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Aim: Comprehension of basic concepts and terminology of Matrices.

Objective: To understand the definition of Matrix, row, column, order, element, transpose of
matrix. Row matrix column matrix and Square matrix .

A matrix is a rectangular arrangement of numbers or functions into rows and columns.

For example

Activity 1(a):Suppose Uniclo was tabulating its sales of clothings as the end of a day. Make a
3x3 matrix from what their table may be over three days. Name the matrix you created

The dimensions of a matrix tells its size: the number of rows and columns of the matrix, in that order.It
is called to ‘order’ of the Matrix.

Activity 1(b): Use different colours for Rows and columns of the matrix you created in activity 1
a and write its order. Now write the same information in a matrix of the reverse
order( nterchanging the rows into columns and columns into rows). The new matrix is called
the ‘Transpose’ of the original matrix.What is the order of your Transpose matrix?

In general, the element in  i row and column j is denoted as a ai,j .

In this case a21=18.
Activity 1(c):, write each of its elements in the above format.
Activity 1(d): Write a matrix that has (i) only one row(ii) only one column(iii) Square dimensions. Also
write their orders.
Answer the following questions by highlighting the correct option:

1. What is a matrix? a) A mathematical operation b) A set of equations c) A

rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and
2. What is the order of a matrix? a) The number of columns in a matrix b) The
number of rows in a matrix c) The number of rows multiplied by the number
of columns in a matrix
3. What is a square matrix? a) A matrix with more columns than rows b) A matrix
with more rows than columns c) A matrix with the same number of rows and
4. What is the identity matrix? a) A matrix with all elements equal to 1 b) A
matrix with all elements equal to 0 c) A square matrix with 1's on the main
diagonal and 0's everywhere else
5. What is matrix addition? a) Adding the corresponding elements of two
matrices b) Multiplying the corresponding elements of two matrices c) Adding
the rows of two matrices
6. What is matrix multiplication? a) Multiplying the corresponding elements of
two matrices b) Adding the corresponding elements of two matrices c)
Multiplying the rows of one matrix with the columns of another matrix.

7. When can two matrices be multiplied together? a) When they have the same

number of rows b) When they have the same number of columns c) When the
number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the
second matrix

8.The sum of two matrices A and B is defined only if: a) They have the same
number of rows and columns b) They have the same number of rows c) They have
the same number of columns

9.If A is a square matrix, then A^2 means: a) Multiplying A with itself b) Adding A
to itself c) Subtracting A from itself

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