Apply Nails For Cleaning

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Beauty Care (Nail Care) Grade 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the student will be able to;
1. explain the procedure for cleaning fingernails and toenails;
2. appreciate the importance of acquiring knowledge of the correct procedure of
cleaning fingernails and toenails; and
3. perform the step-by-step procedure of cleaning fingernails and toenails.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Apply Nails for Cleaning
Instructional Material: Laptop, PPT, Visual Aids, Tools and Materials

III. Procedure

I. Preliminary Activities

A. Classroom Routine
“Class, please stand for a short prayer,
Myca Kindly lead the prayer!” (Myca will lead the prayer)

“Good Morning, class! Joana Kindly check

the attendance.”

“Before we begin with our discussion

kindly arrange your chair properly and
check if there are any pieces of trash
around you. Please properly dispose it
inside the trash can to maintain classroom

“Good job, class! Isn’t it easier to think in a “Yes, Ma’am!”

clean environment?”
Last meeting we tackled about tools and
equipment that we used on cleaning our
nails. Who among you can remember what
tool is this?

Nail Cutter, Ma’am

Very Good!

“Pusher, Ma’am”


“Nail Brush, Ma’am”

That’s right

Cuticle Nipper, Ma’am


B. Motivation

Before we start to our discussion let me show you a picture

and tell me what do you think if you saw a person who has
a nails like this?

(the student will give their idea)

II. Lesson Proper

“Personal hygiene involves taking care of

fingernails and toenails. Thus, the key to
keeping your fingernails and toenails healthy is
nail care.”

“Here are the Procedures for Cleaning

Fingernails (Manicure Services)”

Carlo kindly read the first step? 1. Use cotton moistened with a nail polish
remover to remove old nail polish.

(The teacher will demonstrate the step 1)

“Thank you!”

“Before we proceed to step number 2, anyone

from the class can demonstrate to us on how
he/she cut his/her nails?”

(The student will demonstrate on how they cut

their nails)

“Let’s see if who among you did the proper

way of cutting their nails”
2. Shape nails by filing the fingernails
“Shane Kindly read the 2 step” starting with the small finger working
towards the thumb from corner to
center to prevent splitting of the nail.

(The teacher will demonstrate the step 2)

“Next step kindly read, Abel?”

3. Use cuticle remover to soften nail


(The teacher will demonstrate the step 3)

“Can you follow class?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Very Good! Let’s proceed to the 4th Step, 4. Push back and loosen nail cuticle using
Michelle can you please read?” the cuticle pusher while keeping it moist
with cuticle remover.

(The teacher will demonstrate the step 4)

“Now we are on the 5th step in cleaning finger nails. Rica 5. Clean the bottom of the free edge of the
kindly read the next step!” fingernail with a cotton-tipped
orangewood stick dipped in soapy water.

(The teacher will demonstrate the step 5)

“Next Step, Kindly read Marco.” 6. Trim the cuticle of the fingernail in a
single a segment with the use of a cuticle

(The teacher will demonstrate the step 6)

“Be careful on using the tools you might be
hurt your client”

Next step please read Aison”

7. Clean the nails by brushing the
fingernails with a downward movement.
(The teacher will demonstrate the step 7)

“And for the last step

Step 8. Use a hand towel to dry your hands

and fingernails.”

III. Generalization
Anyone can enumerate the procedures for
cleaning fingernails? (the student will enumerate the procedure)

Do you have question Class? “None Ma’am”

IV. Application

Alright, class now I want you to face your partner and

you will go to clean their fingernails using the
procedure that I demonstrate.

V. Assessment

Directions: Re-arrange the following

procedures for cleaning the fingernails. Write
A as the first step, B as the second step, and so
on…. Write the letter before each number.

1. Clean the bottom of the free edge of the

fingernail with a cotton-tipped orangewood stick dipped in
soapy water.
2. Shape nails by filing the fingernails starting with
the small finger working towards the thumb from corner to
center to prevent splitting of the nail.
3. Push back and loosen nail cuticle using the
cuticle pusher while keeping it moist with cuticle remover.
4. Use cotton moistened with a nail polish
remover to remove old nail polish.
5. Use a hand towel to dry your hands and
6. Trim the cuticle of the fingernail in a single a
segment with the use of a cuticle nipper.
7. Clean the nails by brushing the fingernails with
a downward movement.
8. Use cuticle remover to soften nail cuticle.

I. Assignment

“Ok, class please get your assignment notebooks and

copy your assignment.”

Bring your own complete nail care tools and materials.

“None, Ma’am”
Do you have question Class?

“That would be all for today. Good Day Class!

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