factor Analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis

eliminating the 12 duplicate records, 227 articles were retained.
Following an examination of the titles and abstracts, 84 of them
fulfilled the original selection criterion. Then, after examining the
complete texts of the 60 publications, all of them were found to
fulfil the inclusion criteria and thus included in the final evalua-
tion. The final evaluation was split into three main groups. The first
category, which contained 7 articles (12%), represented the ‘sin-
gle based method’. In this category, a unique method of measuring

the reliability and validity (i.e. loading factor, CA, AVE and CR) was
conducted for the articles. Loading factor particularly refers to the
load factors for items exceeding 0.7. CA measures reliability [70].
AVE evaluates the degree of variation that is recorded by a con-
struct versus the level attributable to the measurement error; val-
ues higher than 0.7 are regarded as excellent, whereas levels less
than 0.5 are regarded as acceptable [71]. CR is a less biased assess-

ment of reliability than the CA; an appropriate CR value is 0.7 or


Fornell–Larcker HTMT Fornell–Larcker and HTMT Cross loadings

The second category, which contained 44 articles (73%), repre-
sented the ‘hybrid based method’. This category included articles
that had used three types of discriminant validity methods, in-

cluding the convergent validity method. For this category, firstly,

the Fornell–Larcker testing technique measures discriminant valid-
ity by comparing the amount of variance captured by the con-
struct (i.e. AVE) and the shared variance with other constructs
[72]. Secondly, the heterotrait−monotrait (HTMT) ratio approach
for correlations assesses the discriminant validity [73]. Thirdly, the
cross-loadings may be linked back to exploratory factor analysis, in

Multi-Assessment of the Measurement Model (Outer Model)

which researchers examine the indicator loading patterns to iden-
tify those indicators with high loadings on a single factor and the


indications with high loadings on several factors [72].

The third category, which contained 9 articles (15%), repre- Discriminant validity

sented ‘others’. This category involved articles depicting other
methods of measuring reliability and validity. The first method was
exploratory factor analysis, which can explore the basic dimensions
of variables. The second method was confirmatory factor analysis,
which can be used for testing the hypotheses to determine the best

83% 83% 51% 6%

model [74].

The academic studies in the literature entailed different sub-

methods to achieve reliability and validity. Therefore, we explored

Convergent validity

the SEM processes as a means of offering a comprehensive analysis

of the collected studies on the cited methods within the scope of

the aforementioned three categories, subsequently completing our


argument. The details are listed in Table 1.


The loading, CA, CR, AVE and discriminant validity methods had

been applied most frequently and were distributed amongst the


single and hybrid categories. The application of exploratory factor

analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were limited in the stud-
ies belonging to the ‘others’ category. The mean value is computed
as follows:
total f requence
mean = × 100. (1)


In addition, although Ref. [97] stressed the need to use both

convergent validity and discriminant validity when applying SEM

to the multi-assessment of measurement model, many problems


and issues were observed regarding this topic. Moreover, discrep-


ancies were apparent amongst the studies in terms of the use of


Category Type Ref.

appropriate methods for measuring reliability and validity. The per-

centage of the reviewed papers ranged between 3% to 85% for the
SEM processes.

multi-assessment of the measurement model for determining the

factors that can be subject to hypothesis testing and ANN input ob-


Table 1

tainment. A significant concern is thus raised with regards to the

adoption of any method to integrate SEM with ANN. The differ-
ences in the methods of reliability and validity measurement are

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 2. Crossover taxonomy amongst ‘SEM reliability and validity’ and multi-assessment methods for the structural model.

explained in Ref. [98], and it also confirms the variation in the re-
sults of these methods.
Furthermore, the trends in the literature review seem to indi-
cate a consolidated and improved approach for the main categories
involving the crossover in the utilisation of the abovementioned
multi-assessment measuring modelling techniques. The crossover
taxonomy is shown in Fig. 2.
The crossover taxonomy can help to explain the matching be-
tween each category and the multi-assessment methods for the
structure model. The hybrid category shows four directions for
the integrated multi-assessment methods for ‘loading’, ‘CA’, ‘AVE’
and ‘CR’ along with ‘Fornell–Larcker’, ‘HTMT’, ‘Fornell–Larcker and
HTMT’ and ‘cross-loading’. However, no integration direction to-
wards ‘exploratory factor analysis’ and ‘confirmatory factor anal-
ysis’ is apparent. Thus, the literature varies in terms of how to use
the methods. This scenario signifies a need for a novel solution to Fig. 3. Number of articles by category and publication journal.
select the best method and/or direction to be able to measure re-
liability and validity in SEM (refer to Section 9).
rect, 31 papers; WoS database, 24 papers; IEEE Xplore, 1 paper;
and Scopus, 4 papers.
The SEM–ANN papers in ScienceDirect represent the highest
4. Comprehensive science mapping analysis percentage of total articles. This high number can be attributed
to the authors relating many of ScienceDirect’s journals to the so-
Comprehensive science mapping analysis can be adopted to ex- cial sciences. The number of articles published in WoS and Sco-
plore the problems related to the SEM–ANN integration, as most pus may have decreased due to their limited number of journals
cases in the literature largely focus on the hybrid method’s ad- in the social science field. The literature dealing with hybrid va-
vantages. Moreover, as many barriers had been neglected in the lidity methods (i.e. convergent validity and discriminant validity),
literature, a mapping analysis based on the bibliometrix is neces- such as those published in ScienceDirect’s and WoS’ journals, has
sitated [99]. Four digital databases have stored numerous types of increased. Most of the articles focus on convergent validity analy-
research publications, as shown in Fig. 3. The total numbers of the sis by using the abovementioned four indicators and discriminant
published articles selected in this study are as follows: ScienceDi- validity analysis by using the Fornell–Larcker method. However,

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 4. Annual scientific production.

the Fornell–Larcker criterion reportedly does not perform well [72]. broad prospect for various future studies, and they may even open
Thus, the multi-assessment SEM model should be investigated be- new horizons of cooperation in the SEM–ANN field.
cause the aforementioned issues may arise when the databases are A research cooperation network is a type of network in which
eventually utilised. the authors are the nodes and the co-authors are the contacts. Re-
search cooperation is one of the most recorded ways of teamwork
4.1. Annual scientific production in science. Hence, the strength of the SEM–ANN research network
may also represent the existence of a network of cooperation be-
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between annual scientific produc- tween or amongst authors.
tion and year of publication. The trend depicts a dramatic increase
in interest with June 2021. 5. Multi-assessment model in SEM combined with ANN
The annual scientific production in 2021 represents the largest
number of papers for the study period. Most of them refer to the This section presents the state-of-the-art processes of the
hybrid-based method, followed by the exploratory factor analy- multi-assessment model in SEM combined with the ANN workflow
sis and confirmatory factor analysis. The rise in articles about the and its complex relationships (Fig. 7).
hybrid-based method may be attributed to the numerous problems The implementation of the SEM process begins with the in-
associated with this topic in recent years. The combination of SEM ner and outer models (i.e. multi-assessment of measurements and
and ANN analysis is vital for discovering the causal and nonlinear assessment of the structural model), as they represent the out-
relationships amongst the constructs. This advantage can explain puts of SEM. These inner and outer models are the same as the
why the studies focusing on this type of analysis have increased in feeder inputs to the ANN and contribution processes. However,
recent years. In particular, the increase is 37% in 2020, followed by in SEM, the multi-assessment of measurements entails the fol-
17% in 2021. The rise may also be explained by the usefulness of lowing sub-methods: convergent validity, discriminant validity, ex-
ANN, as this approach provides the ranks and validates both sig- ploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. In con-
nificant predictors and the SEM results. vergent validity, four types of multi-assessment measurements (i.e.
loading, CA, AVE and CR) are mentioned in the literature [97]. In
4.2. Wordcloud their specific contexts, the loading factor should exceed 0.7, AVE
should exceed 0.5 and CR and CA (for internal consistency relia-
Wordcloud is a tool used to identify the most important top- bility) should exceed 0.7. Discriminant validity includes the follow-
ics dealing with a certain subject matter. Fig. 5 shows the essen- ing three methods: Fornell–Larcker, HTMT and cross-loading. How-
tial critical words adopted by the previous studies about SEM–ANN ever, in the literature, other methods, particularly exploratory fac-
and the relationships amongst them. tor analysis or confirmatory factor analysis, had been used to mea-
Wordcloud can provide support to the research taxonomy by sure reliability and validity. As for SEM, Ref. [98] recommended the
dividing the SEM–ANN studies into three categories. As shown in use of both convergent validity and discriminant validity instead of
Fig. 5, the most frequently used keyword is technology, whether other methods. Then, an assessment of the structural model (inner
they may be about mobile payment or shopping perception, tech- model) is performed. The process involves the testing of hypothe-
nology acceptance and cloud computing. The highest percentage ses whose processes differ depending on the type of variables. The
based on frequent words was for UTAUT at 13%, followed by be- hypotheses may be supported or not. If the hypotheses are sup-
havioural intention at 12%. ported, then the process will move forward to the ANN and con-
tribution processes.
4.3. Country collaboration map
6. Open issues and challenges
Fig. 6 shows a mapping of the scientific cooperation of authors
based overseas. European−African cooperation and European– The questions raised in the previous studies form the open
American cooperation are both lacking. These gaps constitute a challenges and issues. The questions related to the main challenge

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 5. Most frequent words.

Fig. 6. Country collaboration map.

can be summarised as selection. In detail, for the topic concern- the literature. For example, in Ref. [78], the loading factor was used
ing SEM, the problem of selection is about knowing which method to measure convergent validity, but the measurement of discrimi-
is the best choice for assessing reliability and validity. Fig. 8 and nant validity was neglected. All of the other studies in the litera-
Table 1 show four methods that can be used to assess reliability ture used methods to measure convergent validity. Instead of fo-
and validity. However, the different results depicted by the studies cusing on a single method to measure discriminant validity, an op-
may affect the SEM output results—a challenge that is evident in posing approach was adopted. This finding from the literature re-

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

ness (B), the supported hypotheses are affected by the input to

the ANN and contributions to the other process. The effectiveness
concerns consequently raise several practical technical issues, in-
cluding those related to the multiple-evaluation criteria, criteria of
importance and data variation, which are related to the selection

6.1. Concerns related to the multiple-evaluation criteria

The multiple-evaluation criteria must be considered when ap-

plying the SEM processes. Three sets of multiple-evaluation cri-
teria can affect the selection process. In the SEM processes, sev-
eral methods of reliability and validity should be considered in the
multi-assessment of the measurement model, as they involve mul-
tiple calculations of the R2 , Q2 and F2 indicators [22,34,50]. In con-
clusion, by taking into account all of the abovementioned differ-
ences regarding each set of criteria, the evaluation phase’s set of
criteria will eventually affect the efficiency of the framework and
the selection process. Thus, the process of selection with respect
to the multiple-evaluation criteria for each of the SEM processes
should be considered. In this regard, a multi-attribute decision ma-
trix (DM) can be used. Fig. 10 shows how the respective set of mul-
tiple criteria for each of the SEM processes can affect the selection

Fig. 7. Multi-assessment model in SEM combined with ANN.

6.2. Concerns related to the criteria of importance

The importance criteria of the SEM methods are the concern of

this study. Several criteria need to be considered. Different weights
are often given to each set of criteria, either subjectively by deci-
sion makers (experts) [101,102] or objectively via the fixed-weight
method [103], but they further increase the complexity of the task
and thus affect the selection process. The main issue is know-
ing which amongst the criteria is more important than the others.
Moreover, the most appropriate importance criteria in the set can
boost the ranking operation and the selection of the best meth-
ods and runs. Fig. 11 shows how each set of SEM criteria should
be evaluated when detecting the importance of each criterion with
respect to another criterion, a process that can solve the criteria
importance issue.
The criteria weights of the DMs differ in their importance de-
pending on the subjective or objective method of the evaluation.
For example, the SEM criteria (R2 s, Q2 and F2 ) are varied, and the
R2 s may take the higher importance weight in the set [6,40].

Fig. 8. SEM selection process. 6.3. Concerns related to data variation

In this study, data variation widely occurs amongst the dif-

view further confirms the selection problems with respect to SEM ferent SEM methods. The variations listed in the academic liter-
methods [3,22,28,44,49,50]. The SEM selection problems depicted ature are generally concerned with the selection process in SEM
in Fig. 8 and Table 1 can be further visualised as Fig. 9. [17,19,27,81]. Examples of these data variations are shown in
The selection process shown in Fig. 8 can help to achieve the Fig. 12. Moreover, the data variations can be viewed as a special
aim of selecting the best method. Table 1 has shown the overall scenario to offer a clear discussion and analysis of this concern.
effectiveness of the selection challenge. In this context, on the basis For example, a scenario may occur as a goal maximisation rep-
of the SEM process involved in deriving the reliability and valid- resentative, which is behaviourally related to the SEM matrix. In
ity results, the visualisation in Fig. 9 can be used to further elabo- this context, the scenario can be observed when the maximisation
rate the aforementioned effectiveness. In particular, in the selection values of the criteria (↑) affect the data of the alternatives (high,
process associated with effectiveness (A) and (B) variables, each higher and highest levels), in which the aim is to achieve the bet-
output process can be considered an input to another process and ter selection process.
thus also involves an effect. From the discussions shared previously, the selection process
The process of SEM can be affected by two kinds of effective- therefore involves a simultaneous consideration of the multi-
ness variables, namely, (A) and (B). For effectiveness (A), the sup- criteria matrices of the SEM process, in which different maximi-
ported hypotheses are dependent on the multi-assessment of the sation goal scenarios are represented by the varying high, higher
measurement model affecting the variable selection. For effective- and highest levels that generate a variety of data.

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 9. SEM effectiveness to ANN and the contribution process.

Fig. 10. Multi-criteria evaluation issues of the SEM processes.

Fig. 11. Criteria importance issues of the SEM processes.

7. Research proposals on potential future direction 12 illustrate the aforementioned multi-criteria evaluation issues.
For SEM, the experiments (Ei) are considered the available alter-
According to the analytic review of the literature regarding the natives; this approach is a suitable method of assessing reliability
performance of the SEM categories (Fig. 2) and the information and validity (multi-assessment of the measurement model) with
provided in Table 1, no exclusive study had used multi-criteria de- respect to the related criteria (R2 s, Q2 and F2 ). The adaptation of
cision making (MCDM) for different multi-assessment approaches precise and suitable techniques for selecting decisions by using the
to purposively ensure an easy evaluation of their respective ob- multi-criteria scheme can eventually boost decision-making qual-
jectives. Similarly, a comprehensive process is generally lacking for ity. Aside from the analysis, assessment and ranking shared previ-
selecting the most suitable method that can be used to assess the ously, MCDM is a good solution to aid decision makers in organis-
measurement model of the SEM method, which subsequently can ing and solving any problem [1].
affect the overall SEM processes. The present study is an attempt
to describe the potential future direction of the selection process
8. MCDM: an overview
(i.e. SEM method). This one-part selection process can be consid-
ered the main challenge in the literature, as the selection process
MCDM is an extension of decision theory that deals with de-
may be hindered by a multi-complex attribute problem. Figs. 10–
cisions that include multiple goals. The MCDM approach enables

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Table 2
DM of the multi-assessment model in SEM.

SEM Criteria
Ei Alternatives R2 s Q2 F2

E1 R2 s/E1 Q2 / E1 F2 / E1
E2 R2 s/E2 Q2 / E1 F2 / E1
E3 R2 s/E3 Q2 / E1 F2 / E1
. . . .
. . . .
En R2 s/En Q2 / En F2 / En

R2 s = Coefficient of determination for SEM, Q2 = Predictive rele-

vance, F2 = Effect size, Ei= Experiment

it does not take into account their relative significance [158–162].

Thus, VIKOR is appropriate in terms of ranking conditions with
several alternatives and attributes [154,163,164]. VIKOR is one of
the most practical ways for solving real-world problems. The ma-
jor drawbacks of VIKOR include the absence of weight generation
provision [104,154,165]; by contrast, the analytic hierarchy process
(AHP) can provide a solution to such problems. The most recent
consideration for the MCDM methods is the combination of two or
more techniques to overcome the limitations of a single method-
ology. AHP and VIKOR are both frequently utilised MCDM tech-
niques in different research fields [154,166]. According to our anal-
ysis, AHP–VIKOR integration is the most appropriate MCDM solu-
tion. AHP can be utilised for weighting the multi-assessment crite-
ria. This phase intends to resolve the issue of significance criteria
by investigating the most affected criterion used in the SEM selec-
tion process. Then, VIKOR can be used to select the most suitable
method of assessing the measurement model of the SEM method
based on the weighted criteria resulting from the first stage. The
goal of this stage is to eliminate the issues of multi-criteria and
variations in the data. The complete methodology phases are illus-
trated in the next section.
Fig. 12. Variations of issues in the SEM process.

9. Methodology
alternatives to be assessed and analysed using several sets of
This section illustrates the proposed methodology of selecting
criteria, which are then combined to provide an overall assess-
the SEM methods. The methodology can be performed in three
ment [104–108]. Decision-making methods are well recognised,
phases. The flowchart depicting the methodology is illustrated in
and the MCDM is the most important of them. The method in-
Fig. 13.
cludes many processes, including organising, planning and resolv-
The first phase represents the identification and construction
ing distinct issue decisions by using a set of criteria [109,110]. This
phase of the SEM DM. In the second phase (development), the
technique incorporates different processes to improve the qual-
AHP–VIKOR integration is presented. In the third phase, the valida-
ity of decisions [111,112]. MCDM is accomplished by enabling a
tion approach is illustrated for validating the proposed work. The
more logical, efficient, clear and explicit decision-making process
details are provided in the following subsections.
compared with other conventional processes [113–117]. Therefore,
selecting the most appropriate MCDM technique is highly im-
portant. The mathematical model of MCDM can be represented 9.1. Identification and construction phase
as max[f1 (x ), f2 (x ), . . . , fn (x )], where n is the number of crite-
ria, and x ∈ A = [a1 , a2 , . . . , am ] [118–130]. The variable A repre- In this phase, the DMs of the SEM methods are identified and
sents the set of alternatives, and m is the number of alterna- conducted. The DM is considered to be the main component in the
tives. For each criterion j and alternative i, fij = fj (ai ), ∀(i, j ); i = proposed selection methodology, which is composed of decision al-
1, 2, . . . , m; j = 1, 2, . . . , n, which represent the dependencies of ternatives (i.e. set of experiment methods denoted by Ei) and three
each attribute value on the ith alternative and the jth criterion evaluation criteria (Table 2).
[131–140]. Various MCDM techniques have been developed and The most popular measure for evaluating the structural model
used in different areas [141–152] for weighting the evaluation cri- is R2 . Besides evaluating the values of R², F2 can be used to eval-
teria and alternative ranking. Ranking methods (e.g. technique for uate the amount of change in R2 when a specified exogenous
order of preference by similarity to the ideal solution [TOPSIS] construct is omitted from the model. Similarly, Q² is used by re-
and vlsekriterijumska optimizcija i kaompromisno resenje [VIKOR]) searchers to evaluate a model’s out-of-sample predictive power.
are used to determine the best alternative [153–155]. TOPSIS and The values can be obtained using statistical software, such as
VIKOR are suitable to situations involving several options and cri- SmartPLS. All of the evaluation criteria are regarded as benefit cri-
teria; these techniques are also particularly advantageous when teria, in which high values indicate better performance. However,
quantitative or objective data are provided [156,157]. The TOPSIS as discussed previously, the selection process of the SEM methods
approach finds the answer with the shortest distance to the ideal is a complex MCDM problem. To this end, the development of an
solution and the largest distance to the negative-ideal solution, but appropriate decision-making approach is an important preclusion

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 13. Selection methodology of the multi-assessment model in SEM.

Fig. 14. Integration of the AHP–VIKOR methods.

of the problem complexity. The details are presented in the next 9.2.1. AHP method
subsection. In the AHP method [175], several steps are conducted for
weighting the SEM evaluation criteria.

9.2. Development Phase

Step 1: A pairwise comparison amongst the SEM evaluation
criteria is performed to extract the weights in a subjective
The development phase is based on the AHP method, which is
manner (Fig. 15).
implemented for the subjective weighting of the criteria used in
Step 2: The AHP constructs a pairwise matrix comparison based
the selection process of the SEM methods (Section 9.2.1). Then,
on Eq. (1) to provide a weighting decision [167].
VIKOR is used to rank and select the best SEM methods based
on the weighted criteria (Section 9.2.2). The MCDM contexts used ⎛ ⎞
X11 ··· X1n
to reach a final decision for the SEM selection are also presented
in this phase (Section 9.2.3). The structure of the integrated AHP– A = ⎝ ... ..
.. ⎠
. (1a)
VIKOR method is presented in Fig. 14. Xn1 ··· Xnn

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

Fig. 15. Pairwise comparison example.

W here Xii = 1, Xii = Xi j
9.2.2. VIKOR method
The VIKOR method is utilised to rank and select the most suit-
Step 3: A pairwise comparison questionnaire is designed for the able SEM method.
DM criteria of SEM. Then, the questionnaire is distributed to
experts. The target experts must have sufficient experience Step 1: Calculate the best f ∗ i and worst f − i values of the SEM
in the given field. Their judgments on the SEM evaluation evaluation criteria.
criteria must also be assessed. fi∗ = max j fi j, fi− = min j fi j (8)
Step 4: In this stage, the elements in matrix A (1) are nor-
malised to create the normalised matrix Anorm , Anorm (ai j) as where i = 1; 2; ...; n.
Xi j Step 2: As discussed previously, the AHP method is used
a i j = n (2) for weighting the SEM evaluation criteria. A collection
i=1 X i j of weights w = w1 , w2 , w3 , · · · , wj , · · · , wn is adopted in
⎛ ⎞
a11 ··· ain this step, and the result must be equal to 1. The resultant
= ⎝ ... .. ⎠
.. matrix is calculated using the following equation:
Anorm . . (3)
fi∗ − f i j
an1 ··· ann W M = wi∗ (9)
fi∗ − fi−
Step 5: In this step, the given pairwise comparisons are used
on the basis of mathematical calculations, and weights are Then, a weighted matrix is computed as follows:
assigned for the evaluation criteria used in the DM of SEM. ⎡ w1 ( f ∗ − f11 ) wi ( fi∗ − fi j )⎤
The weights of each criterion can be obtained according to
f ∗− f −
··· fi∗ − fi−
Eq. (4) [168]: ⎢. i i ⎥
⎢. .. .. ⎥ (10)

n ⎣. . . ⎦
j=1 ai j w1 ( fi∗ − f31 ) ( fi∗ − fi j )
Wi = and Wi = 1 (4) ···
n fi∗ − fi− fi∗ − fi−

where n is the number of compared criteria. Step 3: In this step, the Sj and Rj values denoted by j=1,2,3,….,J,
i=1,2,3,…,n are calculated on the basis of the following equa-
Step 6: In this step, Eq. (5) is used to assess the CR with respect tions:
to the pairwise comparison matrix as follows:

fi∗ − fi j
CI Sj = wi∗ (11)
CR = (5) fi∗ − fi−
RI i=1

The consistency index (CI) is calculated according to Eq. (6) as fi∗ − f i j

follows: R j = maxi wi∗ (12)
fi∗ − fi−
λ max − n
CI = (6)
n−1 where wi is the weight of each criterion representing its relative
The random CI (RI) is calculated according to Eq. (7) as follows: significance.

1.98 (n − 1 ) Step 4: Calculate the values of Qj, j = (1, 2, · · · , J ) according to

RI = CI (7) the following equation:
A pairwise comparison matrix with a corresponding CR of less V S j − S∗ ( 1 − V ) R j − R∗
than 10% is agreeable; otherwise, the process must be repeated. Qj = + (13)
S− − S∗ R− − R∗
A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445

where 9.3. Validation phase

S∗ = min j S j , S− = max j S j R∗ = min j R j , R− = max j R j
The validity of any proposed work (e.g. method, technique,
Step 5: The SEM methods can finally be ranked. This process is model or framework) is a crucial step; this vital process is indis-
achieved by arranging the Q values in ascending order. The pensable when it comes to human life. The MCDM methods can
SEM method with the lowest Q value is considered to be the help to address SEM cases with respect to their multi-criteria com-
most suitable. plex problems that are further hindered by decision making. More
importantly, the development of a new decision support approach
9.2.3. MCDM contexts
cannot be applied unless validation is achieved. The validation in
Two different MCDM contexts are used in this study, with the
MCDM coincides with the principle of testing the reliability and
aim of reaching a final decision for the SEM selection.
stability of the decision results [170]. The literature shows sev-
A. The SEM selection process may include an individual con-
eral approaches for validating the proposed decision support ap-
text. Hence, the Kendall tau distance rank test is used to determine
proaches. One of these approaches is objective validation, which
whether the distance between each expert’s unique judgement is
uses mean ± standard deviation in statistical analysis, to validate
identical/acceptable. The Kendall tau distance rank introduced by
the ranking results of the proposed MCDM framework. In this ap-
Maurice Kendall is a measure for quantifying the pairwise discrep-
proach, the ranking results of the alternatives are divided into (n)
ancies between two ranking lists [169]. This non-parametric test
groups. Each group consists of a set of studied alternatives. The
can also quantify the relationships of two ranking lists. The corre-
mean ± standard deviation is computed for each group according
lation coefficient is preceded by a numeric value between 0 and 1,
to Eqs. 16 and 17.
1 n
• 0 indicates the existence of a complete connection between two mean = xi , (16)
n i=1
ranking lists (i.e. individual prioritisation of each expert), and

• 1 indicates the existence of a complete connection between two
1 N
ranking lists (i.e. individual prioritisation of each expert). Standard deviation = (xi − x̄ )2 . (17)
N−1 i=1
The greater the distance between two ranking lists, the stronger
Suppose we divided the rank results of the alternatives into
the connection between them. The following steps may be used to
three groups. According to this division, the best value should be
determine the Kendall tau rank distance:
for the first group, which must be supported by the mean ± stan-
Step 1: Create a table containing two ranking lists. Each expert’s dard deviation result. The statistical measurement of all of the
rating may be sorted in an ascending manner. remaining groups should be poorer than the first and preceding
Step 2: Calculate the number of concordant (C) pairings. In this groups; i.e. the obtained measurement should be better or equal
phase, the concordant pairings may be computed using the to those of the posterior groups, to ensure that the alternative pri-
rated alternatives of each expert. This process is used to de- oritisation has undergone systematic ranking [171].
termine the number of higher ranks that are below a given
level. 10. Potential future work
Step 3: Calculate the number of discordant (D) pairings. The
number of discordant pairings is expected to be identical to This section contains a discussion of potential future work for
that in the preceding stage, except that it entails the lower the proposed new context of the multi-assessment model in SEM
ranks instead of the higher ranks. based on MCDM combined with ANN. The findings from the com-
Step 4: Calculate the sums of the concordant and discordant prehensive research indicates that most of the studies had focused
pairings. on behavioural intention to use technology or apps in different sec-
Step 5: Calculate the degree of connection between the two tors. However, the research on interactive pretend play apps is lim-
ranking lists according to Eq. (15). ited. Hence, the first set of potential future work is in predicting
the factors that can influence the design of a low-cost autism chil-
C −− D
Kendal l  sT au = (15) dren’s app. In this context, the app can provide a better learning
C + D
environment and reduce the communication barriers to support
B. The term ‘Group MCDM’ refers to a scenario in which more children with autism to adapt to life and improve their living con-
than one DM is required to select the optimal alternative. G-MCDM ditions [172]. The second set of potential future work regarding the
techniques gather and integrate the knowledge and judgement of multi-assessment model in SEM based on MCDM combined with
experts from numerous areas in a systematic manner. In a group ANN is the prediction of factors that can influence the design of
setting, each expert contributes his or her subjective opinion to virtual reality games and augmented reality in pretend play ther-
the criteria that need subjective assessment. Numerous real-world apies. The reviewed literature indicates a lack of investigation of
decision-making issues encountered by organisations need collab- virtual reality and augmented reality with respect to the multi-
orative efforts amongst DM teams. The concept of group decision assessment model in SEM based on MCDM combined with ANN.
making refers to the combined results of many expert judgments By developing a training platform, the implementation of virtual
into a single and unique conclusion. Academic researchers of col- reality and augmented reality via the proposed method can help
lective decision-making have proposed two distinct configurations, children with autism to improve their communication and social
namely, internal aggregation and external aggregation [121]. Inter- skills with the people around them, thus enhancing their interac-
nal aggregation is aimed at aggregating the criteria weights from tion under different situations [173,174].
different experts into single unified weights by using the arith-
metic mean operator. Then, the unified weights of each evaluation 11. Conclusion
criteria are introduced into the VIKOR method to extract the inter-
nal group’s MCDM results. Meanwhile, the internal group’s MCDM This study delved into the communication workflow of the
results can be obtained by aggregating the score of each ranked multi-assessment model in SEM based on MCDM combined with
SEM method that has resulted from each individual ranking using ANN by implementing a systematic literature review. The underly-
the arithmetic mean operator. ing principles depicting the completeness of the SEM approaches

A.S. Albahri, A. Alnoor, A.A. Zaidan et al. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153 (2021) 111445


The authors are grateful to the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan

Idris, Malaysia for funding this study under UPSI SIG Grant No.


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