Pre-Task For June 8 - Template

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Now take some time to reflect on your own experiences planning lessons and rehearsals:
o What do you find most beneficial in planning a lesson or rehearsal in advance?
o What do you find most challenging about designing lessons and rehearsals?
o What goals do you have for yourself for improving your lesson and rehearsal design?

The biggest benefit of planning the lesson or rehearsal is having full control of the content being taught. Having an exact notion of where we
are and where we are going is essential to promote student development. One of the most challenging aspects when it comes to adapting the
content to the student's level so that it is not something that is beyond the student's capabilities, nor something that is extremely easy and
tedious. My objectives for improving my lesson plan are to develop a plan that presents a very clear step-by-step and that is aligned with
general and specific objectives and that is applicable from a practical point of view.

Good planning is grounded in having a purpose and clear goals. This can be viewed as “the WHY” for the learning that is taking place and should
drive your decision-making and ultimately be conveyed to or felt by your students. The next task for you is to practice some lesson planning
habits with these ideas in mind.

Planning Challenge:
Imagine a small or large group of your students learning or rehearsing one piece of music tomorrow. Make some decisions about this one class

What is the name of the piece/song you want to use? Maracatu Dedilhado
Age of students: 13 until 16 year old
Number of students in the group: 20
Amount of time you will have to teach this piece during this one class: 50 minutes
Decide which stage of the learning process this will be: Intermediate
A. Introducing (first day)
B. Reinforcing (reviewing after the first day)
C. Refining (almost finished)

Consider the aim of the lesson––what big ideas and changes do you want to achieve during this lesson? (Connect these to the Pillars)
1. My students have to identify the shape of the song working together to discovery musical elements.
2. They have to collaborate and help out his classmates with difficult parts of the song.
3. I´d like my students internalize The Maracatu rhythms.

Examples of aims:
o My students will feel and play with a unified pulse and rhythms to show a sense of cooperation and community.
o I aim to have my students play triplets evenly, with confidence, and with a sense of forward motion in this overture.
o I want my students to internalize a creative outlook of triplet rhythms and the feelings they can produce.

And now consider the objectives you might set for this class period––the specific learning goals you want students to achieve by the end of the
1. Students will heard different versions of the composition and they have a short debate about musical shape, instrumentation,
2. Students will play the session “A” of the music
3. Students will be able play patterns of Maracatu and create small variations
4. They will create a short composition based on elements of “Maracatu Dedilhado”

Examples of objectives:
o Students will be able to play accurate triplet rhythms at multiple tempi.
o Students will play and self-assess their accuracy of group pulse and unity.
o Students will improvise with triplets to create a variety of feelings and characters.

o What felt comfortable or enjoyable about this process?
o What was challenging?
o What questions do you have about this topic of lesson planning, aims, and objectives?

The initial goal is to make them feel familiar with the composition style. Promoting active listening at the beginning of the class and becoming
familiar with the style, making the second moment of the class much more pleasant and natural. We also did another practice aimed at
creativity with a strategy so that they can internalize the elements of the song and develop autonomy and flexibility in performing the
repertoire. The most challenging part was putting the students in suits suited to their level and having them perform the rhythms correctly in
the "Maracatu" style. I would like to know how I can better relate the pillars of AIM to the lesson objectives.

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