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Theme: Canada

1. To give new information about Canada, its geographical position
2. To develop reading, speaking skills
3.To teach the students to express their opinions.
Type of the lesson: Getting new information
Interaction: English, Kazakh, Geography, History
Equipments: a map of Canada, level cards, a computer

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment: Good morning boys and girls! How are you?
II. Phonetic drill: A big blue bucket of blue blueberries.
III. What can you imagine when you see Canada


IV. Presentation of the theme, to use the map of Canada.

b. Do the short quiz. Choose the correct answers.
1. The Capital of Canada is……..?
a. Montreal
b. Quebec
c. Ottawa
2. Formally the head of Canada is……?
a. The president
b. The Prime Minister
c. The Queen of Great Britain
3. The population of Canada is:
a. 9 million
b. 6 million
c. 8 million
5. The national Symbol of Canada is……….
a. an eagle
b. red rose
c. The maple leaf
6. What are the official languages in Canada?
a. English
b. German
c. English and French
7. The area of Canada is about ……..
a) 12 sq km.
b) 15 sq km.
c) 10 sq km.
8. The population of Canada is ………people.
a) 28 mln
b) 29 mln
c) 30mln

)V.Let’s watch video fragments of Canada.

VI. To read the text about the history of Canada. (Give SS. 3 minutes to read the text)


The first inhabitants of Canada were native Indian peoples, primarily the Inuit (Eskimo). The
Norse explorer Leif Eriksson probably reached the shores of Canada (Labrador or Nova
Scotia) in 1000, but the history of the white man in the country actually began in 1497, when
John Cabot, an Italian in the service of Henry VII of England, reached Newfoundland or
Nova Scotia. Canada was taken for France in 1534 by Jacques Cartier. The actual settlement
of New France, as it was then called, began in 1604 at Port Royal in what is now Nova
Scotia; in 1608, Quebec was founded. France's colonization efforts were not very successful,
but French explorers by the end of the 17th century had penetrated beyond the Great Lakes
to the western prairies and south along the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile,
the English Hudson's Bay Company had been established in 1670. Because of the valuable
fisheries and fur trade, a conflict developed between the French and English; in 1713,
Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, and Nova Scotia (Acadia) were lost to England. During the
Seven Years' War (1756–1763), England extended its conquest, and the British general
James Wolfe won his famous victory over Gen. Louis Montcalm outside Quebec on Sept.
13, 1759. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 gave

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. Who were the first inhabitants of Canada?

2. When did the history of the white man in the country actually begin?

3. With whom was Canada taken for France in 1534?

4. When was Quebec founded?

5. Why had Meanwhile, the English Hudson’s Bay Company been established in 1670?

6. When did England extend its conquest?

VIII. True and False questions, if the statement is correct mark true, if the statement is
not correct, mark false.

Statement True False

1.Canada is the world's second largest country.

2. Fresh water covers an estimated 8% of Canada.
3. The population of Canada is 5million.
4. The national Symbol of Canada is red rose.
5. The first inhabitants of Canada were native Indian
6. Canada was taken for France in 1554 by Jacques

Conclusion. Work in groups and try to discuss about many interesting facts of Canada.

Let’s fill this table

I know I learn I want to know

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