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Blood Diseases

Your blood is living tissue made up of liquid and solids. The
liquid part, called plasma, is made of water, salts and protein.
Over half of your blood is plasma. The solid part of your blood
.contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

Blood diseases and disorders affect one or more parts of the

blood and prevent your blood from doing its job. Many blood
diseases and disorders are caused by genes. Other causes
include other diseases, side effects of medicines, and a lack of
certain nutrients in your diet. Common blood disorders include
.anemia and bleeding disorders such as hemophilia

:Types Of Blood Diseases

There are many different blood diseases that are
diagnosed and treated by hematologists. Some of
these are benign (non-cancerous) and others are
types of blood cancer. They can involve one or
more of the three main types of blod cells
(redblood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).
They can also involve blood proteins involved in
clotting. Not every blood disorder requires
treatment. This is a list of some of the more
common blood disorders treated by community

Red Blood Cell Disorders – Deficiencies or

.abnormalities in the red blood cells

Anemia – A deficiency in the number of red blood

cells often causing weakness and pallor. There are
.many potential causes of anemia

Aplastic Anemia – A type of anemia occurring

when the bone marrow fails to produce enough of
all three types of blood cells: red cells, white cells,
and platelets. The Aplastic Anemia & MDS
International Foundation, Inc. is a good resource learn more about this disorder
Sickle Cell Anemia – an inherited blood disorder
where blood cells are sickle (or “C”) shaped and
block blood flow. Clumps of sickle cells block blood
flow to the limbs and organs, and can cause pain,
serious infection, and organ damage. The
American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, a
nonprofit organization providing a wide range of
services to those individuals and families with
either sickle cell anemia, sickle cell trait, or
.variants of the disease

Thalassemia – A hereditary blood disorder

affecting hemoglobin, the molecule that carries
oxygen. At About Thalassemia (part of Cooley’s
Anemia Foundation) patients can find general
information about the different types of

White Blood Cell Disorders – (abnormalities in the

production of white blood cells)
Myelofibrosis – A chronic disease manifested by
fibrous material in the bone marrow, anemia and
an enlarged spleen. Also known as agnogenic
.myeloid metaplasia

Myeloma – a cancer of plasma cells, a type of

white bloods cell. Find more information at the
.International Myeloma Foundation

Myelodysplasia – A group of disorders where bone

marrow does not function properly and does not
produce enough normal blood cells. The
Myelodysplastic (MDS) Syndromes Foundation is
devoted to the prevention, treatment, and study
.of the myelodysplastic syndromes

Leukemia – A group of diseases where white blood

cells grow uncontrollably. These diseases are
classified according to how quickly the disease
.grows and the type of cells affected
Lymphoma – A tumor that arises in the lymph
.nodes or in other lymphoid tissue

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offers

additional information about leukemia, lymphoma,
.and other blood disorders

Platelet Disorders – (usually a deficiency in

platelets leading to easy bruising and excessive

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) – A

clinical syndrome where a decreased number of
platelets causes bleeding, and easy bruising. ITP
Science includes information about diagnosing ITP,
treatment goals, as well as helpful information for
.patients recently diagnosed with the disorder

Essential Thrombocytosis – A disorder in which

platelets are overproduced, which can lead to both
.blood clotting and bleeding
Clotting Disorders – Problems affecting the ability
to clot blood, leading to excessive bleeding or
excessive clotting. The Coagulation Factors site
features articles and news on coagulation
disorders, and also includes a health directory and
information on clinical trials for coagulation
.disorder patients

Hemophilia – A bleeding disorder caused by a

problem in one of the factors of blood clotting. The
National Hemophilia Foundation, focusing on
three major strategic initiatives: research support
and promotion; health education and training; and
.advocacy and community service

Von Willebrand Disease – A hereditary disease

where there is a deficiency of the von Willebrand
factor, which is a factor that affects platelet
.function. This often leads to excessive bleeding
Hypercoagulable states – These are inherited or
acquired abnormalities that increase a person’s
risk of developing a blood clot. Examples include
Factor V Leiden mutations, Protein C deficiency,
.and Lupus anticoagulant

Hemochromatosis – A disorder where patients

absorb extra amounts of iron from their daily diet
and over time. The excess iron can build up in
organs such as the heart, liver, and pancreas. If left
untreated, diabetes, heart disease and liver failure
can result. The Iron Disorders Institute provides
information about iron disorders as well as
preventions, publications, diet suggestions, and

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