Design Calculations

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Design Calculations:

Engine speed (RPM): 3000 RPM
Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP): 10 bar
Mechanical efficiency: 85% (0.85)
Bore Diameter: 100mm
Stroke Length: 150mm
Fuel flow rate: 5 kg/hr
Calorific value of the fuel: 45,000 kJ/kg
Air density (Wden): 1.2 kg/m^3
Number of cylinders (NoOfCyl): 1

1. Cylinder Volume (Vc):

Vc = (π/4) x bore^2 x stroke
Vc = (3.14159/4) x 100^2 x 150
Vc ≈ 3.14159 x 10000 x 150
Vc ≈ 471,238.8985 cubic millimeters

2. Clearance Volume (Vcl):

Vcl = (compression ratio−1)

Vcl = ¿

Vcl ≈ 31,415.9266 cubic millimeters

3. Total Cylinder Volume (Vt):
Vt = Vc + Vcl
Vt ≈ 471,238.8985 + 31,415.9266
Vt ≈ 502,654.8251 cubic millimeters

4. Compression Volume (Vcm):

Vcm = Vt - Vcl
Vcm ≈ 502,654.8251 - 31,415.9266
Vcm ≈ 471,238.8985 cubic millimeters

5. Swept Volume (Vs):

Vs = Vc - Vcl
Vs ≈ 471,238.8985 - 31,415.9266
Vs ≈ 439,822.9719 cubic millimeters

6. Engine Power:
( IMEP x Vs x N)
Engine Power (kW) =
(10 x 0.4398229719 x 3000)

≈ 0.2199 kW (or 219.9 W)

7. Brake Power:
Brake Power (kW) = Engine Power (kW) x Mechanical Efficiency
= 0.2199 kW x 0.85
≈ 0.1869 kW (or 186.9 W)
8. Mean Piston Speed (MPS):
(2 x Stroke x N )
(2 x 150 x 3000)

= 900 m/min

9. Displacement Volume per Cylinder:

Displacement Volume = (π/4) x Bore^2 x Stroke
= (3.14159/4) x 100^2 x 150
≈ 3,534,291.736 cubic millimeters

10. Mass of Air Inhaled per Cylinder per Stroke:

Assuming atmospheric pressure of 1 bar and air density of 1.225 kg/m^3:
( Displacement Volume)
Mass of Air = x Density

= (3,534.291) x 1.225
≈ 4,326.805 kg

11. Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP):

(Brake Power x 60,000)
BMEP = ( Displacement Volume x N )

(0.1869 x 60,000)
= (3,534,291.736 x 3000)

≈ 0.000033 bar.

12. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC):

Fuel flow rate
BSFC = Brake Power

5 kg/hr
= (0.1869 kW ∗1000)[ converting kW ¿W ]

=26.74 kg/kW

13. Brake Thermal Efficiency:

( Fuel flow rate∗Calorific value)
BThEff = ( Brake Power∗3600)

(5 kg / hr∗45,000 kJ /kg)
= (0.1869 kW∗3600)

= 0.1682 (or 16.82%)

14. Indicated Thermal Efficiency:

( Fuel flow rate∗Calorific value)
IThEff = (Engine Power∗3600)

(5 kg /hr∗45,000 kJ /kg)
= (0.2199 kW ∗3600)

= 0.1418 (or 14.18%)

15. Air Flow:

( 4∗(d )∗h∗N∗Wden∗VolEff )
Airflow =
( 4∗(0.1 )∗0.15∗3000∗1.2∗0.9)

= 1.296 kg/hr

16. Volumetric Efficiency:

( Air Flow∗60)
VolEff =
( NoOfCyl∗(d 2 )∗h∗N∗Wden)
(1.296 kg /hr∗60)
(1∗(0.12 )∗0.15∗3000∗1.2)

= 0.89 or 89%

17. Air-Fuel Ratio:

Air Flow
AirFuelRatio = Fuel Flow Rate

1.296 kg/hr
= 5 kg/hr


18. Break Mean Effective Pressure:

BMEP = 2
( π∗d ∗L∗N∗NoOfCyl)

(2∗0.1869 kW )
= 2
( π∗(0.1 m) ∗0.15 m∗3000 RPM∗1)

=2.607 bar

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