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Radicalization means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in

support of terrorist groups and activities. 
What are the reasons for radicalization?
We assume that four interrelated but distinct social- developmental processes are central
conditions for radicalization and extremism: identity problems, prejudice, political or religious
ideologies, and antisocial attitudes and behavior.

1- Extremism is linked to thought and terrorism is linked to action. 2- Extremism is linked to

political, social, or religious beliefs and ideas. 3- Terrorism is linked to violent material behaviors
in the face of society.

*Human law is not always morally acceptable to follow secondary precepts. It is only morally
acceptable if they are consistent with the Natural Law. If they are, then we ought to follow
them, if they are not, then we ought not.

Unlimited Freedom is..

- Moderation is a virtue; extremity is a vice.
We must never confuse the gift of freedom with libertinism. A person who considers himself
“free” does not have any right to stomp on another person in the name of the aforementioned

Hobbes begins by defining laws of nature as rational precepts that lead individuals toward a
state of peace. The first law of nature is that every person should seek peace with others, unless
others are not willing to cooperate, in which case one may use the “helps of war.” This law of
nature has two parts to it. In the first part, it encourages a state of peace by instructing
individuals to satisfy their desire for self-preservation. Yet, because peaceful coexistence
requires reciprocity, if only one party seeks peace, it is unlikely it will be established. For this
reason, there is a second part to the first law of nature; that is, if others are not interested in
settling the conflict, one must resort to violent action to secure one’s survival. Humans, as we
have seen, have a natural right to determine what is necessary for their own individual survival.

Rebuttal Round: Glezy Patungan

(Individual autonomy and self-expression: Religious freedom is an essential component of individual

autonomy, allowing individuals to freely choose, express, and practice their religious beliefs. Limiting
religious freedom infringes upon an individual's right to self-determination and violates their freedom of
thought, conscience, and religion.)

We should always remember that our freedom is not always about us. One popular lay
definition of freedom is often attributed to one of our most quote-worthy U.S. Supreme Court
justices of all time, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., which described freedom as “your right to swing
your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins.”
Preservation of pluralism: Allowing religious freedom ensures that diverse religious beliefs and practices
can coexist within a society, fostering a sense of pluralism and tolerance. Restricting religious freedom
undermines this principle and can lead to social divisions and conflicts based on religious differences.

Cultural relativism: Different cultures and societies have diverse values and beliefs. Allowing any
religious practice, regardless of conflicts with others, can be seen as imposing a particular set of
values over others. Respect for cultural diversity should not overshadow the need for critical
examination of harmful practices or beliefs.

"In my opinion, even suicide bombers are rational people. It is a fatal mistake to consider them
irrational. Their goals are not personal goals but their acts would be very rational given their
ideologies. Rationality is not a stamp of approval, it is a description. Rationality is orthogonal to the
idea of good and bad. " - Robert J. Aumann

The September 11 attacks, also called the "9/11 attacks," are one of the examples. The 9/11
attacks were a series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants
associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States. They
were the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The 9/11 attacks changed
terrorism in the Philippines. In the mid-90s, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda set up a bomb factory
in an apartment here in Manila. It was discovered because of an accidental fire. It also exposed
their more sinister plots, including plans to hijack planes and crash them into specific targets.
Experts say that this became the blueprint of 9-11. At that time, the Philippines was still
grappling with counter-extremism.

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