Eng Assigment No 2

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Communication & Presentation Skills

Assigment No: 02

Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science

Muhammad Suleman Qureshi
Submitted to:
Miss Aimun Noor
---:Meeting and its Types:---
A meeting is a gathering of individuals who come together to discuss or address
specific topics, exchange information, make decisions, or coordinate efforts.
Meetings can take place in various settings, such as workplaces, organizations,
educational institutions, or community groups. They can be formal or informal,
depending on the context and purpose. Here are some different types of meetings
with examples:

1. Team/Staff Meeting: This type of meeting brings together members of a

team or staff to discuss progress, share updates, coordinate tasks, and
address challenges. For example, a marketing team may hold a weekly staff
meeting to review ongoing campaigns, discuss new strategies, and allocate

2. Board Meeting: Board meetings are typically conducted by organizations

and involve the board of directors or trustees. These meetings focus on high-
level decision-making, governance matters, and setting organizational
direction. An example could be an annual board meeting of a nonprofit
organization, where board members review financial reports, assess the
effectiveness of programs, and make key decisions regarding the
organization's future.

3. Sales Meeting: Sales meetings are held by sales teams to discuss sales
targets, review performance, share sales techniques, and strategize on
improving sales outcomes. For instance, a sales team might conduct a
monthly meeting to analyze sales figures, discuss customer feedback, and
develop action plans for increasing revenue.

4. Project Meeting: Project meetings bring together individuals involved in a

specific project to discuss progress, address challenges, allocate tasks, and
ensure project objectives are met. For example, a construction project
meeting may gather architects, contractors, and subcontractors to review
project timelines, resolve any issues, and coordinate upcoming construction

5. Virtual Meeting: With the increasing use of remote work and online
collaboration tools, virtual meetings take place via video conferencing
platforms. They allow individuals from different locations to connect and
discuss various topics. An example could be an international team
conducting a virtual meeting to discuss project updates, share documents,
and brainstorm ideas using video and screen-sharing features.

6. Town Hall Meeting: Town hall meetings are community-focused

gatherings where residents have the opportunity to voice concerns, ask
questions, and provide feedback to local authorities or community leaders.
These meetings foster dialogue and engagement between community
members and decision-makers. For instance, a town hall meeting might be
held to discuss proposed changes to zoning regulations and gather input
from residents.

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