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Name _____________________________________

Julius Marcus P. Mendoza Section _______________


The Empty Tomb

Directions: Read John 20:1-9. We do not know what Peter and the disciple whom
Jesus loved (John) said when heard about the news of the empty tomb from Mary
Magdalene. Write what you think they said in the space provided.

Mary Magdalene: Theyhave taken the Lord from the tomb, and we
don’t know where they put him._______________________

Peter: _________________________________________
What?! You're hoking, aren't you? How can they possibly lift the tomb's cover and move

the Lord's body?

I agree with Peter. There's just no way, unless it's a miracle and the one's who took him
John: _________________________________________
was an angel or something.

Peter: _________________________________________
You know what? let's go quickly and check out the tomb, maybe we'll know there who

took the Lord's body.

John: _________________________________________
Let's go!

Directions: When the other disciple (John) saw the empty tomb, he believed. In the
box below draw pictures of the things or the people that help you believe in God.

My heart who choose

to believe in him at
all times.
The earth itself
My churchmates which also and all life in it.
believes in him unconditionally.

Julius Marcus P. Mendoza
Name _____________________________________ BACC1A
Section _______________

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Directions: Read Luke 24:35-48. The disciples experienced many different emotions
when they saw the risen Jesus for the first time. Draw and label some of these emotions
in the faces (circles) below.

Amazed _________________
Tears of joy _________________

Directions: Imagine if you were one of the disciples that Jesus appeared to in
Jerusalem. How would you react? In the space below, write what you would say to Jesus
in response to each of his words.

JESUS: Peace be with you.

ME: __________________________________________
Lord ....

JESUS: Why are you troubled?

ME: __________________________________________
I still can't believe that you're now standing next to me.

JESUS: Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.

ME: __________________________________________
I believe you, my Lord.

JESUS: Have you anything here to eat?

ME: __________________________________________
I will give you anything you want. We have different types of food here for you.

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