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Circuit Equations

Choose as the dynamical variables: V1 : the voltage across capacitor C1 (and the nonlinear resistance) V2 : the voltage across capacitor C2 (and the voltage across the inductor) I : the current through the inductor. Kirchoffs laws then give dV1 = R 1 (V2 V1 ) g(V1 ) dt dV2 C2 = R 1 (V2 V1 ) + I dt dI L = rI V2 dt C1 where g (V ) is the nonlinear current-voltage characteristic for the effective nonlinear resistor (and is a negative quantity for the circuit). If we scale resistances by R1 , times by C1 R1 , measure voltages with respect to the switch point Vc in g (V ), and currents with respect to Vc /R1 , we get the equations dX = a (Y X) g(X) dt dY = [a (Y X) + Z] dt dZ = c (Y + r Z) dt with X = V1 /Vc , Y = V2 /Vc , Z = R1 I /Vc , and then the parameters of the equations are: a b c r R1 /R 1 R1 /R2 2 C1 R1 /L C1 /C2 r/R1 0.923 0.636 0.779 0.066 0.071

with the third column giving the values for the initial parameters of the applet. The nonlinear conductance is |X| < 1 X 1 < |X| < 10 [1 + b(|X| 1)] sgn (X) g (X) = |X| > 10 [10 (|X| 10) + (9b 1)] sgn (X) where the expression for |X| > 10 is needed for stability, and corresponds to complicated saturation effects in the actual circuit. Note that the slope is 1 for |X| < 1, b for 1 < |X| < 10, and 10 for |X| > 10. 1

The time independent solutions are at X= 1b a 1+ a b r 1b , ab Y = ar X 1 + ra 0, Z= a X 1 + ra aX .

Linearizing about the xed points gives solutions varying as et with given by the eigenvalues of the stability matrix a + b a 0 a a 0 c c r and positive means the stationary solutions are unstable. Some examples of the eigenvalues 1 , 2 , and 3 : a 0.923 1 0.923 1 b 0.636 0.636 0.636 0.636 c 0.779 0.779 0.779 0.779 r 1 2,3 0.066 0.071 . 40191 6. 5991 104 . 17715i 0.066 0.071 . 48631 5. 0174 104 . 1836i 0.066 0 . 40617 2. 9125 102 . 18836i 0.066 0 . 48897 2. 9486 102 . 1934i

In each case there is one decaying (negative) eigenvalue, and a pair of oscillating (complex) eigenvalues, with an imaginary part around 0.2, corresponding roughly to the 1/ LC2 oscillation frequency, and a real part that is either slightly negative (decaying oscillation) as for the paraemters of the applet (rst row) or slightly positive (growing oscillation) for the other rows.

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