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1.     Batang Quiapo are a city planner tasked with reducing traffic accidents in a
particular area. After analyzing crime mapping data, you discover that the majority of
accidents occur at a particular intersection. What is a potential explanation for this
a) The intersection is poorly designed and difficult to navigate.
b) The intersection lacks proper signage and lighting.
c) The intersection is located near a high-traffic area, increasing the likelihood ofaccidents.
d) The intersection is located near a popular bar, leading to an increase in drunk driving

  2. You are a crime analyst using crime mapping to identify trends in a particular city.
You notice that there is a significant increase in reported thefts of catalytic converters.
What is a potential explanation for this finding?
a) Catalytic converters are valuable due to the precious metals they contain.
b) Catalytic converters are easy to steal due to their location on the underside of vehicles.
c) Catalytic converters are in high demand due to stricter emissions regulations.
d) Catalytic converters are a popular target for theft due to their unique serial numbers

 3.     Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the Great Events Theory of
leadership in police work?
A) A police chief is able to bring about significant changes in departmental policies and
procedures through careful planning and execution.
B) A police officer is promoted to sergeant after demonstrating exceptional leadership skills in
resolving a high-profile case.
C) A group of police officers come together to respond to a major crisis, such as a natural
disaster or terrorist attack.
D) A police commissioner is elected into office after gaining the trust and support of a majority
of officers and community members.

4.   Which of the following statements best describes the Transformational or Process
Leadership Theory in police work?
A) This theory suggests that leaders should focus on establishing and maintaining good
relationships with their subordinates.
B) This theory suggests that leaders should possess certain innate traits that make them
effective leaders.
C) This theory suggests that effective leadership involves a process of inspiring and motivating
subordinates to achieve a common goal.
D) This theory suggests that the effectiveness of a leader depends largely on the context in
which they are leading.

5.  Which of the following best describes the key characteristic of Autocratic Leadership
in police work?
A) It involves a leader who focuses on building strong relationships with their subordinates and
empowering them to take ownership of their work.
B) It involves a leader who delegates authority to their subordinates and encourages them to
work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.
C) It involves a leader who exercises complete control and makes all decisions without input
from subordinates.
D) It involves a leader who is highly charismatic and inspires their subordinates to achieve

6. Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the Servant Leadership style in
police work?
A) A police chief who makes all decisions and expects their subordinates to follow orders
without question.
B) A police officer who delegates authority to their subordinates and encourages them to take
ownership of their work.
C) A police captain who is highly charismatic and inspires their subordinates to achieve
D) A police sergeant who focuses on building strong relationships with their subordinates and
empowering them to achieve their goals.

7.   Which of the following best describes the key characteristic of the Rational/Classical
Model of decision making in police work?
A) It involves decision making based on limited information and bounded rationality.
B) It involves decision making based on intuition and gut feeling.
C) It involves decision making based on a structured and logical approach to problem-solving.
D) It involves decision making based on historical or past data.
8.     A police department has received numerous complaints about excessive use of
force by some of their officers. What would be the most effective strategy for the
department to implement to address this issue?
a) Increase the use of body cameras on officers
b) Provide additional training on de-escalation techniques
c) Implement stricter disciplinary actions for officers who use excessive force
d) Increase the number of officers on patrol to reduce the need for use of force

9.   A police department has been receiving complaints from the community about racial
profiling by some of their officers. What would be the most effective strategy for the
department to implement to address this issue?
a) Increase the diversity of the department's hiring practices
b) Implement stricter disciplinary actions for officers who engage in racial profiling
c) Provide additional training on cultural competency and implicit bias
d) Increase the number of officers on patrol to reduce the need for profiling

10.   A police department is implementing a new program to improve community

relations. Which of the following strategies would be the most effective for the
department to implement in this program?
a) Increase the number of traffic stops to increase interaction between officers and community
b) Host community events and forums to facilitate communication and feedback
c) Increase the use of force in high-crime areas to demonstrate the department's commitment
to safety
d) Implement stricter penalties for minor offenses to deter criminal behavior

11.     strategies would be the most effective for the department to implement to address
A police department has identified a significant increase in drug-related crime in their
community. Which of the following this issue?
a) Increase the number of officers on patrol to catch offenders in the act
b) Implement stricter penalties for drug-related offenses to deter criminal behavior
c) Partner with community organizations to provide addiction treatment and support
d) Increase the use of undercover operations to identify drug dealers and suppliers
12.   A police department is struggling with communication breakdowns between
different units within the department. Which of the following organizational structures
would be the most effective for the department to implement to address this issue?
a) Line organization
b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization
d) Matrix organization

13.  A police department has a strict hierarchy, with officers only able to communicate
with their immediate supervisor. Which principle of police organization is being
a) Principle of unity of objectives
b) Scalar principle
c) Functional principle
d) Line and staff principle

14.   A police department has a detective unit responsible for investigating serious
crimes, while a patrol unit is responsible for responding to calls for service. Which
principle of police organization is being followed?
a) Principle of balance
b) Scalar principle
c) Functional principle
d) Principle of delegation by results

15.  A police department creates a new position for a community liaison officer to work
with community groups to prevent crime. Which principle of police organization is being
a) Principle of parity and responsibility
b) Authority level principle
c) Principle of delegation by results
d) Principle of flexibility

16.   You have recently been appointed as the new Chief of Police in a small town that
has been struggling with high crime rates and low morale among the police force. In an
effort to improve the situation, you have decided to implement different management
approaches that have been studied in the field of police organization and management.
Which of the following management approaches is most likely to help you address the
issue of low morale among the police force?
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

17.  As the Chief of Police of a mid-sized city, you are interested in maximizing the
efficiency of your department. Which management approach would you employ to
achieve this goal? Which management approach would be best suited for improving the
efficiency of a police department?
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

18.   As a new police officer, you are trying to understand the different approaches to
police organization and management. Which management approach emphasizes clear
division of labor, hierarchy, and standardization?
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

19. You are a sergeant in a police department and you are trying to motivate your
subordinates to perform at their best. Which management approach would be most
appropriate? Which management approach emphasizes the importance of motivation
and teamwork to improve performance?   
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

20. As the Chief of Police of a city with diverse communities, you want to implement
policies that are sensitive to cultural differences. Which management approach would
help you achieve this goal? Which management approach emphasizes the importance
of cultural sensitivity and diversity in the workplace?
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

21.   You are a new police officer who wants to understand the different approaches to
management. Which management approach emphasizes the importance of setting
goals and objectives, and coordinating efforts to achieve them?
A) Scientific management
B) Bureaucratic management
C) Administrative management
D) Human relations approach
E) Behavioral science approach

22.   The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has the authority to conduct
investigations and issue clearances for various purposes, such as employment and
travel. Which of the following is NOT a type of clearance that the NBI can issue?
A. Travel clearance for minors
B. Police clearance for firearms licensing
C. Business clearance for operating a bar or restaurant
D. Employment clearance for government positions

23.    The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) is authorized to conduct

operations against illegal drugs and drug-related crimes, subject to certain legal
requirements and procedures. Which of the following is a legal requirement that the
PDEA must observe when conducting operations?
A. Obtaining a warrant from a court of law before conducting searches and seizures
B. Informing the suspect of his or her rights before conducting an arrest
C. Conducting operations only during daytime hours
D. Observing the rules of chain of custody when handling evidence

24.  The Bureau of Immigration is the agency of the Philippine government responsible

for enforcing immigration laws and regulations, including the admission and deportation
of foreign nationals. Which of the following is NOT a power or function of the Bureau of
A. Issuing passports and other travel documents to Filipino citizens
B. Granting visas and permits to foreign nationals who wish to enter and stay in the country
C. Conducting surveillance and investigation on suspected aliens who may pose a threat to
national security
D. Regulating the employment and working conditions of foreign nationals in the country

25.  The Bureau of Immigration may issue various types of visas and permits to foreign
nationals who wish to enter and stay in the country, subject to certain legal
requirements and procedures. Which of the following is a type of visa or permit that the
Bureau of Immigration may issue to foreign nationals?
A. Alien Employment Permit (AEP)
B. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
C. Barangay Clearance
D. Police Clearance

26.   The Bureau of Customs may seize and confiscate goods that are illegally imported
or smuggled into the country. Which of the following is a ground for the confiscation of
imported goods under Philippine customs laws?
A. The imported goods are intended for personal use and not for sale or commercial purposes
B. The imported goods are accompanied by valid import permits and licenses issued by the
relevant government agencies
C. The imported goods are found to be misdeclared, undervalued, or falsely declared to evade
customs duties and taxes
D. The imported goods are bought and paid for in a foreign country and are shipped directly to
the Philippines without any middleman or agent

27.  The Alertness to Crime Theory posits that the level of crime in a society can be
reduced by increasing the awareness and vigilance of citizens. Which of the following is
NOT a recommendation based on this theory?
A. Encouraging citizens to report suspicious activity
B. Increasing police patrols and visibility
C. Providing citizens with self-defense training
D. Reducing funding for community-based crime prevention programs

28.   A police department is experiencing rapid growth and needs to expand their
administrative capacity. Which of the following organizational structures would be the
most effective for the department to implement to address this issue?
a) Line organization
b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization
d) Matrix organization

29.  A police department is experiencing high turnover rates among their officers. Which
of the following organizational structures would be the most effective for the department
to implement to address this issue?
A) Line organization
B) Line and staff organization
C) Functional organization
D) Matrix organization

30.   A police department is struggling to effectively allocate resources across different

units within the department. Which of the following organizational structures would be
the most effective for the department to implement to address this issue?
a) Line organization
b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization
d) Matrix organization

31.   A police department is tasked with reducing crime in a particular area. Officers are
assigned to patrol the area and make arrests, while others are assigned to work with
community groups to prevent crime. Which principle of police organization is being
a) Principle of unity of objectives
b) Scalar principle
c) Functional principle
d) Principle of delegation by results

32.  The Theory of Anomie and Synomie suggests that crime rates are higher in
societies with weak social norms and values. Which of the following is an example of a
society with weak social norms and values?
A. A society that values individualism and personal achievement
B. A society that places a high value on education and hard work
C. A society that encourages community involvement and social responsibility
D. A society that places a low value on the rule of law and public morality

33.   A police officer is patrolling a low-crime residential area and taking a proactive
approach to community problems by engaging with residents and addressing their
concerns. Which style of policing is the officer employing?
A) Legalistic
B) Watchman
C) Service
D) None of the above

34. INTERPOL is an international organization that facilitates cooperation between

police forces from different countries. Which of the following statements about
INTERPOL is true?  
a. INTERPOL is a law enforcement agency that has the power to make arrests.
b. INTERPOL is a governmental organization that has the power to enforce international law.
c. INTERPOL is a non-governmental organization that serves as a central point of contact for
police agencies around the world.
d. INTERPOL is a private organization that provides training and equipment to police agencies in
developing countries.

35. The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote

international cooperation and maintain peace and security. Which of the following is an
agency of the UN that is responsible for crime prevention and criminal justice?
a. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
b. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
c. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
d. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

36.   ASEANAPOL is an organization that promotes cooperation among police forces in

Southeast Asia. Which of the following statements about ASEANAPOL is true?
a. ASEANAPOL is a law enforcement agency that has the power to make arrests.
b. ASEANAPOL is a non-governmental organization that provides training and equipment to
police agencies in Southeast Asia.
c. ASEANAPOL is a regional organization that promotes cooperation among police forces in
Southeast Asia.
d. ASEANAPOL is a private organization that operates as a for-profit business.

37.   You are walking home late at night and notice someone following you. What is the
best course of action to take?
A) Ignore the person and continue walking.
B) Confront the person and ask them why they are following you.
C) Change your route or find a well-lit and populated area.
D) Call the police immediately.

38.   You work for a company that is planning to launch a new product in a few months.
You overhear some employees discussing the details of the product in a public place.
What is the best course of action to take?
A) Ignore the conversation and go about your business.
B) Report the conversation to your supervisor or the security department.
C) Confront the employees and ask them to stop discussing the product in public.
D) Join the conversation and contribute to it.

39. You work for a company that manufactures sensitive equipment for the military. You
notice that an employee has been taking pictures of the equipment with their personal
phone. What is the best course of action to take?
A) Ignore the behavior and assume that the employee is taking the pictures for harmless
B) Confront the employee and ask them to delete the pictures.
C) Report the behavior to your supervisor or the security department.
D) Ask the employee for their reasons for taking the pictures.
40.  You are responsible for designing the lighting system for a new parking garage.
Which type of lighting would be the most appropriate to ensure continuous lighting in the
event of a power outage?
A) GLARE lighting.
B) Controlled lighting.
C) Standby lighting.
D) Emergency lighting.

41. You work for a construction company that often works at night. Which type of
lighting would be the most appropriate for illuminating work areas and equipment?
A) GLARE lighting.
B) Controlled lighting.
C) Standby lighting.
D) Movable or portable lighting.

42. You are in charge of the emergency lighting system for a hospital. During a power
outage, you notice that some emergency lights are not functioning properly. What is the
best course of action to take?
A) Wait for the power to come back on and assume that the lights will work properly.
B) Ignore the malfunctioning lights and focus on other tasks.
C) Inspect and repair the malfunctioning lights as soon as possible.
D) Replace the malfunctioning lights with new ones.

43.  You are organizing an outdoor event that will take place in the evening. Which type
of lighting equipment would be the most appropriate to ensure adequate illumination of
the event space?
A) Floodlights.
B) Searchlights.
C) Fresnel lights.
D) Street lights

44.   As a police officer, you receive a notification from the central alarm monitoring
station that an alarm has been triggered at a local business. What is the appropriate
course of action?
A) Ignore the notification and wait for the business owner to call the police.
B) Respond to the business immediately and investigate the cause of the alarm.
C) Call the central monitoring station to confirm the alarm before responding.
D) Wait for a second alarm to be triggered before responding.

45.   You are investigating a break-in at a local bank. The bank has a proprietary alarm
system that is not monitored by a central monitoring station. What is the appropriate
course of action?
A) Wait for the bank to call the police.
B) Contact the bank and request access to the alarm system.
C) Ignore the alarm and focus on other leads.
D) Request a search warrant to gain access to the alarm system.

46.  You are patrolling a residential area when you hear an alarm sounding at a local
residence. What is the appropriate course of action?
A) Ignore the alarm and continue patrolling.
B) Contact the homeowner to confirm the alarm.
C) Respond to the residence immediately and investigate the cause of the alarm.
D) Request backup before responding to the residence.

47.   You are investigating a fire at a local warehouse. The warehouse has an auxiliary
alarm system that is connected to the fire department. What is the appropriate course of
A) Ignore the alarm and focus on other leads.
B) Wait for the fire department to arrive before entering the warehouse.
C) Enter the warehouse immediately and investigate the cause of the fire.
D) Contact the warehouse owner to confirm the alarm.

48. You are on duty when you receive a notification from a dial alarm system at a local
residence. What is the appropriate course of action?
A) Ignore the notification and wait for the homeowner to call the police.
B) Respond to the residence immediately and investigate the cause of the alarm.
C) Contact the homeowner to confirm the alarm before responding.
D) Request backup before responding to the residence.
49.  As a police officer, you are called to a residential property where the homeowner
has reported a break-in. Upon arrival, you notice that the front door has a protective lock
installed. What should you do?
A) Attempt to force the lock open to gain entry.
B) Contact a locksmith to open the lock.
C) Wait for the homeowner to arrive and provide access.
D) Use a bypass tool to open the lock

50.  You are investigating a burglary at a local hardware store. The suspect was caught
on surveillance video using a tool to open the door. What type of lock was most likely
installed on the door?*
A) Pin tumbler lock
B) Cylinder lock
C) Mortise lock
D) Combination lock

51.  You are called to a residential property where the homeowner has reported a
break-in. Upon arrival, you notice that the front door has a deadbolt lock installed. What
type of deadbolt lock is the most secure?*
A) Single cylinder deadbolt
B) Double cylinder deadbolt
C) Thumbturn deadbolt
D) Vertical deadbolt

52.   As a security manager, you want to ensure that keys are only issued to authorized
personnel and cannot be duplicated without permission. Which type of key control
system would be most appropriate for this purpose?*
A) Mechanical key control system
B) Electronic key control system
C) Combination key control system
D) Manual key control system

53. You are investigating a burglary at a construction site where equipment has been
stolen. The site manager tells you that keys were left in the ignition of the equipment
overnight. What type of key control system should have been used to prevent this theft?
A) Manual key control system
B) Mechanical key control system
C) Electronic key control system
D) Combination key control system

54. You are reviewing the security measures of a local hotel and notice that the keys for
the guest rooms are marked with the room numbers. What type of key control system is
A) Electronic key control system
B) Combination key control system
C) Mechanical key control system
D) None of the above

55.  As a bank manager, you want to secure the bank's cash reserves and other
valuables. Which type of protective cabinet would be most appropriate for this purpose?
A) Safe
B) Vault
C) File room
D) None of the above

56.   You are a security consultant advising a small business owner on ways to protect
sensitive documents from theft and fire. Which type of protective cabinet would be most
appropriate for this purpose?*
A) Safe
B) Vault
C) File room
D) None of the above

57.   As a government employee, you are responsible for securing confidential files
containing sensitive information. Which type of protective cabinet would be most
appropriate for this purpose?*
A) Safe
B) Vault
C) File room
D) None of the above

58. You are the security manager of a manufacturing plant that has multiple production
areas with varying levels of access control. Which type of pass system would be most
appropriate to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to each area?*
A) Single pass
B) Pass exchange
C) Multiple pass
D) None of the above

59. You are the security manager of a high-security facility where only a limited number
of people are authorized to enter. Which type of pass system would be most appropriate
to ensure that only authorized personnel have access?*
A) Single pass
B) Pass exchange
C) Multiple pass
D) None of the above

60. You are a security consultant hired to improve the security of a large office building
with many tenants. Which type of pass system would be most appropriate to ensure that
tenants only have access to their designated floors?*
A) Single pass
B) Pass exchange
C) Multiple pass
D) None of the above

61.  As a hiring manager for a federal agency, you need to conduct a background check
on a job applicant to ensure their suitability for a sensitive position. Which type of
investigation would be most appropriate for this purpose?*
A) National agency check
B) Local agency check
C) Both national and local agency checks
D) None of the above

62.   As a security officer for a large corporation, you need to conduct a background
check on a job applicant to ensure their suitability for a position that involves access to
proprietary information. Which type of investigation would be most appropriate for this
A) National agency check
B) Local agency check
C) Both national and local agency checks
D) None of the above

63.   As a security consultant for a small business, you need to conduct a background
check on a job applicant to ensure their suitability for a position that involves handling
customer information. Which type of investigation would be most appropriate for this
A) National agency check
B) Local agency check
C) Both national and local agency checks
D) None of the above

64.  As a business owner, you need to identify which of your company's documents are
critical to its operation and survival in the event of a disaster. Which type of document
should you prioritize for protection and backup?*
A) Vital documents
B) Important documents
C) Useful documents
D) Non-essential documents

65.   As a department manager, you need to decide which documents to keep on hand
for quick and easy access, but that are not necessarily critical to the business's
operation or survival. Which type of document should you prioritize for this purpose?*
A) Vital documents
B) Important documents
C) Useful documents
D) Non-essential documents

66.  As a business administrator, you need to determine which of your company's

documents can be stored off-site or in a digital format to reduce clutter and save space.
Which type of document would be the best candidate for this purpose?*
A) Vital documents
B) Important documents
C) Useful documents
D) Non-essential documents

67.   A company has been experiencing the theft of valuable equipment and supplies
over an extended period of time. The company's security team has identified that the
thefts are carried out systematically by employees who work in collusion with outsiders.
What type of human-made hazard is this?*
A) Sabotage
B) Espionage
C) Casual pilferage
D) Systematic pilferage
68.  A foreign nation has been covertly trying to obtain secret information about a
company's new technology, production processes, and trade secrets. What type of
human-made hazard is this?*
A) Sabotage
B) Espionage
C) Casual pilferage
D) Systematic pilferage

69.  A group of disgruntled employees has been intentionally causing damage to the
company's production processes and equipment, resulting in significant financial losses
for the business. What type of human-made hazard is this?*
A) Sabotage
B) Espionage
C) Casual pilferage
D) Systematic pilferage

70.    A security survey is a systematic assessment of a facility's security posture to

identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Which of the following is a key
objective of a security survey?*
A) To apprehend potential security threats
B) To identify and assess potential security vulnerabilities
C) To prosecute perpetrators of past security incidents
D) To determine the cost of security upgrades

71.   A security inspection is a visual inspection of a facility's physical security systems

and procedures. Which of the following is a key objective of a security inspection?*
A) To apprehend potential security threats
B) To identify and assess potential security vulnerabilities
C) To prosecute perpetrators of past security incidents
D) To determine the cost of security upgrades

72.    A security investigation is a systematic inquiry into a security incident or issue to

determine the cause and identify potential perpetrators. Which of the following is a key
objective of a security investigation?*
A) To identify and assess potential security vulnerabilities
B) To determine the cost of security upgrades
C) To determine the cause and identify potential perpetrators of a security incident
D) To prevent future security incidents from occurring
73.   Which of the following is the key difference between a security survey, a security
inspection, and a security investigation?*
A) A security survey assesses potential security vulnerabilities, a security inspection identifies
potential security threats, and a security investigation determines the cause of a security
B) A security survey assesses potential security vulnerabilities, a security inspection identifies
potential security threats, and a security investigation identifies potential perpetrators of a
security incident.
C) A security survey assesses potential security vulnerabilities, a security inspection identifies
potential security threats, and a security investigation prevents future security incidents from
D) A security survey assesses potential security vulnerabilities, a security inspection identifies
potential security threats, and a security investigation evaluates the cost of security upgrades.

74.  A dry-run is a simulated exercise or rehearsal of a security plan or procedure.

Which of the following is a key objective of a dry-run?*
A) To identify potential security vulnerabilities
B) To determine the cause of a security incident
C) To prevent future security incidents from occurring
D) To test and evaluate the effectiveness of a security plan or procedure

75.   A police department is planning to implement a new program to reduce crime in a

particular neighborhood. The department wants to involve community members in the
planning process to ensure the program is responsive to their needs. Which approach
to planning is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Synoptic Approach
B) Incremental Approach
C) Transactive Approach
D) Advocacy Approach
E) Radical Approach

76.  A police chief wants to reduce the use of force by officers in the department.
However, many officers are resistant to change and prefer the status quo. Which
approach to planning is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Synoptic Approach
B) Incremental Approach
C) Transactive Approach
D) Advocacy Approach
E) Radical Approach
77.    A police department has a long history of racial discrimination and is facing
pressure from the community to address the issue. The department decides to conduct
a comprehensive review of its policies and practices to identify and eliminate
discriminatory practices. Which approach to planning is most appropriate in this
A) Synoptic Approach
B) Incremental Approach
C) Transactive Approach
D) Advocacy Approach
E) Radical Approach

78.   A police department has noticed an increase in burglaries in a particular

neighborhood and wants to implement a plan to reduce the incidence of burglaries.
Which type of plan is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Reactive Plan
B) Proactive Plan
C) Visionary Plan
D) Strategic Plan

79.    A police department wants to improve its community engagement efforts and
enhance public trust. Which type of plan is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Reactive Plan
B) Proactive Plan
C) Visionary Plan
D) Strategic Plan

80.   A police department wants to be recognized as the most innovative and

technologically advanced law enforcement agency in the region. Which type of plan is
most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Reactive Plan
B) Proactive Plan
C) Visionary Plan
D) Strategic Plan

81.  A police department wants to reduce crime rates in the city over the next five years.
Which type of plan is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Strategic or Long Range Plan
B) Intermediate or Medium Range Plan
C) Operational or Short Range Plan
D) Tactical Plan
82.  A police department wants to implement a new community policing program over
the next six months. Which type of plan is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Strategic or Long Range Plan
B) Intermediate or Medium Range Plan
C) Operational or Short Range Plan
D) Tactical Plan

83.   A police department wants to increase patrol visibility in high crime areas over the
next week. Which type of plan is most appropriate in this situation?*
A) Strategic or Long Range Plan
B) Intermediate or Medium Range Plan
C) Operational or Short Range Plan
D) Tactical Plan

84.   A police department is developing procedures for how officers should respond to a
hostage situation. Which type of procedural plan is this?*
A) Field Procedure
B) Headquarters Procedure
C) Special Operation Procedure
D) Operational Procedure

85.   A police department is developing procedures for how officers should handle traffic
control during a major sporting event. Which type of procedural plan is this?*
A) Field Procedure
B) Headquarters Procedure
C) Special Operation Procedure
D) Operational Procedure

86.  A police department is developing procedures for how officers should handle
requests for public records. Which type of procedural plan is this?*
A) Field Procedure
B) Headquarters Procedure
C) Special Operation Procedure
D) Operational Procedure

87. A police chief wants to develop a plan to reduce the number of burglaries in a
particular neighborhood. Which step in the police operational planning process involves
identifying the goals and objectives of the plan?*
A) Framing the reference
B) Clarifying the problems
C) Collecting all pertinent facts
D) Developing alternative plans

88.   A police department has identified a problem with officers not wearing their body
cameras consistently. Which step in the police operational planning process involves
gathering information about the problem, such as why officers are not wearing the
A) Framing the reference
B) Clarifying the problems
C) Collecting all pertinent facts
D) Analyzing the facts

89.  A police department has identified a problem with excessive use of force by
officers. Which step in the police operational planning process involves developing
potential solutions to the problem?*
A) Developing alternative plans
B) Selecting the most appropriate alternative
C) Selling the plan
D) Arranging for execution of the plan

90.   A police department has identified a problem with a high number of traffic
accidents at a particular intersection. Which step in the police operational planning
process involves evaluating the effectiveness of the plan after it has been implemented?
A) Framing the reference
B) Analyzing the facts
C) Evaluating the effectiveness of the plan
D) Selling the plan

91.    A police department wants to reduce the amount of overtime that officers are
working. Which step in the police operational planning process involves selecting the
best solution from among the alternatives that have been developed?*
A) Developing alternative plans
B) Selecting the most appropriate alternative
C) Arranging for execution of the plan
D) Evaluating the effectiveness of the plan

92..     A police department has identified a problem with officers not receiving sufficient
training on new technology. Which step in the police operational planning process
involves persuading stakeholders, such as the police union or city council, to support
the plan?
A) Framing the reference
B) Selling the plan
C) Developing alternative plans
D) Analyzing the facts

93.   A police department wants to develop a plan to improve community relations in a

particular neighborhood. Which step in the police operational planning process involves
collecting data and conducting research to better understand the problem and its
underlying causes?
A) Collecting all pertinent facts
B) Analyzing the facts
C) Arranging for execution of the plan
D) Framing the reference

94.   You are a crime analyst using crime mapping to identify trends in a particular city.
You notice that there is a significant increase in reported burglaries during the holiday
season. What is a potential explanation for this finding?
a) Burglars take advantage of the reduced police presence during the holidays.
b) Burglars are more likely to target homes that are empty during holiday travel.
c) Burglars are more likely to be caught due to increased vigilance from homeowners during the
d) Burglars are more likely to be deterred by holiday decorations.

95.    You are a law enforcement officer tasked with reducing gang violence in a
particular neighborhood. After analyzing crime mapping data, you discover that the
majority of gang violence occurs near a particular park. What is a potential explanation
for this finding?
a) The park is a popular hangout spot for gang members.
b) The park is located near a rival gang's territory.
c) The park is poorly lit and lacks surveillance cameras, making it an easy target for violence.
d) The park is located near a popular bar, which attracts violent individuals.

96.    You are the head of security for a large corporation. One of your employees has
reported that their personal laptop was stolen from their desk overnight. The employee
claims that they had sensitive company information stored on the laptop, including
customer data and financial information. What should be your immediate action in
response to this incident?
a) Notify the employee that they are responsible for the loss of company data
b) Conduct a thorough investigation and report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement
c) Ignore the incident as it is a personal matter and not related to company security
d) Increase security measures for the entire office to prevent future thefts

97.    You work as a security guard in a museum that houses valuable and rare artifacts.
One night, you notice a window is broken and someone is attempting to enter the
building. What is the best course of action to take?
A) Confront the individual and attempt to restrain them until the police arrive.
B) Call the police and then confront the individual.
C) Observe the individual from a safe distance and call the police.
D) Do nothing and hope that the individual does not steal anything.

98.   You are the manager of a large company and you need to hire a new employee for
a high-level position. During the interview process, you discover that the candidate has
a criminal record for embezzlement. What is the best course of action to take?
A) Hire the candidate and keep a close eye on them to ensure they do not commit any illegal
B) Do not hire the candidate and notify them that their criminal record was the reason.
C) Do not hire the candidate but do not disclose the reason for the decision.
D) Hire the candidate and do not disclose their criminal record to anyone.

99.    You work for a government agency that deals with classified information. You
receive an email from an unknown sender that contains a document with classified
information. What is the best course of action to take?
A) Forward the email to your colleagues and supervisors to see if they recognize the sender or
the document.
B) Respond to the email and ask the sender for more information about the document.
C) Delete the email and do not open the attachment.
D) Forward the email and the attachment to the authorities for investigation.

100.      Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the Garbage Can Model of
decision making in police work?
A) A police officer who makes a quick decision based on intuition and gut feeling.
B) A police chief who evaluates all options and selects the best alternative based on a
structured and logical approach.
C) A police captain who makes a decision based on past experiences or historical data.
D) A police department that makes decisions in a chaotic and unstructured environment.

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