Draft Resolution PowerPOF Nations

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The United Nations 30th April, 2023
Original: English

Working Paper “PowerPOF Nations”

Committee: Social Humanitarian and Cultural (SOCHUM)
Topic: Education in Developing Nations
Signatories: Argentine Republic, Republic of Cameroon, Central African Republic,
People’s Republic of China, Republic of Chile, State of Japan, The Republic of
Madagascar, The Republic of Nicaragua, The Sultanate of Oman, Russian Federation, The
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,, Federal Republic of Somalia, The Kingdom of
Thailand, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Yemen

The General Assembly,

Taking into consideration the Universal Declaration on Human Rights,

Alarmed by education barriers that prevents its development and affecting children’s studies,

Fully aware about the current educational situation in the most part of poverty zones,

Well aware of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on education,

Keeping in mind the recent updates, the lack of transparency and the importance of cultures,

1. Proposes the Modern, Accessible and Omnipresent (MAO) Educational Program,

which will consist of 5 pillars:
a. Planning:
i. Recruitment of top experts provided by the major contributors,
ii. They will formulate educational programs for grades 1-12 and for
special education in cooperation with the Thing One initiative,
iii. The non-mandatory competencies will be selected depending on each
student's preference for the five major fields of study following the
Nine Different intelligence types;
b. Infrastructure:
i. Construction of three separate, state of the art facilities for each
educational program,
ii. These facilities will be located to accommodate every area’s
population, with a maximum capacity of 2160 students,
c. Inclusion:
i. Set up a revisory and investigatory commission within the institutions
that will ensure that no people is discriminated against,

ii. Another commission made up of economic and financial experts will
be in charge of doing thorough background checks and thorough
revisions of the School’s ledgers,
iii. This Commission will also investigate the personnel working at these
schools in cooperation with the BUG-yet proposal,
iv. This commission will also manage the budget presented to each
v. These commissions will be internal to each institution that qualifies,
vi. Inclusion of indigenous children in accordance to the Kampala plan;
d. Distribution:
i. Applying countries will be thoroughly evaluated on their political,
economical and educational situation,
ii. The educational programme will be adapted to fulfill that nations
iii. Applying countries will be able to choose to either construct new
facilities, use their already existing facilities through an adaptation
process in cooperation with CPE, or a mixed approach;

2. Encourages the implementation of F.I.S.H index (Fraction of Inequality in Schooling

by Household), which evaluates the condition of each nation through surveys, studies
and statistics that demonstrate the educational status of each country, with this
information, an annual index will be developed including the urgency and necessity of
implementing new policies according to the sovereignty of each nation:
a. Once the information has been gathered, we can project our goals for the
future dividing it into three categories:
i. Red Belt: the urgent need to apply the initiative, curricula, and
program in each nation’s policies. Assistance rates are below 50% of
all children,
ii. Yellow Marshmallow: could apply the following proposals as well,
iii. Green Bean: Do not need to apply them but can still continue
b. Will work with the Online Education Database and will be shaped by the
following indicators:
i. Demographics: percentage of population below the extreme poverty
line, the budget given to quality education, average household income,
household access to basic services ( electricity and water supply), the
population number of each area, percentage of women attending
school, percentage of children with disabilities attending school,
ii. Access to education: number of education facilities in local areas,
access to internet connectivity, average household income electronic
devices (laptops, ipads, smartphones), teachers' average degree of
education, norms and regulations, methodology of education,
c. Will be available in portal webs from NGOs such as Save the Children, The
Education Trust and Childhood Education International;

3. Recommends the implementation of “” within UNESCO based upon a diverse
selection of education professionals from different countries taken into account as a
basis by each nation’s Education Ministry and suggested to all “Red Belt” from
a. The non-mandatory competencies will be selected depending on each student's
preference for the five major fields of study following the Nine Different
Types of Intelligence by Psychologist Howard Gardner, the courses will be
selected according to each student's type of intelligence by:
i. Taking a test that will provide further information about each child in
ii. An outsource teachers training to deal with physical and mental
disabilities who would travel across rural and remote regions and
provide special assistance to students in need, equipped with the
necessary material, also to develop a more inclusive and positive
educational environment,
b. With the aid of NGOs such as CARE Education, Forum for African Women
Educationalists (FAWE), and Reach Out to Asia (ROTA, taking into
consideration the different types of intelligence for non-mandatory
competencies that each student will select adhering to the following aspects:
i. The curriculum of nursery education (early learning cycle or cycle 1 –
up to 6 years old) initial will be divided into five areas:
ii. Appropriating their language and getting ready to read and write,
iii. Becoming a pupil,
iv. Corporal movement and expression,
v. Discovering the world,
c. The Common Core of Knowledge and Skills for primary and secondary
schools is organized around seven key competencies:
i. Command of the national language,
ii. Proficiency in a modern foreign language,
iii. The key elements of mathematics, scientific culture and technology,
iv. Mastery of ordinary information and communication skills,
Humanist culture,
v. Social and civic skills,
vi. Autonomy and initiative,

4. Introducing “No one behind” consisting on the following:

a. Rehabilitation of damaged schools: aiming to countries with political
instability, recalling the REAL program by UNICEF, working with NGOs
such as Save the Children or Childhood Education International,
b. Capacitation of teachers: Training teachers to adapt to disable students needs,
teaching native languages, with the support of volunteers teachers, working
with experts from the UN,
c. Personalized approach,

i. Providing a localized focus for each country,
ii. Meeting the needs of each country,
iii. Adapting to the cultural beliefs of the populations,
d. Humanitarian aid,
i. Providing children in precarious condition with schools supplies,
ii. Working with the WFP to provide children with lunch in their schools,
iii. Promoting enrollment in schools,
e. Evaluations for Teacher in collaboration with Global Partnership of education
(GPE) to ensure that they have the right capacitations;

5. Endorses the implementation of the “Closing the gap” initiative which aims to create
a framework of pedagogical procedures to progressively integrate vulnerable
populations into education on an equal footing, it will consist of three main stages,
a. The first will be assessment, in which data will be collected and the main
difficulties faced by each member state will be identified through a progress
report, for instance:
i. Gender disparity,
ii. Weakening in the educational centers,
iii. Negative results in international standardized evaluations,
b. The second stage will be analysis, where we will collaborate with intelligence
organizations rank member states according to their level of urgency and
c. The third stage will be Orientation, where recommendations and strategies
will be suggested, including:
i. Deployment of mobile educational units in the selected areas,
ii. Creation of awareness campaigns in schools regarding the inclusion of
d. The fourth stage will be Exhibition, where each member state will then have
total responsibility to implement or adapt them to respect their sovereignty,

6. Recommends to involve indigenous communities in the educational process with the “

Do not let origin die “ plan aiming to:
a. Share their knowledge and cultural experiences with students and teachers,
b. Students who speak a language other than the country's principal one must
receive support allowing teachers to better understand the needs of students
and provide a more effective personalized education,
c. Finally, we will create a legislative and regulatory framework for the
establishment and management of the fund,
i. This can engage with private sector and non-profit groups that are
dedicated to advancing cultural and linguistic diversity;

7. Further requests the application of “Unity Fund” program that aims to provide a
economic backup for every single action plan in matter of improvement of education:
a. This fund will include the 2015 incheon declaration budget of $300 million,

b. This will use a small percentage of the nation’s educational budget,
c. Supported and managed by UN member states that approved this program and

8. Recommends the application of the “TiTi System” which will focus on the
improvement of education in less developed nations through the proposing of an
international framework that focuses on:
a. TiTi Assists: for providing technical assistance on capacity building to public
schools and governments in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) on how to
solve their own internal problems through the improvement of educational
systems, based on the Economic Analysis and Policy Division (EADP) from
the UNDESA and the UNESCO, with the support of the “Social Plan for
Education” held by Suriname, and the “CPE” plan by Somalia,
b. TiTi Sets: for setting short-term educational goals based on the ESD Roadmap
proposed by the Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable
Development, which will involve the empowerment of schools: through
constant capacitation of students in public education institutions on the kind of
opportunities they can get thanks to the UN,
i. Following the working method of the United Nations Economic and Social
Council NGO Committee operating under article 72 of the UN Charter for,
ii. Operating as the main body for NGO partnerships, consultation, and
interaction by being in charge of carrying out the NGO Consultation Strategy,
the Status System, and the NGO Assemblies;

9. Recommends the implementation of “Santiago Initiative” which aims to break these

barriers and promote equal access to education tackling among the key challenges that
prevent individuals from achieving their full potential,
a. Ensure that all educational institutions are physically accessible and provide
appropriate accommodations to students with physical disabilities, developing
inclusive curriculum and that cater to the needs of students with mental and
learning disabilities,
b. Provide specialized training and support to teachers and school staff to ensure
they have the necessary skills and knowledge to support students with
10. Encourages the implementation of the “Countries for Education” programme,
which will entail creating treaties between undeveloped countries and developed
countries focusing on three primary pillars:
a. The accessibility pillar will focus on the improvement of infrastructure for
schools, universities and institutes as well as transport accessibility and
improvement in nutrition through providing healthy meals in the school to
improve children's learning, Nutritionists and mobilities would be given by
b. For the protection pillar we seek military support from developed countries to
help developing countries to stop terrorist groups that go against education;

c. Remembers is the equal that has signed to be part of this office,
d. Management will be conducted by delegates representing its countries,
e. Working hand in hand with UNESCO, UNICEF and GPE and financed by all
Member States that want to be part of this office which is open for more
institutions to be included;|

11. Impulse the "SKCR" plan which with the goal of improving education
internationally proposes the next sub-solutions:
a. M-to Supervise: infrastructure, to provide and decent spaces, basic necessities,
quality facilities, and providing recreational space to stimulate learning,
collaborating with funds such as International Network for Quality
Infrastructure (INetQI),
b. M-to Keep: the Best acamical level students, giving them the finantiation for
so that they can take advantage of their potential, implementing scholarships
to hundreds of youths for the best universities of their country, take count with
mundial founds for scholarships like Funiber and Fulbright,
c. M-to Consider: people with special abilities, consider creating spaces able to
help them with their necessities, also judge private institutions, generating
reports and minimum for a basic standard of quality education by
documenting irregularities in educational institutions,
d. M-to Report: cases of abuse, aggression, violation of the rule of law, and
corruption, In many schools, and spaces with many young people, there are a
lot of problems and only just 4 percent of cases have been denounced;

12. Advocates for the implementation of “Rise of Studies Framework” (RISFRAME),

which focuses on the improvement of education systems and is is based on the
following paramount pillars:
a. Increase the quality of education by selecting teachers in every public school
regarding on Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers from ILO,
b. Good infrastructure: Students must be provided with a safe and appropriate
facility, good concrete foundations and walls, and appropriate sanitary
c. Inclusiveness: Gender equality, girls and boys will have the same possibilities
of studying in the same school conditions:
i. Adapt schools for students with mental and physical disabilities,
specialized teachers and school materials,
ii. Language reform, allowing every children to have access to learning a
UN official language as well as a native language for their country;

13. Decides to remain seized on the matter.

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