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K: Good afternoon, ivvone and irenne our interview will consist of a few questions.

k: Let's start. With what do you think is your biggest flaw?

Ir: I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Iv: I tend to be impulsive with decision making.

K: What is your ideal job?

Ir: I would like to work my way up in a transnational company to become a manager.

Iv: I would like to start my own company with the experience I have accumulated throughout
my career.

K: Why do you think we should hire you?

Ir: I have several talents that match the job position.

Iv: In my case I have experience in similar jobs.

K: Okay. How do you handle pressure?

Ir: I tend to get nervous at first, but I adapt quickly.

Iv: I tend to respond calmly as I am adapted to these situations.

K: What kind of activity do you usually do in your free time?

Ir: In my free time I usually do sports of any kind.

Iv: I usually read and take walks to clear my mind.

K: What family members do you live with?

Ir: My mother and my two brothers

Iv: My three brothers and my mother

K: Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

Ir: I am good at working in a team and getting along with my colleagues, although I understand
that there are some jobs that are solitary.

Iv: Personally I do very well in both, but I can advance just as fast on my own.

K: Do you consider that you are currently successful?

Ir: When I finish my degree and I have my own company.

Iv: I consider that my success will come when I have a company.

K: What is your philosophy regarding work?

Ir: Virtue is knowledge and those who know the good will act justly.

Iv: The art of rest is a part of the art of working.

K: What is more important to you: work or money?

Ir: I think both go hand in hand.

Iv: For now I am more focused on the importance of work.

K: What did you learn from your mistakes in your previous jobs?

Ir: I learned in trust with my superiors and teammates.

Iv: I had a better understanding in research as well as a better performance in teams.

K: Okay, thank you very much, we will let you know.

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