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Noreen de Geron Final Term Activity :Writing Activity 1 and 2

Purposive Communication – GESUMMER2 June 29, 2022

1. Which among the four workplace dynamics do you perceive to be the most challenging?
Explain in not more than 5 properly phrased sentences.

The four dynamics of the workplace that stand out the most to me are the following.
Diversity in the workplace is the biggest obstacle, in my opinion. Since it consists of multiple
people working together. There is a generation gap in a multi-generational workforce, and I
worry about how well they will get along. Perhaps some of them act like children, while the rest
are too grown up to hang out with them. Also, with regards to the company's culture, I recognize
that everyone's opinions should be treated with dignity, but it's impossible to avoid the criticism
of those around us.

2. How can communication help in organization to reach out to clients and offer their products
and services? Explain briefly by using your own words.

In order to attract new customers and retain existing ones, it's important to have open
communication. Building a strong relationship with current customers, reaching out to new ones,
and resolving customer issues all benefit from having good communication skills.

3. In your academic institution, create an infographic identifying three (3) people who belong to
each of the different generations mentioned in this lesson. Substantiate your findings with data as
to their ages, and assigned position or rankings. (Ex. The President, The College Dean and the
Secretary or staff.

1. Differentiate Academic writing with Technical writing. Give specific examples.

Procedures are identical to those used in technical writing. To ensure that everyone is on
the same page, a detailed explanation of the procedure is necessary. From commercial
correspondence to product specifications and editorial correspondence, it conveys technical
information like engineering and scientific investigations as simply as feasible. Academic
writing tends to be more descriptive than other forms of writing since it is focused on a particular
field. In academic settings, such as journals and textbooks, the sophisticated style of this writing
is very useful.

2. What do we mean with straight forward wording in Technical writing?

In contrast to more flowery forms of prose, technical writing aims to convey its subject
matter clearly and concisely. It is a clear and succinct method of explaining the nature of a
phenomenon and how it functions. All writing does not require an imaginative approach.
Although most readers would rather be entertained than read, there are occasions when a simple
description is all that's needed. Technical writers are employed in cases where more specialized
content is required, such as when a user manual or a product description is needed.

3. There are three (3) forms of accuracy. Differentiate each of them.

Document accuracy-refers to the proper coverage of your topics inappropriate detail.
Stylistic accuracy- concerns the careful use of language to express meaning.
Technical accuracy- requires stylistic accuracy but is not based solely on it

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