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Conservation news

Unprecedented mass mortality of aquatic Photographic documentation of the mass mortality is

organisms in the River Oder available at./kwpdckwy..

The  km River Oder (Odra in Polish), with a catchment DOMINIK MARCHOWSKI (,
area of , km, flows through Czechia, Poland and Museum and Institute of
Germany. In late July , it became severely polluted and Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
its fish and aquatic molluscs suffered unprecedented mass ŁUKASZ ŁAWICKI ( Eco-
mortality (Save the Oder Coalition, , Expert, Szczecin, Poland
The disaster began in the Polish part of the river on 
July. At the beginning of August, toxic golden algae This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution licence CC BY 4.0.
Prymnesium parvum were detected by the German research
institute IGB (Leibniz-Institute for Freshwater Ecology and
Inland Fisheries). As these algae are associated with saline IUCN Red List reassessment reveals further decline
waters, the primary cause of their appearance in the river of sturgeons and paddlefishes
must have been contamination by such waters, most likely
from coal mines. The toxins produced by golden algae are Sturgeons have survived epochal ecological changes but are
lethal to gill-breathing organisms and could have been re- succumbing to the greed of Homo sapiens. A Red List update
sponsible for the mass die-off. This is the first record of by the IUCN Sturgeon Specialist Group on  July  re-
these invasive algae in Poland. vealed that the already precarious state of sturgeon popula-
The conservation programme for the Critically En- tions has further declined.
dangered Baltic population of the Atlantic sturgeon Aci- The Chinese paddlefish Psephurus gladius, endemic to
penser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus turned out to be in vain; the Yangtze River, is extinct. Another species endemic to
some , young fish, due for release into the river, per- the Yangtze River, the Dabry sturgeon Acipenser dabryanus,
ished before this could happen as they were being kept in is categorized as Extinct in the Wild as all animals observed
tanks through which contaminated river water was flowing. in nature are from restocking programmes. European
From the end of July to  September, over  t of dead fish species are faring poorly: the eight species, although under
were taken out of the river. The deaths of millions of fish and protection since , are either Endangered or Critically
molluscs will have a catastrophic effect on the whole ecosys- Endangered. One of these, the ship sturgeon Acipenser
tem, including on the hundreds of thousands of waterbirds nudiventris, is extinct in the Danube. The situation of the
that winter in the area. North American species is slightly better than that of the
The lower Oder valley is a diverse ecosystem with several Eurasian species, as a result of more timely conservation
dozen protected areas. The Oder influences the ecosystems efforts, but their condition has also worsened.
at its mouth and in the southern Baltic Sea, and these areas The causes of the disappearance of sturgeons are well
are the most important wintering areas of the threatened known. The first is illegal fishing: although fishing is banned
velvet scoter Melanitta fusca, long-tailed duck Clangula in most of the species’ ranges and although .  t of caviar
hyemalis and greater scaup Aythya marila. are produced annually in aquaculture, poaching is still a ser-
There has never before been a disaster on such a scale in ious problem. The second is the loss of migration corridors
this region, so its consequences are difficult to predict. and habitats because of the development of hydropower.
Although human activities were undoubtedly responsible, Many species of sturgeons are anadromous and all species
no precise cause has been identified. To prevent a similar migrate long distances: they need to swim upstream during
catastrophe, scientists have recommended ceasing all regu- the spawning period, lay their eggs in suitable habitat and
lation of the river, beginning its restoration and improving freely return to the sea. Finally, pollution of waterways,
monitoring. Unfortunately, the Polish authorities are plan- and changes of discharge and temperature as a result of
ning the opposite: the implementation of extensive projects climate change, and the spreading of invasive species are
for cascading, regulating and deepening the Oder (Ławicki also threats.
et al., , Oryx, , ), a process that has already begun. But there remains hope. In the Caucasus, in the Rioni
In addition, the discharge of industrial sewage continues River, the ship sturgeon has reappeared after years of
unabated, as evidenced by the sustained high salinity of absence (Beridze et al., , Oryx, , ). The Adriatic
the river. In the context of this disaster, the Brandenburg sturgeon Acipenser naccarii has shown sporadic reproduc-
Ministry of the Environment has filed a legal complaint tion in the Po basin (Congiu et al., , Oryx, , ) and
against Poland. has therefore been recategorized from Extinct in the Wild

Oryx, 2023, 57(1), 9–14 © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605322001260 Published online by Cambridge University Press

10 Conservation news

to Critically Endangered. Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni of to take three photographs at each trigger. The intervals be-
the Amu Darya has been rediscovered after almost  years tween successive triggers were set to the lowest value allowed
(Sheraliev et al., , Oryx, , ). These are signs that if ad- by the camera model (.–. seconds). In a total camera-
equate protection measures are put in place, sturgeons will trapping effort of , days during April –March 
benefit from them. The Pan European Action Plan approved in Dghoumes National Park, and , days during October
by the Bern Convention in  provides a guideline for the –March  in Sidi Toui National Park, there were 
conservation of sturgeon species. If we are able to organize and  detections of crested porcupines, respectively. In
and support international recovery projects based on the sci- , camera-trap days during April –October  in
entific knowledge acquired in the last few decades, we can still Jbil National Park, the species was not recorded.
hope to save sturgeon species from extinction. Our findings thus concur with the geographical range re-
ported for the crested porcupine in Tunisia in the th cen-
We thank all experts of the Sturgeon Specialist Group and the tury, and indicate that the species Red List account requires
IUCN assessment team for their contributions and support. updating.

LEONARDO CONGIU* (, MOHAMED KHALIL MELIANE ( University of Padova, Padova, 3998,, AMIRA SAIDI* ( orcid.
Italy. JOERN GESSNER* ( org/0000-0002-3813-7163), MARIE PETRETTO (
Leibniz-Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland 0000-0002-5975-7601), TIM WOODFINE† (
Fisheries, Berlin, Germany. ARNE LUDWIG* ( 0003-1007-1403), PHILIP RIORDAN† (
0001-8839-411X) Leibniz-Institute for Zoo and Wildlife 6285-8596) and TANIA GILBERT† (
Research, Berlin, Germany 3898-1508) Marwell Wildlife, Winchester, UK.
*Also at: IUCN SSC Sturgeon Specialist Group EZZEDINE TAGHOUTI ( and
HELA GUIDARA ( Direction
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution licence CC BY 4.0.
Générale des Forêts, Ministre de l’Agriculture, des Ressources
Hydrauliques et de la Pêche Maritime, Tunis, Tunisia
*Also at: Faculty of Science of Tunis, Research Laboratory of
Biodiversity, Management and Conservation of Biological
The crested porcupine in Tunisia’s semi-arid steppes
Systems, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Arid lands and their biodiversity are undervalued and often †Also at: School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of
considered an inefficient investment for conservation fund- Environmental and Life Sciences, University of
ing. However, although they may hold relatively low species Southampton, Southampton, UK
richness and population densities compared to global bio-
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
diversity hotspots, the fauna and flora of these harsh ecosys- Attribution licence CC BY 4.0.
tems are highly adapted and often unique.
The crested porcupine Hystrix cristata, one of North
Africa’s endemic mammals, is a relatively large rodent (c. Wildfire kills Endangered Barbary macaques in
 kg), but because of its nocturnal habit little is known Bouhachem mixed oak forest, Morocco
about its behaviour and distribution across its presumed
range. It is categorized as Least Concern on the IUCN Red In , Morocco experienced a serious drought, resulting
List, but with an unknown population trend. In particular, in numerous forest fires. One of the most serious of these
occurrence data are lacking for Tunisia. Early references occurred in Bouhachem mixed oak forest in the Rif moun-
suggested the crested porcupine occurs extensively from tains, a stronghold for the Endangered Barbary macaque
the north to the southern edge of the Sahara. This reported Macaca sylvanus. This population of the Barbary macaque
range covers diverse habitats from Mediterranean conifer is important in a global context because it resides in con-
forests in northern Tunisia to Saharan steppes in the tinuous forest habitat and is unaffected by the unmanaged
south. However, the IUCN Red List assessment for the spe- primate tourism seen elsewhere in Morocco.
cies reports a narrower range, with a declining distribution On  July, a wildfire spread rapidly in the forest, assisted
restricted to the north of the country. by high winds and tinder dry leaf litter. The fire burned for a
As part of the post-release monitoring of reintroduced large week and wiped out , ha of forest, killing wildlife and
herbivores, camera traps were established in three National livestock, destroying crops and damaging surrounding vil-
Parks in the south of Tunisia; Dghoumes (, ha) and lages. Post-fire, we found the burned bodies of .  maca-
Sidi Toui (, ha) in steppe habitat, and Jbil (, ha) in ques from the two groups closest to our base, which is in
the desert. The camera traps were placed at a spacing of former agricultural land close to the forest. Our monitoring
c. . km along visible animal trails, at knee-height, and set revealed that one of our study groups, which formerly

Oryx, 2023, 57(1), 9–14 © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605322001430 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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