Chapter 1.4

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Gender: Feminism & LGBTQ+

The feminist movement has dismantled the belief that our gender and gender should
define our role in society and has been fighting the inherent gender discrimination
and violence that arises from this belief for over a century. This is where the feminist
and LGBTI movements meet. Abuse of women in our society and abuse of LGBTI
people are the same cause. It's about gender and gender-and they should work
The gender assigned to us at birth defines our gender, and that gender and its
associated gender assignments influence our gender role as a social entity and our
sexual orientation. Give. People who deviate from this pattern can have serious
consequences, manifested in the form of violence, discrimination and abuse against
women and LGBTI people around the world.
LGBTQ+ views challenge feminism because it forces people to think outside the box.
When someone thinks of feminism, they usually present themselves as women's
problems, although not really. The stereotype is that often middle-class white
women, straight and cisgender women fight for their rights against middle-class
white men, straight men and cisgender men. This version of feminism does not
include a wide range of people and identities. It does not include 48 individuals
identified as LGBTQ+, gender nonconforming, lower class, disabled or even male.
They challenge the "mainstream" feminist movement. Throughout history, the
definition of what people say "feminist" has, of course, changed, but over time it
should be inclusive and not revert to monopolistic first wave feminist ideas. Although
these new ideas challenged the movement at the time, activists, feminists and
representatives did not introduce these new definitions to upset others. They were
introduced to inform others of a new, inclusive way of thinking that encompasses
everything we see today.
It has been proven over time that previous waves of feminism were not inclusive. It
creates room for change. Throughout history, others have tried to draw attention to
new ideas, but still no real change seems to occur. A new wave of feminism must be
created to achieve the goals set by those who came before it. The goal is to create a
society 50 where marginalized individuals and groups can share their stories, and
where these people no longer feel oppressed. This is about the new feminist theory.
Finally, achieving inclusiveness in a post-feminist society.

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