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Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335

Current understanding of increased insulin sensitivity after
exercise – emerging candidates

S. J. Maarbjerg, L. Sylow and E. A. Richter

Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Received 31 August 2010, Abstract

revision requested 17 October Exercise counteracts insulin resistance and improves glucose homeostasis in
many ways. Apart from increasing muscle glucose uptake quickly, exercise
final revision received 16 February
2011, also clearly increases muscle insulin sensitivity in the post-exercise period.
accepted 22 February 2011 This review will focus on the mechanisms responsible for this increased insulin
Correspondence: E. A. Richter, sensitivity. It is believed that increased sarcolemmal content of the glucose
Molecular Physiology Group, transporter GLUT4 can explain the phenomenon to some extent. Surprisingly
Department of Exercise and Sport
no improvement in the proximal insulin signalling pathway is observed at the
Sciences, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen
level of the insulin receptor, IRS1, PI3K or Akt. Recently more distal signalling
DK-2100, Denmark. component in the insulin signalling pathway such as aPKC, Rac1, TBC1D4
E-mail: and TBC1D1 have been described. These are all affected by both insulin and
exercise which means that they are likely converging points in promoting
GLUT4 translocation and therefore possible candidates for regulating insulin
sensitivity after exercise. Whereas TBC1D1 does not appear to regulate
insulin sensitivity after exercise, correlative evidence in contrast suggests
TBC1D4 to be a relevant candidate. Little is known about aPKC and Rac1 in
relation to insulin sensitivity after exercise. Besides mechanisms involved in
signalling to GLUT4 translocation, factors influencing the trans-sarcolemmal
glucose concentration gradient might also be important. With regard to the
interstitial glucose concentration microvascular perfusion is particular rele-
vant as correlative evidence supports a connection between insulin sensitivity
and microvascular perfusion. Thus, there are new candidates at several levels
which collectively might explain the phenomenon.
Keywords GLUT4, molecular signalling, muscle, TBC1D1, TBC1D4.

primarily caused by insulin resistance in liver, adipose

tissue and skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle represents
The world is facing a huge challenge with the epidemic around 40% of human body mass and might account
prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) throughout the for up to 90% of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake
world (Day 2007). Epidemiological evidence strongly (DeFronzo et al. 1985). This highlights the potential of
associates the development of T2D with obesity and factors that can increase insulin sensitivity in muscle.
physical inactivity (Wei et al. 1999). At the same time Exercise training probably benefits from adaptations in
longitudinal studies support that reduction in obesity muscle such as increased capillary density, increased
and increased physical activity are central in both expression of proteins regulating metabolism and
prevention and treatment of T2D (Eriksson & Lind- increased abundance of oxidative fibres. More impor-
garde 1991, Pan et al. 1997). tant might be that exercise training repeatedly induces a
Central to the aetiology of T2D is impaired capacity post-exercise situation (Wojtaszewski & Richter 2006).
of insulin to regulate glucose homeostasis. This is Increased insulin sensitivity in this period appears at

Ó 2011 The Authors

Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x 323
Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise Æ S J Maarbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335

least partly to involve increased GLUT4 translocation

(Hansen et al. 1998, Geiger et al. 2006). However,
factors besides those involving GLUT4 translocation
might also contribute to the phenomenon.
The mechanisms involved in increased insulin sensi-
tivity after exercise attracts increasing attention because
of the continued growth in prevalence of T2D. Under-
standing these mechanisms can potentially be used in
drug development as well as in designing effective
lifestyle changes. In this review we will present our
current understanding of the possible mechanisms that
regulate increased insulin sensitivity after a single bout
of exercise.
Figure 1 Exercise increases sensitivity of glucose uptake to
Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise – insulin in human muscle. Prior one-legged knee extensor
consequence of local changes in muscles exercise improves insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake in the
exercised compared with the rested leg in healthy human
Improved insulin action after acute treadmill exercise subjects as indicated by the reduction in insulin concentration
was first demonstrated in 1982 by Richter et al. in eliciting half maximal glucose uptake response (glucose uptake
perfused isolated rat hindquarters (Richter et al. 1982). is given as % of maximal increase). The graph is reproduced
Shortly after, a study demonstrated that the phenome- from Wojtaszewski et al. (2002) and based on data extracted
non could be ascribed to the previously contracted from Richter et al. (1989). Reproduced with permission.
muscles. This was done in a rat model where one leg
was stimulated electrically (via the sciatic nerve) to tion is not necessary (Cartee et al. 1989, Gulve et al.
contract while the opposite leg was resting. Subse- 1990, Gao et al. 1994a, Funai et al. 2010). Secondly, a
quently both hindlimbs were perfused with a perfusate pivotal observation is that increased sensitivity of
containing insulin, and glucose uptake was observed to glucose uptake at least partly can be explained by
be markedly increased in the previously contracted increased insulin-stimulated sarcolemmal GLUT4 con-
muscles compared to the non-stimulated control mus- tent (Hansen et al. 1998, Geiger et al. 2006). The issue
cles (Richter et al. 1984). These early findings in rodents then is: What part of the GLUT4 translocation machin-
have subsequently been supported by human studies ery is amplified after a single bout of exercise?
using the one-legged exercise model followed by an
euglycaemic hyperinsulinemic clamp (Richter et al.
Increased insulin sensitivity persist several
1989, Wojtaszewski et al. 1997, 2000, Thong et al.
hours after exercise
2003, Frosig et al. 2007). Dose–response studies have
demonstrated that increased insulin action occurs at It has been known for a long time that physical exercise
submaximal insulin concentrations and therefore has acute beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis [For
mainly is an outcome of decreased Km. This can be review see (Goodyear & Kahn 1998)]. The overall
visualized as a leftward shift in the dose–response curve capacity of a single bout of exercise to improve
for insulin action on glucose uptake (Fig. 1) glycaemic control can be ascribed to several events in
(Wojtaszewski et al. 2002). This means that the phe- relation to exercise. First, during muscle contractions
nomenon is important at physiological insulin concen- glucose uptake can increase up to 20-fold depending on
trations and therefore relevant for daily life. This time and intensity (Rose & Richter 2005). However, in
relevance is furthermore supported by studies demon- the post-exercise state glucose uptake is also favoured
strating increased insulin sensitivity after 30–60 min of depending on the type and intensity of the preceding
cycling in both healthy, insulin resistant and type 2 exercise bout. The post-exercise state can be character-
diabetic subjects (Bogardus et al. 1983, Devlin & ized by a period where the capacity for glucose uptake is
Horton 1985, Devlin et al. 1987, Mikines et al. 1988). improved because of two phenomena: (1) residual effect
In addition to studies comparing corresponding of the contraction-stimulated glucose uptake which is
rested and exercised muscles within the same individual, independent of insulin (Fig. 2a) and (2) increased
studies with other approaches furthermore indirectly sensitivity towards insulin (Fig. 2a,b) (Garetto et al.
support that post-exercise increased insulin sensitivity is 1984, Richter et al. 1984). Contraction-stimulated glu-
a local phenomenon. Firstly it is shown that despite a cose uptake usually reverses completely within few
serum factor appears essential for developing increased hours (Fig. 2a,b), in contrast, increased insulin sensitiv-
insulin sensitivity after exercise, intact systemic circula- ity persists for longer time and has in some situations

Ó 2011 The Authors

324 Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335 S J Maarbjerg et al. Æ Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise
(a) Glucose utilization to the sarcolemma (Hansen et al. 1998, Geiger et al.
~ 0.5 h after exercise 2006). A straight forward explanation could therefore
Rest simply be that insulin signalling to GLUT4 transloca-
~ 0.5 h post exercise tion is generally enhanced. This is however not the case.
10 Human studies (Wojtaszewski et al. 1997, 2000, Frosig
et al. 2007) as well as rat studies (Goodyear et al. 1995,
μmol g–1 h–1

8 Funai et al. 2010) report increased insulin sensitivity

without simultaneous increase in proximal insulin
signalling. This includes measures such as insulin
4 receptor tyrosine kinase activity, insulin receptor sub-
strate 1 (IRS1) tyrosine phosphorylation, IRS1-asso-
ciated phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) activity,
0 Akt ser473/thr308 phosphorylation and GSK3 phos-
0 μU/mL 75 μU/mL phorylation/activity (Fig. 3) (Wojtaszewski et al. 1997,
Insulin concentration 2000). Actually IRS1-associated PI3K activity has by
some been reported to be blunted by prior exercise
(b) Glucose utilization (Goodyear et al. 1995, Wojtaszewski et al. 1997). On
14 ~ 2.5 h after exercise
the other hand a few studies do report increased Akt
Rest thr308 phosphorylation (Arias et al. 2007, Funai et al.
~ 2.5 h post exercise
2009). However, the increased phosphorylation status
10 on thr308 is not reflected by increased Akt activity and
μmol g–1 h–1

therefore it probably has no functional relevance (Funai

et al. 2009).
6 Based on these negative findings it could be argued
that it is more relevant to focus on steps that are
common for exercise and insulin stimulation and
2 additionally may control glucose uptake. If carry over
effects from prior exercise exist in common signalling
0 μU/mL 75 μU/mL
steps, it may explain the additive response in glucose
uptake. Glucose uptake is classically regarded as regu-
Insulin concentration
lated by three main steps in vivo: delivery, transport and
Figure 2 Glucose utilization and insulin-stimulated glucose intracellular metabolism. All three steps appear to be
utilization at approximately 0.5 and 2.5 h after cessation of regulated by exercise as well as by insulin and are
exercise in rats. (a) Glucose utilization and insulin-stimulated discussed below.
glucose utilization by perfused rat hindquarter approximately
0.5 h after high-intensity treadmill exercise. After cessation of
exercise the rat hindquarter was either perfused with a per- Intracellular metabolism
fusate containing insulin at 0 lU ml)1 or 75 lU ml)1. (b)
Intracellular metabolism covers phosphorylation of
Glucose utilization and insulin-stimulated glucose utilization
glucose to glucose-6-phosphate and subsequent metab-
approximately 2.5 h after high-intensity treadmill exercise.
Data are extracted from Garetto et al. (1984). Reproduced
olism, which results in either incorporation into
with permission. glycogen or oxidation. In theory increased glucose
uptake could occur as a consequence of increased rate
been observed to last as long as 48 h (Mikines et al. of glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase II (HK II).
1988, Cartee et al. 1989). Increased insulin sensitivity This could lower intracellular glucose concentration
after a single bout of exercise is not dependent upon and thereby drive glucose influx providing that the free
elevated muscle GLUT4 content (Wojtaszewski et al. intracellular glucose concentration is not already neg-
1997). Supporting this contention are findings where ligible and that membrane permeability to glucose is
inhibition of protein synthesis does not affect the not negligible either. HK II activity is regulated by the
increase in insulin sensitivity after exercise in rodents amount of HK II, the localization and the allosteric
(Fisher et al. 2002). inhibition mediated via glucose-6-phosphate (Wasser-
man & Halseth 1998). Whereas HK II expression does
not appear to regulate the increased insulin action after
Proximal insulin signalling
exercise (Fisher et al. 2002), localization and allosteric
As already mentioned increased insulin sensitivity after inhibition have (to our knowledge) not been investi-
exercise coincides with increased GLUT4 translocation gated. However, glucose metabolism downstream of

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Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x 325
Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise Æ S J Maarbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335


IR 4






4 4 4

Figure 3 Insulin signalling to GLUT4 translocation and stimulation of glucose uptake. During insulin stimulation after acute
exercise glucose uptake is enhanced as well as TBC1D4 phosphorylation and sarcolemmal GLUT4 content. The proximal insulin
signalling is not enhanced including insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase activity, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) tyrosine
phosphorylation, IRS1-associated PI3K activity, Akt ser473/thr308 phosphorylation and GSK3 phosphorylation/activity.

glucose-6-phosphate appears to be increased during stimulated glucose uptake it should be remembered

insulin stimulation after exercise. This is exemplified that without GLUT4 insulin has negligible effects on
by increase in glycogen synthase activity as well as muscle glucose uptake (Ryder et al. 1999, Zisman
increase in glucose incorporation into glycogen (Rich- et al. 2000). Thus, based on these apparently conflict-
ter et al. 1982, Bogardus et al. 1983, Mikines et al. ing findings, especially the role of HK II in increased
1988, Wojtaszewski et al. 2000). Even though these insulin sensitivity after exercise needs to be further
findings make it possible that intracellular metabolism investigated.
drives insulin-stimulated glucose uptake it is tradition-
ally regarded less likely. The traditionally view is based
Glucose and insulin delivery to skeletal muscle
on the premise that intracellular glucose concentration
– potential role of microvascular perfusion
is fairly low and does not accumulate during insulin
stimulation in either human (Katz et al. 1988) or rat The interstitial glucose concentration is influenced by
muscle (Richter et al. 1982, Cline et al. 1998). This plasma glucose concentration and delivery of blood to
suggests no regulation by HK II or steps further the muscle. With respect to the delivery of blood,
downstream in glucose handling. The traditional view several recent studies highlight the importance of
has, however, been challenged lately by Wasserman microvascular perfusion in relation to glucose metab-
and colleagues applying transgenic mouse models. olism (reviewed in Clark 2008). The hypothesis is that
They showed that overexpression of HK II in mice increased microvascular perfusion elevates the average
caused an approximately onefold increase in glucose interstitial concentration of glucose and thereby
uptake during submaximal insulin stimulation com- favours glucose uptake via mass action. Microvascular
pared to wild type littermates. On the other hand a perfusion relates to the number of capillaries that is
reduction in GLUT4 expression by 50% in heterozy- perfused within a muscle and thereby gives a picture of
gous knockout mice (Fueger et al. 2004b) only signif- the perfusion conditions for nutrients and hormones
icantly reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in within the muscle. To highlight this matter microvas-
mouse muscle when HK II was overexpressed (Fueger cular perfusion is also sometimes named nutritive flow
et al. 2004a). Collectively these data suggest that the as oppose to bulk blood flow. Bulk blood flow simply
phosphorylation step of glucose to glucose 6-phos- describes the total volume of blood passing through
phate might be an important barrier for insulin- the muscles per time. Changes in bulk blood flow do
stimulated glucose uptake at least in mice in vivo. not necessarily reflect changes in nutritive flow as the
However, whether these findings in transgenic mice two are regulated in different ways. Microvascular
reflect human physiology remain unresolved. Further- perfusion is on one side mainly regulated by the pre-
more, whereas HK II might be important for insulin- capillary arterioles, whereas bulk blood flow is

Ó 2011 The Authors

326 Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335 S J Maarbjerg et al. Æ Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise
governed by the larger resistance vessels. Vasodilation microvascular perfusion which, however, does not lead
of the pre-capillary arterioles will increase the portion to increased insulin signalling. Still, increased micro-
of blood perfusing the capillary bed and decrease the vascular perfusion might elevate interstitial glucose
portion of blood passing non-nutritive shunts in the concentrations considerably faster than interstitial
muscle. insulin concentration because glucose is a much
Importantly, insulin as well as contractions/exercise smaller molecule than insulin. This could explain
appear to increase microvascular perfusion; however it why faster increase in glucose uptake can be observed
should be remembered that the effect of insulin is small without significant changes in the timing of insulin
compared to the effect of voluntary exercise (Kim A. signalling. Thus, it seems possible that increased
Sjøberg Stephen Rattigan, Erik A. Richter & Bente microvascular perfusion is responsible for the faster
Kiens, unpublished observations). Furthermore, the increase in glucose uptake during insulin stimulation
two stimuli presumably rely on different mechanisms after exercise. However, this role of microvascular
to mediate this vascular effect (Vincent et al. 2003, perfusion needs to be investigated further.
2004, Ross et al. 2007). This hypothesis is supported
by demonstration of an additive effect on microvascu-
Signalling to GLUT4 translocation
lar perfusion when combining contractions and phys-
iological hyperinsulinemia. Importantly, Inyard et al., As mentioned previously increased insulin sensitivity
furthermore, showed that this additive effect on after exercise is not associated with increased proximal
microvascular perfusion is paralleled by the well- insulin signalling. Therefore, other signalling pathways
established additive effect of contractions and insulin have to be considered as discussed below.
on glucose uptake. This correlative evidence suggests
that microvascular perfusion takes part in regulating
Atypical protein kinase C
glucose uptake. More correlative evidence exists in
insulin resistant models such as intralipid infusion In the recent years, several novel insulin signalling
models (Clerk et al. 2002, Inyard et al. 2009, Liu et al. molecules have been characterized downstream of PI3K
2009), obese Zucker rats and people with T2D (Clark (Fig. 3). One of them is atypical protein kinase C
2008). Whereas, microvascular perfusion was impaired (aPKC) which is activated in skeletal muscle both in
in these insulin resistant models, exercise training on response to insulin stimulation (Farese et al. 2007,
the other hand enhances insulin-stimulated glucose Frosig et al. 2007) and exercise (Chen et al. 2002,
uptake as well as insulin-stimulated microvascular Richter et al. 2004, Sajan et al. 2009). During insulin
perfusion in rats (Rattigan et al. 2001). Time course stimulation aPKC activation probably involves three
studies as well as mechanistic studies support the events: allosteric binding of PIP3, Thr410 phosphory-
hypothesis that microvascular perfusion to some extent lation by PDK1 and Thr 560 autophosphorylation
regulates glucose uptake. In rats insulin-stimulated (Farese 2002). The downstream signalling of aPKC
increase in microvascular perfusion precedes both to GLUT4 translocation is, however, still far from
activation of insulin signalling and increase in glucose clarified.
uptake (Vincent et al. 2004) suggesting that microvas- Whereas aPKC appears to be important for insulin-
cular perfusion could regulate the early increase in stimulated glucose uptake (Bandyopadhyay et al. 1997,
glucose uptake. Furthermore, blocking the synthesis of 2000, Etgen et al. 1999, Farese et al. 2007), the
the vasodilator NO by Nx-mono-methyl-l-arginine (l- increased aPKC activity during exercise does not seem
NMMA) abolishes the early increase in microvascular to be crucial for exercise induced glucose uptake (Sajan
perfusion as well as partially inhibits the early increase et al. 2009). Considering the apparent importance of
in glucose disposal (Vincent et al. 2004). Collectively aPKC in insulin signalling, amplification of aPKC
this suggests rapid capillary recruitment as a contrib- signalling after exercise could, however, potentially
utor to the subsequent early increase in glucose uptake. increase insulin action. In a recent one-legged exercise
This hypothesis is interesting with respect to the study we evaluated this 4 h after exercise. We observed
increased insulin sensitivity after exercise as glucose a more potent allosteric aPKC activation by PIP3 from
clearance increases faster in the exercised than in the previously exercised muscles when compared to rested
rested leg. Importantly time course studies reveal that muscles (Frosig et al. 2007). Whether this has any
this faster response in glucose clearance occurs without functional role during insulin stimulation in vivo is hard
any temporal differences in insulin signalling between to judge since no knowledge about absolute PIP3
the rested and exercised leg (Wojtaszewski et al. 1997, concentration or PIP3 location in relation to aPKC
2000). It could be hypothesized that the faster response exists during insulin stimulation. The role of aPKC in
in glucose uptake during insulin stimulation after increased insulin sensitivity post-exercise remains to be
exercise in vivo is the result of a potentiation of further investigated.

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Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x 327
Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise Æ S J Maarbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335

TBC1D4. This protein was initially identified as a

signalling molecule downstream of Akt linking insulin
Another protein involved in insulin signalling is Rac1 signalling to GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes (Kane
which is downstream of PI3K. Rac1 is a small GTPase et al. 2002, Sano et al. 2003, Zeigerer et al. 2004).
which is active when bound to GTP. Via GTPase Recently data from skeletal muscle support this concept
activating proteins (GAPs) Rac1 can hydrolyse the derived from studies in adipocytes (Kramer et al.
bound GTP to GDP and become inactive. Correspond- 2006b, Chen et al. 2011) and furthermore suggest a
ingly Rac1 can be reactivated via guanine exchange role of TBC1D4 in contraction-induced glucose uptake
factors (GEFs) that mediate the exchange of the GDP to (Kramer et al. 2006b).
GTP. The Rab-GAP domain of TBC1D4 seems to be
Mechanistic studies suggest that Rac1 regulates crucial for the effects on GLUT4 trafficking (Kane et al.
insulin-stimulated glucose uptake as knock down of 2002, Sano et al. 2003). The mechanism is probably
Rac1 in cells (JeBailey et al. 2007, Ueda et al. 2008) as that the Rab-GAP function in the basal state promotes
well as muscle specific Rac1 knock out in mouse muscle target Rabs to exist on the inactive GDP-bound form
(Ueda et al. 2010) abolish insulin mediated GLUT4 blocking GLUT4 translocation. Insulin stimulation on
translocation. On the other hand, ectopic expression of the other hand deactivates the Rab-GAP function and
a constitutively active Rac1 mutant as well as a thereby favours the active GTP-bound form of target
constitutively active Rac1 GEF induces GLUT4 trans- Rabs, which ultimately results in GLUT4 translocation
location in the absence of insulin (JeBailey et al. 2007, (Kane et al. 2002, Sano et al. 2003).
Ueda et al. 2008). These studies report that the reduc- Subsequent to the identification of TBC1D4, another
tion of insulin mediated GLUT4 translocation with family member, TBC1D1, was discovered. Apart from
Rac1 knock down/knock out occurs without affecting having a similar structure, TBC1D4 and TBC1D1 also
Akt or TBC1D4 signalling. This suggests that insulin share several key features such as the Rab-GAP domain,
signalling downstream of PI3K may bifurcate into two two phosphotyrosine-binding domains and a calmodu-
arms: an Akt/aPKC arm and a Rac1 arm (Fig. 3). The lin-binding domain (CBD). Similar to TBC1D4, the
crucial role of Rac1 is suggested to involve induction of TBC1D1 Rab-GAP function seems to regulate GLUT4
cortical actin remodelling (Patel et al. 2004, Randhawa translocation and glucose uptake in response to insulin as
et al. 2008). Furthermore, it is proposed that the Rac1 well as contractions (Kramer et al. 2006b, An et al.
arm regulates GLUT4 vesicle retention beneath the 2010, Vichaiwong et al. 2010). However, the proteins
membrane while the Akt arm regulates GLUT4 vesicle also have several differences, first the expression pattern
docking/fusion (Ishikura et al. 2008, Randhawa et al. in various species and tissues is diverse (Taylor et al.
2008). Apart from being involved in insulin-stimulated 2008, Treebak et al. 2009). Secondly, TBC1D4 and
glucose uptake preliminary data from our laboratory TBC1D1 to a great extent have diverse phosphorylation
show Rac1 activation during exercise and muscle sites which are targeted by different kinases (Geraghty
contractions (L. Sylow, T.E. Jensen, and E.A. Richter, et al. 2007, Chen et al. 2008, Pehmoller et al. 2009,
unpublished observations). We furthermore observed Treebak et al. 2010). These circumstances allow for
that the actin depolymerizing agent, Latrunculin B, distinct regulation of the two paralog proteins. In this
decreases contraction-stimulated glucose uptake in context it is important to state that as the two proteins are
mouse muscles (L. Sylow, E.A. Richter and T.E. Jensen, of similar size and both recognized by the Phospho Akt
unpublished observations). This collectively suggests Substrate (PAS) antibody, one should be careful when
that the actin cytoskeleton and its regulators, such as interpreting PAS data ascribed to TBC1D4 if TBC1D4
Rac1, may be important in mediating contraction- has not been immunoprecipitated before western blot-
stimulated glucose uptake. However, the role of Rac1 in ting. This is particularly important in white mouse
relation to increased insulin sensitivity post-exercise is muscle since the expression of TBC1D1 is much higher
still unexplored. than the expression of TBC1D4 (Taylor et al. 2008).

Role of TBC1D4 and TBC1D1 in insulin and exercise Regulation via phosphorylation
induced glucose uptake
Phosphorylation of certain TBC1D1 and TBC1D4
Whereas Rac1 is scarcely explored in mature muscle, residues seems to inhibit the Rab-GAP function, which
members of the Tre-2, BUB2, CDC16, 1 domain family then leads to target Rab activation and eventually
(TBC1) are currently being investigated intensively in promotes GLUT4 translocation (Cartee & Funai 2009).
skeletal muscle. The first family member identified as The mechanistic link between TBC1D1/TBC1D4 and
being related to glucose metabolisms was Akt substrate Rab proteins seems to involve interaction between
of 160 kDa (AS160) which today is often referred to as TBC1D1/TBC1D4 phosphor motifs and 14-3-3 proteins

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328 Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335 S J Maarbjerg et al. Æ Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise
(Ramm et al. 2006, Geraghty et al. 2007, Chen et al. the Rab-GAP function promotes glucose uptake in
2008, 2011). response to insulin.
In human skeletal muscle up to seven TBC1D4 Similar to insulin, contraction is also able to increase
residues can be phosphorylated in response to insulin TBC1D4 PAS/thr 642 phosphorylation. However,
(Treebak et al. 2009, 2010). Even though several of the despite that mechanistic evidence also supports a role
sites are Akt motifs, the PAS antibody probably mainly of TBC1D4 during contractions (Kramer et al. 2006b) a
recognizes thr642 and only to a minor extent ser588 crucial role in contraction-induced glucose uptake is
(Sano et al. 2003, Geraghty et al. 2007). Increased questioned by other studies (Cartee & Funai 2009). One
TBC1D4 PAS/thr642 phosphorylation in response to of the main arguments against a crucial role of TBC1D4
insulin is well-conserved as it is observed in both human PAS phosphorylation in contraction-induced glucose
(Karlsson et al. 2005, Hojlund et al. 2008, Treebak uptake is that it does not increase until after 40–60 min
et al. 2009), rat (Arias et al. 2004, Bruss et al. 2005) of bicycling (Sriwijitkamol et al. 2007, Treebak et al.
and mouse skeletal muscle (Taylor et al. 2008, Chen 2007); whereas glucose uptake increases at the onset of
et al. 2011). This could indicate that phosphorylation of exercise. However, it remains possible that contraction
PAS sites, probably in combination with some of the regulates TBC1D4 via phosphorylation of sites not
other sites, is important for insulin action. This idea is recognized by the PAS antibody.
supported by time course as well as dose–response TBC1D1 on the other hand appears to be a promising
studies in isolated rat muscle where changes in TBC1D4 candidate regarding contraction-induced glucose
PAS phosphorylation are paralleled by changes in uptake. Whereas TBC1D4 has several insulin responsive
glucose uptake in response to insulin (Arias et al. sites, TBC1D1 in contrast has several contractions/
2004, Funai et al. 2009, 2010). Furthermore, correla- AICAR responsive sites (Taylor et al. 2008, Vichaiwong
tive evidence between impaired insulin-stimulated et al. 2010). However, the TBC1D4 insulin responsive
TBC1D4 PAS phosphorylation and impaired insulin- site thr642 is conserved as thr596 on TBC1D1. Not
stimulated glucose uptake in both people with T2D surprisingly this site on TBC1D1 is also recognized by
(Karlsson et al. 2005, Vind et al. 2011) and women the PAS antibody (Taylor et al. 2008, Pehmoller et al.
with polycystic ovary syndrome (Hojlund et al. 2008) 2009). Other studies suggest that this homologue site on
supports this role in muscle glucose metabolism. This TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 is an AMP-activated kinase
correlative evidence in addition highlights a potential (AMPK) site as well as an Akt site (Pehmoller et al.
clinical relevance of TBC1D4. This is further supported 2009). However, in contrast to TBC1D4, TBC1D1 has
by another study demonstrating an association between more predicted AMPK sites than the thr596 (Chen et al.
acanthosis nigricans associated insulin resistance and a 2008, Taylor et al. 2008, Treebak et al. 2010, Vichai-
premature stop codon mutation (R363X) in the wong et al. 2010). This presumption was confirmed
TCB1D4 gene (Dash et al. 2009). Even though the recently as phosphorylation of up to three different sites
mechanistic explanation for this finding remains unre- increased with exercise/contraction and AICAR in an
solved it provides genetic evidence for a link between AMPK dependent manner (Pehmoller et al. 2009, Frosig
TBC1D4 and insulin action. et al. 2010, Vichaiwong et al. 2010). Several studies
Currently the strongest arguments favouring a role of support that AMPK is required for normal contraction-
TBC1D4 derive from two mechanistic studies by induced glucose uptake at least during ex vivo condi-
Kramer et al. (2006a,b) and Chen et al. (2011). Kramer tions (Jensen et al. 2009). Therefore, the dependency of
et al. (2006a,b) introduced two different TBC1D4 TBC1D1 phosphorylation on AMPK may suggest that
mutants into mouse muscle via electroporation. A TBC1D1 is a link between increased AMPK activity and
mutant unable to be phosphorylated on four critical GLUT4 translocation during muscle contraction.
phosphorylation sites (the 4P mutant; first time used by The idea of TBC1D1 being that link is supported by
Sano et al. 2003), suggests that TBC1D4 phosphoryla- two very recent studies. These studies applied muscle
tion mediates around 50% of glucose uptake in electroporation of TBC1D1 mutants (two different
response to insulin (Kramer et al. 2006b). Interestingly, 4P mutants) that are unable to be phosphorylated at
this negative effect on glucose uptake is reversed when particular sites. Whereas Vichaiwong et al. 2010
introducing a mutant that additionally has an inactive targeted four predicted AMPK sites (mouse ser231,
Rab-GAP domain. Chen et al. 2011 observed whole thr499, ser660 and ser700), An et al. 2010 targeted
body glucose intolerance as well as decreased insulin- thr596 in addition to three predicted AMPK sites (mouse
stimulated glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation in ser231, thr499 and ser621). Both studies observed a 20–
muscle from mice with a TBC1D4 thr642Ala knockin 35% reduction in contraction-induced glucose uptake.
mutation (Chen et al. 2011). Collectively these studies Furthermore, An et al. showed that this effect is reversed
show that phosphorylation of certain phosphorylation in a double mutant additionally containing a mutation
sites on TBC1D4 via14-3-3 binding and deactivation of that inactivates the Rab-GAP function. This collectively

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Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise Æ S J Maarbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335

suggests that phosphorylation of four particular sites special interest with respect to increased insulin sensitivity
deactivates the Rab-GAP function of TBC1D1 during after exercise. The reason is that an increased GLUT4
contraction and thereby eventually induces glucose membrane content at least to some extent appears to be
uptake. Consequently, TBC1D1 appears to regulate responsible for the increased insulin sensitivity. In that
contraction-induced glucose uptake similar to the way respect it is notable that both TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 are
TBC1D4 regulates insulin induced and maybe also phosphorylated in response to insulin as well as contrac-
contraction-induced glucose uptake. However, it is tion and exercise (Bruss et al. 2005, Taylor et al. 2008).
interesting that insulin induced glucose uptake was What is even more important is that combining insulin
normal when expressing the 4P mutant of TBC1D1 and contractions in isolated EDL muscle mediates an
generated by An et al. while it was reduced when the additive response on TBC1D4 PAS/thr642 phosphoryla-
obesity-associated TBC1D1 R125W mutant was ex- tion (Kramer et al. 2006a). This additive effect is inter-
pressed. This suggests that even though TBC1D1 regu- esting because it parallels the additive effect of insulin and
lates both contraction and insulin induced glucose contraction on GLUT4 translocation (Gao et al. 1994b)
uptake it occurs via distinct mechanisms. and thereby suggests TBC1D4 as a convergent point prior
to GLUT4 translocation.
As previously mentioned, TBC1D4 PAS phosphory-
Regulation via CBD
lation increases after prolonged exercise in both humans
Whereas the Rab-GAP function of TBC1D4 and (Deshmukh et al. 2006, Sriwijitkamol et al. 2007,
TBC1D1 appears to be regulated by certain phosphor- Treebak et al. 2007) and rats (Funai et al. 2009,
ylation sites (Kramer et al. 2007, Sakamoto & Holman 2010). Interestingly this increase is sustained at least
2008, An et al. 2010, Vichaiwong et al. 2010), the role 3–4 h into recovery after exercise in rats (Arias et al.
of the common CBD is far less examined. As muscle 2007, Funai et al. 2009, 2010) and humans (Sriwijitka-
contractions are associated with increased calcium mol et al. 2007). Funai et al. (2009, 2010) furthermore
availability allowing for calcium calmodulin interac- observed the same pattern for TBC1D4 thr642 phos-
tion, the CBD could be hypothesized to influence the phorylation. A human study using one-legged exercise,
function of TBC1D4 and TBC1D1 during contractions however, failed to see increased TBC1D4 PAS/thr642
and maybe also into recovery. It is therefore not phosphorylation 4 h into recovery. Nevertheless, small
surprising that mutations that block calmodulin binding but significant increases were observed on four other
of the TBC1D4 CBD reduce contraction (40%) but not TBC1D4 sites in that study (Treebak et al. 2009). Thus,
insulin induced glucose uptake in muscle. A TBC1D4 it is generally agreed that TBC1D4 phosphorylation is
mutant additionally containing a deactivating point sustained some time into recovery, however, there are
mutation in the Rab-GAP domain restored contraction- some differences between studies about which sites are
induced glucose uptake. This demonstrates that the affected.
CBD via deactivation of the Rab-GAP function can In both humans and rats the increased basal phos-
induce glucose uptake. (Kramer et al. 2007). It is phorylation of TBC1D4 3–4 h into recovery is additive
noteworthy that expressing a double mutant (CBD & to the effect of insulin stimulation. In addition, Funai
4P) did not have greater effect on glucose uptake than et al. 2009 observed that 3 h of chow feeding instead of
either mutation alone. Whether the CBD plays any role fasting abolished increased insulin action as well as
in post-exercise insulin sensitivity remains to be inves- increased TBC1D4 PAS/thr642 phosphorylation. More-
tigated. Furthermore, it needs to be investigated over, 27 h fasting post-exercise concomitantly increased
whether the CBD on TBC1D1 has a similar function. insulin action and TBC1D4 PAS/thr642 phosphoryla-
In conclusion TBD1D4 regulates muscle glucose tion. Collectively this suggests that TBC1D4 may take
uptake in response to insulin and likely also in response part in regulating increased insulin sensitivity post-
to contraction. Similarly TBC1D1 appears to regulate exercise; (Fig. 3) however studies with a mechanistic
insulin as well as contraction-induced glucose uptake approach remain to clarify this.
yet presumably via distinct mechanisms. However, also Regarding the TBC1D4 paralog TBC1D1, it is less
other mechanisms, that are not dependent on TBC1D1 clear whether it is involved in increased insulin sensi-
and/or TBC1D4, appear responsible for a substantial tivity after exercise. For instance, even though TBC1D1
part of contraction and insulin induced glucose uptake. PAS phosphorylation increased around 50% during an
exercise bout in rats, the phosphorylation level had
returned to basal levels after 3 h (Funai et al. 2009).
Possible role of TBC1D4 and TBC1D1 in
Furthermore, the insulin effect on TBC1D1 PAS phos-
increased insulin sensitivity after exercise
phorylation was identical in the rested and previously
As already mentioned, distal signalling steps common for exercised condition. Thus, a role for TBC1D1 in post-
insulin and contraction to GLUT4 translocation are of exercise insulin sensitivity is less certain at this point.

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330 Acta Physiologica Ó 2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02267.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 323–335 S J Maarbjerg et al. Æ Increased insulin sensitivity after exercise
from complete; however new promising players have
Other stimuli influencing insulin sensitivity
entered the field recently. The current consensus is that
Correlative evidence suggests that decreased glycogen increased insulin action is restricted to the active
levels after exercise regulate insulin sensitivity as well as muscles and mainly caused by increased translocation
GLUT4 translocation (Wojtaszewski et al. 2002). In of GLUT4 to the surface membrane. Thorough inves-
addition glycogen depleted rat muscles are more insulin tigations of the proximal insulin signalling pathway
sensitive and activate Akt more than muscles with high have shown that the increased GLUT4 translocation is
glycogen levels (Derave et al. 2000). However, several not paralleled by amplification of proximal insulin
studies speak against a central role of glycogen, first of all signalling in general. However, recent investigations
increased insulin sensitivity has been shown to persist have highlighted the importance of TBC1D1 as well as
beyond the point of full glycogen re-synthesis (Cartee TBC1D4 in insulin and contraction-induced glucose
et al. 1989). Secondly AICAR treatment in isolated uptake. Whereas both proteins are phosphorylated in
muscle, which activates AMPK but causes no reduction response to insulin and contraction, findings until now
in glycogen, has also been observed to increase insulin primarily support TBC1D4 to be involved in increased
sensitivity (Fisher et al. 2002). Recently, some studies insulin sensitivity after exercise. Perhaps this phosphor-
question whether the phenomenon of increased insulin signature of TBC1D4 combined with potentiation of
sensitivity after exercise describes a unique situation or other signalling steps at the level of aPKC and/or Rac1
whether it relies on a general phenomenon regarding could account for the increased GLUT4 membrane
GLUT4 translocation. The reason for this is that content. A further scenario could be that increased
increased insulin sensitivity has not only been observed membrane permeability is accompanied by elevated
to occur after AICAR stimulation and muscle contrac- insulin-stimulated microvascular perfusion in the post-
tions, but also after hypoxia and maximal insulin exercise state which could favour glucose uptake
stimulation in rodents (Fisher et al. 2002, Geiger et al. further. Thus, perhaps the combined effect of several
2006). This suggests that stimulation of glucose trans- small amplifications in insulin signalling and in micro-
port by any agent is accompanied by subsequent vascular perfusion can explain the relative great
increased insulin sensitivity. This phenomenon has been enhancement in insulin action on glucose uptake after
hypothesized to occur as the result of movement of a single bout of exercise.
GLUT4 into regions where they are more susceptible to
translocation to the surface membrane upon subsequent
Conflicts of interest
insulin signalling. Whether this is in fact the case and
what the molecular mechanism could be remains to be No conflicts of interest exist.
investigated further. However, recent findings in humans
The work of the authors is supported by the Danish Medical
have shown that insulin sensitivity measured by the Research Council, The NovoNordisk Foundation, The Lund-
clamp technique is not increased when performed 4 h beck Foundation and the UNIK research program Food, Fitness
after a preceding clamp. This suggests that the findings in and Pharma. Jonas Thue Treebak is thanked for offering
isolated rat muscle may not apply to human whole body valuable comments during preparation of this manuscript.
physiology (Lucidi et al. 2010).
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and contraction-induced glucose transport in mouse skeletal
muscle (del Aguila et al. 2000). Together, decreased
muscle. Diabetes 59, 1358–1365.
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