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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials

Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits

COM255 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING-II 13594 :: Aarti Anand 4 1 0 5

Text Book: 1 Jain, S.P. and Narang, K.L. Corporate accounting, Kalyani pub, New Delhi. Latest Edition

Other Specific Book:

2 Maheshwari, S.N. and Maheshwari, S. K. Corporate Accounting, Vikas Publishing House: New Delhi. Latest Edition

3 Tulsian, P.C., Corporate accounting, Tata Mc-GrawHill Pub, New Delhi

4 Verma, Dr. K.K., Corporate Accounting, Excel books, New Delhi

5 Mukherjee, A and Hanif, H, Corporate Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 7th Reprint Edition

Other Reading

Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

6 Indian Investment Abroad in Joint Ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries: 2009-2010Â RBI Bulletin October09, Vol LXIII, No. 10, Pg 1781-1785
7 Mergers' 'goodwill' gone bad can sour the books Ron Wilson
8 Could mergers come back into fashion Tom White,
9 "Risk Management Approach Keeps Work Growing Even In Tough Economy†Phil Gusman National Underwriter. P & C; Oct 12, 2009; 113, 38; ABI/INFORM
Global pg. 16
10 "The new math of mergers ; Companies are writing off the `goodwill' from their not-so-good deals"
Relevant Websites

1 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features
11 Latest guidelines & updates in the insurance sector
12 Video on Liquidation
13 Video on Share Subscribers and Valuation
14 Various latest developments in accounting standards and other related articles

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Pedagogical tool
Textbook/other Demonstration/case
reference study/images/anmatio
n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Acquisition of Business: Introduction of the concept, ->Reference :1, III/ 1.1 1.Case Analysis of
Entries of New Set of books are opened HCL's Acquisition of
Lecture 2 Accounting treatment ->Reference :1,III/ 1.2 -
Lecture 3 Acquisition of Business: Same set of books ->Reference :1,III/ 1.7 2.Case Analysis of
Daburs Acquisition of
Fem Care
Lecture 4 Accounting treatment of the entire concept ->Reference
:1,Chapter 1 unit III
Week 2 Lecture 5 Amalgamation: Concept, types, difference between ->Reference
amalgamation in nature of Merger and Purchase :1,Chapter 3 unit II
Lecture 6 Purchase consideration ->Reference :1,II/ 3.3 3.Case Analysis of Airtel
MTN merger
Lecture 7 Accounting Treatment as per AS14 ->Reference :1,II/ Ref. 13
Lecture 8 Entries in the books of transferor ->Reference :1,II/ 3.9
Week 3 Lecture 9 Entries in the books of transferee-pooling of interest ->Reference :1,II/ 3.11 4.Case Analysis on
method Tata-Docomo Joint
Lecture 10 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 3.17
Lecture 11 Practical Problems- pooling of interest method ->Reference :1,II/ 3.14
Lecture 12 Purchase Method ->Reference :1,II/ 3.20

2 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Week 4 Lecture 13 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 3.40

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Practical Problems- Purchase method ->Reference :1,II/ 3.15
Lecture 15 Disclosure in Financial statements ->Reference :1,II/ 3.53
Lecture 16 Dissenting shareholders ->Reference :1,II/ 3.65
Week 5 Lecture 17 Inter co. Owing & Accounting treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 3.67
Lecture 18 Reconstruction of companies: Internal ->Reference :1,II/ 4.1
reconstruction Alteration of share capital 4.5
Lecture 19 Capital reduction and Procedure for reducing share ->Reference :1,II/ 4.3 5.Case Analysis on Debt
capital 4.5 Restructuring-On Rise
Lecture 20 Reconstruction Scheme & Practical problems ->Reference :1,II/ 4.9
Week 6 Lecture 21 Accounting for Banking Companies: Concept, ->Reference :1,I/ 10.1 Ref. 13
general information
Lecture 22 Guidelines for P & L account ->Reference :1,I/ 10.11
Lecture 23 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,I/ 10.15 6.Case Analysis on
Bank Bailouts- Lessons
to learn
Lecture 24 Preparation of Balance sheet, General Provisioning ->Reference :1,I/ 10.15
Week 7 Lecture 25 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,I/ 10.27
Lecture 26 Practical Problems- Balance Sheet and its ->Reference :1,I/ 10.41
Lecture 27 Practical problems on P & L a/c and Balance Sheet ->Reference :1,I/ 10.41
Lecture 28 Revision

Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 29 Accounting for insurance companies: Types of ->Reference :1,I/ 11.1 Ref. 11
Lecture 30 Accounting for Life Insurance Companies: P & L ->Reference :1,I/ 11.3 7. Case Analysis on
account Fulton Financials Recipe
for recovery
Lecture 31 Maintenance of Books of Insurance Company- ->Reference :1,I/ 11.6
balance sheet
Lecture 32 Determination of Profits in Life Insurance Business- ->Reference :1,I/11.40 Ref. 15
Valuation Balance Sheet
3 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12
Week 9 Lecture 33 Accounting treatment ->Reference :1,I/11.42
Lecture 34 Preparation of financial statements: General ->Reference :1,I/11.47 8. Case Analysis on
Insurance Business- P & L and Balance Sheet Vision 2000
Lecture 35 Accounting treatment in the books- Marine ->Reference :1,I/ 11.48
Lecture 36 Accounting treatment in the books- Fire Insurance ->Reference :1,II/11.50 9. Case Analysis on
General Motors- A New
Lease on life
Week 10 Lecture 37 Liquidation: Concept, Modes of Liquidation ->Reference :1,II/ 5.10
Lecture 38 Preparation of statements and different accounts ->Reference :1,II/ 5.20
Lecture 39 Liquidator's Final Statement and its Preparation ->Reference :1,II/ 5.21 10.Liquidators Report of
Indian Star Limited

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 40 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 5.24
Week 11 Lecture 41 Liquidator's Remuneration ->Reference :1,II/ 5.23
Lecture 42 Accounting Treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 5.23 11. Case Analysis on
Yahoo sells Kelkoo
Lecture 43 B list of contributories ->Reference :1,II/ 5.36
Lecture 44 Valuation of Goodwill: Concept, features & types, ->Reference :1,II/ 1.1
Recording & factors affecting valuation 1.3 1.4
Week 12 Lecture 45 By Capitalisation Method and Purchase of Past ->Reference :1,II/ 1.5
average Profits 1.9
Lecture 46 By super profits or earning methods ->Reference :1,II/ 1.12 12. Case Analysis on
Subhiksha in financial
Lecture 47 Accounting treatment ->Reference :1,II/ 1.16
Lecture 48 Valuation of Shares: Concepts & Methods of ->Reference :1,II/ 2.1
valuation: Net Assets basis 2.2
Week 13 Lecture 49 Valuation of shares based on Earning Capacity ->Reference :1,II/ 2.7
Lecture 50 Valuation of shares based on Productivity factor , ->Reference :1,II/2.18
Dual method of valuation 2.19
Lecture 51 Holding companies- Concept, Final Accounts, AS 21 ->Reference :1,2/ II/ Annual Report of Infosys
Consolidated Financial Statements 2.202 2.204 to show consolidated
financial statements
Lecture 52 Revision

4 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 53 Recent Trends in Published Accounts ->Reference :1,III/ 3.1
Lecture 54 Inflation Accounting ->Reference :1,III/ 4.1
Lecture 55 Global Trust Bank's Liquidation ->Reference :1,III/ 6.1
Lecture 56 Human Resource Accounting ->Reference :1,III/ 5.1

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Objective Topic of the Homework Nature of homework Evaluation Mode Allottment /
(group/individuals/field submission
work Week
Test 1 To gain the Acquisition of business and Amalgamation of Companies Individual 4-5 questions out 3/5
knowledge of of 20 marks
treatment of
Acquisition and
Amalgamation of
Test 2 To let students Internal Reconstruction and Accounts of Banking Companies Individual 4-5 questions out 5/7
learn how of 20 marks
reconstruct their
capital and how
banking accounts
are prepared
Test 3 To let students Accounts of Insurance companies. Liquidation Individual 4-5 questions out 8 / 11
learn accounting of 20 marks
system of
companies for
their liquidation
and how insurance
prepare their

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

5 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Component Frequency Out Of Each Marks Total Marks
Test 2 3 10 20

Total :- 10 20

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Introduction: Familiarization with new subject Case analysis

Acquisition of business
Tutorial 2 Acquisition of Business Problem solving
Tutorial 3 Amalgamation- Pooling Interest Method, Purchase
Tutorial 4 Amalgamation- Disclosure of Financial Statements and Problem solving
Inter company owing
Tutorial 5 Test 1 Test
Tutorial 6 Resconstruction of companies & Accounts of Banking
Tutorial 7 Test 2 Test

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Accounts of insurance companies- P&L, Balance sheet Problem solving
Tutorial 9 Accounting for Insurance Companies- Life and General Problem solving
Tutorial 10 Liquidation- Different Accounts preparation, Final
statement, Remuneration
Tutorial 11 Test 3 Test

Tutorial 12 Valuation of Goodwill Problem solving

Tutorial 13 Valuation of shares. Problem solving

6 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

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