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By Sir Coy

1. Womens desk- for against chastity

2. Classification- process of determining the needs

3. Medium security prisoners - Camp sampaguita

4. Parole- form of conditional release

5. Psychopatic- antisocial behavior

6. BUCOR- under DOJ charged with custody and rehab

7. Auburn prison- enforced silent at all times

8. Provincial prisoner- 6 months and 1 day to 3 yrs

9. Deterrence- kind of punishment will ve given to offender by showing to others what would happen to
them if they commit the heinous crime

10. San Ramon Prison - named after Capt Blanco

11. Insular prisoners- more than 3 years

12. Operation Greyhound- prisoner may be checked anytime

13. Absconding petitioner- fails to report to the probation officer or cannot be located within a
reasonable period of time

14. Bestiality- sex with animals

15. Sir evelyn Brise- Director of english prisoners, Elmira 1987

16. RAFFAELE Garofalo- termed criminologia

17. Medium security prisoner- cannot be trusted in open condition

18. Agalmatophila- sex with dolls or mannequin

19. Eugenics- quality of human offsprings

20. Proselytizing- trying to convert a prisoner to change his religion

21. Statutory law - Pacman passed a law for boxing gym

22. Segregation Unit- "block" or isolation cell

23. Benefit of the clergy- compromise with the church

24. Mess service branch - prepararion of daily menu

25. Custody - the maintenance or care and protection

26. Pennsylvania Prison model- sought penitence

27. Budget and finance branch- financial matters

28. Hulks- decrepit transport, former warships

29. Conjugal visit- granted time for marital sexual obligations

30. Neglected child- deliberately unattended

31. High profile inmates- highly controversial and sensationalized crime

32. High Value Target Inmate- a target? Either be an enemy or combatant...

God bless and Good luck

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Witness --- man of the hour in court .

Victim ---- the forgotten one.

Offender -- the principal character to the CJS

Suspect --- One who implicated to the commission of a crime (subject of investigation)

Respondent --- person who is a subject of Preliminary investigation or inquest proceeding.

Accused --- person who charged of an offense in court and facing trial.

Appelant --- one who filed an appeal .

Criminal --- who is found guilty by final judgment

Police --- initiator or prime mover of the CJS

Pardonee --- one who is given pardon.

Parolee --- one who is granted with parole.

Probationer --- one whose application for probation was granted.

Petitioner --- one who files an application for Probation,parole and pardon

Criminologia ---- (Italian word) Raffaelle Garofalo 1885

Criminologie ---- (French word) Paul Topinard 1887

R.A 6506 --- Act creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Phil. And other purpose.
(approved/effective=July 1,1972)
Criminal ecology --- study of criminality in relation to the spatial distribution in a comunity.

Criminal epidiomology ---- study of the relationship between environment and criminality.

Criminal psychiatry --- study of human mind in relation to criminality.

Criminal psychology ---- study of human behavior in relation to criminality.

Criminal demography --- criminality and population.

Criminal physical anthropology ---- study of criminality in relation to Physical constitution of men.

Victimology ---- study of role of victim in the commission of the crime.

Criminal Etiology --- study of the cause or the origin of crime.

Penology ---- control and prevention of crime and the treatment of youthful offender.

Sociology ---- study of human society, its origin ,structure,functions and directions.

Criminological research ---- study if crime correlated to with antecedent variables ,state of the crime

Delinquency ---- act not inconformity with the norms of society .

August Comte --- Father of sociology

Emile Durkheim --- father / modern sociology .

Mala prohibitum crime ---- acts that are outlawed because they clash with current norms and public
opinion ,such as tax ,traffic and drugs law.

Mala in se crime --- acts that outlawed because they violate basic moral values such as rape,
murder ,assault and robbery .

Mass murder --- killing a large number of person at one time.

Hypoglycemia --- which the glucose in the blood falls below levels/efficient brain functioning .

Hyperglycemia --- high blood sugar

Marital rape ---- forcible sex between legally married partners.

Statutory rape ---- sexual relation between an minor female and an adult male.(11yrsold below)

Jeremy Betham --- pain and pleasure

Cesare Becarria --- Free will theory

Edwin Sutherland ---- who introduced the ff definition of criminology. "Dean of criminology "

Gabriel Tarde ---- introduced the "Theory of imitation - suggestion "

Enrico Ferri ---- "Theory of imputable and denial of Free Will.

Ada juke --- Mother of criminals.

Henry Goddard ---- He was the first person to use the term "MORON"

Robert Merton ---- applied the theory of anomie of Durkeim

August Aichorn --- "Latent delinquency "

Ego --- "reality principle "

Id ---- "pleasure principle "

SuperEgo ---- resulted from incorporating within the personality the moral standards and values of
parents,community /others /tell what is right from wrong.

Oedipus complex ---- Electra complex in man.

Electra complex ---- girls begin to have sexual feeling for their father's .

Erik Erikson ---- "identity crisis"

Monogamy --- one marriage (1 man and 1woman )

Polygamy --- marriage of one man with two or more wife.

Polyandry --- marriage of one woman with two or more husband.

18-70 --- full responsibility

18 --- age of majority or legal age

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